Finding a Prince

By GalifreyanWolf

8.5K 431 144

When Dan's parents decide that they have had enough of their sons fruitless search for a Queen they set him u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

257 11 1
By GalifreyanWolf

The atmosphere in an inn was something that was completely foreign to Dan, of course it would be. He had spent the last twenty years, bar the last six months, of his life holed up in a castle. He'd visited various nobles' houses and stayed there when he travelled out of the capital but any member of a royal family staying in an inn was an unspeakable thing. The royals were god's chosen leaders, at least in the eyes of church goers. Dan had never understood that. Apparently it said it somewhere in the page of one of their ancient holy books, not that he had ever bothered to read them. Perhaps that was why the population of Serultria was so content to be ruled by a family who were so ignorant to their lives and suffering. Dan had learnt from a young age how to act and speak in public, although he didn't really like it that much. Although he often appeared rude to those he didn't particularly fancy talking to he never stepped out of the boundaries set.

In Solmorta the royals were more of a humble affair, although they still had to uphold a certain amount of policy in public. For instance, crying, drinking, shouting, cursing and a plethora of other things were all forbidden outside the privacy of the castle. Phil seemed to have forgotten all of that however, his time staying in the village by the border had all but obliterated his royal prowess and whilst he could deal with castle affairs with ease and knew how every lady, lord or any other member of his extensive family, most of which he had never even met, should be addressed, it took a certain amount of concertation to maintain a respectable mannerism.

That concentration of course dissolved once he had gotten a few drinks in his system. Phil didn't drink that much, unlike in Serutria where the water was often unclean Perunaes' water come from the mountains where it was fresh and unpolluted. This means that it didn't have to be made into ale to sterilise it. If there was ever a drought or the major rivers ever got to polluted, human waste being the main offender, the water had to be taken from elsewhere which often meant it was too dangerous to drink. In order to make it safe it was added to alcohol, which killed of anything too nasty. As a result, Dan was well accustomed to the common drinks, something that couldn't really be said for Phil.

Once the ceremony had been completed, and Phil had payed attention to every detail, there was something about Allister's behaviour that didn't quite add up, they had made a swift exit. There had been a fair few guards wandering the city, meaning that it had probably come to the two queen's attention that they had gone. As much as Phil disliked worrying his mother, whom he loved dearly and had already done a ridiculous amount of worrying on his behalf, he couldn't quite bring himself to go back into the castle. Telling their parents would cement what they had done, they were married now. Dan certainly didn't regret it but it would be quite a shock to the system when the magnitude of what they had done finally hit them. You see they hadn't just promise to be together for life, which was a rather big deal in itself, they had essentially tied two kingdoms together.

Dan shook his head to rid thoughts of what would happen next, he didn't really want to think about it. Phil was sat on a stool by his side, drink in hand, happily chatting to the people around them. Dan as pretty sure some had already recognised him as the prince but nobody seemed to be saying anything about it. The population of Solmorta was probably a little confused by the Lester's actions in recent weeks. The lost prince returned, he was being coronated, then he her wasn't, he was getting married, then he wasn't and then all of a sudden the queen of a neighbouring kingdom they mysteriously cut all trade links with thirty years ago show up. It was all a bit mad really, Dan was glad of it though. He was certainly glad Phil, his Phil didn't have to marry that vile, horrendous greedy witch that was Orthia. Speaking of her, Dan hadn't seen much of her since her outburst at the queen, maybe she had been arrested, Dan would give half his kingdom to see her behind bars.

The Inn was full, as it most likely always is on a Friday night and you almost had to shout to be heard over the rumble of laughing and cheering. Phil turned back to Dan and leaned his head on the others shoulder. He was a tad bit tipsy and was smiling uncontrollably, Dan could help but smile along with him.

"I'm tired, should we go to bed now?" Phil asked quietly and Dan wouldn't have heard if he hadn't been so close. Dan tilted his head, it wasn't exactly late and neither of them had at all that much to drink. Suddenly it clicked in his head what Phil was insinuating. Dan smiled.

"On go on then." After all, it was their wedding night.

The next morning Dan didn't really feel like getting up. He was feeling lovely and warm in bed. Phil was lying asleep next to him, gently snoring with his arm around Dan's waist. The light shining through the gap in the curtains was really too bright for him to comprehend this early. Unfortunately, they only had the room until ten and the sun was already too high in the sky for it to be before nine. He gently shook Phil until the other man until e groaned and opened his eyes.

"Aww has some one got a hangover?" Dan cooed as Phil rubbed his eyes.

"Shut up I didn't drink that much." Phil said rolling his eyes fondly.

"No you didn't but you can't really handle alcohol unfortunately."

Phil laughed and shoved Dan's shoulder gently. Suddenly his expression turned to one of worry.

"We have to go and tell our parents now, don't we?" Dan's gaze softened and he leant into Phil's chest.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be ok. We're adults, we shouldn't care so much about what our families thinks about us."

Phil looked down guiltily.

"I know that but I've already caused my family so much stress, I'm just not sure my mother can handle that much more." Dan sighed

"I've caused my family a fair amount of stress too you know."

Phil shook his head and looked back down at him.

"I ran away after my brother abdicated, my parents both thought I was dead, and then the raids kept coming from Serutria. They killed my father Dan." He sniffed and looked away, "I would have gone home if I'd have known. By the time I found out I was too late for me to go back. Why do you think my mother is so desperate to get me corinated, why she was ok with us? It's only because she doesn't want me to leave. I think she was really hoping the accords wouldn't work out and she could get me to marry someone else, not Orthia of course, but someone else. She only said she was ok with us marrying so I wouldn't leave."

