Twin Grier

By adorablygrande

3K 105 55

when Claire's parents get divorced, her world turns upside down. but as time goes by she meets new people who... More

08 - cast + chapter


92 2 0
By adorablygrande


i woke up the next day and saw my suitcase on the floor and a smile instantly formed on my face. i leave for new york tonight, who wouldn't be as excited as i am? i picked up my phone from my nightstand and took out the charger. it was 9:34 am.

i put my phone down and stretched so hard that i almost got a leg cramp. i sighed and laid in my bed just thinking about what i would do when we got there and i couldn't help but feel really happy. after some time, i got up and went into my bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. afterwards, i went into my room to pick out clothes.

a loose light blue hoodie that said "anti social social club" and high rise boyfriend jeans from hollister. i had these shoes that i got way back before my parents split that said NY and i obviously couldn't not wear them. i put on cat pearl stud earrings that were the cutest thing ever and put some mascara on from sephora.

(she already dried her hair and brushed it and all that other crap in the bathroom)

for perfume, i went with Marc Jacobs "daisy" that, to me, smelled like fresh bananas. i don't know why, but it smells like bananas to me. i liked the way it came, with flowers on it and the color was yellow. i put some deodorant on and afterwards grabbed my laptop and sat in the middle of my bed and opened it up.

i was looking through H&M because the clothes there are so pretty. as i was searching, i got a facetime call from mallory. i immediately hit the green button and a few seconds later, her face popped up. "hey mallory." i said. "hey b. so listen, i told you i'm going to Oregon to visit my mom and i need to choose clothes to take with me but i can't decide. help ?" she said pushing out her bottom lip.

"yeah, i'll help." i said. she put her i pad up against something so her whole body showed. i started helping her choose clothes and after a while of that, we finished and she sighed. she grabbed her i pad again and layed down on her bed. "so are you excited?" i asked.

"yes! i can't wait to see my mom. we're gonna go get ice cream and probably go to california and stay there until winter break is over. we're gonna head down to the beach and-" she stopped when she realized i was very quiet. "sorry claire. i know you're not really doing anything and it's really rude of me to just say that and i'm sorry."

"you don't need to apologize. i'm actually going to spend my vacation in new york." i shrugged. her whole face changed in a matter of seconds. "omg claire! i'm so happy for you!" she screamed. "why didn't you tell me and when are you leaving?" she was so curious.

"well, i only found out last night. my mom and james surprised me, nash and hayes with tickets to new york and i was so happy. and we leave tonight." i responded. "that's so great! and i'm leaving tomorrow." i heard her dad calling her name from i think downstairs. "i gotta go. but tell me when you're headed to the airport. and when you land. ok ?" she said. i nodded my head. "ok. love you, bye!" she waved. i waved back and clicked "end".

i closed my laptop and grabbed my phone and went downstairs. i saw mom in the kitchen making eggs, bacon and toast. "good morning mom." i sat at one of the stools and placed my hands on the granite counter. "good morning honey. go wake your brothers and tell them to come eat." i nodded my head and headed up the stairs to hayes room.

i walked in without knocking because that's what he does with me and i saw the bed done and everything looked ... organized. "what're you doing in my room?" my heart jumped and i turned around to see hayes already dressed. "jesus hayes! don't do that!" i said and swatted his arm. "who are you and what have you done with my twin?" i joked.

"first of all, ow. second, i decided to wake up early today since we're leaving tonight." he rubbed his arm. "oh, well mom said to come downstairs and eat." i smiled at him before i walked out and went to nash's room. i walked in to see the same thing. bed done and everything organized.

"what're you doing in nash's room?" this time, i wasn't scared and turned around to see will. "you're up too?" i was so surprised. "yeah. i mean we are leaving tonight. might as well be up." he said. "nash is already eating downstairs." he added. we went downstairs to see nash, hayes, james and mom eating at the breakfast table.

i sat down next to nash and across from will. mom sat at the end of the table and so did james but opposite. we talked and after i was done and cleaned my plate, i went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

i saw the photo album was open on the coffee table to a picture i couldn't really see. so i grabbed it and looked to see it was me when i was around 5. i looked at the shoes i was wearing, the satin texture of the shoes i would wear every monday when i was smaller.

my hair was up in a messy bun because i had just performed. it was weird to see my smaller version. i had stopped ballet after my parents split. them splitting up was too much for me and the fact that i had ballet practice every single day because i was older. it was too much to cope with so i stopped.

just as a tear was falling, hayes came in. i quickly wiped away my tear and hayes sat next to me. "what ya lookin at?" he asked. "nothing." i tried to close it but hayes was quicker and grabbed the book from me. "oh. i barely remember this day." hayes said.

"you do?" i asked surprised. "yeah. it was really warm where you performed but you still did nice for a 5 year old." hayes looked at me. "thanks. i kinda wish i hadn't stopped. i think it would've been a way for me to not think about mom and dad." i looked down and fiddled with my hands.

he closed the book and got up. "well, it's not too late to go back." i looked up at him. "are you serious?" i asked. "well it's only been 3 months. i'm pretty sure you can still do one of those twirly thingy's you'd do around the house all the time." i started laughing.

"you mean a pirouette? i doubt it." i got up. "try." is all he said before he backed up so i wouldn't hit him. i took of my shoes and realized i was wearing pants. "i can't do it with pants on." i said. "then change." he said. i sighed and went to change. i came back downstairs and he was waiting. when he saw me, he got up.

( ^ this is actually harder than it looks guys. lol i've tried it and omg.)

i prepped and went up on my right leg instantly turning 4 times making that a quadruple pirouette. "how was that?" i asked. "very smooth." he smiled at me. i ran to him and gave him a hug.


i had told haley, callie, charlie, tyler and lulu that i was spending winter break in NY and they were all very happy for me. they were either leaving tomorrow or monday. except for haley. she was staying here and she didn't really mind.

i had done the rest of my packing after the whole ballet incident and sighed in relief. mom came in my room a little later. "come on honey. it's time to leave." she smiled at me. i nodded my head and grabbed my suitcase, phone and turned off the light in my room and closed the door.


this was really long but i dont mind and i hope you dont either. enjoy (:
- ash 💞

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