
By angel48183

46.1K 2.5K 525

Malia has just moved to a small town with her parents, although this small town carries a deadly secret. Wit... More

New arrivals
First day hassles
Did you cream your pants?
OCD is a bitch
Study buddies
Unrequited crush
Everyone deserves their first kiss to be special
Awkwardness at its best
Can we talk?
Getting close
Curfew's suck and so does having a chaperone
How was it?
Jealousy is a bitch and so are you
Trouble on the horizon: the homecomingg chapter
Mammoth sleepover and other issues
Fall festival
Creepy doesn't even began to explain things
In for a big surprise
The Lake Effect
Secrets can destroy you if you let them
Wake up
Birthday surprise
We have a slight problem
There has to be a connection
A promise is forever: A Christmas Chapter
Time to investigate with a little help
Curiosity almost killed the cat
Let's play a game
Cat and mouse
Get out of the house!

Something to talk about

1.1K 74 32
By angel48183

I followed Luka's advice and let everyone cool down. Well, that was after he threatened to put both their heads through a wall if they didn't knock it off. You got to love a boyfriend who loves to incite violence to get his point across.

At one point, there was a discussion about sex, not with me but between the guys.

"Wait a minute, so you're telling us that you and Malia have yet to do it?" Niko asked.

He gave them a look, "What are you like ten? Who does the fuck say do it? If you mean have sex, no, we haven't."

"Why the fuck not?" Damon asked.

"Because contrary to popular belief, not everything is about sex, and I'm not planning on becoming best friends with her dad's gun anytime soon," he said a matter of fact.

"Luka, have you and he even talked about it?" Niko asked.

"Yeah. Once. I had my hands up Malia's skirt. She pushed them away and said she wasn't ready."

"But you haven't talked since?"


"Man, you need to fucking talk to her," Damon said.

"You both need to shut the fuck up about this and mind your business. I don't ask you both about whatever it is, you two are fucking doing or not doing at the moment," Luka huffed.

"We aren't doing anything. Nancy boy over here has his head up Taylor's ass," Damon said.

"Well, twinkle toes over here won't make up his damn mind," Niko said, gesturing at Damon.

"And you both are fucking idiots, so what's your point? Get together, don't get together, I don't care. Just keep your opinions of Malia to yourself," he shot back at them, signaling he finished with the conversation.

I heard the doorbell rang and answered it, "Sorry, I'm late. Dumb and dumber kept flapping their jaws," he said, kissing me.

"That's okay. I was busy cleaning," I said.

He gave me a look, and I knew what it meant. Yep, he was going to feed me. We headed out and grabbed a quick bite at the local diner. This time Luka actually ate with me and not me eating and him just sitting there.

"So, what did the two yahoos have to say for themselves?"

"Oh, you know, asking me if we "did it." Same bullshit as before," he said as he ate a fry.

"What are they like twelve?"

"I said ten but close enough."

I let out a giggle.

"Does it bother you that we haven't done it," I asked him as I ate my burger.

"Not really. I'm not that kind of guy that feels the need to bed a girl to prove how much of a man I am."

"Okay. So, have you ever, you know?"

He stopped eating and looked at me.

"What? A girl kind of needs to know these things," I said with a shrug.

He sighed, "No."

I stopped mid-bite, "No, you don't want to tell me?"

"No, as in no, I never did it."

"Wait, you're a." I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence when he shushed me. Wow, the big, bad, scary Luka was a virgin. I looked at him like the cat ate the canary. "Do the guys know?"

"No, and I prefer to keep it that way, loose lips," he said a matter of fact.

"I wouldn't be embarrassed by it. I mean, it's admirable that you didn't just sleep with someone to sleep with the person," I said.

"That's the thing; the guys think I have from rumors that have circulated through school. Girls talk just as much as guys do," he said as he ate his fries.

"It doesn't bother you?"

"Nope. Let them talk. I know the truth, and you know the truth, and that's all that matters," he said as he took a sip of his pop.

"Got to love small towns. Big cities are so different. No one cares what you're doing or who you're doing," I grinned. Luka chuckled.

