The Key: Sails and Tide

By D_Preacher

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To uphold his Lords name and redeem his honor, and even so, save his own life - Elreal must plunge into the a... More

Chapter 2: The Tempest
Chapter 3: The Man Goor
Chapter 4: Two guns, Twelve blades and a Bow
Chapter 5: Pledge Voyager
Chapter 6: The Revolt
Chapter 7: Wolf Captain
Chapter 8: Truth Told -001
Chapter 9: Truth Told. 002
Chapter 10: The Rebellion
Chapter 11: Coldly Harbor
Chapter 12: The Bargain
Chapter 13: Troubled Times
Chapter 14: Broken Rebellion - 001
Chapter 15: Broken Rebellion - 002
Chapter 16: Black Flag
Chapter 17: Deaths Curse

Chapter 1: The Ghost

167 22 170
By D_Preacher

~Eight Years On~

The youth held his breath as he came upon the mighty vessel -- The Ghost. Taking bitter sigh he reminded himself why he was setting upon this journey.

The flood of thoughts and memories came immensely, but he willed himself to courage.
Courage entailed doing what needed be amidst foul odds and profound fears.

Elreal had rounded his endeavours with his dead masters materials, and took resolute for a faring. His master studies aided him meaning to the map -- points and locations, of which were hinted by the lord. Eight years was just that much time to gather sense of it all.

From all, he had come to an understanding that the lords dying charge needed him sail across a great waters. His adventures and travels were in fact compelling him now unto sail to a place called Aphrida. Where ever the place was, he would find it.

Panic kept creeping in mind. He closed his eyes and thought of his teacher -- a famous Lord who had been murdered in his castle, yet the towns people had done nothing to see to justice.

This was bigger than him now. His choice didn't matter. In over eight years he had been a strong target by a fine class of mercenaries. With or without the fortune the Key unlocked, he would yet remain their target. He could as well just go along with the adventure and claim price for himself, and get uphold his Lords dying desire.

Elreals broad chest shot from his black silk sleeved tunic. His black hair was neatly tended, and shone brightly beneath the strong morning sun. The beautiful smell of the atmosphere, as the rushing breeze ran through each part a body, was delectable. The birds whistled sweetly amidst the open skies. A deep exhale by the young man from it all showed a sense of satisfaction for the morning warmth.

His garb was was far from that of an Eastern man. It was intentional. For years he had guised himself to have hailed from any place but his hometown. This was in fact part of his style to evade suspicion. It was logical to be anything but who he truly was.

On his waist hung to a strap the pair of blade handed him by the lord -- his sole aid since the past years. The twin-blade were buried in respective scabbard...and even in the darkness wherein they laid, they still bolstered his guts.

A simple backpack stuffed his possessions. Spare cloths, a small plate, jar of tea leaves, a small knife, a flint, his map handed him by the lord, and a journal to fill during his journey and other things of importance.

They had been welcomed on board by the Captain -- Captain Helsher. The welcome speech was comely. The Captain was bold and overly confident. This sail would indeed go well.

The Captain was fortunate to have his tales travel the mouth and ears of storytellers and gossips alike. The sea veteran was no older than Captain Homdrey, another character for which fate had been fortunate to bind Elreal with in the past years...his professionalism and tales no inferior too. Such vessel as the Great Ghost could only be wielded by an expert on the sea.

Though the moments be far gone, the accolade remained rooted. Be it fable or not... Elreal was now more than enthusiastic to see verity to these tales himself...the dexterity of this Captain Helsher.

With a deep sigh he casted his eyes to the heavens. They had left him too long. He wondered even if any of his prayers did ever reach the mystery dimension. What did he care, he had made his choices anyways.

They had left the docks of Dephos and set sail for Phylidia -- a famous city of the Prython Province. It was a Southern course, and they were expected to dock within eight moons, but the adept Captain had promised six.

They had joined the crew as new mates. Each new member were pushed to either rigging, hoisting, working the lines, carpentering, and the women the rich passengers who had paid for their comeliness and exquisite hospitality.

Half of the vessel was filled by crew mates, the left number were the passengers come aboard as companions now.

"You there," a stocky man with prominent beard pointed to Elreal. He was barefooted with a sleeveless tunic and a black pant. He was average in height. His face was plain -- he held neither a stern nor a smile.

Elreal remembered the man -- he stood no far the Captain when the welcoming speech was given few days ago.

"'ve had your days as a spectator, now that time is far gone, ain't that right?" He came closer. "Aye I say it is," he snickered. "You should be at your duty place, except you don't have one." The man's look was serious now.

