Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbi...

By sarahk1514

29.8K 643 146

"I don't understand..." Wendy said, "I thought I was your prisoner." "Wendy, how could you not have known t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

1.3K 30 8
By sarahk1514

Wendy was out of breathe from all the running and dodging branches in the woods as she tried to keep up with her savior. Tinker Bell flew so fast that Wendy had almost lost her more than once. As Wendy continued sprinting through the woods, she looked up to find Tinker Bell was nowhere to be found.

"Tinker Bell?" Wendy whispered into the woods.

"Wendy, keep quiet."

Wendy looked around for the tiny creature, but she could not find her light.

"Tinker Bell, where are-"

"Shhh! Hide!"

Wendy did as the fairy said and quickly ducked under a large tree root.

"I don't understand how you could let this happen, Felix!"

Wendy's heart stopped. Pan. He must be looking for her.

"Pan, I apologize. I don't know how she could have-"

"It doesn't matter! Just find her!"

Suddenly, Wendy looked up and saw Pan floating up towards the trees. 

"Evan!" Felix boomed.

"Yes, Felix."

"Gather your half wit brothers now and spread out. We need to find Wendy."

"Wendy escaped?"

"You're wasting time!" Felix angrily exclaimed, "Go!!"

Wendy kept quiet until she heard the crinkling of leaves stop from the boys' walking. Suddenly, Tinker Bell appeared right in front of her which made her gasp.

"Wendy, quick. We must leave."

Wendy nodded and followed the fairy until they ran into an ivy grown fence.

"What now?" Wendy nervously said.

"Stay here. Be careful." Tinker Bell's quiet voice said. She flew through the ivy and a few moments later, an opening big enough for Wendy to fit through opened up. Wendy saw Tinker Bell at the other side, motioning for her to go through.

Wendy gulped and walked through the ivy door. As she walked through, the opening quickly vanished behind her. Wendy gasped as she looked around her new surroundings. The woods were so much greener then when she first arrived. So many different colors of wild flowers surrounded her and the sky was a brighter blue. The ocean looked crystal clear that even from where she was standing she thought she could see reflections of the trees in it's waves.

"Tinker Bell, where are we?"

"You're finally safe, Wendy."

"It's beautiful!" Wendy said as she admired her surroundings, never seeing anything so breathtaking in her life.

"Come with me," Tinker Bell smiled as she grabbed Wendy's hand.

"Tinker Bell!" Wendy gasped, "You're...you're not."

"What?" Tinker Bell looked down at herself, "Oh," she laughed, "I take a more human-like form when I'm home."

Wendy noticed how beautiful Tinker Bell was now that she could actually see her physical features. Tinker Bell was more than 20 times the size now then when she rescued Wendy. Her beautiful blonde hair was wrapped in a bun with a dark green ribbon and she dressed in all green. Just like Pan.

Wendy let the thought escape her mind as she followed Tinker Bell through the woods. They went down a hill in the forest and started walking through an open field of wild flowers. Wendy then noticed other fairies in human form collecting flowers and staring at Wendy wide eyed.

"Um, Tinker Bell?" Wendy whispered, "Is it okay that I'm....here?"

"Well, of course!" She responded gleefully.

"Everyones staring at me." Wendy stated as she felt embarrassed that she was only wearing a night gown.

"You look fine! Don't worry. The queen is very kind so she won't mind."

"Wait, you're taking me to the-"

"She has been waiting for your arrival."

Wendy looked at her shocked as they continued walking through the mystical forest.

"What does the queen want with me?"

"That's between you and the queen. It's no one else's business besides yours and hers. My only instruction is to be your protector and friend." Tinker Bell smiled down at Wendy and took her hand.

They traveled deeper into the woods until they stopped at a huge oak tree. It was surrounded by many twinkling lights that Wendy assumed were other fairies. The tree was surrounded by a river of water and the tiniest white flowers surrounded the base of it. Tinker Bell sat by the edge of the water and motioned for Wendy to sit beside her. Wendy took a seat and looked up at the magnificent tree before her.

"It's beautiful." Wendy stated.

"It is, isn't it?" Tinker Bell smiled, "It's where we keep all our magic. We call it the Pixie Dust tree."

"Pixie dust?"

"That's the source of our magic."

"Is that how Pan-"

"Let's not talk about him now." Tinker Bell said with a small smile. "The queen should arrive any moment now."

Other fairies started to sit around the trees as well. As Wendy glanced at each of them, they all were dressed in different colors.

"Maybe it has to do with their different powers." Wendy wondered, "Oh, Grayson would absolutely love this place!"

Then it hit her.

"Grayson," Wendy muttered to herself.

"What's that, Wendy?" Tinker Bell asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just...talking to myself." Wendy chuckled.

Wendy had almost forgot about Grayson. He must have known by now that she was gone. It pained her to have left him, even after he begged her to stay. If only there was a way to bring him here, maybe he could talk some sense into Felix and take him home. Take them both home.

"Do I even want to go home?" Wendy thought.

Of course not. She had no home to go back to. The Becketts didn't want her. Grayson did though. Grayson would find somewhere for her to stay.

