Found horse

By StephanieShear

10.9K 135 97

Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

He Hit Me!!

298 4 2
By StephanieShear

chapter 18!

Its been two days since Lucas has brought me here to his house, I've been healing good, dad has called and texted me threats many times but I ignore them, Lucas and I have gotten close not in a romantic way he's madly in love with Nikki and I like Trevor so yeah but in a brother sister way I guess you could say, we are really close we'll even closer than me and Josh my real brother have ever been, I consider Lucas my real brother, and Trevor has been feeding Angel, and we rescheduled our date to next Friday, Lucas still wont let me go see Angel even though I'm walking just fine, he says I need to rest but I'm stinking tired of rest I want to go see Angel, Trevor and Peyton, ride Angel and go on a date with Trevor, but no Lucas wont let me ugh its so frustrating.

Right now I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, no one else is up yet, just then Lucas walks in, his hair had bed head from sleeping, he was wearing a t- shirts with sweat pants. "Hey, what are you making?" He asked coming over to stand beside me. "Hi, And I'm making pancakes" I said he smirked I look at him in confusion why is he smirking all I said was I'm making pancakes. "Do you know how I make pancakes?" He asked I shook my head. "No,how?" I asked

"Like this" He said, then he picked a handful of flour up in his hand and threw it in my face, I stood there stunned my mouth agape while he laughed his butt off, Once I got over my shock I smirked and threw some flour in his face, he stopped laughing he grabbed an egg and cracked it over my head, I gasped when the liquid went down the side of my face, I took the chocolate syrup and squirted it in his face, then he grabbed the whip cream, I screamed and hid behind the counter , I grabbed the pancake batter and threw it at him it hit him right on his forehead, He glared at me I laughed, this went on for a while till Katie came in and ruined our fun and she made us clean the kitchen, Now were all sitting at the table eating the breakfast that Katie and Nikki made.

"So.... Josie are you feeling better?" Wes asked, as we were eating, "Yeah a lot better" I said taking a bite of my chocolate chip pancake yum yums. "that's good I was thinking that if you want to come to six flags with us today you can" He said, I smiled and started to get excited I haven't been to six flags since I was thirteen when I went on a school trip with my school. "Yeah, That would be awesome, I'd love to go" I said smiling widely. "Great, were going today at 1:00pm" He said I nodded.

"No, She's not going she needs to rest" Lucas said coolly, I turned to look at him and glared at him. "What?" I said. "Your not going" He said. "Lucas, I'm better why can't I go?" I said. "Because I said so" He said. "Your not the boss of me" I said. "Your under my roof my rules and what I say goes" He said sternly. "Your so unfair" I exclaimed. "Life's unfair" He said I groaned. "Why cant I go" I whined. "I told you, because I said so" He said.

"that's not a answer" I said he shrugged. "I don't care" He said emotionless. "Can I please go?" I begged. "I said No and No means No" He said sternly. "Your not the boss of me, your not my dad, and your defiantly not my brother, you don't care for me it was all just an act wasn't it, cause if you really cared for me you'd let me go, no wonder, Leah never told you about the abuse you probably never cared for her or loved her either" I said as soon as I said it I regretted it, his eyes flashed hurt, to pained, to anger and last furious and out raged, He got up so fast his chair tipped over and he slammed his fist on the table I flinched back at it.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT, I LOVED AND CARED FOR LEAH SO MUCH" He screamed Furious, I flinched at his tone, I've never seen Lucas this angry before and it scared me at the anger he had towards me. "I...I" I stuttered scared. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT AFTER ALL I've DONE FOR YOU I SAVED YOU FROM BEING KILLED" HE SCREAMED, I flinched back as tears welled up, he looked so scary right now and it scared me. "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR LEAH SO DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE YOU KNOW ME CAUSE YOU DON'T, I HATE YOU" he screamed I flinched, He brought his hand up and slapped me across the face, the force of it knocked me out of my chair, my Hand went up and held my throbbing cheek, everyone gasped.

