By aCupOTaePls

217 10 45

(This book is unfinished and will no longer be updated but I will keep it up anyways because why not lol) ***... More

~1 Concert Adventure ~
~2 Coincidence? ~
~3 Boldness is an Admirable Trait~
~4 Her~

~5 Evelyn~

18 1 18
By aCupOTaePls

A/N I'm back fishes. After a way too long period of writer's block and Chemistry, I've finally seen land after being at sea for too long. Oh Wattpad, how I've missed you...*feeds readers with tacos*
Andddddd back to the chapter!

Btw I changed the original name "Slip and Fall" to "Scars"


He saw her.

He touched her.

He liked her.

He wanted her.

He kissed her.

He fell in love with her.

He watched her.

He got jealous of her.

He cried because of her.

He hated her.

He hurt her.

He left her.

...he lost her.


(This is sort of a flashback because this scene happened in the past with Taehyung when he was still in high school)

3rd person POV

The very first time he laid his eyes on her, he'd been miserable.

The very first time she saw him, she was a blushing mess. Or maybe perhaps, the blushing part was just the cold.

And the very first time they met, it was around the back of a small karaoke place. Right next to a dumpster.

Yeah. Not very romantic.

Taehyung worked at the karaoke place part-time. His parents were well off but he worked for the extra pay. His job that day was "dumpster boy." Usually, he'd complain about taking out the trash because he didn't like going behind the building where it was dark and spooky. He saw people deal drugs and a couple homeless picking out of the dumpsters that had nothing but greasy foods and many other disgusting items. He hated seeing people pick out of the dumpster and he didn't want to be involved with a bad crowd, so he tried to get out of doing it as much as possible.

But that day they were short on staff, meaning he had no choice while he miserably lugged the human sized garbage bag behind him, careful for it not to drag across the ground.

Halfway there, he heard a "shit" followed with a loud crash, making him wince. He slowly set the garbage bag down and peeked from the side.

There sat a girl, rubbing her butt in pain, muttering curse words. She appeared to be in her high school years, clutching a large beaten-up red duffel bag under one arm. The threads were barely keeping it together, looking like they would give way any moment.

Still, he hid waiting. For what, you ask? He had no idea.

Still, he waited. The girl cursed some more, even kicking the dumpster in anger, and then grumbled under her breath. When she had finally calmed down, much to Taehyung's relief, she set down the crimson colored bag and whistled.

Taehyung jumped a bit at that, his back ramrod straight while holding his breath, careful not to make a sound.

There was a rustle before a couple of stray dogs limped their way to her, whimpering softly, licking their snouts. Their legs were so thin, they could barely hold themselves up. They shook under their already too light weight. One had fur that was once white, speckled with black patches of fur. There was a large gap where its stomach should have been. Its size reached about a foot and a half tall.

The other was rather large, its snout was much longer than the other dog, and it's legs looked to have only been skin and bones. It's ribs protruded more than the smaller dogs, but its tail wagged as the girl began cooing at them, assuring comfort.

Even Taehyung, as anxious as he was, began to relax at her cooing.

Both dogs were covered in layers of dirt and grime, matting down their fur. Their eyes were sunken in, which would normally have scared off strangers if they had seen them on the street.

Taehyung immediately recognized the dogs. They were the stray dogs that the owner of the bar a block from the karaoke place always shunned and had beaten them until they were left to die from injury and starvation. Everyone in town was scared of that owner, and Taehyung felt guilty for being a bystander and witness of such a high level of animal abuse. It was a brick that weighed down his heart.

He watched their flimsy legs wobble as they stopped right in front of the mystery girl. Watched her smile warmly at them while she dug her hands into the beat-up bag when she took out two dog bowls and placed them in front of the shivering animals. She took out a bag of unopened dry dog food and poured a generous amount into both of their bowls.

The patted both of the dogs on the head before she started to pack up the dog food, whispering goodbyes.

Taehyung waited for her to leave before he stuck his head out to watch the dogs finish eating their last bites of food.

They're probably thirsty too...he thought.

He went back inside and grabbed two water bottles, then checked to see if the dogs were still there.

He cracked one bottle open and walked up to the dogs and their empty bowls.

Upon hearing him, they fled behind the dumpsters, shivering and whimpering.

Taehyung's eyes softened. He began slowly pouring the liquid into both bowls. Then, he got up and went back inside.

They'll drink it eventually, he thought.

He went back to his job for a while before going back outside to take a peek.

Both of the bowls were empty.

Taehyung smiled.

From then on, whenever he worked, Taehyung brought them water, and the occasional treat. And he always waited until after the mysterious girl with the red duffel bag left.

Until one day, when she finally caught on.

That was the day that they properly met.

"So I see, you're parent number two,"

Taehyung jerked toward the direction of the voice.

The girl grinned cutely. She extended her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Evelyn. You are?"


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