A Gifted Bunch (Danganronpa V...

By Andraix

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How are you going to fair against a class with Astronauts, Inventors, Robots, Magicians and Supreme Leaders... More

Chapter 1: Lucky... Not so Lucky
Chapter 2: Second Times a Charm. Or is it the Third?
Chapter 4: The Annoying Inventor
Chapter 5: The Invention
Chapter 6: Now you See it, Now you Don't
Chapter 7: Bad, Bad Bears
Chapter 8: Raining on your Parade
Chapter 9: Recital Prep
Chapter 10: The Night
Chapter 11: Secret's Out
Chapter 12: Lets Talk
Chapter 13: Virtual World
Chapter 14: Level Up
Chapter 15: D.I.C.E is Nice Pt. 1

Chapter 3: A Slight Mistake

6.1K 121 152
By Andraix

(It's certainly been a while since I last updated this. Apoligies, but I guess that's what happens when you have to manage real life along with multiple stories.)

(Chapter 3)

(3rd P.O.V)

"Seriously, I'm really sorry about the pin." Kaede said while walking to class with Y/N along with everyone else that came to visit him at the school hospital.

He tried wiping away a small bloodstain that appeared where Kaede accidently punctured him. "I already told you it's fine. I got a nice little pin anyway. So if you don't mind me asking, what session do we have right now again?"

"Remember, it's our are free period at the moment, so it's your choice on how you decided to use it."

As they continued to walk down the halls of the school, they eventually started walking past a great glass window showing the grand architecture at the front of the school. The afternoon sky really made the place sparkle. Y/N was amazed at the sight. "Wow, what a view."

Kaede smiled at the sight as well. "It certainly is." she replied. Everyone started to look at the view as they were walking down the halls. However Y/N came to a stop when something near the entrance of the school that seemed odd. There appeared to be a four people in bandanna's that was covering a large majority of their face, throwing eggs right towards the school property.

"What's their problem?" Y/N asked as he continued to watch the spectacle.

Kaede stopped as well to get a clearer view. "I have no idea. What's with the matching bandanna's." Some of the other's began to gather around in confusion at the sight until Shuichi spoke up.

"You guy's haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" Gonta asked.

Shuichi came closer to the window. "Well, as you all know this school isn't available to all students. It's only available to who the school deems super high school level or ultimate. Some people have gotten jealous of the idea that they didn't get the chance to come to this school, and created an kind of organization called 'Lost Potential'. Whether they vandalize school property or even attack the students, they make it their mission to try and make things bad for us here."

Kokichi sighed in a bored tone. "Yeah I heard of these crackpot's before. Honestly, as a ruler of an evil society, these guy's ain't got nothin on me."

"You seem awfully confident." K1-B0 commented.

"I'm not to worried about people who think goin around throwing eggs at property is badass thing to do."

Some people began to form their own opinions. "I bet the organization is full of males." Tenko said.

"I'm sure they have some female members too Tenko." Kaede said.

Angie clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. "I'm sure Atua will make sure to punish those who have done bad."

At one point some of the school's security came into sight and chased the members of the jealous organization away. Once thing's seemed to calm down the group went on their way.

Once they got to class and they opened the door, they were all greeted with something that they certainly weren't expecting to see. Some kind of mechanical arm was stretching out towards them. Not only that, there were several other arms moving around the classroom doing various tasks, such as writing on a sheet of paper, moving a chair, and for some reason one was waving a candle around. They looked to the source of the mechanical arms to see them connected to a large rectangular object with various buttons on it. "What the...?" Y/N muttered to himself."

"Ha-hahaha! Gawk, grovel, and stare Fuckers!" Everyone who just entered the classroom winced a little the moment they heard that voice pierce their ears. The source of the voice turned out to be none other than the ultimate inventor Miu Iruma as she stood out from behind the large rectangle shaped piece of machinery. "Your looking at the latest invention from the amazing Miu Iruma!"

"O-Oh very nice Miu, umm w-what exactly is it?" Kaede asked with slight hesitation in her voice.

Miu just snickered at Kaede's question. "As expected from a flat chested pleb." she said in a condescending tone. Y/N noticed Kaede's eye twitch a bit when she said that. "This here is a multi-tasking device. It can do several tasks at a time with only a tiny bit of human interface, with the press of a button."

A few of the classmates seemed quite impressed but Kokichi just snickered. "Well, at least you can do something that's a little impressive except run your god dammed mouth all day." he said while grinning at her.

The moment he said that Miu instantly shriveled up and began to look a lot more insecure. "W-What the hell, I-I d-don't need to take any shit from y-you."

Kaede stepped in. "Kokichi don't. Well Miu, that certainly is an interesting device.

Miu's confidence imidietlley returned as she proudly placed her hands on her hips. "Hahahaha, glad someone here can recognize my greatness." She then scanned everyone who had just entered the classroom, before pointing towards Y/N. "You, the guy who was sleeping for most of the day."

"I was unconscious" Y/N said with some confusion in his voice.

"Whatever. Why don't you go over to the machine and give it a try."

"Why do you want me to try it." he asked while walking over to the device.

"Cause I need to show that even an idiot can work this thing."

Y/N stopped in his tracks when he heard her say this. "What the hell! Why should I do anything for you?" Y/N asked while crossing his arms.

Once again Miu went back to her insecure state. "H-Hey not so loud. W-What's your problem?"

Y/N just rolled his eyes and continued his way to the machine. Once he got to the main section of it he noticed several buttons on it. "What button should I press?" he asked.

"The blue one." Miu simply said.

"They're all blue!" he replied.

"Oh right, it's the one at the top."