"Lucas!!" Nikki exclaimed, "Stay OUT OF THIS Nikki" He yelled, He hit me, he hit me I cant believe he hit me, I know he was mad but I never thought that he'd hit me or lay a hand on a girl after what happened to his sister, I sat there stunned and terrified. "GO TO YOUR ROOM" his voice boomed, tears rolled down my face, he grabbed my wrist hard and yanked me up and pulled me upstairs and pushed me into the room I've been staying in, I fell on my knees onto the floor.

"And STAY IN THERE UNTIL I TELL YOU DIFFERENT" He yelled and slammed the door shut, I brought my knees to my chest, buried my head in my knees and I rocked my self back and forth while sobbing, once I had stopped crying I got up wiped the wetness off my face, I went and got my bag put my stuff in it including the picture frame with the picture of me and Angel in it, I grabbed my phone, wrote a note and put it on the night stand beside the bed, and I went to the window opened it and jumped out, and I took off running I ran all the way to barn.

When I got to the barn, I hid my bag in a bush, and headed up to Angel, once I got there I saw Trevor lunging her, I smiled at the sight.

"Hey" I said, he turned towards me and waved, he stopped Angel and unclipped her, she came trotting towards me.

"Hey Girl" I said she nuzzled me, I rubbed her forehead smiling, I love her so much it was torture being forced to stay away from her for two days, "Have you been a good girl for Trevor?" I asked, she bobbed her head up and down snorting, I laughed.

"Hey are you feeling better?" Trevor asked coming up, I smiled. "Yeah" I said nodding my head, "That's good, so... Wait is that a bruise?" He asked worry laced his voice, he ran his thumb over it, I flinched. "Y-yeah" I said nervously. "What happened?" He asked, think think think I told my self in my head, " I walked into a door by accident" I said nervously, I'm not very good at lying to him, other people yeah I can but with Trevor its extremely hard to do. he didn't look like he believed me but he didn't push it any farther, so he nodded.

"So are you riding?" He asked, I nodded, "Yup" I said popping the 'p' he nodded, I went in the ring groomed and tacked Angel up, then I led her to the middle of the ring, I tightened the girth and let down my stirrups.

"You ready girl?" I whispered in her ear, she bobbed her head up and down saying 'yes', I smiled, I put my foot in the stirrup and swung up on her, once settled I gathered my reins and squeezed her forward, we walked trotted, did circles and figure 8',

I leaned forward patting and rubbing her neck. "Okay girl are you ready to canter?" I asked she snorted, "Okay lets do it then girl" I said I sat back up in my saddle, I squeezed her for the canter she went into a nice strided, lengthened canter, that is until a dog came out of no where and started chasing Angel, barking and nipping at her heels, Angel freaked out, she bucked reared up and kicked her back legs up, then she took off running bolted, I tried to pull her up but it wasn't working, she was running straight for the fence, oh no oh no she is either going to jump it of run straight into it,

I sat back and pulled on the reins. "Whoa girl" I said nothing she kept on running I bit my lip my stomach going in knots, we are 2 strides away and 1 and jump, she tucked her front legs under her and soured over it, I leaned forward into 2 point and gave her as much rein as possible so she could stretch her neck over it, we soured over it and landed smoothly on the other side, and she kept running, I finally stopped her I got off and calmed her down checked her legs and patted her to let her know she's okay.

Trevor came running to me, looking worried, concerned, panicked and relieved.

"Josie are you okay?" He asked once he got to me, I nodded smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine but Trevor did you see her she jumped that like it was nothing and that's a 4 foot fence" I exclaimed excitedly, He nodded smiling. "Yeah, I saw it was totally awesome" He said smiling, we started to walk I had Angels reins and she followed behind me.

"I mean she just like soured over it, it felt awesome" I said excitedly he nodded. "yeah I know it was awesome but it scared the heck out of me I thought you or Angel was going to get hurt" He said I smiled up at him. "aw thanks Trevor, but I'm fine I'm alive and breathing" I said dramatically, he chuckles, "But did you see her it was totally epic" I said excitedly he smiles and nodded, and we talked about this the whole time we untacked her.

