Teen parents

By thespeakingtree

209K 12.3K 1.1K

#19 on 20 nov 2017 #28 on 17 nov 2017 #36 on 14 nov 2017 #41 on 13 nov 2017 #46 on 11 nov 2017 #49 on 4 nov 2... More

about story
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
good news

chapter 1

11.5K 463 14
By thespeakingtree

I came to mumbai three days ago. Dad and me did my admission formalities in these days and mom and me did shopping. mom make the house "home". Its beautiful. Today is my first day in school. Its april 1st so new session starts.

i woke up early because of excitement. completed my daily routine work and dad drop me to school. Its hell big,i don't even knw anyone here. i entered my classroom. and took second seat. as i don't want to be in first because teachers give hell attention their,i m intelligent student always score 90s but still i don't want to sit on first. And soon my benchmate come and she asked " new "?
yes! i said. and forward my hand for shake "  i am nandini". we did handshake ' i am mukti' she said. and we talked she told that she is studying here since 1st standard. have friends fab 5. they are famous for music. and the 2 member of fab5 come, they hugged mukti. and unknowingly a smile came on my face,their friendship, its awesome anyone can feel their bonding.
i like manik he is so handsome. and found him looking at me so i bend my face towards floor because its different,different feelings, never ending smile is glued to my face. Manik and cabir sat behind us,manik behind mukti and cabir behind me. we attend our morning assembly.

our class teacher entered, and she introduced me to class. in just one day mukti became my very good friend so fab5. me and manik didn't talk much but glimpse are enough.

we did our lunch together. Soon first day of school spent well may be best.

next few days are again with same routine.b ut i made really good friend.

one day i reached school early and manik also,its just a coincidence nothing else. but finally i got to spent some alone time with manik.

hey nandini  manik said with huge smile

hii manik, good morning with smile she replied. and manik sat besides her.

so... he said

so..? she said

awkwardness create. but manik asked tomorrow is party in my house. so should i pick you or you will come by your own?

i will pick her mukti said

why are you here so early? manik asked mukti

same question goes to you mr manik malhotra . mukti stated suspecting

he gives i don't care look

she gives i know you look

guys whats going on?  nandini asked.

nothing both said.

okay so mukti is going  to pick you so, at my place ...yess.. sharp 6 ..okay..... said manik.

yep.. nandini said

soon everyone came. manik told everyone about party. its only fab 5 party,with no reason..

At Malhotra Mansion

manik's house is so big.its very beautiful. i was lost in its beauty. manik welcome us.there was noone in his house except fab 5,nandini and servants. manik hugged mukti. and he hugged nandini. by his just one touch current passes through nandini. its very different feeling for her and for him also.he also get attracted towards nandini. its very new feeling for them.

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