Paris, Probably

By bethgatsby

1.2K 53 34

"Where do you plan on going after you graduate, Nell?" Nell brushes a strand of hair out of her face and cas... More

chapter one


1K 31 20
By bethgatsby


Play the video to the right! This song definitely shows the mood I'm trying to portray for this little intro :) I hope you enjoy the story!


Intro - Real Paris

"Welcome to real Paris," Quentin says as he waves his arms around him like he's showing off a newly built house.

"What do mean, 'real Paris'?" Nell questions, her coffee-coloured eyebrow shooting up in mock skepticism.

"Oh, you know." Quentin grabs her hand and pulls her toward a shop window. "See those people in there?"

Nell nods.

The shop is quaint, musty, and utterly adorable. It doesn't seem to sell anything in particular, just a bunch of small items that probably cost more than they are worth: boxes of authentique chocolat chaud, tiny china teacups with sketches of the Tour de Eiffel painted on, and water colour paint sets with horse hair paintbrushes included. The exact types of little trinkets that Nell can't seem to resist.

But the people inside the shop are just as quirky and authentic as the goods sold there. A girl walks right past the beautiful window display and straight towards the large selection of old books. Her eyes flutter with excitement and curiosity as she skims the pages of a crusty, maroon book. A few steps behind her, a  young man with thick framed glasses  and freckles glances over at the girl with admiration.

The perfect Parisian couple, Nell thinks, and they don't even know it.

"That is what real Paris is truly about," Quentin narrates as he leads Nell away from the shop window before she can mentally create a love story about the two young Parisians. "Love."

"Oh, it's not just about love, though." Nell trots down the cobblestone path, forgetting her previous train of thought, and tightens her grip on the strap of her satchel. "There's something just so adventureous about Paris."

"And how would you know? You've only been here half a day," Quentin reminds the dream-dazed girl.

"I just know," she grins and skips away before Quentin can argue.

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