
By angel48183

45.7K 2.5K 525

Malia has just moved to a small town with her parents, although this small town carries a deadly secret. Wit... More

New arrivals
First day hassles
Did you cream your pants?
OCD is a bitch
Study buddies
Unrequited crush
Everyone deserves their first kiss to be special
Awkwardness at its best
Can we talk?
Getting close
Curfew's suck and so does having a chaperone
How was it?
Jealousy is a bitch and so are you
Trouble on the horizon: the homecomingg chapter
Mammoth sleepover and other issues
Something to talk about
Fall festival
Creepy doesn't even began to explain things
In for a big surprise
The Lake Effect
Secrets can destroy you if you let them
Wake up
Birthday surprise
We have a slight problem
There has to be a connection
A promise is forever: A Christmas Chapter
Curiosity almost killed the cat
Let's play a game
Cat and mouse
Get out of the house!

Time to investigate with a little help

1.1K 67 15
By angel48183

So much for a romantic getaway. We ended up calling others to the cottage. I knew if we did this at home, I would get a lecture to stay out of it and let the police handle it. That wasn't going to happen.

"Are you fucking nuts?" Niko squealed.

"How am I nuts?"

"You honestly want to hunt a serial killer?" He asked me.

"Not hunt as so much as figure out his identity and have dad arrest him."

"I'm with Niko on this one, Detroit. As much as I would love to do a little ass-kicking, I treasure not being on the receiving end," Damon said.

I shook my head at them, "Look, if we don't do this, we might be next and no offense, but I would like to grow up and marry Luka someday."

They all looked at me, and I patted Luka's chest, "I said someday, not today. Relax."

"Okay, let's say we do figure this out, that still doesn't explain if it's connected to the previous killings," Jasmine added.

"Good point. But there has to be some rhyme or reason why after all these years, killings started again, and I think it starts with Luka's mom."

While we went back and forth, Abby said, "Actually, I think she has a point."

"Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" Damon asked.

"No, but mom said you were."

"That explains so much," Niko said, earning a glare from Damon.

"I'll drop you on your head if you don't shut the fuck up."

"Testy, damn," he said.

"Guys! It is getting us nowhere if you both keep bickering like an old married couple," I said to them, earning a snicker from Luka. I looked at Luka, "Not now."

"So, where do we start?" Abby said, turning the conversation back to the matter at hand.

"We need to find a link between the killings before and the killings now."

"Are you thinking both are connected?" Jasmine asked.

"Possibly. I mean that was about eight years ago when it happened the first time, the only difference is the original killer didn't stray from who his victims were. This one did. The question is, why? When we find out the why, then we find out the who," I said to them.

I knew it was a dangerous game to play, but I needed to find out who was behind this once and for all. Fear is something we create in our minds to explain what scares us. It can be as simple as a tree, heights, or even clowns. But it all starts with one thing, someone usually plants the seed, and from there it grows.

I didn't want my fear of the unknown to stop me from living, not when I have too much to live for or love, not this time.

Once Christmas break was over, we returned to school. We formulated a plan. First, we needed access to records. Who better than Niko? With his dad murdered, his dad's house sat dormant until it could cleanout. Being the deputy, we figured he had to have files lying around somewhere.

All of us came up with a concrete lie for our parents. Well, not exactly a lie, more like omitting a few details. Okay, it was a lie, but still, it bought us some time. After school, the six of us headed to Niko's dad's house. We all pulled into the driveway and got out of the house.

"Can I say, I hate coming here?" Niko said.

"Duly noted," I said.

He unlocked the door, and we all went inside the house. I looked around a typical bachelor pad. Messy and empty beer bottles lying around the house. All of us split up, searching rooms and closets. Henry had to keep some files around here.

We searched until Luka yelled, "Found something!"

I walked to the room where he was. Must have been the deputy's bedroom. Luka was in the closet, and he pulled off a panel. Then he reached in and pulled out files and pictures, carrying them over to the bed. We all started looking through them.

"This is all about the killings years ago," I said.

"Why would he have all these?" Jasmine asked.

"Sometimes cops get obsessed over a case. My dad said that when that happens, they become so involved with it, they lose sight of everything else," I explained to her.

"Yeah, but this goes beyond obsession. I mean, look at this. It gives details no one knew," Abby said.

"Maybe it was from the cases. I mean, think about it, in small towns usually, the local officers handle cases," Luka said.

"But why keep this stuff hidden?" I asked.

"Maybe he didn't so much keep it hidden from kept it safe," Luka suggested.

