The Bet

By Dragon_Girl420

23.9K 712 279

You've been living at the prison for several weeks now. When you shambled up to the gates after being out in... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 - Epilogue

Part 3

2.5K 69 41
By Dragon_Girl420

Less than an hour later, Daryl turned off the road down a long, winding driveway that went on for a mile or more. The light from the bike revealed a large log cabin, complete with wrap around porch, stone chimney and porch swing by the front door.

The outside was littered with debris and garbage. An abundance of thicket and brush had taken over a good part of the porch. The windows were all blacked out, and there were chains linked across the front door. You looked around and wondered why he would bring you here.

"What is this place?" you asked. Daryl didn't answer, he just parked the bike near the side of the house and took your hand again.

You followed him up the rear steps of the porch and waited for him to expertly pick the lock. Once inside you were awed by what you saw. Despite the rough outside, the cabin was nearly perfect inside. The sparse furniture was clean and intact throughout each room, and the best part was, there were no walkers or corpses to deal with.

Daryl closed and relocked the door behind you. You were looking out the plate glass window at the back of the room when he wandered back to you. He gently stripped the backpack from your shoulder and helped you take off the poncho.

"Daryl, what are we doing here?" you wanted to trust him, but his lack of communication was beginning to become unnerving.

"That cabin we were at before, that was Maggie and Glenn's place," he said, a sly grin forming on his face at your expression of surprise.

"You knew about that?"

"Yeah, who you think found it for 'em?" he laughed. His hand came up to the side of your face and brushed away a stray hair. "You were right what you said, about not being able to do something like that back home."

Your face flushed red at the mention of your tryst in the cabin, but it grew hotter when Daryl's hand went to his favorite spot on your neck. His thumb rubbed the front of your throat lightly, while his grip kept you close, but with still enough distance to be slightly exasperating.

"I was thinkin' today how it'd be nice to have a place of our own. Maybe one that Glenn and Maggie ain't been shackin' up in."

"Daryl..." you wanted to tell him no, that you couldn't do this with him. But as he drew you into him that last bit of resolve shattered, and you were ready to completely belong to him.

"What? You gonna feed me some bullshit line again 'bout how it was a onetime thing?" his voice was low and intoxicating.

"No, I mean... yes. Yes, that's what wanted to say," he leaned his face into yours, close enough to kiss him, but he didn't try to yet.

"So, you had some fun and now you're done with me?" There was something in his tone that made a shiver of excitement run up your spine. "Huh?" he asked with brows raised as his thumb continued to lightly stroke that spot at the bottom of your neck.

"I didn't think..." your words were lost in the heavy breaths escaping your lips.

"Nah, you didn't," Daryl's left hand ran down the length of your body, resting on your hip. He slowly pulled you in the last couple of inches until no light could be seen between you.

"Wait. Please," y/e/c eyes pleading with him to hear you. He gave you a small measure of space, but didn't stray far from you. "I didn't think about what this meant... being with you. I didn't think about what may happen."

Daryl's eyes narrowed and he tried to study your face for an explanation. Swallowing hard, you stepped away from him and towards the windows at the back of the room. Finally turned to look at him, you mustered all the courage you had and tried to explain.

"See, at the beginning of everything, I lost everyone. My husband, my kids, my home. It took a long time to be ok again after that. Fast forward a year and I stumble into a place where I actually know people; a place that is safe. I felt like I got my bearings, and then there you were. I have wanted you since I first laid eyes on you..." you were rambling and nervous, but knew he had to understand where you were coming from.

"You threw me for a loop Daryl. In all my life I have never, ever felt anything like it. Not even with my husband. You brought something out in me that I didn't know existed. Never in my life would I have done something like I did the other day in that cabin. It's just not me..."

Daryl was walking towards you, the moonlight giving away enough to see the smirk on his face. When he was within arm's reach, you took a step into him closing the gap even further.

