Haunted || h.s.

By icecoldstyles

167 9 4

"It doesn't matter, none of it did." "How could you say that?" "Even in death, you found me." More


167 9 4
By icecoldstyles

"I can't do this anymore,"

Her voice cried out the second I picked up the phone. My eyes widened in concern and everything around me seemed to disappear.

"Mel what are you talking about?" I asked her, trying to sound as calm as I possibly could.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! I-I just can't s-stop all the pain,"

Her voice seemed to trail off as soon as she began crying. Hearing the sound of her cry was causing my whole body to shrink in sadness.

"Baby please, I'll be back in a few hours, okay? Can you wait for me? I can help you I promise!" My voice became desperate as I tried to beg her to wait for me.

I felt a nudge on my side and turned my head to see Liam looking at me worriedly.

"Gemma! Get Gemma on the phone right now!" I demanded him, moving my hand away from the speaker of my phone.

"It's my fault isn't it?"

Realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. I heard the sound of my bag dropping to the floor as my legs moved me out of the boarding line.

"Please don't think like that Melody, I thought you told me that you were better," My hands were trembling as I began pacing, not being able to stay still.

"I messed up Harry, you know I did. I can't stop thinking about them, I killed them!"

Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of seeing her right now, her eyes red from crying, hair messy from all the times that she would've tugged at it, and the worst part, I wasn't there with her. I can't help her from where I am right now.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it was all an accident! Melody, it was so long ago... Please just don't do this," I begged her, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks.

There were a few minutes of silence on the phone. Besides the occasional sob from both her and I. I made eye contact with Niall, noticing that he was staring right back at me with tears rolling down his own cheeks. Upon hearing some movement on her side of the line, I listened intently for any sound of her voice.

"I'm sorry,"

Her voice came out shaky and weak but I cut her off before she could continue speaking.

"But Melody I love you! That has to count for something!" I closed my eyes as I choked out the words, almost at the point where I couldn't speak from all the tears.

"I love you too Harry, but it's already been done,"

With that the line went dead and I could no longer hear her voice.

"Mel! Melody please! Please! You just can't... PLEASE!!" I cried out, begging for her not to do this even though she couldn't hear me.

My knees buckled as my phone fell to the floor, hearing it shatter as it hit the marble ground. I could feel myself falling to the ground just like my phone had. But before I could hit the ground I felt multiple pairs of arms wrapping around my body and lifting me back up. I looked up and met the eyes of the boys I'd spent the past 4 years with. They all stared at me with panic stricken eyes as they sat me down.

"Mate what happened?" Louis asked me weakly; probably already knowing the answer.

I looked up at him as tears racked my body, feeling myself go numb from all of the pain.

"I couldn't be there for her,"

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