"Trevor we should start jumping her wouldn't that be great" I said taking the saddle off of her, and hosing her down because she was sweaty, and sweat scraping her. "Yeah that would be great... um I got to go My mom needs me home" He said, I pouted but nodded. "Okay, bye" I said. "Bye" He said giving me a hug tingles went throughout my body, then he left, I put Angel in the paddock gave her a hug and kiss, then I retrieved my bag and headed home.

When I got home everyone was in the living room watching TV.

"Back from your weekend at your friends" Aunt Linda said, I looked at my Dad he gave me a deadly look, I gulped.

"Uh...Yeah I'll be in my room" I said, then I went upstairs, I put my picture frame on my nightstand and I turned some music on, I plopped down on bed and read a book.



Gosh why did I hit her, I'm so stupid, I don't even know what came over me I just got so Angry when she said that, and I guess I just let my Anger take control, she probably hates me now, I promised her I'd protect her and I did the complete opposite, I was supposed to protect her I promised her and I blew it Just like I did with Leah, She is already getting abused and then I hit her, she's probably never going to trust me Again, she'll never forgive me, I had a second chance at having a little sister again and I blew it just like I did with Leah.

It's 9:00pm at night, Nikki and I fought right after I hit Josie and pushed her in her room, About me hitting Josie, I haven't gone and talked to Josie yet I don't think I can face her, I was about to get up to go check on Josie when Nikki burst through the door looking panicked.

"Lucas Its Josie she's gone" She said, my eyes widened and I stood up. "What do you mean she's gone" I asked, sounding slightly panicked. "I went to go check on her, and she wasn't in there the room was empty, along with her stuff and she left this note" she said Holding a note out, I grabbed the note from her, It read....

Dear Nikki, Lucas and the rest of the guys!!

:for Nikki, Thank you for everything you've done for me, for being my friend and for the picture frame, I hope we can still be friends, Thanks Nikki.

:For the guys, Thanks for making my days here fun and interesting, Thanks guys:)

:And last for Lucas, Lucas I'm so sorry for what I said, I know that you loved and cared for your sister very much, I just got mad and it slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, So I'm very sorry, But Lucas You hit me and you said You'd protect me, Maybe I'm just to much for you to handle, I'm a screwed up mess and you don't deserve to half to deal with me you deserve someone else to protect that isn't a screwed up mess, So I'm going back home , don't come after me I wont come back with you, But thanks Lucas for all that you have done it means a lot to me,

Goodbye everyone!!

Love Josie<3

When I was done reading the note, I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands, This is all my fault, If only I had controlled my anger I thought to myself.

"This is all your fault you know that right" Nikki said, I looked up at her she had her arms crossed over her chest while glaring at me.

"You think I don't know that, I'm hating myself so much right now for hitting her, I finally had a second chance at having a little sister and I blew it, I hate myself for that, I always screw up everything" I said, she softened and she came and sat beside me on the bed.

"Maybe I was a little hard on you, and you haven't blew your chance with her yet, you still have a chance" She said. "But Nikki I hit her" I said. "I know but she could still forgive you, But Lucas what are we going to do?" She asked I sighed. "I guess you could be right, and what do you mean?" I asked.

"Of course I'm right, and what are we going to do about Josie are we going to drag her back here" she said with a smirk, I chuckled. "No were not going to drag her back here, were go looking for her tomorrow morning, its dark out and if we go now were never find her" I said.

"Okay but are we going to drag her back here" She said with a wide smirk, I shook my head and chuckled at my girlfriend. "No we're going to talk to her" I said she pouted. "Well, that's no fun but I guess its the best choice" She said I chuckled, she glared at me, I tackled her down to my bed and started tickling her, she squealed.

"ah Lucas stop" She squealed, laughing historically. "Okay, but only if you say that, I'm the best boyfriend ever" I said smirking. "Fine.... you are the best boyfriend ever" She said, I stooped tickling her and leaned down and kissed her, Fireworks exploded, we pulled apart.

"I am aren't I" I said smirking widely, she rolled her eyes and pushed me off of her.

"Goodnight" She said going to the door. "Night babe" I said, She went out the door, I chuckled to myself and went to bed.


Still Lucas's POV-POINT OF VIEW!!

