Accident After He Confessed

By deleteduser123456789

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who're you? -lee dae hwi fanfiction [RE-PUBLISHED] More



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By deleteduser123456789

I woke up but not remember anything, isnt new thing. I checked the unfamiliar surrounding.

It isnt my bedroom. This room is just with a white curtain, white bed, white blanket and I'm wearing a white outfit?

All of it is white. Am I in heaven?

I heard a knock but I just sit straight, not saying a word.

Someone came in and sits at the chair beside my bed. He looks at me but with a frown.

“ when will you wake up ” he said and looked at the white floor.

I'm already awake. What did he meant by that?

“ it has been 2 weeks and you still aren't awake yet. Please open your eyes, ” he paused. “ I missed you, ”

I don't recognized his face. I feel like I know him but I don't. Did I forget something?

Out of the blue, my vision turns black and I don't see anything. The last thing, I heard from his mouth is that, I love you.

I woke up and groaned. Am I still in heaven or something because it's the same place as the last time.

My head is hurting like I've just drink an alcohol yesterday. I saw him waking up when I moved my hand from he gripped.

“ youre awake? ” he shocked and get out of the room quickly.

I'm getting confused with my life. Yesterday, he doesn't see me. Today, he just saw me.

I saw the doctor coming in saying he want to check me up. Meaning I'm not in heaven all the time.

I'm in the hell of medicine.

After the doctor is done checking me.  He said I will not remember some of my memory.

He gets out. I'm glad he isn't giving me any medicine.

I heard the door open again. It's the guy I saw in my dream.

Is he my boyfriend because he clearly said that he loves me.

“ hi y/n. It has been a long time since I last talked to you. Three weeks already, ” he smiled cheekily.

“ hi.. ” I trailed off. I don't know what to call him.

“ it's Seongwoo, ” he said answering my imagination question.

The rhyme lol.

“ hi Seongwoo, ” I smiled back.

The door open with a slam.

“ Ong Seongwoo, what are you doing here? ” the guy who's here when I woke up, said with anger.

“ why, is it wrong to meet my girlfriend? ” I blushed.

“ she isn't your girlfriend. She's your enemy and will ever be. Don't you remember you ditched her with another girl 2 times or you got amnesia too? ” he said.

I'm shocked and looked at Seongwoo. He's nervous and uneasy. Obviously, I'll not dating a cheater.

I must have rejected him in the past because he cheated.

Well, no one will ever accepted a guy who's cheating on the girl 2 times without feeling guilty.

but he said he loves me or was it fake?

“ Yah,  lee Daehwi. You think with lying could solve this? ”

Daehwi chuckled, “no,  you should be the one who think that with lying could solve all of this? ”

I confused wheither to to choose Daehwi or Seongwoo.

“ I have prove too that you cheated on her, ” Daehwi smiled.

Seongwoo get closer to Daehwi. He leaned on his ear and whisper something. He smirked and left.

Daehwi sighed and sit on the chair where Seongwoo sat before.

“ just ignore him. He's a baddass in our school, ”

I just nodded then looked at the windows since it's kinda awkward.

“ so you don't remember me? ” he asked and raised his eyebrows.

I just nodded again as the answer, yes.

“ you don't talk much. Last time you were like a squirrel with many mouth, ” he laughed and I do too.

I already like him.

shit I'm very sorry for not updating. I have some exam. As I'm hiatus last week, I'll try updating 2 chapter a week!

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