"Yeah, but from who?"

"I don't know, but this is fucking weird. The deputy we knew was a cruel piece of shit who was a drunk," Damon grumbled.

"Yeah, but was he always like that?"

"I don't know to ask Niko," Damon said.

I walked out of the bedroom and looked for Niko. I found him sitting on his bed. I took a seat next to him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I hate being back here," Niko sighed.

"Niko, was your dad always like this?"

"No." He sighed. "My dad changed around the summer of 2005. Before that, he was a decent guy. Never drank, never caused problems. He helped take care of this town. But around 2005, everything changed. He started drinking, then my mom left, and from there, it crashed and burn," he said, making a diving and explosive sound with his voice.

"Why, would he change so drastically?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I wish I did. Because I am curious to know how my dad could do that to his only kid. That side of my dad was a fucking monster."

I looked at Niko. He had to suffer for something that happened years ago. It wasn't fair to him. But something told me there was a reason why he had hidden those files for all those years.

After we left Niko's house, we decided to look at other places. We went to the city hall and went down into the archive room. We pulled news articles around the time of the first serial killings.

"Anything?" Luka asked.

"No, just basic information about the killings. Nothing to say who was behind it," I said, looking at different pages until something caught my eye. "Wait."


"Listen to this; sources claimed they saw a figure dressed all in black, including black boots leaving the residences of one of the victims. Another witness said they saw an old sedan drive away, while a third witness swore it was a car from the unknown person."

"Does it say anything else?"

"Just the area where the last victim was. Luka, the area, is Leland," I said with a surprised tone looking at him.

We looked at the date, "Jesus, that's around the date my mom died."

"Did your mom come here that summer?"

"Yeah, but she came alone. I was back in Chicago with dad. She was up meeting some friends."

"This is getting stranger and stranger by the minute."

"You're telling me. Maybe it's time to pay a visit to Mr. Crenshaw."


"Know what they say about nosy people? They know a lot more than they let on."

We put the stuff back and headed for home. This weekend we decided we would pay a visit to Abe Crenshaw. I had a feeling he would know a lot more than anyone would know.

When we got to my house, we both walked in and collapsed onto the couch. I looked at Luka, "Who knew this would be so exhausting?"

"That's because we've been running around like chickens with our heads cut off."

"Did the guys have any luck?" I asked him.

"Damon and Abby tried to see if maybe Charlie has anything in the house that would help. Jas has been searching the internet for police records, and Niko, well, Niko is Niko. He's been sorting through the stuff we found at Henry's place."

"Remind me never, ever be a cop. I don't know how my dad does it."

"Yeah, but remember everyone loves a good mystery," he said, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"But what if that mystery involves something none of us are ready for yet? I mean, look at everything we have uncovered so far."

"Yeah, I know."

"And your mom. Did you ask your dad about it?"

"No. I want to, but I also want to know more before going to my dad. It just doesn't make sense. Why lie about her death?"

"Maybe because he didn't want to traumatize you anymore that what you were already going through," I said.

Luka slid his hand into mine and interlocked our fingers, "Well, whatever the case may be, I'm just glad I have you to help me."

I gave him a small smile as he leaned over and kissed me but not before we got interrupted by my dad, "Can you please tell me what the hell you two are doing?"

"Well, we were about to kiss when you interrupted us," I said.

"Not that! And by the way, Luka, keep it innocent. I meant, why are you kids going to the Deputy's house and the records the department along with trying to hack my files at the police station?"

Luka and I looked at each other - Jasmine.

I stood up and calmly said to dad, "Because we think there might be a connection."

"To what?"

I took a deep breath and said, "The killings now and the killings that happened eight years ago."

He gave me a look, "Malia, those killings were completely different. They stopped quickly. They started. That case has been closed for years."

"Even though Luka's mom was one of the victims?"

"Honey, whoever made those killings is probably long gone by now or even dead."

"Well, did they ever find out who could have possibly done it?"

"They had suspected but everyone's alibi checked out. Look, Luka, I know you want answers, but trust me, this ate at your dad for years. It consumed your dad with it; they almost took you away from him. Don't dig up a past that should stay buried," he said to us. "Now, I want all of you to stay out of this. Let us do our jobs, okay?"

We nodded, and he went into the kitchen.

Then Luka whispers, "We aren't going to stop, are we?"


"That's what I thought."

"Although we need to have a word with Jasmine hacking into the police files," I said.


What dad didn't know wouldn't hurt us.

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