
By angel48183

46.1K 2.5K 525

Malia has just moved to a small town with her parents, although this small town carries a deadly secret. Wit... More

New arrivals
First day hassles
Did you cream your pants?
OCD is a bitch
Study buddies
Unrequited crush
Everyone deserves their first kiss to be special
Awkwardness at its best
Can we talk?
Getting close
Curfew's suck and so does having a chaperone
How was it?
Trouble on the horizon: the homecomingg chapter
Mammoth sleepover and other issues
Something to talk about
Fall festival
Creepy doesn't even began to explain things
In for a big surprise
The Lake Effect
Secrets can destroy you if you let them
Wake up
Birthday surprise
We have a slight problem
There has to be a connection
A promise is forever: A Christmas Chapter
Time to investigate with a little help
Curiosity almost killed the cat
Let's play a game
Cat and mouse
Get out of the house!

Jealousy is a bitch and so are you

1.3K 72 15
By angel48183

Luka canceled on Cheryl. She didn't take it well, but after what happened with Jeremy, he decided it wasn't worth it to see me with another guy. Jealousy is a bitch.

While Luka and I hung out at my house, Niko and Damon hung out at Damon's house.

Damon was sitting on his bed playing video games while Niko was lying down, flipping through a magazine. He flipped loudly. Damon paused the game, "What?"


"Well can you stop being so loud? Damn," he said, going back to his video game. That continued until Damon yelled, "For Christ, sakes! If you're going to do that, then go to another room!"

Niko shot him a glare and got up but not before smacking him upside the head, causing Damon to get pissed. He opened the door when he felt someone shut it.

"Let go, Damon!"

"No. Not before you tell me what the fuck that was about," Damon growled.

Niko turned to him, "I'm bored. I'm bored of watching you play video games all the damn time! We're supposed to be hanging out," he whined.

"But this is what we do. We play video games," Damon said.

"But it's not what I want to do," he said quietly, looking into his eyes.

Damon put his other hand upon the door, trapping Niko against it and pressed his body against his, "Damon."



"It should have never happened."

"But it did."

He sighed and looked at him, "But I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not right."

"Damon, please."

Niko reached up and touched his cheek as Damon let out a low groan. He leaned in and gently kissed his lips. Damon pulled back, "Niko."

"Please, Damon. No one has to know."

He looked into Niko's eyes and crashed his lips down into his. They worked fast as their clothes fell to the floor, and before they knew it, Damon had plunged into Niko with full force.

They both let out a groan as Damon thrust into him over and over until both of them found their release. They stood there with Damon still inside, and he breathed, "Shit."

He pulled out and pulled on his boxers, and Niko did the same. He started pacing, "Fuck."


"This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Do you regret it?" Niko asked.

"What? No! Of course not! But this wasn't supposed to happen, Niko again. Not with everything going on. Shit Luka is going to fucking kill me when he finds out!"

"But we don't have to tell him," he said, walking up to him.

"Do you know how messed up this is? You're already dealing with that sick fuck of a father and now this? I can't do this. Niko, it's not right," he said to him.

"But I want you, Damon. I always have. Ever since that first night."

"Niko, we can't. It should have never happened, and neither should have this. Do you even understand anything about your sexuality?"

"Yes! Why do people keep questioning me about it? It's not like what happened with my dad caused me to be like this. I knew way before that even happened how I felt."

"But it can confuse you even more. What your dad did was wrong. I don't want to add to it," he said sternly.

"Which means you don't want me."


"No, Damon, I get it. I'm fucked no matter what I do all because my sicko father couldn't keep his hands to himself! Don't worry about me because I'm not your problem anymore," he yelled as he gathers his clothes, leaving the bedroom.



We were lying on my bed when Luka's phone went off. He answered it.

"What do you mean he stormed out Damon? What the fuck did you do? Never mind I'll go find him!"

He got up and threw his shoes on and grabbed his hoodie as he left. I followed him and got into the car with him. He pulled out of the driveway and took off. We drove until we pulled up to a docking area. Luka got out along with myself, and we found him sitting on the edge of the dock.

"How did you know he would be here," I asked.

"Niko always loved the water. Maria said he was like a fish as a kid. Could never get him out of the water," he replied as we walked towards him.

I stayed back a bit while Luka talked to him. He walked up and took a seat next to Niko.

"Want to talk about it?"

Niko sighed and shrugged.

