Full Circle

נכתב על ידי midnight_obsessions

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Alice's life had come full circle. A doctor had decided to save her life by ending it so many years ago to ki... עוד

EPILOGUE i guess.............


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נכתב על ידי midnight_obsessions

"I appreciate your concern Rose but I don't need it" I said

With that I walked out the front door, a grin on my face and a skip in my step as I began to run to my girlfriends' house. It felt fun saying that; it made me happy just thinking about it.

I ran through the woods to get to the Swan residence and I came out to the side of her house. I quickly climbed up the tree and swung myself into her room, she had left her window open once again for me. I could hear water falling and her humming quietly so I knew she was in the shower, so sat patiently on the windowsill waiting for her to come out. I looked around her newly tidied room; she felt that she needed to clean up before I came over.

The shower soon stopped and I heard the bathroom door open slowly. Bella walked in her room quietly, towel in hand, in pajamas and all ready for bed

"Alice" She greeted with a grin after she paused for a moment, realizing I had arrived

"Hey you" I greeted quietly with a smile of my own

"Have you been here long?"

"No not really, just for a few minutes" I shrugged "Charlie's not home yet?"

"No, he had to stay in the office until late" Bella replied

"Good think I came over then huh?" I leaned back against the windowsill again "To protect you from all the evil doers in Forks...or to protect you from yourself more like it"

"Don't fall off that" Bella smirked "Someone could just walked over there and accidently push you to make you fall down"

"Not possible. Not only am I a vampire, I have the elegance of 3"

"Oh I've noticed" Bella nodded happily "You look really pretty by the way"

"Thank you sweetie"

"So how long did you stick around the hospital after I left?" Bella asked, sitting her bed as she began to dry her hair with the towel

"An hour or so, just speaking to Carlisle and mulling things over" I shrugged

Bella shifted to give me a strange look and she continued drying her hair "What?"

"Mulling things over?" She raised her eyebrows "Things like what?"

"Things like, maybe you should mind your own business missy" I replied jokingly with a playful wink

"Whatever" She shook her head, smiling

"You realize I have never been happier?" I asked as I watched her movements "I always knew I would be happy when I found you but I didn't expect that you could make me this happy"

"Me too. Things just feel natural with you" Bella replied nodding "I haven't decided when to tell Charlie yet but I'm thinking when I get back from La Push tomorrow"

"What time are you going there?" I was biting my tongue heavily.

If she wanted to be Jacob's friend than she could be, I just didn't like the way he looked at her...actually I made it pretty obvious that I wasn't a fan of him at all.

"I don't know. About 10 maybe" Bella said shrugging and a grin developed on her face "Can you stay until then?"

"If that is what you want" I nodded

"I want you to come and sit next to me, you're too far away" Her voice had hints of desperation so I quickly walked over to the bed and sat next to her.

I was so close in fact that I was practically sitting on her lap, so I wrapped one arm around her waist gently to pull her closer, if that was possible

"Well what if I dropped you off to the treaty line tomorrow and Jacob could come and pick you up?" I suggested "Do you think he would do that?"

"I think so; I'll call him" Bella replied "That sounds like a good idea actually"

"Oh, I'm full of them"

"Yes you are" Bella replied fondly

"Then when you're done, you can call me and I'll come pick you up from there" Alice said "Then you Bella, are going to be spending the rest of the night with me"

"I am?"

"I figured we could have dinner...well you could have dinner and maybe just hang out" I shrugged innocently

"That sounds good" She replied

"Though you have to promise me that you're not going to cancel on me this time" I sighed dramatically "If you recall, the last time we had a date planned, you kind of bailed on me"

"What is it going to take for you to forgive me for that?" Bella asked

"I haven't quite figured that out yet" I said pretending to think for a few seconds "But going to dinner with me could be a start"

I rested my head on her shoulder and Bella sighed

"You're lucky you're so damn adorable or I wouldn't let you get away with this" She said after a moment of comfortable silence "I'm going to call Jake okay? And then we should watch a movie or something. I'll see if he'll come and get me from the treaty line"

"It's a date" I smiled like a fool

Bella called Jacob and he agreed to pick her up from the treaty line at 10 and she was coming back at around 4.