"I just didn't expect it to make me feel more than I wanted. I can't be much more to you than just an occasional good time. Not that this is necessarily something you wanted, but I know I don't have it in me. I needed you to know that before this goes any further," when your eyes locked with his, Daryl's softened seeming to finally understand.

"What is it that you want then?" he purred and brushed a kiss lightly against your cheek, letting his lips linger. Closing your eyes as his face brushed against yours, you knew there was no fighting the ache you felt for him.

"I don't know, just not what Glenn and Maggie have. I don't want another husband, Daryl. Didn't work out so well the first time, and that was well before the world went to shit."

Again, he took your chin lightly between his fingers. His beautiful blue eyes finding yours and drinking you in.

"This, doesn't have to be that," he said with a raised brow and half a smirk. "This can be whatever the hell we want it to be. You wanna be here with me like this, then go home and have it be life as usual? That's fine. I just need you to promise one thing..."

Daryl's face grew serious for a moment. He reached out and grabbed you pulling you into him again; this time with the same look of dominance he showed in the cabin. The very look that threw more fuel on the fire already burning out of control deep in your core.

"What?" The question came out slightly breathless as Daryl's grip on you became firmer.

"There ain't no one else that gets to touch you like this," he growled low into your ear and ran one lone finger lightly down your breast and across your nipple. "You don't have to be my girl, you don't have to be anything more than you wanna be. I ain't looking to be anybody's white knight, or husband... But, when it comes to us like this, I don't wanna share ya."

"I can promise that," you said and biting at your lower lip. Your need to have him was growing and you didn't know if giving in, even with him understanding your limits, was a good idea. "You sure you don't care that..."

"The only thing I care about right now," Daryl said, cutting you off and circling around so he was now standing behind you, "is how many rooms of this place I get to have you in tonight."

He brushed your hair off your neck and pushed it to one side. His mouth was on your neck nipping and kissing from your collarbone to your ear. His hands were reaching down in front of you, grasping at the hem of your shirt and pulling it up over your head.

You stepped forward and turned to look at him. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, and you could tell he was getting anxious for you. Walking across the room towards the small hallway, you kicked off your cowboy boots and slowly unbuttoned your jeans. You turned to go down the hallway and slipped them off seductively as you moved towards the bedroom.

It took Daryl only a few strides to catch up to you. Before you knew it, he had scooped you up and had you in the bedroom. Throwing you down on the bed, he made quick work of getting his boots and pants to join the crumpled mess on the floor. He had your bra undone and on the floor in one quick motion. You sat up on your knees and helped unbutton his shirt, suddenly desperate to feel his flesh against yours.

Once he was completely bare in front of you, you laid back on the bed and let him have you. No more words or worries about what could come of your time with him. There was nothing fast and furious like your first time with him. For the next hour, Daryl took his time, tasting every part of you.

When he couldn't hold out anymore, he flipped you over, lifting your hips to meet his. Sliding himself inside you brought a moan to his lips that delighted you. Knowing you could make him feel that good excited you even more. Daryl was leaning over you from behind. His face buried in your hair, the weight of him rocking you back and forth making you feel a euphoric sense of satisfaction.

As he got closer to reaching his peak, he pushed his body down deeper into you, hitting that spot that made you scream for him. His broad shoulders covering your back, his arms and hands wrapping around yours, fingers entwined together.

"Oh.. shit... Y/N... What the fuck you do to me..." Daryl's mouth was right at your ear, his voice barely a whisper, but it was enough to push you over the edge. You felt his cock start to throb inside you, and your body responded in kind.

Daryl bit down on your neck right blow your ear as he came inside you, causing you to squeal in a combination of pain and bliss. He sat up tall on his knees, pulling you up with him. His hands covering your breasts and pulling you into him as you allowed your bodies to unwind from the climax.

His breath still heavy in your ear, he left a trail of kisses from down your neck, and when he reached your shoulders, his tongue glided back up the same way causing your skin to break out in goosebumps all over.

"Fuck..." trying to catch your breath, you turned your head to see his face. Daryl's eyes were closed, a broad smile unable to hid on his face.

