Flowerstar's Judgement {COMPL...

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

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Can you trust your own judgement..? The forest is peaceful, the four Clans are living in harmony and everythi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 8

675 24 33
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

"The moonstone?" Flowerpaw echoed tilting her head in confusion. She looked at Foxstar and the group of apprentices, each of them looked excited. "Why are we going to the moonstone?"

"Every apprentice goes to the moonstone at some point during their apprenticeship, and now it's your turn to go." Foxstar explained. "Normally I like to take apprentices who all started their training together, but I feel like seven apprentices would be quite the hassle. Tigerpaw, Rainpaw and Bramblepaw will go next time. To make them feel better i told them they could go to the next gathering."

Crowpaw twitched her ears. "So does that mean we can't go to the gathering?" Disappointment heavily lined her mew.

"I"m sorry Crowpaw, but with the amount of apprentices we have it's hard to take all of them at once. You'll get to go to the next one; plus." Foxstar's green eyes rested on Thornpaw. "This one isn't allowed to go to the gathering anyway." Thornpaw snorted and looked away, his fur puffing out slightly. Flowerpaw withheld laughter, and turned back to Foxstar. "All of you need to go to Feathernose and Honeypaw to get some travelling herbs, we'll leave once you all do that. Meet back up here when you're finished."

"Let's go!" Stormpaw pushed Flowerpaw forward, nearly causing her to stumble over her front paws. Behind them, Crowpaw and Thornpaw followed, Crowpaw looked excited but Thornpaw still looked annoyed. Is he really that upset about what Foxstar said? Flowerpaw wondered. It's your own fault that you ran off that night. Flowerpaw ran ahead of Stormpaw so she would stop being shoved and made their way to the medicine cat den.

Flowerpaw stepped inside and was surprised to see Firetail talking with Feathernose. "So I should be okay?" Firetail asked, her voice sounded slightly uncertain.

"Yes, Firetail. Just eat this tansy and come back to me if it persists." Feathernose pushed a yellow flower towards the ginger warrior. "You were smart to come to me now." Is Firetail sick?

"Firetail?" Stormpaw stepped forward, her voice trembling slightly. "Is everything okay?" She looked at her mentor with great concern in her blue eyes. Firetail turned to look at Stormpaw and let out a purr.

"Yes, Stormpaw, I'm alright. Just a small cough, but Feathernose helped me out. I hear you're going to the moonstone?" She questioned, looking over the apprentices with interest.

Stormpaw nodded. "We came here to get some travelling herbs." Stormpaw replied, Flowerpaw could tell that she was still uncertain. I hope that Firetail really is okay. Flowerpaw thought with worry. I don't want Stormpaw to lose her mentor, I can tell they're close. Flowerpaw wondered what would happen if she lost Owlfoot. He's not family, but he's been a great mentor to me. Especially today.

"That sounds wonderful." Firetail brushed her tail against Stormpaw's flank. "Travel safe and tell me all about it when you get back." The ginger she-cat left the medicine cat den, Stormpaw looked after her with concern written all over her face.

"Don't worry about her, Stormpaw." Feathernose said in a reassuring tone. "Even if her cough does get worse I have the means to treat her." His tone was gentle and calming, it seemed to help Stormpaw. She lifted her head and her eyes lit up. "Now, for your herbs." Feathernose turned to face Honeypaw who was gathering four bundles of herbs. "Take these and they'll help you travel."

Feathernose gave a bundle to Crowpaw, Thornpaw and Stormpaw but stopped when he reached Flowerpaw. "As for you, I've added a little something extra to your herbs. There's comfrey root in there to help with any pain you might deal with while travelling." He pushed the herbs towards Flowerpaw. "If the pain gets too bad don't hesitate to ask Foxstar to stop and let you rest, you don't want to injure yourself."

Flowerpaw nodded, feeling slightly awkward but ate her herbs anyway. She noticed her fellow apprentices making faces as they ate the bitter herbs. Flowerpaw was used to the taste of herbs, even in the time that she had been out the taste of herbs didn't bother her. Flowerpaw swallowed her herbs and looked to her friends.

"Are we ready to go?" Crowpaw questioned the others, they nodded and the four apprentices left the medicine cat den, Flowerpaw glanced over at Stormpaw. Her blue eyes were troubled, was she still concerned about Firetail? Flowerpaw hoped that once they set out for the moonstone that she would feel better about going.

The apprentices approached the SunTree where Foxstar sat with Mallownose. "Are you all ready to go?" The leader questioned, twitching his whiskers. "Mallownose will be joining us." The four apprentices nodded and began following their leader out of camp. The moment they stepped into the forest, excitement buzzed in Flowerpaw's heart. She was finally going to see beyond the territory, even if she didn't get to go to the gathering she felt that this more than made up for it.