I was going to miss her terribly but she wanted to spend time there so there was nothing I could do about it, I just wanted her to be happy and that meant spending time with her friend.

I stayed on Bella's bed but I moved to lie against the headboard, like I had been the previous night. Without a word Bella climbed onto her bed, leaning her head on my never beating chest, wrapping a leg and arm around me

"I take it you heard all of that" Bella mumbled against me

"You're going to get cold" I warned as I ignored her question at first "And yes I did, I'm glad he'll come and pick you up"

"I'm going to tell him tomorrow so I can tell Charlie when I get home" Bella confirmed, grab my hand and link our fingers

"Now you're sure you want to do that?" I asked "Because you can do this whenever you want, it doesn't have to be right now"

"I want him to know because I don't want to have to lie about us" Bella replied confidently "It's probably going to be a little bit of a shock to him sure, but he'll just have to get over it. I think deep down he knows that I'm gay already and it's not going to change. I want everyone to know that you're taken and you're mine"

"Me too Bella" I whispered

"What are you going to do tomorrow while I'm out?" Her voice lowered with mine

"I don't know yet. I might do some painting; spend a little time with Jazz and Rose. Depending on the weather we might be able to fit some baseball in" I replied as I looked up to the ceiling "I hope so, we haven't played in a while. I've been a little too distracted lately"

"Baseball? You play baseball?" Bella asked, pushing off me to prop herself on her elbow so she could look me in the eyes

I lifted my free hand to stroke her warm cheek gently

"Honey, I'm a very fast pitcher" I said with a smile as I watched her look a little lost "It's America's favourite past time. Vampires love baseball as much as humans, if not even more. It's going to storm today as well here so we can play"

"Why do you need a storm to play?" Bella asked with a cute little confused look playing over her facial features

"Well, how about the next time we play, I'll bring you and you can find out" I nodded and paused "Or maybe I could hunt"

"You need to hunt?" Bella asked

"I'll need to soon, so I could do it now so I don't have to do it later. If I did it tomorrow then I could hunt without missing potential Bella time" I pondered "It won't be potential Bella time tomorrow because you'll be away from me...on the reservation...with smelly boys"

Bella had decided quickly that I had done enough thinking so she leaned up and captured my cool lips with hers. I paused for a moment until I pushed myself out of my mind and reciprocated the kiss. Bella's hand left mine and went to my waist, pushing my shirt up a little by my waist.

Bella and I made out for a good 5 minutes but I had to end it. As much as I wanted to continue, I knew it wasn't safe for us just yet, plus it usually helped when she could breathe.

Bella changed into some warmer clothes, placing on a jacket before she resumed her position, cuddled up next to me

"Bells maybe I shouldn't be so close if you have to wear a jumper" I cautioned "You really shouldn't have to feel cold just on my account"

Bella shook her head and she pressed me down to the bed with a little force, I could have moved away from her but truthfully, I hadn't wanted to.

"No, it's worse when you aren't here" Bella grumbled childishly against my skin as she rested her head in my neck

I smirked and shook my head, I was completely falling for her all over again and there was nothing that I could do about it. There was nothing I wanted to do about it. It was meant to be

"So...no other vampire news yet?" Bella asked as she removed her head from my neck to look down at her feet and made small, distracted circles on my stomach with her fingers

"None yet" I replied with a content sigh "But I don't think he's finished in Forks. I don't know, I just have a feeling that he'll be coming back now that he's spotted us"

"Do you have any idea who it is?" Bella questioned

"Nope, we have no idea at all" I replied simply

"I'm sure you'll figure it out"

"So what are you and Jacob going to do tomorrow?" I asked

"I'm not sure. I mean we haven't actually planned anything yet, he'll probably just want to fix his bike or we'll just hang out" Bella said shrugging "I'm more looking forward to tomorrow night"

"Me too sweetie" I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss on her hair "I promise I'll make it fun"

"As long as you'll forgive me for betraying you the other night when I cancelled our trip to Port Angeles" Bella said with heavy sarcasm

"Hush you" I giggled playfully "So, what are you going to do tomorrow, when it's raining and Jacob has you all to himself and he's bored?"

