The Hardest Puzzle || Death N...

By jowritesthings

213K 6.4K 3.4K

L is dead. Mello and Matt are dead. Kira is dead. So what does Near do now? Why, solve a murder case, of cour... More

The Hardest Puzzle (Death Note Fanfic)
Prologue-Good Life
4-Someone to Save You
5-Au Revoir
6-All Fall Down
7-Stop and Stare
8-All We Are
10-Come Home
11-Say (All I Need)
12-Goodbye, Apathy
13-Missing Persons 1 & 2
14-Can't Stop
16-What You Wanted
17-Feel Again
18-I Lived
19-Won't Stop
20-If I Lose Myself
21-Something I Need
22-Don't Look Down
Bloopers-Made For You (Part One)
Bloopers-Made For You (Part Two)
Bloopers-Made For You (Part ??????)
Bloopers-Made For You (Part Three)
Bloopers-Made For You (Part Four)
Bloopers-Made For You (Part Five)
Random Notice-Marchin' On
Random Notice Two-Everybody Loves Me ;)
Bonus Epilogue-Life in Color


7.4K 249 281
By jowritesthings

WARNING: This chapter has..."girl stuff" in it. Read on at your own risk. (Basically mentions her time of the month...)


Chapter Nine * Secrets -

You blinked blearily. Where were you, and what were you doing there?

You lay there, puzzling out the question and squinting to avoid the bright, white lights above you.

Suddenly it all came back in a flash: your parents, your bullet wound, the hospital, running away, the park, Hal, and Near. Near...

You tried to sit up, but found yourself unable to.

Surprise, you looked down and saw restraints.


You started to panic. What was going on? Why were you in restraints?!

You breathed in and out heavily, your breaths short, fast, and panicky. Your pulse raced and you squeezed your eyes tightly shut.

No, you thought, panicked. Not a panic attack. No, not now.

Suddenly a bag was placed over your mouth.

"Breathe in and out," the voice said emotionlessly. And only one person that you knew could sound like that...


After you had calmed down, you lay on the bed, eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"Why...are there...restraints?" your voice came out, barely able to be heard.

However, Near was able to hear the faint whisper, and answered your question.

"We didn't want you to escape again, or reopen your wound." Near paused. "We didn't want you to have a panic attack either, I suppose," he added as a second thought.

"And yet I did," you responded dryly. First depressed to angry, and now afraid to sarcastic, you thought. What was wrong with your emotions?

You felt a tugging sensation in your gut.

"Umm, Near," you said awkwardly. "I need to go to the bathroom."

He looked at you for a long time.

"Please," you begged. "I really have to go!"

Near sighed. "Be glad I'm not Commander Rester."

He deftly undid your restraints, his thin, pale hands moving in a blur. Several times you felt his icy cold hand brush your bare arms and legs, and you had to tightly clench your jaw to avoid crying out at him to get away.

Then he was done, and swiftly leaned away and stood.

You slowly took yourself out from under the small hospital blanket, your thin legs covering in goosebumps when exposed to the cool air.

You stood up and took a few wobbly steps before straightening up and managing to hobble to the bathroom.

As you did your business you noticed small specks of red on your underwear.

"Hmm," you muttered. Your period wasn't due for another couple days, or so you thought, but maybe it was early this time around.

You finished your business in the restroom, and hurriedly flushed, scrubbed your hands clean, and left.


You stared at Near. You had to ask him for something, but how were you going to? It was such a personal question...

Just then Hal entered.

"Hello, Near." She turned from him to you. "What are you doing up, ______?"

"Bathroom," Near answered for you, picking up the puzzle that you hadn't seen in awhile. He placed a corner piece in the bottom left corner, and started the long, 1000 piece task.

Hal frowned and looked at you. Then she leaned in close.

"If you need any feminine supplies you can just tell me," she said in a voice so soft that Near couldn't hear her.

You flushed and nodded, throat dry.

"I," you whispered. "Like, now."

"Oh." Hal frowned again. "I'll visit the nearest store as soon as possible. Is that okay?"

You nodded.

Your and her conversation complete, Hal turned to Near.

"Near," she said briskly. "The doctors said that she can come back with us tomorrow afternoon. Is that all right?"

The young detective nodded.


Hal paused and thought for a second. Then she abruptly went over to Near and grabbed his puzzle.

Making a small noise of surprise, Near looked up.

Hal walked the puzzle over to the hospital room's door. Then she set it down right outside the door, and turned to speak to Near.

"Out," she commanded.

Slightly confused but not daring to show it, Near complied, leaving the room with the same blank expression he'd had when entering.

Hal promptly closed the door and walked over to sit on your hospital bed. Patting the spread beside her, she motioned for you to do the same.

"Okay," she said in a businesslike manner. "I have some pads and tampons with, and I don't need them currently, so I'll give them to you. This is all you'll have, though, until I can go and get you some."

You nodded. "Okay...Thanks."

You slowly tried to make yourself smile at her; the attempt failed and you ended up with something along the lines of a miserable sort of grimace or scowl.

Hal smiled for the first time since you'd met her. "Don't worry about forcing yourself to smile; we just want to see your real one. And you don't have to smile just yet."

She smiled at you again. Then she pressed a small bag of female necessities into your palm, and she disappeared into the hall without so much as a goodbye.

Near came back in, and you hurried back into the bathroom before he could see what you were holding.

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