I woke up to yelling from downstairs, I groaned and got up I went down stairs were I saw Evan and Wes fighting They were on the ground throwing punches at each other, I sighed I took Evan who was on top of Wes by the shirt and pushed him back he collided with the wall, Wes tried to lunge at him but I took him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him on the couch.

"NOW what's going on here" I yelled, see this is why I'm the one that's in charge here. "I caught Evan kissing my girlfriend, I leave for two seconds and he's all over her" Wes growled angrily.

"Evan is this true" I asked. "Yes but I wasn't all over her she kissed me" He said. "LIAR" Wes yelled. "Wes shut up, Evan tell me what happened" I said running a hand through my hair.

"Well, Wes Casey and I were all siting in the living room, Wes got up to go get us some drinks, as soon as he left Casey jumped on me but I tried to push her off, I promise I would never make a move on one of my best buds girl" Evan said scratching his neck, I turned to Wes with a eyebrow raised. "Well?" I asked. "I believe you man, Casey wasn't the most honest girl around" Wes said, Evan smiled They shook hands and went off, Oh my gosh the things I have to handle.

Nikki came bounding down the stairs, I smiled at her. she returned the smile.

"Hey babe" I said smiling. "Hey, are we going to go look for Josie?" she asked I nodded. "Yup, Just let me go change" I said she nodded, I went upstairs changed and went back downstairs and Nikki and I went outside and hopped in my black mustang, and we took off.

"So.. where to first?" She asked. "Her house" I said she nodded, 10 minutes later we pulled up to into her driveway I parked the car, we got out and went up the steps and I knocked, a couple seconds later a Lady in her forties opened the door.

"Hello, may I help you?' The Lady asked. "Yes, we're looking for Josie is she here?" I asked. "And who are you?" She asked with eyebrow raised. "We're her friends" I said. "Oh okay, I'll get her for you" She said she turned her head to the inside of the house. "Josie, some friends of yours are here for you" She yelled into the house.

"Okay, I'm coming" I heard Josie yell back, I heard footstep and then Josie appeared in the doorway, she was wearing gray UGG boots, light blue skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt that had a horse on it. I looked up to her face and flinched she had a black eye, a busted lip and a bruise on her cheek I'm not sure if the bruise on her cheek is from me or her dad.

"What are ya'll doing here?" She snapped glaring at me and smiling at Nikki, How does she do that I thought to myself. "Um... we we're wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat with us?" I asked hopeful. "I don't think so I'm busy today" She said. "Please Josie" Nikki said, she opened her mouth to say something but the Lady beat her to it.

"Go Josie it will be good for you" The Lady said, she sighed. "Fine, I'll go" She said, I smiled she glared at me, "Okay lets get you cleaned up a little don't want you going out in public with those bruises" The Lady said Josie nodded, I creased My eyebrows in confusion, Does the lady know about the abuse?, Why would she just sit around and do nothing about it?, The Lady looks like she really cares and loves Josie then why would she just sit around and do noting and let the abuse happen, The lady must not know but how can she not know when she lives in the same house as Josie and her dad, I thought to myself.

"Come in you two" The lady said breaking me from my thoughts, Nikki and I stepped inside the house, The lady started to put foundation on her bruise on her cheek, she tried to put it on her black eye too but it wouldn't cover so she just gave her some sunglasses, the lady put her hand on Josie's shoulder, Josie jumped up and yelped,

"Ow!!" She growled, the lady pulled her hand back. " sorry Hun, I forgot about your shoulder" The lady said, Josie nodded grinding her teeth together in pain, What happened to her shoulder?, Did her dad do it? I thought to myself. "Its fine" Josie said to the lady, but her face still held the look of pain. "Go have fun" The lady said, Josie nodded with a eye roll and we went out and got in my mustang and drove off.

"So... Josie how are you?" I asked trying to spike up a conversation, she didn't reply I know she heard me but she didn't answer on purpose. "Were do you want to eat?" I asked she gave me a cold stared and a glare, I sighed I turned to Nikki desperate, she nodded. "Were do you want to eat Josie?" She asked. "Sonic" Josie answered, Nikki nodded we pulled into sonic, got out and sat down at a table, now is the talking part here goes nothing.