"Wait, you saw this?" Bella asked picking her head up once again very quickly with a look of shock on her face

"Actually no. I have tried to see anything past when you go to Jacob but I'm blind to it and it's not because there has been no decision made on what he wants to do. He's made a decision, I'm sure of it" I replied furrowing my eyebrows as I looked to the floor "You're going in blind and I don't know if I like that"

"Does something bad happen when you go in blind?" Bella asked as her shock quickly turned to concern

"The thing my sweet Bella is, that I've hardly ever gone into a situation blind. Maybe I can be tricked sometimes when a split second decision is made, sure but I usually see the decision after. With La Push, I can't even see decisions after they're made...just nothing. I tried looking out for you when you went with your friends to the beach but I couldn't seen anything" I couldn't hide that I was worried. I hadn't told anyone that I was having difficulty looking in La Push but I imagine that Edward would have picked up on it and Jazz would soon know about it

"So what is it that's blinding you?" She asked shaking her head

"I have no idea" I grumbled, irritated with the situation "I thought it could be the vampire because he left through La Push but then I remembered that I had seen him in visions here, so why wouldn't he block himself from me completely if he could? Now I'm not sure what to think about it"

"Well you don't need to worry, I'll be fine" Bella reassured me

I sighed deeply, I didn't want my mate going where I knew I couldn't protect her and knowing I couldn't see her made it so much worse.

I wanted to just whisk her away, with some huge romantic gesture but that would be manipulating her and I didn't want to do that.

I wanted Bella to have whatever she wanted; I didn't want Bella to be influenced by me so I was going to stay as far out of it as I possibly could.

"He best look after you while you're there or he's going to have to answer to me" I growled "If you even catch a cold on his watch"

"Easy baby" Bella said as she chuckle, placing a tender kiss on my cheek "Nothing's going to happen. Jacob's my friend, he'll look after me"

"He is a friend who has a major thing for you Bella. When I say major, I mean he pretty much wants to marry you right now" I nodded frantically "Edward heard him thinking from the other side of the school, he has a huge crush on you"

"Alice" Bella said firmly, shooting my a glance

"And it's not that I don't trust you, because I do but I don't trust him" I said with whole hearted honesty "I don't really have a reason to trust him either"

My mate sighed loudly and moved her body from next to mine.

Bella quickly straddled my waist and I felt myself freeze, she was so powerful in her movements that it actually came as a shock to me

"Alice Cullen. Listen to me okay? I don't want Jacob Black or anyone else for that matter. I just want you" Bella said before she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine all to briefly before pulling her lips away but keeping her forehead on mine "Okay?"

I nodded for a moment, not being able to say a word. Bella Swan had officially made me speechless.

No wonder why she had made me fallen in love with her in my visions

"Okay" I barely squeaked after a moment of dusting the cobwebs from my brain

"And if Jacob Black or anyone wants to say anything different about that then they can answer to me" Bella said nodding but she still hadn't moved her forehead from mine, refusing to move an inch "I'm going to tell him about us when I'm there so he knows that I'm taken. So he knows that it's not okay for him to flirt with me or anything like that because I'm with you"

I tilted my head up to meet Bella's lips with mine. I hooked my arm around her neck, pulling her down to me and she surrendered. It was passionate but at the same time it was gentle. I didn't want to get carried away, I could hurt her with just one wrong move.

She wasn't making it any easier when she let out a small whimper as we kissed. Pulling away I tucked my head into her neck and expelled a deep breath as I smelt her pulse point, blood was flowing wildly like a flooded river. I knew I could control myself but being as considerate as Bella was; she moved off of my hips and snuggled into my side once again.

We spent the rest of the night talking before she finally fell asleep at around 1 in the morning.

I left the room once when Charlie came in but I resumed my place as soon as I had come back in.

Bella woke at 9 and Charlie left at 8 so that gave me perfect time to attempt to make her breakfast. The key word in the sentence was attempt of course. I had never really made breakfast not had I tried before but I was going to try for her. Besides, I figured the people on the movies made it look so easy enough.

I found a recipe for pancakes but I gave up once I found that they burnt much too easily. I tried cooking some eggs for her but I wasn't the best at cracking the shells. Meaning she probably would have gotten more shell than egg, and I had burnt the toast seeing as I didn't have a nose for smelling food.