"Let me see your ticket." He demanded suddenly. Elreal was rather quick in complying. Bringing out the small slip, he passed it to the well built man.

"Careful now Billy..." The man told a passing crew mate carrying a crate down deck, before returning gaze to the slip passed him.

"Well what do you know," He smiled with a bit of surprise. "a second class ticket." He sighed with a smile.
"You know what that means mate?" He looked at Elreal.

"Yes I do sir." The youth answered.

"Still, I'll tell you. It means you don't get to sleep in the mere quarters with the mariners. You have a quarters in the poop cabin. I like to call it a second. It's not a first class suit, but its comfortable. And guess what, you would have to still join a working group. I say hoisting fit your growing muscles -- help it sprout faster." He laughed.

"You want to stand and watch like the rich buddies, you'd have to pay more. Like that Aphridan over their." The man told, pointing now a new figure few paces away.

The mention of the word Aphrida stole Elreals interest. He looked up to the man as he took quick assessment.

A tall averagely bodied man, dressed in an expensive blue jerkin and a fine tapered trouser. His boots, one of true class.
His skin was tanned as the men of the Northern Province, and his curly hair made him the more good looking. He looked truly serene and composed -- as one who had had his fair taste of true wealth. With both hands placed a frame a vessel, he watched the waters calmly in an exquisite style.

"Aye, least I forget, Sir Grog is the name, first mate of the vessel. I don't need to tell you what that means. Now quit watching and make something of yourself." Grog barked finally as he walked away.

Elreal watched the rich tanned skin folk with an interest which was understandable. Sophistication wrapped his style.

Aphrida was indeed the land his Teacher had hinted laid the Vault needed be opened by the Key he handed him. But Elreal had never been to the strange land. Somehow the feeling that this Aphridan could be of some benefit to his faring since he hailed from that strange isle was strong.

"A fine jacket you have." Elreal spoke from behind approaching the Aphridan with a warm smile. It was a rehearsed tactics to begin a conversation he hoped would bore acquaintance -- and even more.

"Believe me Grente' sailors had come to our city with this wonderful piece. It clearly expressed the awesomeness of their land. I crave to see that land someday." He remarked returning the smile.
"Simeon Wise! Some call me Simon." he told quickly, stretching out his hands this time towards Elreal.

Elreal didn't clearly understand the gesture, but he assumed it be a manner of greeting.
In his hometown, when men shared acquaintance and greetings, they bowed softly.

"Elreal Dilmitiel!" He yet stretched hands in same manner, not purposing to appear rude, while the man took it and clenched his open palm against it.

"So I take it that you are not a native of Dephos." Elreal wore now a plain look.

"That's actually correct. I have been on this sail for days now. I had merely docked at Dephos and boarded rhis transit thereafter. But I seek to cross the great waters." He said, his words the more alluring to Elreal.

"So you are an Aphridan?" Elreals smile creeped back in.

"Yes. By blood, not by ethics and citizenship." The man smirked

"But this ship would not go beyond the Great Sea." Elreal pushed a worried smile.

"I know of this. I shall dock where this ship docks, and from there I shall stride with the wind." He retorted.

"I seek to go to Aphrida myself." Elreal sighed now amidst the mans words.

"What business have you in Aphrida?"

"To tell you the truth my friend, I am yet to figure."
Elreal answered with another sigh. Simeon held a confused gaze, yet maintained an assessing stare on him. Elreal knew the man was battling to know if the words told him were truly valid. Howbeit his smile snuck back in suddenly.

"I seek to sail to Aphrida too," he said "for my true home." He added quickly.

"What had brought you so far away from home?" Elreal asked seeming truly confused.
Simeon was cynical to speak at first, but after some moment he let it out.

"I am a doctor mate. Work had brought me this far. Work and youthful exuberance." He smirked.

"Then I guess your cause and mine aren't so different after all." Elreal told softly with another smile. The doctor returned the smile.

This was going to be interesting.

The two men talked a while further, their chat becoming branched with time. Howbeit before it crept an end, Simon introduced Elreal to few friends of his he had made since they set course.

The first man was Jerther, a native of Dephos. The next was Dierl, from same Province as Elreal. And the last was Zar, a retired soldier from up North.

Elreal knew he would need aid eventually. Friends it was that could really provide pure assistance and with no threat.

There was only a dim verity Elreal understood for his adventures. Gathering astute and expedient acquaintances would he consider profitable.

His long prefaced quest was at last here.

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