"Yeah," Daryl purred and buried his face into your hair, "a onetime thing... right."

Leaving a few more lingering, hungry kisses on your neck, Daryl reluctantly released you from his grip and laid down on the bed. You laid beside him, but was sure to leave an arm's length between you.

"Why you so far away?" he asked, his eyes heavy with satisfaction but also a touch of longing.

"I told you..." you said, sitting up on your elbow, but unable to look him in the eyes anymore, "I can't be more to you than this... and if I buried myself in there," you placed a hand on his chest, "I may never get out."

Daryl reached over, moving hair that was covering your eyes.

"Like I said, this can be whatever we want it to be. I ain't opposed to bringin' this home, but I get where you're comin' from. I want you to be happy and comfortable."

You smiled at him. No matter how badly you wanted to put the brakes on all that was stirring, you knew deep down that you might as well be riding in a runaway car.

'Ain't no brakes in this baby' you thought as he smiled up at you.

Daryl directed his motorcycle back through the entrance of the prison just as dawn was about to break. He parked in his usual spot and you climbed off once he killed the engine. The yard was still quiet, no one had emerged to start their day.

"I'll catch ya later?" you asked before turning to head back to your bunk. If you were lucky you could catch an hour or two of sleep before you had to be somewhere.

"Mhmm, you will," Daryl said with a little nod while chewing on his lower lip.

"Ok..." you turned to go, but could feel his eyes watching you walk away. You couldn't help but turn back around and look at him. He was still straddling the Triumph, hands resting on his thighs, eyes fixed firmly on your body. He was still biting his lip but stopped when he saw you walking back towards him.

You grabbed his face with both hands and planted a kiss on his lips. You pulled away with a smile before he had a chance to kiss you back.

"Pick me up tonight and we'll go see what other rooms we can christen at our cabin," you raised your eyes brows and winked. Daryl licked his lower lip and lightly smacked you on the ass.

"You better go woman before I take you back there right now," he growled. You came close to asking him too, but thought better about it. You needed to be able to hold off your growing feelings for as long as possible. After the night you just shared, the best way to do that would be with a little distance.

You turned to go, waving over your shoulder as you did. That image of Daryl sitting on his bike staying with you through your shower and the little bit of sleep you got that morning.

After spending the morning out in the garden with Rick, Hershel and Carl, you headed up to the kitchen to help Carol put out lunch for the kids. As Carol left to go get more water from the pump, Maggie found you brushing off the grill.

"That looks fun," she said wrinkling her nose at the grill, then looking at you. "Well, look at you... you look exhausted! Guess an all-nighter with Daryl will do that to ya."

Maggie couldn't help but look like the bird who ate the canary. Her playful eyes and smile made you laugh and shake your head. She picked up a piece of the bread that was left from lunch and popped a piece in her mouth.

"How the hell did you know I was out with Daryl?"

"Glenn and I spent the night in the tower. Heard the bike going out and then comin' in at dawn. Don't worry, no one else saw ya. Secrets safe with us." Maggie winked and nodded a head towards Glenn, who was across the courtyard talking to Rick about the fences.

You felt your face blush, and she shook her head in jest.

"So, you never did answer my question from yesterday," she raised an eyebrow at you assuming you remembered.

"What question?" you asked playing dumb.

"How. Was. It? I mean, I don't need exact details," she leaned in closer to you, "but c'mon, give a girl somethin' to work with here."

Taking in a deep breath, you desperately wanted to tell her how earth shattering and life affirming a romp with Daryl was. You also wanted to tell her that as hard as you were trying not to, feelings were there... real fucking feelings that you desperately wanted to go away.

"Maggie... it was not at all what I expected, but everything I could have ever wanted," you said much more dreamily than you intended too.

"Good Lord," she said somewhat mockingly. "I just can't imagine Daryl... not that I think about him like that," Maggie was wavering hands and you couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Ohhhh, maybe I should go have a little chat with Glenn," you teased and she swatted at you.