I heard a creak in the floor boards upstairs, that signaled to me that Bella was up and awake. She walked down the stairs to reach the kitchen, her hair was messy and her eyes were tired but she looked so cute with her furrowed brow

"Should I be worried that the house smells like it's burning down?" Bella asked

"You should be worried that your girlfriend can't make you breakfast" I said looking around at the mess I had created "But the house is in one piece...which quite frankly could be categorized as a miracle"

"You didn't need to try and make me breakfast. I mean I don't know how to hunt a mountain lion or elk for you" Bella reasoned as she surveyed the mess herself

"There is a large difference between pancakes and mountain lions" I said shaking my head with a sigh "You're going to be eating cereal by the looks of it"

"The breakfast of champions" Bella smiled as she approached me "Good morning"

She leaned in but she bypassed my lips to kiss me on the neck sweetly. She moved from my neck back to my lips then she broke away to sit down

"Well if that is a greeting I get for ruining breakfast, I should ruin it all the time" I said jokingly

Bella laughed quietly while I began to clean up the mess I had made. She fixed her cereal and I sat down next to her once I was finished

"Did you sleep well?" I asked reaching over to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, which triggered a shiver from her body. I smiled softly at the reaction she had to me

"I always sleep well when you're here" She whispered, turning her attention back to her soggy cereal "I kind of wish we could just stay in bed all day actually"

"Well we could...but wait, no. Some human has to go to La Push and I have to deliver her" I smirked "I would have suggested bed all day but I can't now"

"Well, what about bed all day tomorrow?" She raised her eyebrow

"No can do tomorrow" I shrugged simply

"Well why not?" She furrowed her eyebrows

"Because you are taking me to Port Angeles to make up for the date I never got"

"Seriously?" Bella asked

"Yes" I replied "If I wasn't serious I wouldn't have suggested it. Sarcasm is more your thing, honey"

"So if we go tomorrow, will you stop this grudge?" Bella asked curiously

"It will be forgotten" I nodded

"Okay, you have a date with me tomorrow in Port Angeles" Bella replied

"Yay!" I exclaimed, leaning over to place a quick kiss on her warm cheek

Once Bella had finished her cereal, she had a shower and changed into skinny jeans, a white shirt and a brown jacket. She distracted me a little with a few kisses but none the less I got her there in time. Jacob wasn't there yet though so I parked the car right before the line and turned the engine off.

"So if you need me to come and get you earlier, just call me or text me" I said turning to her, an anxious expression giving my concern away

"I'm going to be fine, you don't need to worry" Bella replied with a smile as she looked out the window "Vampires shouldn't worry so much"

"You will have a good day though, won't you?" I asked with a worried tone "I don't want you to have a bad day because you know I'm not a big fan of this place"

"I will have a good day and thank you for caring enough to put myself before you" She smiled as she turned her body to face me

"Get used to it" I said simply

"Then you can get used to us doing this" Bella said

She leaned over towards the driver seat, pulling the sides of my cardigan so my face met hers right in the middle.

"And this" She said as she broke away only to connect our lips once again

As if on queue to ruin a perfect moment with my girlfriend, I heard Jacob approaching on his motorcycle.

"So make sure you're here on time" Bella whispered "I don't want to waste one moment without you when I come back"

"If something does happen then let me know, I'll come into La Push if I have too" Alice said

"I would never even entertain that fact. I don't want you in trouble or danger" Bella said shaking her head "I swear I'll be fine"

Jacob pulled up and after one last goodbye kiss hidden under tinted windows, Bella and I got out of my car. Closing my door roughly, I walked to sit on the front of my car as Jacob climbed off his ancient bike. Bella stood next to me and she placed a hand on my shoulder as she smiled at Jacob.

