Fate: A Legolas X Reader Stor...

By morganmacaroni

299K 8.4K 4.3K

You are living the good life as a she-elf in Rivendell when Aragorn comes to visit. You assume it's to visit... More

Author's Note
Part One: Aragorn
Part Two: Visitors
Part Three: Council Meeting
Part Five: Boromir
Part Six: Snow
Part Seven: Demented
Part Eight: Night Watch
Part Nine: The Gateway to Moria
Part Ten: Inside the Mines
Part Eleven: The Balrog of Morgoth
Part Twelve: Lothlorien
Part Thirteen: The River
Part Fourteen: The Riders of Rohan
Part Fifteen: Fangorn Forest
Part Sixteen: Rohan
Part Seventeen: Funeral
Part Eighteen: Helm's Deep
Part Nineteen: The Aftermath
Part Twenty: King Theoden
Part Twenty-one: Confusion
Part Twenty-two: Isengard
Part Twenty-three: Celebration
Part Twenty-four: The Plan
Part Twenty-five: Alarm
Part Twenty-six: Leaving for Minas-Tirith
Part Twenty-seven: Dunharrow
Part Twenty-eight: The Last Battles
Part Twenty-nine: Back Home
Part Thirty: Epilogue

Part Four: Departure

18.6K 490 594
By morganmacaroni

"Goodbye, Ada!" you say to your father as you hug him tightly. "I love you so much." You pull away to look at his face.

"I love you too, y/n." He responds. It is nearly after lunch. After the council meeting yesterday, you had spent almost the rest of the day with Lord Elrond, knowing it would be a matter of years before you see him again, only if you manage to survive.

You then walk over to your sister. "Arwen, I will miss you so much."

"As will I," she pauses. "You have grown up so much. I am sad and happy to see you go." There is yelling from the Fellowship. You turn and look and see the dwarf beckoning you to come. You turn back to Arwen. "Good luck and be safe, little sister!" she says.

"Bye!" You pull her into one last hug then turn around and run so you won't cry.

You begin walking with the group, out of Rivendell. You walk alone, as you really don't know anyone except Gandalf (sort of) and Aragorn, and he was busy talking with Frodo, so the first hour or so is full of unnatural silence, for you at least. Everyone else seems to be getting along just fine.

You decide to go and talk with Gimli the dwarf, who looks a bit lonely. "Hello, Gimli."

"Hello, y/n. How are you fairing?" He asks.

"Well," you say. "And you?"

"Well, I think tha' I'm fine. Say, how long do you s'pose we'll be on this mission?"

"Uhh........" you say. You laugh, embarrassed.

But you two become fast friends. You discuss things such as favorite weapon choice and foods. You both have many things in common. You end up talking to him for the rest of the day, all the while Legolas stands behind you both, watching.

When the group becomes weary, you stop to stay the night. You lie down on your bed and begin to think of Arwen and all your friends back home. You wish you could go back. But being comforted by the thought of doing it all for their safety, you know that you must carry on. You soon drift off to sleep.


You wake up to the delicious smell of food. One of the hobbits is cooking breakfast. You walk over to him and eat.

"So, are you going to be our cook on this trip?" you ask.

"Well, umm, I guess so. I do like cooking very much, and I wouldn't mind if I had to do it every day," he says. You smile as he reaches out his hand. "I'm Samwise Gamgee, if you didn't already know."

Taking his hand, you say "And I'm Y/N, L/N. Nice meeting you."

Soon the group starts moving again. It has been two and a half weeks since you left Rivendell and you have made good friends with everyone. Well, almost everyone, anyway. Boromir unsettles you and when you are around him you get anxious, so you don't spend much time around him willingly, and you've spoken to Legolas only a few times. Realizing this, you walk over to him. He looks tired, weary. "How did you sleep?" you ask him.

"I'm fine." You can tell that he lies, but he probably doesn't want to talk about it. You let it slide. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, yes, I suppose so. I had a strange dream," you say. "I was back in Rivendell, talking with my father. He told me that I was not like him. He said that I would have the chance to do great things, but not yet. He told me to be prepared. 'For what?' I asked him. He did not answer. And then, I woke up."

"Interesting," Legolas answers. "You know, elven dreams often come to pass. You might want to talk to Gandalf about it."