"Okay, we don't have to talk."

"No one wants me," he said, his voice cracking.

"Who says?"

"Because I'm damaged and dirty," he said as tears fell down his face.

Luka looked at him and wrapped his arm around him, pulling him into him.

"Luka, why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?"

"Hey. You did nothing wrong. That piece of shit is fucked in the head. You didn't deserve any of it. You hear me?"

"But not even Damon wants me," he sniffled.

"Damon? What does Damon get to do with this?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything," Niko said, pulling away.


"Forget it Luka. Please forget it," he begged him.

Luka furrowed his brows, "Fine."

After a few minutes, I walked up and sat down on the other side of Niko.

"You know I think it's a bit too cold to go swimming." They both looked at me, "Just saying. I don't think blue is a good color on Niko."

Niko looked at Luka, "Is she always like this?"

"Unfortunately, yes," he sighed.

Niko started laughing, and I said, "And my work here done."

He grabbed me and gave me a big sloppy kiss, "Oh Malia. I love you."

I wiped off the spit, "Thanks for the bath."

"Anytime, sweetheart," he smirked.

"Luka, do you mind if I talk to Niko for a minute?"

"Yeah sure," he said, getting up and walking away.

Once he was out of earshot, I said, "So you and Damon, huh?"

"What? No! You're crazy! I am so not gay!"

"Niko," I said, giving him a look.

He sighed.

"It's okay if you are, and it makes a lot more sense than him and Jasmine."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Niko, come on. Jasmine is bubbly, and well, Damon is not."

"Promise me you won't tell Luka. He would be pissed if you did."

"Yeah, he's protective of you," I said, looking at Luka while he was leaning against his car.

"That's because Luka cares. It wasn't always like that when we met. Not until he saw the marks on me."

"Yeah, he told me," I said. Niko looked at me, "He only told me because I asked. I get it. Trust me, I do. But honestly, Niko, none of this is your fault."

"The worst part is people question my sexuality because of him, but I never did."

"What do you mean?"

"Even before all that happened with my dad, I already knew. I knew I liked guys over girls. But I didn't care, and neither does my mom," he said.

"So, your mom knows. Does Luka?"

"Yep. I told Luka one night. Of course, he flipped out, but he's Luka. I wouldn't expect anything less," he grinned.

I gave him a look, "You have a bizarre way of looking at things."

"Eh, got to, especially when you go through the shit I did."

"Can't your mom stop your dad from seeing you?"

"She tried, but he said if she interferes, he will charge her with a bunch of things that aren't true. Then CPS would get involved, and he would make it so he had full custody of me, which I would prefer not to happen," he said.

"It just seems like it's a screwed up situation."

"It is what it is. Sometimes the kids get lost in the shuffle. I'm just one of those kids," he sighed.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, giving him a soft smile. I felt terrible for Niko. He didn't deserve any of this. I guess when it comes down to it, the people in our lives that care are the ones that matter.

Luka and I dragged Niko into school.

"But I don't want to go," he whined.

"Niko, let go," I grunted, trying to loosen his grip while Luka had him by the waist.

"No! And you can't make me!"

"Fine." I let go and started tickling him, making him let go.

"That was a dirty trick Malia," he glared at me.

"Eh, you'll get over it."

"Come on, frick and frack," Luka said as he walked to his locker. The minute we turned the corner, Niko saw Damon and abruptly turned to leave.

Luka stepped in front of him while Niko grinned sheepishly. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but figure it out."

He walked over to his locker, and I looked at Niko and shrugged. Niko sighed and went to his cabinet. As I was getting my books out, another guy walked up to Niko and started talking to him.

I heard something crunch and leaned over to see that Damon pretty much obliterated the can he had in his hand. Hmm, this gave me an idea.

I closed my locker door and casually walked over to Niko and the guy.

"Hi, I'm Malia," I said, introducing myself, catching Luka's attention quickly.

"Hey, I'm Taylor," he said, extending his hand and I shook it. "So, Niko, would you like to help me study?"

"Well, um." I elbowed him, and he said, "S-sure."

"Great. Meet me at my house after school," he said as he walked away.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, "Yes?"

"Did you forget about me," Luka asked as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.


"You sure?"


He gave me a mind-blowing kiss, then said, "Just making sure."

I was set into a daze, "Uh."

"Come on, drooly," he said as he took my hand and led me down the hallway. Eh, I'll let them figure it out.

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