Jurassic Park/World One-Shots

By xenoX323

113K 1.3K 353

One-Shots with your favorite dinosaurs and characters from the Jurassic Park series. Includes: Jurassic Park ... More

| Requests |
| Humanoid! Ankylosaurus! Reader x Female! Indominus Rex - I Swear |
| Male! Velociraptor x Female! Reader - Protector |
Another A/N
| T-Rex x Velociraptor - New Friend |

| Indominus Rex x Reader - A Bond |

31.8K 536 148
By xenoX323

Requested by xenomorphisis


"(Y/N)!" Owen yelled as you stood in the middle of what was left of the resort known as Jurassic World, where imagination came to life. And this time it really did.

In front of you stood the large albino beast that has caused so much pain and misfortune across the island and yet you weren't afraid. Even though you saw blood of so many other dinosaurs and humans dripping from its jaws and its red crimson eyes looked down at you.

"(Y/N) get away from it!" Owen yelled again and you turned your head to look at the man who was your bestest friend and the one that taught you these creatures weren't just animals, that they had a mind and a soul.

No words left your mouth as you looked back up at the creature in front of you knowing that you weren't in danger. Just like how Owen isn't afraid of the four velociraptors that had lost their lives to defeat the creature in front of you.

Because you knew that this creature in front of you cared for you the same the velociraptors care for Owen. And as you stared at the crimson eyes above your small body, you recalled everything that has happened, all the way from the beginning.


You leaned against the cold metal railing above the velociraptor paddock as Owen stood below you inside the enclosure where four velociraptor younglings dashed around.

Few days ago, four velociraptors hatched from their cages of the thin egg shells that surrounded them. You and Owen were sent to inspect the younglings and the instant the four pairs of eyes landed on his, you knew that they imprinted on him.

Now of course the four velociraptors that were soon named Blue, Echo, Delta, and Charlie loved you, but they mostly had their attention to man in dirt covered jeans, shirt, and vest that was their caretaker and mother.

"How come you don't come down there?" Barry asked as the dark skinned man walked towards you. "I know the girls would rather want Owen with them than me." You say truthfully and Barry nodded.

"I thought you had the day off due to us getting a new employee." You said remembering that the spot we had open for a job was taken by a older man that had a 80s hairstyle.

"I do, but I was actually sent to retrieve you." Barry said and you looked at him confused. "Retrieve me for what?" "Clarie told me that there is a new, specimen, and that she needed you to inspect it." He said as you nodded, automatically knowing the red headed female that always just cared about the reviews and rates of the resort and not about the people nor dinosaur's well being.

"Why does she want me to inspect it?" You asked wondering why she didn't ask for Owen to inspect it. "Don't know, something about that Owen isn't the right person to handle it." Barry said and you sighed and nodded.

Barry lead you to one of the vehicles that carried the logo of the resort on both of its doors. You immediately got into the passenger seat while Barry got into the driver's seat. "Did she at least tell you the species of the dinosaur?" You asked knowing that you at least needed to know the species.

"All she told me that it was classified." Barry said as you felt the roar of the engine as he reared the vehicle out of its parking spot and onto the dirt road. "Why would the dinosaur's genes be classified?" You asked him, but he just shrugged as he watched the road in front of the vehicle.

It only took a few minutes to arrive at the laboratory due to Barry taking a shortcut that nobody actually used. You got out of the vehicle, but noticed Barry wasn't getting out. "You coming?" You asked and he shook his head and waved you off. "Clarie said she just wanted you, I'll wait out here."

You were still confused on why the hatchling was classified and why you were the only person besides probably some scientists to inspect and see it.

You walked inside the laboratory where hundreds of people walked around and watched the scientists work behind the glass wall. Children crowded the glass, all of them with curious faces as a scientist showed them a robotic model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex hatchling.

You walked through the crowd till you saw Clarie standing in the distance. "Clarie!" You called out and she turned around and saw you. "Nice to see you (Y/N)." She said and you nodded knowing that you haven't seen each other in a very long time.

"So where's this so called, classified, hatchling you wanted me to check out?" You asked and Clarie led you into one of the rooms, but it was sealed off and was restricted for the people that came to the resort.

You walked inside as Clarie walked in behind you and closed the door. Dr. Wu, the man that was in charge of creating all the dinosaurs in the park by using the main genes and other small samples of animals due to us not having the full DNA strain of each dinosaur, was leaned over a incubator blocking your sight of what he was looking at.

He turned his head to see you and Clarie and he gave one of his smiles and motioned for you to come forward. You slowly walked forward and what you saw surprised you.

Laying in the incubator were two albino creatures that looked more like a Tyrannosaurus Rex if it wasn't for the short hairs on its back that seemed to resemble a velociraptor. The two hatchlings looked identical besides one had red crimson eyes and one had brown hazel eyes.

