Unexpected // h.s.

By DependsOnForever

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~Unexpected no. 1~ Sharissa has never been lucky, but that doesn't stop her from living her life. After Edwar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

29.3K 123 92
By DependsOnForever

Chapter 15 

Harry was down on one knee, box opened to reveal a stunning jewel that could possibly be around my ring finger soon. It looked to be in the shape of a rose, though in the centre it was a pretty amethyst colour; it was Harry's birthstone. I looked from the ring up to Harry who had a big smile on his face. "Sharissa, today marks the day I met you in the subway in Britain three years ago. Ever since then, I've had the privilege of calling you my best friend. We've had more ups than we have had downs, and I'm the luckiest guy on this planet to get to have you here for me. I've had strong feelings for you for so many months and years." I started tearing up, not believing this was happening to me. "In a few short weeks, you're about to bless me with two beautiful children whom I'm so excited to meet. I cannot express how great of a mother you will be because you're strong and steady as an oak tree." I smiled at the thought of Harry being a dad; him smiling while he's holding a little girl, his little boy going fishing with me. "Better yet, you're the steady shore while I'm the raging waves crashing into you. You've stuck by me just as much as I've stuck by you, and I'm hoping that you'll give me many more years to stick by you, so Sharissa, will you do me the honours of becoming my Mrs Styles?" I didn't even have to say a word, I didn't get to. All I did was give him a smile and jump for his arms. Luckily, he caught me because the roles had reversed. I had become the raging waves crashing against his steady and unmoving shore. Tears of joy poured out of my eyes and onto Harry's neck while he just held me.

I hopped down from his grasp and gave him a huge kiss. "Harry, of course, I'll marry you!" I wiped the tears away and let him put the ring on my left hand. Danielle, Eleanor, Lou and Liam all smiled over at Harry and I as I placed my hand upon his cheek and kissed him deeply before we sat back down. I showed the ring to Dani and Ell while Lou and Liam were congratulating Harry on a job well done.

"Ris, that's gorgeous. He had to have spent serious money on that." I just smiled and looked over at Harry who was glancing my direction. The other couples fell into conversation while Harry and I locked our eyes. I mouthed to him that I loved him and he mouthed it back. I couldn't believe how this night was going, and I hoped it was only going to get better, especially with my food on the way.

I couldn't stand the wait any longer once we got back to the hotel. I snapped a picture of my ring and sent it to my aunt and my mom. I would've sent it to Zayn and Niall but I figured I'd tell them once we boarded our plane to Florida. All of me belongings had been packed so it didn't take long to get ready to leave. I flew cheap because I only had a carry-on bag. I was in mid thought when my phone started vibrating. My eyes floated down to the screen to see it was my mom calling.

"Mom?" I hadn't spoken to my mom in months, last time I talked to her was when she got a new job with too many hours that made her busy. I let out a sigh of relief and put the phone on speaker.

"Is that an engagement ring!?" I chuckled and said yes before I smiled over at Harry who didn't know who I was talking to. "Congrats, baby doll," my momma said with her southern draw coming out, even though we were considered southern from where we're from.

"Harry just proposed tonight, I figured I would send you a picture of the ring." Harry was still confused as to who I was talking to. "He's right here if you want to say a few words."

"Oh, no," Harry whispered.

I let out a small laugh before my mom could say anything. "Harry, you be good to my baby. I know you've been good to here these past three and I thank you for that. Keep her safe!"

He finally realized who it was and smiled. "Alrighty, mum. Will do! You've got nothing to fear."

"Okay, well I've got to get back to work, I'm pulling a twelve-hour shift and this is my only break. I'll call you when I can, princess."

"Okay, I love you, momma."

She made kissy noises into her line. "I love you too, bye bye." I smiled and pressed the end button, looking up at Harry.

"When do you want to tell my mum?" That was a good question but I told him it was up to him since it's his mom. Since we were in a car I cuddled up next to him and waited for us to arrive at the airport so we could get going someplace it's warm; Florida!

I looked over at Niall who had his headphones in. I hadn't told him yet about being engaged, but I had a bad feeling that he had heard everything. Liam and Danielle were in the back. Liam was still awake and I looked back at him. He gave me a friends smile and lifted up his phone. I looked back at Harry who turned to smile at me. I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt my phone vibrate but I ignored it until we were got on the plane. Something told me to keep it secret from Harry, so I did.

*Niall's POV*

"Is that an engagement ring," said a voice I hadn't recognised. I heard Rissa say yes and then I put my headphones in. She was moving on with her life, proving to me that we would be nothing but friends. My heart broke into halves and quarters and sixteenths and itty bitty pieces. It was my own fault it broke because I had loved a girl whom I knew I could never have. I scrolled on my iPhone and found my favourite song that actually fit my situation.

I listened to it all the way to the airport; over and over and over again. I completely ignored Sharissa and Harry as much as I could but it didn't help that I sat near her and Harry during our flight. Luckily Liam was sitting near me and we fell into instant conversation. "Hey, what's up?" He nodded his head upward once and I returned it.

"Not much, man."

Liam frowned and sat down by me. "Nah, it's something. I can tell." I rested my head against the seat and looked out the window to see nothing but the runway. "Is it Ris," Liam whispered. I nodded.

"I'm okay though. I've thought a lot and I'm thoroughly happy for her, I'm just kind of mad she didn't tell me. It seems like you knew." I met Liam's steady eyes and just shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, she didn't tell Zayn either. I only knew because I was there when it happened." He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I just looked at him. "Niall she's going to need someone after those kids are born. Her postpartum is going to kick in and she won't want to be with Harry." Why was he telling me this? "I'm just telling you because I know you two were close friends. So just, try and be there for her, okay?" I took in a breath and put my head back against the seat, my eyes closed. The breath came back out and I looked up at the roof of the plane as it began to lift off.

"Okay, I'll be there for her." What had I just gotten myself into?

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