Saving Insanity

By OnceUponATime73

480 30 0

"Welcome to the New World, where dreams are followed and lives are glorious." Unless you count the insane. More

Prologue: Idols vs. Mutts
Chapter 1: Classifications
Chapter 2: Increasing Numbers
Chapter 3: The Institution
Chapter 4: The Boy
Chapter 5: Vulnerability
Chapter 6: Hopeless Imaginations
Chapter 7: Shifted Tiles
Chapter 8: Not One Protesting Soul
Chapter 9: Treading Lightly
Chapter 11: Stripped to the Bone
Chapter 12: Unwilling to Play
Chapter 13: Lurking in the Shadows
Chapter 14: The Empty Facility

Chapter 10: Houses

17 1 0
By OnceUponATime73

"You live here?"

I smiled at Benin's words, closing the door behind him as he slowly walked into the house. His eyes wandered along the marble tables and counters, reaching up to the chandeliers and expensive trinkets.

"It is quite extravagant, a little too much for my own taste, I might add." I sighed, "but the government insisted." I walked down the hallway with Benin slowly following behind me. His awe was obvious as his mouth remained opened, but nothing came out. His words seemed to evade him as he followed me into the bedroom, his eyes expanding even further as he made his way over to the window.

"Amazing, is it not?" I whispered. He nodded, still not speaking, only pressing his hands against the glass as he gazed out onto the streets.

"I cannot believe I have been living in a cubicle," he finally spoke. I wished he hadn't. I looked down, pushing my thumb against the button to close the blinds. "That's enough," I said softly, making my way to the closet where I again pressed my finger into the button. I pulled off my leather coat, "I do not have anything for you to sleep in, and I am afraid my couch is not all that comfortable. It is mainly made to prevent destruction, not host guests."

"It will do," his voice was again a whisper, his eyes still staring at the now covered window. I ran my hands through my dark hair, feeling my body tense, "Unless you are comfortable with sleeping in here as well. Wherever you find the most comfort."

Benin turned to face me, his face sullen. He glance turned to the bed, "I have never slept with a pillow. Even as a child my family was too poor to own them."

I swallowed, at first lost for words, "Try it, I am sure you will enjoy them."

His response did not come. He only walked over to me, his form flawless as he stopped right in front of me. He raised his hand and gently placed it on my cheek, "Thank you, Ireland."

A tear dropped from my eye, and I cursed myself as it did. Benin smirked, brushing away the droplet with the tip of his thumb. His height hovered above me, allowing his lips to easily brush against my forehead. I let out a short breath, my emotions breaking the surface.

"Benin," I said his name softly. "What are you?"

His chuckle was quiet, almost afraid to shatter me to pieces, "I am just a Mutt."


The porch creaked under mine and Benin's weight. The morning air was crisp, forcing goose bumps to form on my lower legs and forearms. India was rarely home. My search for her at night did not even consist of ringing her doorbell. She slipped through District A, almost as if she continually forgot that she even had a house to go back to.

The sun hadn't even peaked over the horizon yet, but rested just high enough to light the District with a soft glow. Benin shifted from foot to foot next to me, his hands picking nervously at the bottom of his shirt.

I reached for the bell again, adamant at receiving an answer when the door swung open. India stood there, her blonde hair messy and her usually caked face almost bare. She rubbed at her sleepy eyes and leaned against the door frame, "Do you have any idea what time it is, Ireland?" Her eyes moved from mine to the boy standing before her. Her eyebrows creased, "Who the hell is this?"

I leaned towards her, lowering my voice, "I would rather explain it to you inside, India."

My old friend hesitated before moving clear of the doorway. Benin and I followed her deep into her home until we reached the kitchen. India dropped down into one of the metal chairs, crossing her legs with impatience.

I motioned for Benin to sit down, and at his refusal I began anyways. "This is Benin," I nodded my head. India's nose crinkled even more so, "Why is he standing inside of my house? More importantly, why are you inside of my house? You never come here."

"That is because you are never here, either," I said, but quickly returned to the matter at hand, "He is a Mutt."

Her wide eyes almost stopped me, but I pressed further, "He is not going to hurt you. India, I told you, they are amazing beings. Even better than us. He is from the Institution, I sneaked him out last night. I have been researching him for over a week now. And they will know that it was me, they will search my home. So I thought that--"

She raised a hand, getting back to her feet. "Are you insane?" her words elevated in volume, "So you just assumed that I would hold a wanted Mutt in my home simply so the government will not find him in yours?"

I pressed my lips together and glanced quickly at Benin. I nodded. India scoffed as she ran her hand through the blonde mass of tangles covering her skull, "What makes you think I care enough to risk my position in District A?"

"India," I took a step towards her. She shadowed my movement. I said, "what have you got to lose? Worst case for you is that you become a Basic in a lower district. You will feel higher there, anyways. The stakes for you are not high."

"But they are for you," her response was cold.

I bit hard into my bottom lip, straightening the bottom of my leather skirt. My eyes looked back up at my friend, "If this succeeds, India. All Mutts will be free, including Mali."

She shoved the chair sideways so it hit the marble table. I flinched away, forcing Benin to step back as well. Her eyes lifted to meet mine, her lips pressed together in a thin line, "My daughter would not even be in that hell hole if it weren't for you."

"That was not my choice!" my voice grew louder, anger enveloping both myself and my old friend. Benin stood silent, his stance showing his preparation to step between us if necessary. "You know it wasn't," I said, my voice kinder.

India wiped at her cheeks where fresh tears had fallen. "Leave him here," she mumbled, now standing tall, "They can kill me for all I care."

Silence pierced the air, filling the space. I took a slow step towards India and wrapped my arms around her lean form. "We will get her back," I told her before I stepped away. My body turned towards Benin, who was still standing paralyzed. Pulling him into a hug I gave him a quick pat on the back, "She will never give you up. Trust her, but no one else. Do not leave this house." Releasing him I nodded at India, "He is a good man. He will keep you safe, he is smarter than any Idol I have ever met."

With that I left.



Thank you all if you have gotten this far.. Please please continue and comment(:

~ Meah

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