"Where is the moonstone, anyway?" Crowpaw questioned as they made their way deeper into the forest.

"It's past MoonClan territory." Foxstar replied. "We'll cross the river and then walk through MoonClan's territory and soon we'll reach the Spirit Woods." He looked over his shoulder at the apprentices. "It's quite the walk but we'll be there before you know it."

"I thought we weren't allowed into another Clan's territory." Thornpaw pointed out, flicking his tail. "Isn't that against the warrior code."

"We have an agreement with MoonClan." Mallownose replied. "As long as we stick close to the river and don't take any prey we're allowed to cross when going to the moonstone." She purred. "Don't worry about breaking any rules, we'll be fine. Feathernose and Honeypaw do this every half-moon."

"Are we supposed to swim across?" Stormpaw inquired, sounding uncomfortable. Flowerpaw wondered the same thing, she had no intentions of swimming across the river.

"Only if you really want to." Foxstar let out a mrrow of laughter. "There's a way to cross, you'll see it when you get there." The apprentices stopped asking questions and continued their journey. Flowerpaw looked around SunClan territory as they neared the MoonClan border, she had seen the border before but didn't spend much time around there. Most of the Clan liked to hunt in the center of the territory or closer to the AshClan border because that's where most of the prey was.

In the distance, Flowerpaw could hear the sounds of the rushing river. It sounded like it was louder than usual with made Flowerpaw incredibly uneasy. She wasn't sure how they were going to cross the river but she wasn't looking forward to it. I don't like being over water. She shuddered at the thought.

Through the trees Flowerpaw saw the sparkling surface of the river as it rushed past them. The patrol broke through the trees and stood at the bank of the river. It was full and moving quite fast, Flowerpaw tensed as she watched it move. "Over here is where we cross." Foxstar trotted up to the river and motioned to an incredibly large branch. "It may look dangerous but we've been crossing it for as long as I can remember. Fishtail crossed this branch when she first came to the moonstone." He placed his paw on it, it looked sturdy but Flowerpaw still didn't trust it.

"I'll cross first." Foxstar stepped onto the branch and walked carefully across until he reached MoonClan territory. "Mallownose, why don't you help them cross and then you follow behind."

Mallownose nodded. "Crowpaw why don't you cross first." She suggested. The black she-cat nodded, though Flowerpaw could see a hint of doubt and fear in her amber eyes. Crowpaw approached the branch, set one paw on it gingerly, then slowly crossed. When she reached the other side, she looked across the river with excitement in her eyes.

"It's not that bad." She assured her friends, looking up at Foxstar for a moment then back across the river.

"Thornpaw, you next." The pale tabby stepped forward and onto the branch with ease. He didn't seem to have the slightest bit of concern or fear. Once across he stood next to Crowpaw and waited patiently.

"Alright, Flowerpaw." Flowerpaw tensed as Mallownose instructed her to go forward, despite Crowpaw's assurance and Thornpaw's confidence, she still didn't trust the branch. What if I slip? Or what if my leg suddenly gives out? Flowerpaw took a deep breath and forced herself to go forward.

She looked at the branch and took another deep, yet shaky breath. She placed one paw on the branch and instantly felt the river splashing at her paws. Her stomach twisted in knots but Flowerpaw pushed herself forward. She had all four paws on the branch and the only image she could form in her mind was falling into the freezing water down below.

Flowerpaw forced her paws to move forward, slowly crossing the branch. When she finally felt her paws touch solid ground, she nearly ran forward. As she stepped off, Flowerpaw stumbled forward and let out a cry of alarm. She thought she was falling into the river and she dashed forward, trying to save herself.

She nearly fell onto the ground but Thornpaw rushed to her side and steadied her. "You're okay." He said, his voice soft and calming. "You made it." Flowerpaw's pelt burned and she stood up on her own, nodding her head thankfully towards Thornpaw. Well that was embarrassing.

Thornpaw and Flowerpaw sat beside Crowpaw, Flowerpaw's pelt still burning from her clumsy entrance to the other side. At least no MoonClan cats saw me, they would think that SunClan apprentices were mouse-brains! Flowerpaw looked across the river as Stormpaw began to cross.

Stormpaw looked incredibly nervous, but moved faster than Flowerpaw did. She reached the other side and held her head up high. Flowerpaw greeted her sister, grateful that she had crossed safely. The only cat the remaind was Mallownose who crossed with as much ease as Thornpaw.

"Good job, all of you." Foxstar praised with a gentle light in his green eyes. "Now we can continue." The ginger leader turned and began leading his patrol across the river.

Behind them, Flowerpaw heard the shuffling of leaves and brush. She tensed and turned to see a MoonClan patrol. At the lead was a white and gray she-cat with pretty blue eyes. Behind her was a silver tabby she-cat, a black tom with amber eyes, a brown tabby and a smaller black tom who Flowerpaw assumed was an apprentice.