He looked different. For one he wasn't wearing a shirt, which in my opinion really was just to annoy me. His hair was short and he had a huge tattoo on his shoulder

"Look after her" I said, my voice sounding strained and I sounded defeated

"I'll probably do a better job than you" Jacob grumbled

"So Alice, I'll see you here at 4?" Bella asked turning her attention to me

"Yes" I replied simply

"Well have a good day with your family" Bella offered with a sympathetic look

"Have a good day with your friend" I croaked

She left my side to walk to Jacob who greeted her with an over the top hug. He looked at me over her shoulder while he had his arms around my girlfriend, smirking. Completely and obviously taunting me

I growled quietly but it stayed in my chest so Bella didn't hear it

"Hey gorgeous" Jacob spoke happily into her ear as he let go of Bella slowly

I walked back to my car and got in quietly, so quietly that neither of them even heard me. It was only when my engine started they heard me. Bella waved silently and I turned my car around very quickly so I didn't have to watch him taunt me further with my girlfriend. I watched the revision mirror until they were out of sight.

I drove home as fast as I could manage and I got out of the car.

I was angry; seething even that Jacob would have his arms around Bella when he had no shirt on. I dragged myself up to my room where I sat on the new bed. Putting my head in my hands, I tried to force myself to have a vision so intensely that I felt like my head was pounding

"Stop doing that, you're only hurting yourself" Rosalie warned as she stood by my door

"I can't see her. I can't see anything where she is" I said "And he's with her"

"I know" Rosalie said sympathetically

"How?" I asked looking up at her

"Edward told us" Rosalie offered apologetically

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked

"I'm not sure" Rosalie said honestly "The only thing you can do is trust her"

"No I trust her, but I certainly don't trust him" I replied placing my chin in my hands as I leaned on my knees with my elbows

"Okay, so what's going on in here" Jazz said "Once again you are worried and I may be obliged to change that"

"If you do, I swear" I began to threaten

"Alice, chill out. I was kidding" Jazz said with a furrowed brow "You're beginning to age with your worrying and you seem to be losing your sense of humour"

"I feel like I am aging" I groaned

"Well what's wrong?" Jazz asked walking past Rosalie and sitting next to me on the bed

"I just...I'm worried that this is going to spin out of control and I don't want to be this person" I replied as I shut my eyes tightly

"What's going to spin out of control?" Jazz asked curiously

"I get so jealous when Bella hangs out with her friends that it's scary. I don't even know why I do it" I shook my head "I wanted to stomp over to Jacob and rip his head off. He had no shirt on; he was baiting me by hugging Bella for way too long! Then at school I feel angry or upset when she's around her friends and not me"

"Is that all?" Rose asked with a small smile

"Is that all? I feel like want to rip their throat out when one of them hugs her. Mostly Jacob, but still" I rubbed my eyes and looked up to Rosalie "That can't be normal and I don't want to be this. I don't want to be the jealous, crazy, possessive girlfriend. It's not normal!"

"Well it kind of is Ali. I mean, you're a vampire. If you were human then yes I would say there would be something seriously wrong with you but it is in your make up to want to protect her and have her to yourself" Jazz explained

"What kind of life would that be for her though?" I snapped, angrier at myself than anything else "Me, constantly getting jealous over every single person she speaks too?"

"You have to get used to your mate spending time with others and you will get there soon. It's just because it's all new and you have such strong feelings for her right now after just finding her after a 10 year wait, that you don't know what to do with yourself" Jazz replied as she had a look of pondering on her face

"And because she's human it could make those feelings stronger, like you have to protect her more" Rosalie offered "Because your instinct tells you that she can't protect herself"

"Well did it happen with you guys?" I asked looking to both of them "Did you want to protect your mates?"

"We always do but it's different with us. As I said, you have waited for this girl for a decade so your protectiveness would be at an all time high right now. We've learnt not to worry about it but you'll be fine with it. You will get used to it" Jazz said nodding "You just have to give it some time"

"How do you know that?" I asked

"Because if you can't; you're going to have to leave her. You can't stay with her if you're an out of control vampire, that's too dangerous for her" Jazz said painfully "You could kill her"

Sighing heavily, I decided to just stay in my room for most of the day. I did my paintings for a while and I went down to spend time with my family in the living room.

I never actually thought having a relationship with a human could be such hard work. I felt calm while I was in the presence of my family but I knew that could have just been Jazz.

At 3:30, I left for the treaty line, I was so excited to get my Bella back. I hoped that she did have a good day, which was all I wanted for her. I was even more excited to take her out to dinner that night.

I pulled up to the neutral area and sat on the front of my car again. I was sitting there for a little while, but to be fair I had gotten there a little earlier that I was supposed too.