"Well, I'm not sure that I want to share it with him just yet. Although, there are other matters of which I mean to speak of with him."

"Go then, and let me keep you no longer."

"But..." Legolas pushes you lightly towards Gandalf. "Oh, alright." You walk over to the front of the group over to the wizard. You finally decide to speak after an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Gandalf, do you think that we have been noticed? Can Sauron sense the movement of the ring?"

"I do not believe that he can sense the ring unless he is near. I would be able to sense him if he was near, and I don't, so I would assume that he has no idea."

A large weight is lifted off your shoulders, though something still remains. You walk alongside him in silence. The memory of the day at the training grounds comes back to you, as it had been for several days. You had felt such a powerful stare. But the weird part is that the feeling has come back, stronger. "Gandalf?"

"Yes, Y/N?" he asks.

"May I ask you another question?"

"Even though you just did, yes, you may ask as many as you would like."

"Alright. Can we move out of earshot?" You both quicken your walk and are far in front of the rest of the Fellowship. "I have had a strange feeling about me for the past couple of days," you explain. "I think someone is watching me. I can just feel their eyes on me."

Gandalf's eyes grow large. He is quiet for a moment. "When did these feelings start, exactly?"

"The day before the Council of Elrond. I was down with Megildur training, and I had to leave because I was so uncomfortable. Only when I entered my bedroom to talk with Arwen did it stop."

"And you get these feelings still, you say."

"Yes." Gandalf turns around to face the Fellowship and examines each member carefully from afar. He relaxes and smiles slightly. "Do you suppose it is one of them?" You ask.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I do suspect one person."


"I believe that you are the one who needs to figure this out, as I would not like to interfere."

You stare at him in disbelief. "Gandalf, how could you!? There could be some sort of spy among us and you act as though that doesn't matter at all to you! We are attempting to save all of Middle Earth and you won't have a care in the world if we do indeed fail." You have raised your voice and the others are all watching you but they still can't tell what you're saying. Through all your rage, the wizard seems to stay composed and not argue. It's almost like he knew this was going to occur.

"Y/N, if you don't mind my saying so, I KNOW that this person's intention is not to put Middle Earth in danger, but to do just the opposite," his voice only with a hint of anger. "You need not worry about our destruction because of this particular feeling."

"Oh, alright then." You walk together in silence for about half an hour. You want to go over to Legolas, but you know you should probably apologize.

Finally, you speak. "Gandalf, I'm sorry for yelling at you and saying those mean things."

"It is quite alright, my dear Y/N." You smile and walk back over to the Fellowship. Everyone watches you walk over to Legolas' horse. You pet his mane and then look up to his rider. "So, are you feeling better, Y/N?" Legolas asks you.

"I'm fine. I was about to ask you the same question," you say.

"Well, I suppose I'm fine too, now that I have a friend to talk to." You find his bright blue eyes and see just how pretty they are. Then they move to his blonde hair and you suddenly feel the weird urge to stroke it.

"Come down here," you say. And he does, walking steadily beside you. Trying to start a real conversation, you ask the first thing that comes to mind. "What do you think of Boromir?"

"Well, what would you like me to think of him?" Legolas asks you.

"Oh no no no no no. That is not how it works," you nudge him playfully. "You must answer my question first, then you can ask one yourself. And you must tell the truth."

"In that case, I think nothing good about him. He boasts way too much and he disrespects Aragorn quite often and he is a fake."

You look at him. "You know, we think similar. I don't like him at all."

Some silence. "I think you should know that he takes a liking to you." You raise your eyebrows. "He has spoken to me about it. He says he thinks he can win your heart," he says.

"You're joking, right?" Legolas shakes his head. You snort. "He, the one who accused me of being a girl, the one to win my heart. How wonderful." You look down at the ground. Legolas puts his arm around you.

"It will be fine. If he tries anything, I'll be there to stop him."

"Thank you, Legolas." You look up at him and then at the sky. "It's getting late. We should stop to rest soon."

"I will tell the others." His arm leaves you and you find yourself wishing it were still there. You shake this thought from your head as he runs ahead and you are left with his horse by your side. You scout on his horse for a nice open area for you all to stay the night. You lay your bed on the ground and then Legolas volunteers to take the first watch. Knowing this, you fall asleep very quickly.

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