Foxstar turned to face the MoonClan patrol, stepping in front of the apprentices. Mallownose stood beside him. "Greetings, Cloudwind." Foxstar dipped his head respectfully.

"Foxstar, Mallownose." Cloudwind nodded to the SunClan leader and deputy in turn. "What bring you to MoonClan territory."

"We're taking some of our newest apprentices to the moonstone today." Foxstar explained.

"Wonderful." Cloudwind purred. "Are these Hawktalon's kits? I heard Nightwing had quite the big litter." She looked past Foxstar and Mallownose at the SunClan apprentice.

"Two of them are." Foxstar looked over at the apprentice. "Crowpaw and Thornpaw are, the other two are Stonewhisker's daughters; Stormpaw and Flowerpaw." Flowerpaw couldn't help but notice that the silver tabby she-cat had an incredibly sad look in her green eyes, she looked at her paws. I wonder what's wrong with her? Flowerpaw turned away. Whatever it is, I hope she's okay.

"It's nice to meet you all." Cloudwind dipped her head. "I'll let you be on your way, have safe travels and may StarClan light your path."

"Yours as well." Foxstar dipped his head in return and lead the SunClan cats farther up the river.

"Berryfrost told me that Stonewhisker is the cat that is mates with the kittypet." Flowerpaw's ears pricked up, she whipped around to look at who had said that. She saw the smaller black apprentice looking up at the brown tabby. "Are those two half-kittypet?"

"That's hardly your business to gossip about, Breezepaw." The silver tabby replied, her voice sharp. "It doesn't matter if their mother is a kittypet or not."

Flowerpaw felt a sharp edge of anger clawing at her. She knew that Dovewish was a kittypet until she met Stonewhisker and she was welcomed into the Clan, but she didn't think it made her or Stormpaw any less of warriors. Who cares if Dovewish was a kittypet, she's not a kittypet and that's what counts! Flowerpaw let out a low grumbled, turning her head away from the arrogant MoonClan apprentice. He better hopes I never meet him in battle, I'll show him what a half-kittypet can do. She flexed her claws, tearing at the semi-frozen ground.

"You alright?" Flowerpaw heard Thornpaw's voice which pulled her out of her blind annoyance. His amber eyes were lined with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, half-mumbling. Thornpaw didn't look convinced but he didn't press any further. Instead, he nudged her playfully and said:

"Aren't you excited to see the moonstone?" He questioned, sparks flickering in his eyes. "I know I am."

"I am." Flowerpaw purred, pushing what Breezepaw into the back of her mind. I have better things going on. I can't let what some dense apprentice thinks bug me. "I wonder if all of us actually to get see it or how that's going to work."

Thornpaw shrugged. "I hope we all get to see it, but I don't know how big that cavern is. I guess we'll have to see." Flowerpaw nodded and began looking around MoonClan territory. The trees had started to thin out and all she could really see was vast moorland. How can MoonClan like this? She wondered. I couldn't stand not having the trees above my head. She suddenly missed her own territory, where she was sheltered from the trees. Out here on the moorland the cold wind bit even harder, Flowerpaw soon found herself shivering and the old injury in her leg was starting to become sore. The sun was also starting to fall, and they would no longer have the heat of the sun.

I hope we're almost there. Flowerpaw prayed silently. I wouldn't want to have to stop everyone just because my leg hurts. She bit back the pain and followed her Clanmates, hoping that her limp wouldn't show too much.

In the distance Flowerpaw could see odd trees rising up in the distance. They were tall and white. They seemed to glow in the moonlight, but before they reached the trees there was a stream in their path. "Ahead of us is the Spirit Woods." Foxstar explained. "In the heart of the Spirit Woods is the Spirit Tree which houses the moonstone." He looked at the apprentices. "We have to cross a stream, but it's not very difficult. It's small enough to jump over."

"Will you be okay to jump?" Thornpaw questioned Flowerpaw quietly. "I noticed you were starting to limp a bit."

Flowerpaw nodded. "Yes, I'll be fine." Flowerpaw replied, though Thornpaw didn't seem to believe her. I don't know if I believe me. Flowerpaw thought, but shook her head. I can do this. She told herself and faced the river head on. Foxstar jumped with ease, and it didn't look like he had to put much effort into his leap.

Crowpaw and Stormpaw did the same thing, crossing with ease. Flowerpaw looked to Thornpaw, expecting him to go next but he motioned with his head for her to cross first. Flowerpaw twitched her ears with slightly annoyance, but approached the stream anyway. She looked at it, and found that it really wasn't that bag. I got this. Flowerpaw assured herself and gave a hearty leap.

She landed somewhat awkwardly, but didn't feel that much pain in her leg. She stood up straight and looked across where Thornpaw was already preparing to jump, and Mallownose soon followed.