"You know what I mean! I am glad for you though, it's nice to see you so happy," she smiled sweetly at you.

"It's just fun Maggie. We aren't together," you said the words but had a tough time believing it yourself.

"Right, right... just casual sex with Daryl... got it," Maggie said rolling her eyes and making an exaggerated OK with her fingers, completely dismissing your claim.

"Just sex?" a small voice chimed in from behind you.

You both turned to see Beth standing there, her arms crossed over her chest, eyes twitching back and forth between you and Maggie.

"What are you talkin' about?" she asked Maggie.

"Nothin' Beth, just having some girl talk with Y/N."

"I can see that," she said walking closer to where you and Maggie were standing by the grill. "You're sleeping with Daryl?" her eyes now focused on you, her brow furrowed with anger.

"Beth, it's really none of your business," you were trying to be kind because Maggie was nearby, but lack of sleep and a general annoyance at her presence caused your fuse to be cut in half.

"I can't believe you, why can't you just leave him alone?"

"Beth!" Maggie shouted. "Stop! This isn't any of your concern."

"It is when I see someone I care about getting involved with someone like this," she waved at hand in your direction and you knew if you didn't walk away, someone was going to get hurt.

"Maggie, I'll talk to you later. I can't deal with this right now," you offered her a small smile and walked through the kitchen towards the courtyard.

"Yeah, just walk away!" Beth called after you, "That's what you do, right?! It's what you did to my brother, why not do it to Daryl too!"

That stopped you in your tracks. Taking in a deep breath, you turned to face Beth who was just a few steps behind you. You stared at her with such intensity you thought you saw her flinch. You took a few tentative steps closer to her so you were certain she would be able to hear you.

"I cared about your brother, a lot. But we were never together Beth. So, whatever you think you know about me and him, you don't. And as for Daryl..." you moved in even closer so you could see your reflection in her eyes, "I have no plans on walking away from him, ever. As a matter of fact, I can tell you with complete certainty that he one of the best, most kind, surprising men I've met." She stared daggers at you, which just made you want to keep digging at her. "Not to mention the best fuck I've ever had in my life."

That pushed her over the edge. Before you could move, her hand flew out and smacked you across the face.

"Beth!" Maggie shouted running over to where you stood.

Shocked by her boldness, you couldn't help but chuckle. Your cheek was bright red and stung like a bitch, yet you were still amused by her audacity and refused to give her a reaction. True, you had goaded her, but having known Beth since she was a little girl, you never thought she'd have that in her.

"What the hell is going on over here?" Daryl's voice cut through the air.

You turned to face him and he saw the handprint now forming on your cheek. Beth stood motionless, half seething with anger and half shocked at her actions.

"Beth," Maggie said, touching her elbow to get her attention.

"It's nothing," you said to Daryl shaking your head.

"That mark on your face nothin' too?" he asked looking back and forth between you and Beth.

"She's not a nice person Daryl, she's never been. You don't know what you're gettin' into with her," Beth pleaded with him.

"That's enough Beth, this is none of your business," Maggie said quietly, trying to get her sister's attention, but Beth's gaze was fixed on Daryl.

He walked past you, giving you a quick once over of your cheek before stepping between you and Beth.

"Listen," he said gently, "I get you're just tryin' to look out for me, but Maggie's right. This ain't none of your business." Daryl turned back to look at you, and you could see a small flash of disappointment before he looked back at Beth. "Besides, me and Y/N, we're friends is all. We ain't together."

"She said you were sleeping together, but used much more vulgar language," Beth said, looking around Daryl, narrowing her gaze in your direction.

"Whatever we are, is between us Beth. You know I care about you, right? You're family, just like Maggie, and Glenn, and your dad. But this is gettin' crazy. First you went into my bunk and took the vest without asking, then you're calling Y/N names in front of everyone. Now this?"

"You promised..." Beth said, no longer listening to Daryl. "You promised you wouldn't tell him," she shouted at you.