I heard the sound of the bike engine and I stood up straight. I had changed into a nice black blouse and jeans; I wanted to look different for Bella.

I didn't have to impress her, I knew that but I still wanted to make an effort. They came into view and I couldn't help but smile as I saw all of her brown hair under her helmet.

The motorbike rolled to a stop and Bella let go of Jacob's waist quickly and she jumped off the bike. Because of my predatory instincts, I noticed that Bella's wrist was hurt; she was holding it limply by her stomach. If I were hunting, that would be my target

"What happened?" I asked wide eyed as Bella approached me

She didn't look sad as she continued to walk quickly towards me, but she didn't look happy either. She obscured my view of Jacob on purpose. I took a few steps out to reach her and she wrapped her good arm around my waist, pulling me against her. She rested her forehead on mine, noses touching, lips just inches apart.

"I missed you" Bella whispered soothingly

"Bells, please" I begged as I looked into my loves eyes "What happened?"

"She did it to herself" Jacob called

"I didn't ask you" I seethed but I calmed as Bella soothed me by rubbing my back gently. She wasn't telling me something and she obviously knew it was going to upset me "Baby?"

"This is a mistake Bella, you should be with me" Jacob snapped

"I take it you told him" I said gritting my teeth, trying to be as calm as I could, focusing on my injured girlfriend

"Alice, I'll tell you but you'll be calm right?" Bella asked softly

"I'll try" It was all I could promise

"I think I broke my hand... because Jacob kissed me and I punched him in the face" Bella said

I thought she was kidding for a moment but when I saw she was serious, I separated myself from Bella, seeing red as I looked to Jacob who was only smirking at me. His head was just begging for me to tear it off. I crinkled my nose when I paused to realize that not only did Jacob smell, Bella smelt like him as well, making me furious. Smell was like territory to us and at that moment, she may as well have been considered as Jacob Black's property.

"You what?" I exclaimed

"Calm down leech" He smirked

"No I'm not going to calm down so don't tell me to calm down!" I yelled angrily, my fists were curled into balls by my side. I felt my hands shaking slightly, my eyes would have been pitch black "Why in the hell would you think she would want to kiss you"

"Because Bella has feelings for me" Jacob replied taking a dangerous step towards me "She just won't admit to herself that she does"

"Bella is with me" I hissed "And at the very least you should respect that"

"I told him we were together and then he kissed me but I pushed him off and punched him in the face" Bella said as she placed a hand on my shoulder but I quickly shrugged it off, giving all my attention to the boy in front of me

"So...you knew we were together yet you still tried to kiss her?" I said very slowly

"What kind of life can you give her? You're dead! You're cold! Your heart doesn't even beat" Jacob snapped at me fiercely "What good can you possibly give her?"

"I can give her anything she needs" I growled "And the dynamics of our relationship has nothing to do with you, so just stay out of it!"

"Bella's well being has to do with me, she can't be safe when you're around" He snapped "Oh and if one of your kind comes into our land again we'll kill them"

"Wait, what?" I paused

"The blonde male" He grumbled "The one who continues to run in and out of our land. Tell your friend to leave all together or we're going to kill him"

"He's been through here?" I asked

"Is that the vampire you guys have been looking for?" Bella asked from behind me

"But I don't understand, I didn't see it...I didn't see him. I've been looking out for him so I should have seen him. I couldn't see Bella today either" I faltered before I paused. I bared my teeth and letting out a low growl "I can't see him because of you and your pack of mutts!"

"Don't make me get angry, you blood sucking leech" Jacob snapped back as he began to shake slightly

"Try it dog, just try it!" I was enraged and completely ready to go

Jacob was taking deep breaths and I was getting ready to crouch when Bella quickly walked in front of me, placing her hand on my neck gently and once again pressing her forehead on mine. While doing that, and without me hardly realizing, she pushed me back towards the car

"Alice, we're wasting our night" Bella reasoned "Remember, we have plans"

"Look at that mutt" I snapped immaturely "Look who gets the girl"

"Jacob, I'll see you when you just stop being a jerk" Bella said while she kept her eyes on me to keep me as calm as I could manage "Go home"

"You try it again and you'll be missing an arm" I looked past Bella "Just an arm, if you're lucky"

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