"I think that's why you drew me to you. You don't have the small-town mentality. You find humor in everything. I love that about you," Luka said.

"Good because humor is important. People are way too serious nowadays."

"So, how come you never had a boyfriend before me?"

"It's not that I didn't want a boyfriend, it's that the guys I liked, didn't like the guys that did like me and me, I didn't like - such a vicious circle. Plus, I couldn't date until I was sixteen. Dad didn't feel I would be ready and thought it would take a lot of pressure off of me."

"Did you regret not being able to date sooner?"

I shrugged, "I honestly don't know. I think I'm glad I waited."

"Why's that?"

"Because if I didn't, I wouldn't have given you a chance because it would hang me up on some twit I had to leave behind when we moved. Honestly, I'm glad I did even though you felt like a brick wall that first day."

He laughed, "You should have seen your face."

"Oh, ha, ha."

"Your eyes were so big, and I thought you were going to piss your pants," he said as he laughed.

I balled up a napkin and threw it at him: ladies and gentlemen, my boyfriend, the comedian.

After dinner, we went over to the boardwalk. The weather was decent for October. We walked hand in hand along the water.

"I can't believe we are right by Lake Michigan," I said.

"Yeah, one of the Great Lakes you can swim in besides all the flipping seaweed floating around in it," he said.

I walked over to the railing and leaned against it. I felt two arms wrap around me from behind and pull me close. I enjoyed this feeling. I felt safe with Luka.

We watched the boats come in, and seagulls fly around over the water. He leaned close to my ear, "I love you."

I turned and smiled, "I love you, too." He gave me a soft kiss on the lips.


"Where are we going?"

"Well, it seems Cheryl's brother wants to meet, so I can get the comic I'm looking for my collection."


"Yeah, apparently the whole incident with Cheryl didn't matter. He doesn't like her a whole lot either," he said.

"That's odd. Considering Simon is her brother."

"Eh, who cares."

We walked to the car, and he drove over to Cheryl's house. Luckily she wasn't home. Her brother let us in, and he was a lot different than I expected. It seems he was a year younger and wore glasses. He even dressed the part.

He had us follow him to his room and pulled out a bin of comics. He pulled the one Luka was looking for and handed it to him. I stood there as Luka checked out the condition of the comic book. I couldn't help but feel a little creeped out by him.

He would glance at me every chance he got.

Then I heard a deep voice say, "Keep looking at her, and I will make sure you never see again."

We both looked at Luka as he kept examining the comic.

"Sorry," he said.

His voice caught my attention, "Wait a minute. Weren't you the one that bumped into Luka at the bathrooms?"

"No. I didn't go to the game."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I don't like football," Simon said, the tone of his voice getting higher.

"Okay. What's your name?"

"What is this twenty questions?"

I gave him a look as Luka said, "Better tell her or she won't stop."

He sighed, "Fine. It's Simon. Happy now?"

"Yes." I walked up to him, and he looked at me weird, "And I also know you're lying about not being at the game."

His jaw dropped as I grinned.


"Did I know? Because it's a small town. Everyone goes to a football game. Duh?"


"Well, I hate when people lie to me," I said to Luka.

"Excuse my crazy girlfriend, Simon. She knows not what comes out of her freaking mouth," he said, giving me a look. "Here's the money," he stated, handing Simon some money for the comic book. Then he took my hand, leading me out of the bedroom.

Simon listened as we argued down the steps, "Thanks a lot Luka."

"No problem, motormouth," he shot back.

We walked out to the car and got in, and I looked up to see Simon looking out his window, "I don't know what it is, but that kid gives me the creeps."

"Simon keeps to himself for the most part, but yeah, I have to agree, he is pretty creepy," he said as he pulled out of the driveway and drove off. Simon wasn't the only one that creeped me out, quite a few people did.

As they say, small towns carry big secrets. This town brought a whole lot of secrets. Did I mention there was also a serial killer on the loose as well? Thanks, dad, for moving us to the creepiest town in the world.

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