They didn't seem to notice any of you as they finally took notice to each other. The brown eyed one became curious and wiggled its small tail as it slowly went towards the other one.

"They're a beauty, aren't they?" Dr. Wu asked making you take your eyes off of them and looked at him. "What are they?" You asked knowing they weren't normal dinosaurs and Clarie stepped in.

"Their base gene is a T-Rex, but the rest is classified." She said and you looked at her confused. "How can I examine them if I don't know what they actually are?" Clarie was about to say something else till you all heard a loud screeching sound.

You all turned around to see the red eyed hatchling attacking the other one and you gasped at the sight. Blood began to pour onto the metal bottom of the incubator and the brown eyed one screeching in pain as the other one wrapped its jaws around its neck.

"Get it off of her!" Dr. Wu yelled at the other scientists that you didn't know were in the room. They immediately inserted their hands into the gloves that were connected to the incubator that allowed them to touch the hatchlings without causing harm.

They pulled the red eyed one off of the other one, but you knew it was to late. Blood covered its jaws as the other one laid limp with a dead blank stare in its eyes.

The hatchling screeched and growled as the scientists held it in place. The other scientists opened the door of the incubator and took the body of the other hatchling out, its head and tail dangling over their hands.

"It tried to eat its sibling and you don't see why this was a bad idea?!" You exclaimed already knowing without them telling you that this wasn't a normal dinosaur and that it was some kind of hybrid of multiple dinosaurs and animals.

"This is a common situation, sometimes when multiple infants are hatched some of them become hostile and attack the others one." Dr. Wu said with a calm voice as though he wasn't fazed by seeing a hatchling killing its sibling.

You looked back at the hatchling as its eyes frantically dodged around the room, till they landed on you. The hatchling stopped trying to escape the hands of the scientists as they tried to take it out and put it in a separate clear container.

You stared back at it and its eyes never left yours till it was shoved into the clear container and the hatchling screeched and hit the plastic walls that contained small breathing holes.

"Where are they taking it?" You asked as you watched the scientists carry the container out of the room. "To its enclosure." Clarie said and she walked out of the room and into the back meaning you had to follow her.

"I still don't understand why you asked me to be here. Why not Owen or even Barry?" You asked as Clarie walked towards her grey vehicle. "Owen somehow, bonded, with the four velociraptors when they first made contact," Clarie said as she opened the car's door. "The look the hatchling gave you was the same look the velociraptors gave Owen."

"So?" You asked and Clarie looked at you. "I want you to come to Paddock 11 every Monday," she said as she got into the car, but before she could close the door you stopped her. "Why?" You asked her and she looked back at you.

"I think the hatchling has some liking towards you since just by seeing you made it calm. You may be able to make it open to the public sooner if you can make it act like those velociraptors." Claire said and you sighed seeing she was back to just think about getting more reviews and credit from the park.

"One last thing," you said and she nodded signaling for you to ask your question. "What's its name? You asked knowing that if it was a so called new species it would need a new name for it. Clarie thought for a second before answering you, "Indominus Rex."


The Indominus Rex. The name of the creature that was standing in front of you that didn't have no intentions of harming you in anyway, and you knew that.

Owen, Clarie, Zach, and Gray, Claire's two nephews that came to visit her and the park just in time for the Indominus to escape its enclosure and wreck havoc on the island.

"I know they're afraid of you, but I'm not." You said as you outstretched your hand above you towards the albino creature. It snorted making your (h/l) (h/c) move off to the side in a second before laying back onto your head and body.

It lowered its head and gently laid its massive head against your hand, which made you smile and rub its nose. You knew that Owen was surprised by the sight knowing that he didn't know that the Indominus and you had the same bond him and his raptors had.

Just as the Indominus became its calm normal self you knew it could be, you heard the sound of something big coming closer. The Indominus immediately became tense and angry as you looked over seeing Clarie running with a flare in her hand and the Tyrannosaurus Rex behind her.

She threw the flare towards the Indominus as she grabbed your arm and pulled you over to where Owen and the boys were hiding at. You got out of her grip and looked up seeing the Tyrannosaurus standing in front of the Indominus, immediately going in for the attack.

You felt a pain in your chest as you watched the Tyrannosaurus and Indominus fight in front of you, but you knew this wasn't right no matter what the Indominus did. Because you knew the Indominus wasn't always the mean and dangerous beast everyone on the resort thinks it is.


It has been 3 years since the Indominus Rex was created and hatched, and you were amazed by how big it became. It stood almost at 12 meters which made the workers start to work on making the walls of the paddock taller.

While Blue, Echo, Delta, and Charlie grew as well and Owen training them and becoming their "Alpha", you were mostly at the Indominus' enclosure.

While Owen was the velociraptors' Alpha, you were technically the Indominus' Alpha due to you being the only person who can be inside the paddock with no weapon and not be killed.