Suddenly a wave of nervousness flooded over Dan. If Phil's mother didn't approve, and his mother certainly wouldn't, what were they going to do? Dan was counting of the Queen of Solmorta backing them but if she didn't then there were lot of things that could go wrong.

"Phil why didn't you mention this before we got married, why did you suggest it in the first place?" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry," Phil sniffed, "I just didn't want you to leave, if the negotiations ended badly your mother would have taken you back to Serutria and it doesn't matter if we'll both be king soon because our kingdoms would be at war, not private war, real war. And it wouldn't even be our parents fighting, it will be me against you in the end and I didn't want that."

"So you only married me so we didn't have to fight then, because you know we'd win." Dan said, pulling himself away from Phil. Phil sighed and shook his head.

"No Dan I married you because I love you, not having to fight was only something to speed it up, not the main reason."

Dan felt himself becoming angrier but attempted to calm himself. He could see where Phil was coming from, of course marriages in royal families had to be strategic and the fact that they loved each other was just a side point really, but he still felt used.

"We'll talk about this later" he said stiffly, "But we need to get back to the castle." Phil nodded quietly and started to get dressed. Just as they were about to leave the room Phil grabbed Dan by the arm.

"I'm sorry I really am; I should have told you. I love you so much I don't want you to be mad at me. Just please think it through from my side please."

"I Understand I just wished you'd told me first." Dan said sharply. Phil groaned and buried his head in his hands.

"I though you would have at least already had an idea."

"Well I didn't." Dan replied stiffly, "And as my husband you are supposed to tell me everything."

"Well I just did, didn't I?" The other whispered meekly. Dan let out a long breath and turned to face his husband.

"I know you did I'm just stressed. Just know that whatever happens when we get back to the castle I'm blaming entirely on you."

Phil gulped and nodded.

They made their way out of the tavern, the owner giving them a quick wave from behind the bar. The walk back up to the castle was tense and when they arrived at the gates they were met with a rather stern commander Strax.

"Where in the willows were you, the castle has been on lockdown since six yesterday evening."

Phil ignored him and headed through the gates, commander following him close behind. Strax was a stout man, his stocky build filled out by muscle. He had sparse brown hair and the blue eyes that characterised most of Solmorta. His wife, Aliumia was however the complete opposite. She was weapons trainer for the army legions however she was not someone Phil had ever spent a prolonged amount of time with. She was tall, with long black hair and narrow eyes. Her dark skin contrasted starkly with the light blue of Solmortan soldier's uniform and she was always arguing with someone.

Even though she actually seemed quite nice Phil was glad he had a private tutor for his swordsmanship lessons. Everyone who came out of her training sessions struggled to walk for the next few days.

"Your majesty I really think you should go and talk to your mother, she's been worried sick." Strax said as he jogged to keep up with Phil, whose legs were significantly longer than his own.

"I was going to find her anyway, where is she?" Phil said in a scolding voice. Strax jumped at his tone and answered meekly,

"She's in the throne room sir."

"And my mother?" Dan asked in an equally burning tone.

"I believe she's in there as well." Strax replied with clear distain. Dan set off at a sprint (something he rarely did) to catch up with Phil who was already at the castle doors."

They stepped inside and entered the throne room. The banquet table had been laid out in the middle of the room, replacing the pews that had been there when Orthia and Phil were about to get married. In a way Dan was glad that Orthia had asked him to come and watch, in the end it was that which caused the wedding to be called off in the first place. If it had not been for that he may have still been rotting in the dungeon and Phil would be married off to a girl he hated.

The Queen was sat at the head of the table with Dan's mother at the other end. Neither seemed to be eating anything, rather just giving each other foul glances from the other side of the room. The princes did not take this as a good sign.

"Phillip!" Phil's mother shouted as he shut the door behind him. She was up in an instant and seemed to teleport across the room she was so fast. She engulfed Phil; in a tight hug.

"Oh thank the Gods I thought you'd run off again, if you ever disappear without telling me again I'll make sure you never leave this castle again. Got that?" Phil nodded as the Queen released him from her death grip.

"Now tell me where you've been." Phil sighed and decided to be blunt about it.

"Dan and I just got married."

A collective gasp echoed round the room and Phil held his breath for what he assumed his mother would say."

"I told you, you disbelieving cow." Was definitely not what he was expecting. It took a moment for both Dan and Phil to figure out who the comment was aimed at but it was made certain when the Queen of Serultria dug her hand into her pocket and threw a handful of notes at Kathryn.

"Wait you were making bets on us? I thought you hated each other?"

"Oh no Phis mother replied happily, we have come to quite an agreement. If you had bothered to stick around you would have known that we got past the petty fighting pretty soon and got onto the real stuff." Her majesty replies, quite pleased with herself, "Oh and yeah we did take bets. I know how reckless you can be." She reached up to squeeze Phil's cheek put he pulled away just in time.

"Oh yes we've sorted things out now dear, that traitorous captain or ours is safely locked in the dungeons. I can't believe I ever trusted a man who could do such vile things. Oh and I do wish you'd have told me your preference over men sooner Daniel it would have been so much easier to find a partner you agreed with, although I supposed you've sorted that out now." Dan looked at his mother in shock. He'd always thought she would hate him for being gay.

"Now since you've insisted on getting married privately we will have to announce it soon. Mary!" The queen screeched and a girl of around sixteen rushed in. "Ah Mary there you are. I want you to spread the word of my son's marriage to the charming prince Daniel to the rest of the staff. We must get ready for a celebration. I will announce it in front of the castle gates at six this evening. Ake sure everyone is gathered."

Mary smiled and shot a smile at the two princes as she left the room. Dan turned to Phil and smiled happily. He couldn't believe it. It was weird how things keep going this way when they expect the worse but it ends up alright. Maybe they were just both extremely lucky.

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