Marauder's Sisters: Misfits {...

By AthenandMariah

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What if the Marauders have a Twin Sisters? More

Marauder's Sisters: Misfits
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

302 22 5
By AthenandMariah

Chapter 7

Patty’s POV

Hi! So today were going to… DIAGON ALLEY!! Yay!! I’m so Excited!!

*Knock knock*

“Who’s there?”

“Peter” he squeaked. Eww, why do I have a brother like him?!

“What do you want?”

“Mom said, hurry up because were leaving”

“Oh, ok”

(A/N: Pat’s Oufit is on External Link)

When I was done with my Clothes, and my Make-up. I go downstairs and headed to the dinner room, and see they’re eating breakfast, and sat down next to Dad, because I was older than the Rat, and if you ask why I called him that name, it’s only because I HATE HIM TO DEATH. Why? He always telling Mom, that I’m abusing him, and he keeps telling Dad that I have a BOYFRIEND! He always lying to me, and I’m a Seer. I can see the Future, and his future is Horrible, I say. Sorry! If I was a Spoiler J And he always scaring my friends!! That’s just because he doesn’t have a Friend. And, he always squeaking when he talks. It’s Annoying -_-

I look myself in the mirror, for the last time. And jogged to downstairs.

“And there she is my beautiful, wonderful, awesome  Princess” dad said, while I giggle

“And there’s my handsome, wonderful, awesome King” I said while we laugh. Me & Dad are close, super close.

“So, were going to apparate to the Diagon Alley” dad said

“Ughh! Why? I hate apparating” I said and pout

“I know princess, I know. Come on hold on my hand” he said, while shaking his head and I hold Dad’s hand tightly.

5 words… I don’t want to talk. And I felt like I’m gonna puke… Opps… I puke on someone (I hope it’s Peter)

“Ughh! Patricia!” the rat said. Yes!! I puke on him. Revenge is Sweet.

“What?” I ask innocently, while he was glaring at me

“Dad! Patricia, puke on me!” he shouted on dad

“Peter, it was just an accident.” Mom said calmly


“PETER!” Mom shouted. She looks Scary. Peter is still glaring at me, while I’m smirking.

“Ok, so Madame Malkin’s. Now.”

“Kay, Mom.” I said, while smiling at her.

“What a suck up.” He said, while I was glaring at him


We bought all things, except the Wands.

“What are you waiting for? Christmas?” Peter said

“Actually, yes.” I said, while he grunt. Seriously?! Is he a gorilla? While he leave me here waiting for Christmas. Ok? And run off after Peter. When we get near the shop. I beat him and walk in the shop, like nothing happened.

“Hello. Ms. Pettigrew.” Olivander said

“Why, hello. Mr. Olivander.” I said politely.

And the door opened, Peter walked in. He was glaring at me. Oh, well. At least, I win.

To be Countinued…

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