"Good job. We're almost there." Foxstar looked towards the sky as the moon slowly began to rise. Foxstar continued padding forward while the apprentices and Mallownose followed. As the moon took to the sky, the trees began to glow, casting an eerie shadow throughout the forest.

They walked through the Spirit Woods and Flowerpaw swore she could hear whispers around her, and cats brushing up against her pelt. She suppressed a shiver and ducked her head. Around her, the other apprentices seemed to be experiencing the same thing, even Thornpaw. Mallownose and Foxstar, however, looked just fine. I suppose they've been here before. Still, Flowerpaw couldn't see herself growing use to the strange forest.

Flowerpaw noticed something growing up in the distance, it was incredibly beg and towered over the rest of the trees. As they grew closer, Flowerpaw could see that it was the same type of tree as the others, but this one's roots twisted away; opening a huge gaping hole into the ground.

"There it is." Foxstar mewed, looking up at the sky once more. "Right on time, as well." Flowerpaw looked up, it was just before moonhigh. Foxstar turned to the apprentices. "When a group of apprentices come here, the leader chooses one apprentice to join them into the Spirit Tree. This apprentice is chosen based off how they've acted as apprentices. Not only their skills with fighting or hunting, but their spirit and attitude as an apprentice." Foxstar looked over the apprentices. I wonder who he's going to pick.

"The apprentice I chose is Thornpaw." Beside Flowerpaw, Thornpaw's jaw dropped and his amber eyes went wide.

"Me?" He said, sounding genuinely shocked. "But I thought I was still technically being punished for running away to the gathering."

Foxstar let out a purr of amusement. "You are, but since you've become an apprentice you've showed such spirit and dedication to becoming a warrior. I know part of that is Falconclaw's influence but I know that part of it is your own heart. I want you to join me, Thornpaw. I believe that you have the most to learn from this experience."

Thornpaw looked at the other apprentices, he looked shocked; as if he were trying to figure out if this was real or not. Flowerpaw was slightly disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see the moonstone, but she was incredibly happy for Thornpaw. "Go head." She said, urging him. Thornpaw closed his shocked jaw and nodded, he turned to Foxstar and joined his side.

"The rest of you will wait out here with Mallownose, we will return shortly." Flowerpaw watched as Thornpaw and Foxstar approached the cavern and soon were devoured by the darkness.

"What do we do now?" Stormpaw questioned, looking at Mallownose expectantly. "How long will they be?"

"It's hard to say." Mallownose looked at the apprentices. "Follow me." The pale gray she-cat led the remaining apprentices a few fox lengths away to a small tree den. "We normally wait here until they're done. You can sleep if you want, it could be a while."

The three apprentices each curled up, rather close together to stay warm while Mallownose sat watch just outside the den. Flowerpaw wondered what the moonstone looked like, or if Thornpaw would talk to a StarClan cat while he was down there. I'm happy for you, Thornpaw...Flowerpaw thought as she drifted off into sleep.

The stars above Flowerpaw's head were swirling, it was a shocking, yet beautiful sight. She stared with awe, wondering what they would do. Movement caught Flowerpaw's eyes, she looked ahead of her see to several cats. They had stars swirling in their pelts and shimmering eyes. StarClan cats! Flowerpaw realized with joy. One of them was a beautiful silver she-cat with almost pure white fur, she was sitting close to a large golden tom with shocking green eyes.

None of them seemed to notice Flowerpaw, they were just talking and sharing tongues. They're just like a normal Clan. Flowerpaw watched them closely. There was a brown tabby tom sitting close with a lethe brown she-cat, they looked into each other's eyes lovingly. Flowerpaw felt warmth spread through her body. StarClan cats are just like us...Flowerpaw thought, she didn't know why she was seeing this, but she was glad that she did.

A familiar voice woke up Flowerpaw, she lifted her head expecting to find herself in the apprentice den, but soon remembered that she had traveled to the moonstone. Beside her, Crowpaw and Stormpaw were sitting up and looking out the entrance to the tree den they had stayed in.

"How did it go, Foxstar?" Mallownose questioned. Flowerpaw peered around Mallownose and the two apprentices to see that Foxstar and Thornpaw had returned. There was something off about Thornpaw, his amber eyes were wide and filled with an odd sense of wonder. What did he see? Flowerpaw wondered, but now didn't seem like the time to ask.

"It went well." Foxstar nodded. "But I would like to get back to camp, we should head back." Mallownose agreed and the SunClan cats began their long journey home. Flowerpaw looked at Thornpaw as they began leaving the Spirit Woods. He looked troubled. Is he okay? Flowerpaw questioned, concerned for her friend. She didn't ask though, Flowerpaw looked ahead as the moon was starting to slowly fall from the sky. He'll tell me when wants to. Despite her own thoughts, Flowerpaw couldn't help but wonder but Thornpaw had seen.

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