Betrayal| Thomas

By teenwolf123456789

2.7K 118 39

She emerged from the water with a gasp pulling the bag that held the journal out from under it with her, and... More

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233 12 1
By teenwolf123456789

"And I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down won't open my eyes."

Brooke stared up at the wall. She was trying her hardest to stay awake, not wanting another dream to haunt her mind.

They were becoming more frequent, and Brooke's starting to think that they're memories. Things she's actually been through, not her mind playing tricks on her.

She had a feeling it had something to do with the new arrivals. Specifically the honey speckle eyed boy Thomas.

She thought back to him and how his hair perfectly framed his face, and the moles that dotted along his cheeks.

Brooke wasn't going to deny that she thought he was attractive, but something about him put her off.

Maybe it was the fact that he questioned everything about this facility even though they offered him and his friends all the luxuries they didn't get a taste of in the maze.

He frustrated her so much she just wanted to chloroform the little shit and throw him out into the scorch.

However, Brooke couldn't help but feel like there was more to it. He just seemed so familiar and she knows shes seen him somewhere but she couldn't put her finger on it.

The incessant sound of tapping made Brooke roll her eyes. She swears if it's Aris bothering her to ask her what's for dinner tomorrow she's going to castrate him.

The brunette rolled out of bed and looked under the bed to see two heads looking back at her. One was Aris and the other was, Thomas.

Brooke rolled her eyes and Thomas mirrored her actions, "Aris I'm not in the mood to play cat and mouse in the vents. Go back to sleep."

Thomas scoffed, "Why do we need her again?" Aris just shook his head, there was tension between to two and he was hoping he wouldn't have to third wheel while they made out in the vents.

"She needs to see it too Thomas. Maybe she knows something."

Aris' comment only made Brooke's eyebrows furrow, "See what?" Thomas and Aris gave no response only going back down into the vent making Brooke grumble.

Muttering words along the lines of how she was going to kill Aris later Brooke slipped down into the vent and began to follow the two boys.

Crawling in the vents was not how she wanted to spend her night, especially since she was claustrophobic.

"Come on, you're going to miss it." Brooke didn't think it was possible but Aris and Thomas began to move even faster, stopping at a square opening.

Brooke peeked her head over the opening with Thomas and Aris, slightly panting. They all looked down and Brooke held in a gasp when she saw people being wheeled out on medical tables.

She knows those kids, they were the ones that were suppose to be going to the safe haven.

Brooke wasn't dumb, the facility never used medical tables unless they were, being operated on or worse dead. Brooke felt her mouth begin to dry.

Thomas looked at Brooke, "What's going on. Where are they taking them?"

Brooke began to shake her head"I-I"

"Don't bullshit me Brooke what are they doing to them!"

"I don't know!" she looked up at Thomas her face distraught, "I don't know."

Aris put his hand on Brooke's shoulder, "It's ok, Brooks, we'll figure it out."

Aris began to move back to where his sleeping quarters were leaving Thomas and Brooke. He was staring at her but Brooke kept her head down.

She felt sick, what were they doing? She worked for these people and they were wheeling people around like test subjects.

Thomas sighed, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell I just- I don't want whatever is going on to happen to my friends."

Brooke looked up at Thomas with tears in her eyes making the boy feel a thousand times worse than he already did.

"I don't want that either Thomas. I don't want that to happen to anyone."

She shook her head and sniffled, "You know what forget it. Its not like you believe me anyway." The brunette turned and crawled back towards her room.

Thomas sighed, he doesn't know why he was such an asshole to her. He didn't want to trust her but he couldn't help it.

It was almost like his subconscious was trying to tell himself that she was the only one he should trust.

She seemed so familiar but he could never put his finger on it and it frustrated him. He sighed and began to make his way back to his room.

Brooke was back in her bed staring at the ceiling. She wiped the tears that leaked from her eyes and turned on her side.

She didn't want to think about what she saw up in the vents. She didn't want to question the place that saved her life from the things out in the scorch.

With a huff Brooke closed her eyes and tried to sleep, hoping her dreams would be better than reality.

Brooke is in a room with a bed and a desk. she had some downtime from her job and she decided to write. However, she wasn't just writing about normal things.

She was writing about the organization and all the things they did. She was writing down all her memories starting from the day her, her parents, and brother were all in the car accident.

If the bosses had known what she was doing right now they would have thrown her out into the scorch. Keeping a record for personal benefit was pretty much illegal but Brooke was willing to take the risk.

She had a feeling they would take away her memories soon and she just wanted to be ready. Brooke heard the door handle jingle and she ran to hide her writings.

A boy came in but his face was distorted so Brooke had no idea who he was. He pulled her into a hug and they stayed that way for a while. Brooke sighed, "Do you want to talk about it?"

The boy shook his head and Brooke nodded in understanding. She grabbed his hand and they moved to the bed. She stroked his hair as his head laid on her lap and they sat in silence.

"I love you."

Brookes hands stopped and she stuttered, "W-What?"

The boy turned so he was facing her, "I love you Brooke." his statement made Brooke smile. "I love you too."

The boy sighed in contentment and laid his head back on her lap beginning to doze off. Before he went to sleep completely he told her last thing he wanted to get off his chest, "You know I'm never going to let them take you away from me right?"

"Yea, I know."

The boy lazily smiled and grabbed her hand kissing the back of it. "It's me and you baby, always," he then fell in a deep sleep leaving Brooke to stare at the spot where her writing was hidden, feeling extremely guilty.

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