"I didn't," you said and shrugged. "But it doesn't matter now, because you've already made up your mind about me Beth. I'm a horrible person. I get it. I screwed your brother over, and now I am just screwing Daryl. That's enough for you to hate me, so be it."

You turned to walk away and noticed a small crowd had gathered on the fringe of the confrontation. Rick and Glenn were watching with furrowed brows, as Michonne and Carol were approaching from around the outside of C block.

"See? She just walks away, especially when the truth hurts," Beth yelled, trying to fight the tears back.

You felt like all eyes were on you. You watched as Glenn walked over to Maggie and turned around to look at Daryl. He was still standing between you and Beth, but his eyes were cast down to the ground, a look on his face you couldn't read. But when he did look up at you, it was all you needed to realize what an ass you'd been. Everything faded away, including Beth and her accusations. You caught a glimpse of Maggie and Glenn standing together, hands interlaced with the other and you realized that you had been wrong the whole time.

You did want what they had. You wanted to fall in love again, even if it meant adding the potential to be hurt. Thinking back to the last few days you'd gotten closer to Daryl, it all seemed so clear. Your attraction to him was so much more than you realized. It went beyond his broad shoulders and sensual swagger when he moved. Your pull towards Daryl was because of who he was at his core.

"Oh, fuck it," you mumbled as you started walking back towards Daryl, taking the biggest steps, you could to quickly close the distance. Before he could react, you through your arms around his neck and kissed him.

Without hesitation, he grabbed you by the waist and kissed you back. The second his lips were on yours, you knew you made the right choice. It didn't matter that you were in front of everyone, Daryl kissed you deeply and you felt yourself smiling. He pulled back from you and rested his forehead on yours.

"You sure?" he asked in a rough whisper.

"Yeah, I'm sure," you kissed his lips lightly and looked beyond him. Beth had already stormed off towards the interior of the prison, unable to watch your display any longer.

Maggie and Glenn stood a few yards away smiling at both of you. Looking at Maggie with a quizzical expression, she started laughing.

"What are you laughing at Greene?" you asked, your arms still wrapped around the man that was now everything you said you didn't want.

"Oh, well, I just won a bet, finally. I bet Glenn that you two would be together by the end of the week." Without looking at her husband, she held her hand out flat while Glenn dug into his pocket while rolling his eyes. He pulled out a package of sunflower seeds and put it in her hand.

"You did what?" Daryl asked, looking between you and Maggie.

"She bet me you two would end up together. I didn't think you would be, at least not for a while longer," Glenn said shaking his head. "Last bag of sunflower seeds too. You guys really couldn't hold out a while?"

You looked at Maggie, and you both starting laughing.

"Speaking of... I'll cash in those days you owe me in the garden Maggie," you turned back to Daryl and rested your head on his chest. "I may be a little busy in the next couple weeks."

"What the hell are they talkin' about?" Daryl asked Glenn, a confused expression on his face.

"I don't know man, women are crazy sometimes," Glenn looked at his wife who seemed unimpressed by his assessment. "Well, not you, but you know... most."

Maggie grabbed Glenn's hand and offered you a smile. "C'mon Glenn, let's go look busy so they can have a moment."

You watched them walk away, and when you realized that it was just you and Daryl standing alone in the courtyard, you kissed him again.

"That didn't take long," he said brushing a hair from your bright red cheek.

"Eh, I'm just a sucker I guess." You kissed him again, and for the first time since you made the bet with Maggie, you felt completely at peace with the idea of allowing someone into your heart again.

As Daryl took your hand in his, he had a small smile on his lips. "Maggie dared you, didn't she?"

You looked up at him surprised as you walked down the road that led to the main gate. "What? No..." you said blowing him off.

"Yeah, ok," he said looking out over the yard, "just, remind me to thank her later."

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed you on the top of the head. As you walked the last few yards towards the tower, you put your arm around his hips and smiled, ready to face your group of friends as a newly cemented couple.

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