kiss me

By roadster123

9.6K 328 86

Today I will definitely propose him. I am holding a letter in my hand my hands are almost sweating and shiver... More

Author Note
Part 7


734 28 5
By roadster123

Ten ten point of view

I seated on chair and smiled myself and closed my eyes leaning on chair.

Flash back

I seen tailw first time in a park. When I am 10 years old.  She is playing happily with her friends. Suddenly she fallen on ground.

" AH...." Tailw yelled in pain. I ran to her and pulled a hand kerchief from my hand. And placed it on her knee. I seen tears rolling in her eyes.

" Don't cry take this chocolate " I said giving her a chocolate. She smiled at me and took the chocolate.

" Let's be friends" I said showing her a hand  she nodded and took my hand. We both became a best friends and we started to play daily. One day when we are playing she suddenly fell on ground and a rod hit her head. From that day she forgot about me. She won't recognized me. Then I wrote a letter to her.

" Don't see me again " she shouted loudly looking at me. I felt  very bad by seeing her. That she don't know me now.

Flash back ends

I opened my eyes and got up and went to my cupboard and opened my locker and pulled the album. I sat on bed and started to look on it. How we use to play daily and how my mother use to feed her and father use to play with her. I smiled myself.

I am sorry tailw for rejecting your proposal but I want to see you be in a proper position and also when I am graduate I want to be in  a good position to take care of you and look after you in future. I don't want others to blame that you are just a dumb girl. I will make you a perfect girl.

I smiled and closed my album.

Tailw point of view

" Tailw I am giving you a last warning don't run around that bastard " king started to say the same word from last 20 minutes. I nodded my head. Soon we reached into our class. I seen ten ten seated on bench and reading as usual. I went and took a beach which is beside him. I only started to stare at him.

" Tailw....... Tailw...... " Suddenly I heard Kaya calling me. I came out of my thoughts.

" Hey when he as no intension to look at you then why you always keeps on smiling at him ? " Kaya whispered slowly.

" You wont understand be silent " I said and again ignored Kaya and started to stare at him again. He looked at me seriously. I gave a fake smile and turned my concentration to my black board.

" So students today we are going to study..... " The professor started the class. I again ignored professor and started to stare at him by hiding my book. 

" TAILW " suddenly I heard professor shouting. I got up and looked at him.

" Yes sir " I said as I am giving him an answer. All started to laugh at me again. I looked at ten ten who is again busy in reading.

" Where is your concentration ? Come here " professor shouted at me. I went to him.

" Look at your marks same again " professor shouted loudly. I bite my lip and took the paper.

Same as usual 25 out of 100

I hid my face on my face and seated on bench.

" Tailw don't worry look at my paper you got more than me. " King said looking at me.

This idiot. I am already failed and he is saying I got more than him.

" Yes yes " I said giving him a fake smile. I looked at ten ten again. He not even looking at what's going on class.

" Look at this marks it's really awesome. Learn something from ten ten " professor shouted at class. Ten ten went and took his paper. I seen his face as no reaction neither he is happy or excited about that he scored high in class.

" Ten ten congratulations " I said smiling at him.

He gave me a look like I said something which is unrelated.

And again he concentrated on books.

What kind of a guy he is ?


We were all seated in a canteen.

" How can he learn that much ? " Park said looking at us. I gave him a anger look. Suddenly my phone begin to ring.

" Yes dad " I said on phone. The minute I heard my dad I got numb. Tears rolled in my eyes. I pulled my bag and got up to run.

" Tailw where are you going ? " King shouted. I ignored them and started to run. Suddenly I got hit by ten ten.

" sorry " I said looking at him and started to run.

Ten ten point of view

What happened to her ? Where is she running in hurry ? Why she is crying ? I seen tears in her eyes. I got confused what's happening.

Tailw point of view

Soon I reached home. I seen all people crowded near my house. I seen by house been collapsed. All I seen only mud and bricks. Tears are rolling down my cheek. I ran and pushed people. I seen dad seated there holding his head.

" Dad, what happened ? " I went to my dad and looked at him. I seen tears are in his eyes.

" Tailw we lost our house. I am sorry my daughter I can't able to make you happy " dad said in tears.

" Dad why are you saying those words ? It's not your fault. You tried to clear the money which you took from bank. Please don't cry " I said and hugged dad tightly. I looked at my house. Where I use to play and our restaurant. Tears rolled in my eyes.

Dad took loan from bank to make me study but he didn't returned the money in time so they disbanded our house.

" Tailw for today you can stay in our house " my neighbor aunty said. I just nodded my head. I looked at my dad who is so tensed.

Soon we reached aunties house.

" Thank you aunty for your help. We will find a home soon " I said giving her a smile. She gave smile and went off. I seen dad seated on chair and I can see his face is so tensed.

" Dad don't worry we will find a way to get out of this " I said holding my dad's hand. He just got up and went off. Without facing me. I ran to bed room which aunty told me me to stay.

" What I have to do ? How can I help my dad ? I can't able to understand " I said to myself tears are rolling down my cheek.


Ten ten point of view

As i am heading to the college. I seen some students talking to each other.

" Hey did you heard tailw our college students house as been disbanded " one of the boy started to gossiping.

What ? Tailw house is disbanded ? Why I didn't know ?

I ran to the college directly to class room. I didn't seen tailw there. I started to search her. Soon I seen tailw is seated on bench her face is dull. I am about to go to her I seen king came and sat beside her.

" Tailw don't worry you and your dad can stay at my house " king said looking at her. She just gave a smile.

" No..... I mean dad is searching some places " she said and got up and went off.

" Tailw " king called her but she ignored him.

I started to walk. I followed her.

" Hey " I called tailw. She turned around and smiled at me.

" Ten ten ? Do you want something ? " Tailw said coming towards me.

" How can you smile in this situation ? " I asked her seriously.

" Oh !! So you also know about my house. Don't worry my dad will soon find a house " she said smiling at me.

Tailw point of view

What ten ten called me ? Wow that's a miracle.

" Give me your bag " he said stretching his hand.

Why he want my bag.

" My bag ? " I said and gave it to him. He removed books from his bag and placed inside my bag.

" I heard that your house is collapsed so I heard you don't have any books take this " he said placing the books in my bag. I just started to smile at him.

" By the way were did you stay last night ? " He asked looking at bag. I came out of my thoughts.

" Huh ? That we stayed at my neighbor's house " I said smiling at me.

" Where is your neighbor house ? " He asked seriously looking at me.

Why he want ? Why he is asking ?

" It's just a near by " I said looking at him. He nodded his head and throwed bag to me and went off.

What kind you guy he is ? He don't even as a simpathy in me. How rude guy ? But still he is so cute.

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