Wendy shook the thought out of her head. She knew Grayson's mother disliked her due to their great friendship with Mrs. Beckett.

Wendy would have to stay here. Neverland was beautiful, especially now since she found Tinker Bell. She felt safe with her new fairy friend.

But Pan.

Pan would stop at nothing to find her. He was still convinced that she possessed some power, but she knew that she didn't. There was no way.

Of course, her and her brothers used to pretend they had magic and could fly. The great adventures they would have together in their nursery.

Wendy shook the memories out of her head as she looked up to see a great white light traveling toward the Pixie Dust tree. Wendy gasped as the ball of light getting bigger as it made it's way right in front of Wendy. Suddenly, the light started to dim and a beautiful fairy appeared in it's place. She was dressed in an all white gown that sparkled more than all the stars in the sky on a cloudless night. She had reddish hair pulled up in a high bun and wore a white crown atop her head. Wendy was dumbfounded. Realizing her jaw was hanging open, she quickly shut it and got herself together.

The queen smiled at her, "Wendy Darling."

Tinker Bell nudged Wendy, motioning for her to stand up.

Wendy quickly got up, brushing off her night gown. She met the queen's gaze and quickly curtsied.

The queen lightly laughed, "There's no need for that, Wendy. Please, follow me."

The queen reached out her hand. Wendy gulped and took it as they both floated to the top of the huge tree. They flew into the branches and Wendy saw what looked like a small tree house. The queen flew to the door of it and let Wendy walk in first. The house was very simple, only containing some white dresses and a quaint bed and table with chairs.

"Please, take a seat Wendy."

Wendy nodded as she took a seat at the wooden table.

"I'm sorry about this being our meeting place. This location is only known by me and the royal seamstress, so I know no one can listen."

"How do you know me?" Wendy asked.

"I have been waiting for your arrival for a very long time."

"You have?"

"Yes," the queen took a seat across the table from Wendy, "We need your help."

"Me? What could I do?"

"Wendy, it is true that you do possess a great power inside you."

"What?" Wendy gasped, "That's not possible."

"It is. We have known for a great while that you have great powers."

"I don't understand..."

The queen sighed, "Many memories ago, Neverland used to be an all around beautiful island. The fairies and magical creatures lived in harmony here. Then, one day, one of our fairies who were traveling to your world came back with a boy. A boy who had nothing and no one. We taught him magic and how to fly, and we all lived in peace. However, the boy got quite lonely. So, the other fairies decided that they would bring any children who were lost to Neverland, for them to always have fun and never grow up. The boy ended up getting many friends who he considered brothers and started a group called-"

"The Lost Boys." Wendy stated.

"Yes." The queen said.

"And this...boy? You're talking about-"

"Peter Pan."


"Yes, that was his name when the fairy brought him here."

"I have met him." Wendy said, scared that he might hear her.

"Yes, I know. And i have heard he only goes by Pan now?"

Wendy nodded.

"I see..." The queen turned her head.

"So then, what happened? Peter got what he wanted didn't he?"

"Oh yes. Peter was very happy for a long time with his lost boys. Then, one day, a new boy came. However, this boy was different from all the other boys. He had a mother and father, but Peter Pan had visited his home to hear the stories that his mother would tell him before bed. When this boy discovered Peter at his window, Peter invited him to come to Neverland to stay. This new boy had just as much fun with the Lost Boys than he ever had in his life. But, the boy realized he was forgetting his parents, and wished to go back to his home. He told the other Lost Boys about his mother and father and how they all had to grow up. The Lost Boys realized they missed having parents as well and wished to go back. When Peter found out about his friends wanting to leave him, he told them that if they wished it, they could leave. So, they all left, and Peter was alone again. As he watched his friends and playmates lift up into the sky and leave Neverland, his heart broke. Since the island had such a great connection with Peter, everything started to grow dark and gloomy as Peter was left suffering. The fairies came to help him get out of his depression, but nothing would help. He wanted his friends back. So, he decided to wipe out the fairy population and take their power so he could return to get his friends back. For the fairies that survived, we put a protective spell over a part of the island, and we have been stuck here ever since. Peter runs the entire rest of the island, but he has no knowledge of what we are planning, but trust me, he has tried to destroy the rest of us."

"So, he's not as powerful as he thinks he is?"

"All of us have the power of good, and his power is built off hate and anger. Even though he is extremely powerful, he cannot beat us together. The power of evil can never defeat the power of good and love."

"But, why is he still evil? He has a new group of Lost Boys?"

"Yes, but he is afraid to open up to them and trust them. His trust was demolished the day his friends left that he ripped his own shadow off him. Peter has instilled such fear into these boys and has erased any knowledge of families or parents or Earth so they will never leave him. He had them believe that they were all born here and that there was no other place to go besides Neverland."

"That makes so much sense. But, I never knew that he was good before. It seems that there was no way he could be since he is so evil now."

"No, he was once good. But, I fear there is no good left inside him. He was too terribly hurt to be saved."

"But wait, where do I come into all of this?" Wendy curiously asked.

"Wendy, our goal is to destroy Pan and gain control of Neverland once more. With your power, you have the ability to this."


"You must defeat Peter Pan."









Much love,

Sarah K

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