Y/N pressed the button. Once he did all the arms began to shudder violently before going limp to the ground. The class blinked several times after witnessing the machine do that before focusing their attention on Miu and Y/N. Heavy amounts of sweat started to drop down Miu's face. "What did you do?!" she asked.

Y/N took a step back from the machine while holding up his hands. "I only pressed the button that you told me to press." Miu went to her machine to see what the problem was, however suddenly the arms propped up again. I sigh of relief emerged from both Miu and Y/N, though it was cut short when the arms stated stretching out causing havoc to everyone in the class.

One of the arms went to Maki and snagged a book that she was reading from her hands. Then it opened it and threw it right into her face. Maki removed the book from her face and glared at Y/N and Miu.

Then another arm stretched out and grabbed one of Ryoma's tennis rackets and balls. It then began to sporadically whack tennis balls all around the classroom, causing everyone to duck and cover.

Y/N just barely missed a ball as he felt a gust brush past his face. Kaede who was hiding under a desk decided to call out to him. "Y/N quick, shut it off!"

He nodded his head in response and crawled his way to the plug of machine while making sure to avoid any balls that were flying in his direction. When he was close enough he quickly pulled the machines plug. Once the chaos ended everyone got out from their hiding spots and looked at the state of the classroom. There was utter silence until Kokichi's signature laugh broke it.

Everyone focused their attention on to him. "Man you two are in hot water once Mr. Katashi get's back." he said while sitting back in his desk peacefully.

Once he said that Miu went pale and failed to form any comprehensible words, while Y/N just looked confused. "But it was an accident, it's not like we wanted any of this to happen."

" True. But still Miu basically created a device that can cause extreme damage, and your the one that activated it in the first place."

"I only pressed the button that she told me to press."

"Y-You probably did something to mess it up." Miu said getting all defensive.

Just then Mr. Katashi walked into the classroom. "Ah, good to see you up Y/N-" he stopped when he saw the state of the classroom. "Soooo.... what did I miss."


(Small time skip)

After Miu and Y/N explained what happened, he wasn't to angry with them at all since it was intentional. At the moment everyone was helping return the classroom to it's original state. Y/N and Miu were actually out side the class wheeling her invention on a cart to a lab where students can keeps their work. "I can't believe you ruined my new invention." Miu complained.

"For the last time I only pressed the button that you told me to press. There could be an issue with your invention." Y/N replied.

"Kya-hahaha, as if an intelligent beauty as myself would make a mistake like that." Y/N just sighed in annoyance and began to push the cart with more vigor. Once they pushed the invention to the lab, the school bell rang signifying that the students could leave. "Well it was nice getting to know you and all... but pfffft who am I kidding?"Miu began cackling once again before leaving.

Y/N had to go back to class since he left his bag there. Once he picked it up he started to leave as well.

When he was outside the school and he got to the main gate of the place he noticed Miu a fair distance away, but he also noticed that she was shuddering quite at bit. As he got closer he noticed three men wearing bandana's from the organization that he saw from earlier, standing in front of her.

"So this is one of the quote on quote ultimate's. " one of the men said in a mocking manor.

Another man began to circle her. "So what did they let you in for sweet heart."

"T-The ultimate in-inventor." Miu replied while slowly taking steps away form them.

They just approached her closer. "Oh really, inventor? You look like you can't even make a bed. Why don't you show us some of your inventions in that bag of yours."

Miu just snarled at them. "Right, like I'm gonna show you fuckin plebs the greatness that I contain right here."

The moment she said that one of the men violently pushed her to the ground while snatching the bag from her grasp. Miu started to panic as the two started to laugh at her state. Y/N had seen enough, he ran up to them with his mind set to protect his classmate. "Hey! Why don't you guy's leave her alone."

The three men looked at Y/N and began to walk towards him. "Well, what are you gonna do about it." one of them asked while holding up Miu's bag. In an instant, Y/N swung his bag at the three men's faces catching them off guard and dropping the bag. Y/N quickly picked it up and threw it to Miu.

Once they recovered from Y/N's attack the three guy's sneered at Y/N. "Oh-ho ho, your gonna wish you hadn't done that kid."

One of them went straight for Y/N and tried to punch him in the face. He quickly ducked avoiding the attack, another one approached him to try and punch him right in the get but once again Y/N avoided the attack, however as he tried to get his footing Y/N tripped up on an untied lace and fell to the ground. "You have got to be kidding me." Y/N muttered to himself.

One of the men picked Y/N up and held him place while another pulled out a knife. The last guy their held Miu's arms behind her back while forcing her to watch. "I think we better give this kid a way to remember us." One of the men said while bringing the knife closer to his face.

Y/N started going pale as the tip of the knife edged closer to his face, but suddenly luck was on his side as he saw the man get kicked away. He felt the person behind him get pushed away as well.

It turned out that Kaito and Tenko had come by just in time. "You know, ganging up on someone in a fight is a dirty thing to do." Kaito said while cracking his knuckles.

"As expected from a bunch of males." Tenko said while getting into a defensive stance.

The three men began to slowly back up before they started running off in fear. "We'll get you back some day ultimate's." one of them called out while running away.

Kaito and Tenko focused their attention on Y/N and Miu. "Hey they didn't hurt you guy's did they." he asked them. They simply shook their heads 'no'. "Good. Man I hate people like that, ganging up on people who are lesser in numbers."

"Yeah. Thanks you guy's for helping us out back there." Y/N said.

Kaito gave him a thumbs up. "Anytime Y/N. Were classmates after all we are classmates."

After that Tenko and Kaito went there separate way's, leaving Y/N with Miu. "Well... I guess I should head back now."

Before Y/N could walk away Miu stood in front of him. "Hold it, I need to talk to you."


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