Shidge (Shiro x Pidge): The F...

By JellyFishUnite

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Shipping of Shidge & Klance Pidge, a 19 year old teenager, takes over her mother's flower shop business due... More

Chapter One: A Normal Day
Chapter Two - The Weekend
Chapter Four - Nice To See You Again
Chapter Five - I Had To See You
Chapter Six - Are you cheating?
Chapter Seven - Wanna go out?
Chapter Eight - First Date (Part 1)
Chapter Nine - First Date (Part 2)
Chapter 10 - Pounding Heart
Chapter Eleven - Carnival Kiss
Chapter Twelve - Katie? Takashi?
Chapter Thirteen: Saturday Night Dinner
Chapter Fourteen: Coming Clean In Bed
Chapter Fifteen - The Flirtatious Lance
Chapter Sixteen: You're still here?
Chapter Seventeen: The New Couple
Chapter Eightteen: The Return
Chapter Nineteen: The Flower Girl And The Flower Boy
Chapter Twenty: A Dream Come True
Chapter Twenty One: Future Wife & Husband (Engagement)
Chapter Twenty Two: Promotion
Chapter Twenty Three: Prepartion
Chapter Twenty Four - Boyfriend Fluff
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Crying Flower
Chapter Twenty Six - Matt's Story
Chapter Twenty Seven - Love
Chapter Twenty Eight - What Have I Done?
Chapter Twenty Nine - Marriage
Chaoter 30 (epiodge): Children

Chapter 3 - Greetings

2.5K 84 87
By JellyFishUnite

3rd POV

'Gosh, it's not busy today. That's pretty abnormal,' thought Pidge.

It was now 1 pm in the afternoon and with barely any customers coming in. Pidge counted of a total of three customers, only two actually buying something from her. Usually in a normal day of business for Pidges flower shop, a total average of eight - fifteen customers per day. But it seems that today is a slow day - a day that rarely happens to Pidge.

Pidge grew impatient, trying to distract her from recent boredom. She already cleaned, restocked, and took care of the plants, so she really got nothing else to do. She also counted the money she earned today - total of only $12. Twelve dollars is a sad amount of cash. Pidge had nevered received such little amount for months. She just hopes that these slow days don't happen more often or else she could lose her mothers business. And her mothers business is only want she has at these hard times. Colleen never seem to notice her own daughter or support her emotions like Pidge does for her, resulting for more amount of stress and depression drowning inside. However, Pidge knew that she had to stay strong - for her mother and missing family members that were lost in space.

The door bell that hanged above the door rings, sending Pidge in a resulting jolt from the sudden noise. This noise pleased her tho, knowing that someone has just entered her store. 'A customer! Finally!'

A man, tall and mighty, slowly stepped into Pidges store, wearing a formal business suit. This man has beautiful sharp eyes as well as hair style. Pidge have never seen this person before so she prepared herself for presentation for the newcomer.

"Hello, welcome. I'm Pidge, anything you need?" Pidge smiled, walking up to the stranger.

The man nodded, a large business case hanging from one hand. "Names Shiro, I'm just here to get something for my girlfriend, Allura. It's for her congratulations gift for her getting a promotion at her recent job," Shiro said, his eyes glancing around the store in curiosity.

     Pidge nods, "Okay, what kind of flowers are you looking for then?"

     Shiro shrugs, "No sure, she never really told me what types of flowers she likes. Can you help me out?"

     Pidge nods, a faint smile on her face. "Of course, usually women love roses. Roses represent the beautiful bright love you have for her. Tho, I only have pink at the moment, that alright?" Pidge spoke, fixing her large glasses that rested on her face.

     Shiro stayed quiet, just nodding towards Pidges comments. "Just get whatever you'll think she'll like, I don't care honestly."

      Pidges slightly tenses up. 'So much for being a boyfriend. Damn,' Pidge thought, slowly turning away from Shiro. "I'll be... right back," Pidge spoke slowly, walking away from the tall man. Shiro just watched, sighing as he impatiently waited for the flowers.

     As Pidge was away, Shiro continued to look around the small business, walking from corner to corner, window to window, observing. A serious emotion was marked on his face, himself deep in thought. 'Does this small girl really run this? I'm surprised. She could be eaten up by competitors any moment now; her business will die out. Another reason why I don't support such self-employed run-downs.'

      Shiro scoffed, walking towards the cash register countertop. His expensive shoes tapped against the store tiles, resting his heavy case on the counter. 'Yet, she is cute. Cute people seem to get their way. All they got to do is stand there, be innocent, and smile.'

      In seconds, Pidge returns, a cute bundle of freshly wrapped pink roses in her hands grip. The small girls tiny hands slowly handled out the flowers to Shiro, the man responding by grabbing the bundled flowers. However, the large man's hands grabbed too quickly, wrapping around Pidges tiny hands. The warmth of his hands pressed against Pidges hands, feeling the girls soft skin. Pidge couldn't react fast enough to remove her hands from the flowers, now stuck inside a man's rough hands.

      The two just froze. The time ticking between them, stuck in reality, unable to move. A connection, unknown, started to grow between the two humans, warmth shared between them. The two were practically holding hands, a bundle of pink roses in between each other's fingers. A small pink blush started to form on Pidges soft and fragile cheeks, slowly allowing her eyes to travel up and meet Shiro's eyes. Shiro nervously smiles, trying to break the connection between her. Pidge quickly tenses up, somehow able to yank her hands away from the roses.

      "I'm so sorry!" Pidge apologized, her face now turning completely red from embarrassment. 'Holy shit! What was I thinking!?'

      Shiro nervously chuckles, bringing the pink shiny roses close to him, "Don't worry about it."

      Pidge stay quiet, quickly rushing behind the countertop, still embarrassed. "How much?" asked Shiro, reaching back to his formal back pants pocket, pulling out his wallet.

      Pidge said softly, "$5."

      Shiro nods, opening his black leather wallet and pulling out a five dollar bill. "Thank you," the man said right after he put the dollar down, grabbing his case and flowers and quickly leaving the store. Pidge watched, rubbing her right shoulder nervously. She felt sweat pouring down her face, tickling down her forehead as her mind was still clouded with thoughts.

     'What the hell? Why did I do that? I couldn't move, I couldn't let go.... somethings wrong. I never felt this way before. Holy shit.'

    Pidge felt her heart starting to rush, leaning against the wall behind the countertop. She couldn't believe this was happening, she never felt this way before. Was this... love?

      A large sigh escaped her mouth, forcing herself to relax her body. 'Damn, that man is hot.'


The shipped has been sailed ❤



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