"Josie why'd you leave?" I asked, she gave me a cold glare, I winced. "Why do you think you freaking hit me" She snapped harshly. "I'm so sorry Josie, I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry please please forgive me" I pleaded with her, she snorted. "If you think I'm just going to forgive you just like that your dead wrong, Look I know I was way out of line to say that about Leah and I'm sorry for that, but that doesn't mean you can go and hit me, Lucas you said you'd protect me what happened to that huh?" She said.

"I know and I'm so so sorry, I hate myself so much for hitting you, I know I screwed up but can you please give me another chance?" I begged. "No You had your chance and you blew it so no" she said. "What!!, please Josie" I begged. "NO"She said simply. "But Josie- I started but she cut me off. "No Lucas, I don't need protecting or saving epically by you, I can take care of myself" She snapped, anger boiled in me but I kept it maintained.

"oh really if you can take care of your self so well and don't need protecting or saving then how come you have a busted lip and a black eye" I said in a challenging tone, she glared at me. "So what there not that big of a deal no worst than you hitting me" She sneered, I narrowed my eyes at her, I got up and walked over to her, I put a hand on her shoulder she yelped, and grinded her teeth in pain, before she even had time to react I had pulled the shirt over her shoulder, revealing a nasty bruise, But I couldn't really see all of it, so I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the bathroom with Nikki running after us, I dragged her in the bathroom sat her on a bench, She glared at me and boy if looks could kill I'd be long gone.

"take your shirt off" I said she glared, and it looked as if she had been asked this once. "NO!" She said I sighed, I didn't want to half to do this but she's left me no choice, I walked over to her I think she knew what I was planning on doing cause she went to run but I caught her by the waist and I force her to sit back down on the bench, she glared at me, I held her feet still and I quickly before she could react I slipped her shirt off seeing That she had a tank top on she smirked and stuck her tongue out, I smirked and took the tank top off leaving her in only her sports bra, She gave me a cold glare in which I flinched I turned her around to inspect the shoulder, but what I saw it wasn't just the shoulder it started at the shoulder, down her side and down her back, what in the heck is wrong with that man, the bruise was all black and blue, I ran my fingers gently across it she flinched, and grinded her teeth in pain, she jumped up grabbed her shirt and through it over her body.

"So you can take care of yourself eh" I said she glared. "I don't need this, I'm going home" She said, and she went to walk out but I grabbed her wrist stopping her, "NO your not, your getting abused Josie and He's going wind up killing you before you know it" I said. "That's not going to happen to me" She yelled I sighed. "Josie please come back to my house your be safe there" I said. "Safe ha ha, I'm not going back to your house were your just yell at me and hit me, what my dad is doing is no worst than you hitting me" she said I flinched at her harsh words. "Please Josie" I begged I just want to protect her why cant she see that I made a mistake and I want to make up for that. "NO" She said.

"But- I started but she cut me off. "NO!!" She said coldly, I sighed she stalked out of the bathroom and I followed her, we sat down and ate in in tense and awkward silence, after we ate I took Josie home I didn't want to at all but she's not going to come to my house how am I going to get her to forgive me and trust me again, how will I protect her? I thought as I was driving away from Josie's house.


Get this chapter to 20 reads, 3 votes and at least 1 comment for the next update.

Author's note!!

OMG 848 reads I'm jumping up and down thank you so so so much it means the world to me that you like my book and read it:), anyway this chapter was pretty intense I'm going to try to make this authors note short cause I don't think anyone really reads these anyway so yeah, let me know what you think of the chapter, of Lucas hitting her, do think Lucas had the right to do that and that Josie was out of line?, or do you think that Josie was right and Lucas was way out of line to hit her? let me know by commenting on this chapter:), how did you like Angel jumping the fence?, Let me know I want to know your thoughts of this whole chapter, comment anything about this whole chapter comment anything I can handle:)

I tried to make the author note short but I don't think that happened oh well, any way.

Get this chapter to 20 reads, 3 votes and at least 1 comment for the next update.

Happy readings and enjoy the book:)

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