And that's where you were right now.

"Come out come out wherever you are!" You exclaimed as you and the Indominus were playing one of the games you both played. The Indominus would hide while you looked the other way, mostly at a wall, and then you would try to find it, but this time something was different.

After almost an hour of searching for the Indominus, you couldn't find it. You knew the paddock wasn't that big and it couldn't hide that good anyway, so you knew something was wrong.

You stopped and looked up at the glass wall above you where Clarie and Owen stood at. Owen noticed you down there and he seemed surprised not knowing you were inside the paddock. You told him you were now in charge of taking care of the Indominus when you were assigned to, but he didn't know that meant for me to actually be inside the paddock.

You waved and he waved back, but then he had a worried expression on his face and you looked at him confused. Clarie seemed to be frantic as Owen looked at a section of the paddock's wall and you turned your head to see large claw marks slashed into the wall.

You gasped and quickly ran over to the wall looking at the slashes. You knew Owen and the supervisor that was in charge of watching the cameras of the paddock was walking towards you as you laid your hand against the rough wall where the slashes were at.

"The walls almost 40 feet high. Do you really think it could have climbed out?" The supervisor asked as Owen stood beside you examining the claw marks. "It depends." He said and you looked at him confused. "On what?" You asked and Owen looks at you.

"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab." Just then the supervisor's walkie talkie began to have static and a woman's voice cut through it. "Paddock 11, do you copy?" The supervisor held the walkie talkie towards him and answered. "Yeah, what's the problem?"

"It's in the cage! It's in there with you!" The woman's voice said frantically and Owen stared wide eye at you, but you didn't. "Go!" Owen yelled and he grabbed your hand and began to run towards the door of the paddock.

You quickly looked back seeing the Indominus walking out of the trees that were in the paddock. Its eyes landed on you and you knew it thought Owen was a danger to you due to it glaring at Owen and roaring.

You saw the supervisor beside the door as it began to close and he ran outside as you saw all the workers outside running around. Owen ran faster and you tried to make him let go of you knowing that he was just ticking off it more. Just as the door was about to close, Owen and you slipped through the door and it closed.

We stopped running and you panted, but when you thought it was over you heard the door beginning to open. You looked over seeing the claws of the Indominus stopped the door from closing all the way and it began to forcefully open the door.

Owen gasped and quickly grabbed you again and pulled you underneath a truck just as you heard the door to the paddock open. You heard the Indominus growl and walk around as Owen looked over towards another truck.

You looked over seeing the supervisor hiding in front of the other truck as the Indominus walked beside it. The man looked over at us in fear just as the Indominus flipped the truck over and ate the man.

You closed you eyes not wanting to see the horrendous sight as you heard the Indominus walking towards the truck you and Owen were under. You soon felt something drip onto you that had a horrific scent to you and you opened eyes realizing it was gasoline.

Owen sprayed the gasoline all over him and rubbed it in, then rubbed it all over you. You gaged and tried to get out from underneath the truck knowing that the only reason the Indominus was angry right not was because it couldn't find you, but Owen held you in place and covered your mouth so you wouldn't make any noises.

The Indominus stood beside the truck and lowered its nostrils towards the bottom of the truck knowing that it manly used scent to locate something rather than sight. It breathed in the smell of gasoline which covered you and Owen's scent. It growled and walked away as you heard and felt the ground shake each time it took a step till you heard it no more.

Owen and you got out from underneath the truck and you glared and pushed Owen onto the ground. "What the fuck was that!?" You yelled and Owen looked at you confused. "What was what? I saved your life!" He said and you glared at him again.

"The only reason it was acting like that was because it couldn't find me! Hate to admit it, but everytime I leave it acts crazy meaning most of the time I have to spend the night here!" You said remembering every night you had to sleep beside the Indominus because it would become to aggressive when you about to leave for the day.

Owen got up from the ground as you sighed and groaned in frustration. "Now because of you it's loose and it's also looking for me meaning that the longer I'm away from it the more aggressive it will be!" You said with frustration as Owen nodded and glanced at the direction the Indominus walked away.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Owen says and you sighed, but nodded. You followed him towards another truck in the distance that wasn't either out of gasoline or wasn't upside down and destroyed on the ground.

Owen and you got inside the truck and he immediately started it up and drove onto the dirt road as the construction workers and supervisors got out of their hiding spots at the paddock.

"Where are we going?" You asked Owen noticing you were going the opposite direction the Indominus went. "To talk some sense into those people." Owen said you knew he was talking about Clarie, Lowery, and Vivian who were the "people in charge" that made sure everything was going fine on the island that involves the dinosaurs and people.

"You go to them, I'll follow the Indominus." You said and Owen looked at you with confusion and concern. "You telling me you want to follow the dinosaur that is loose on the island and can kill anything on sight, sorry no thank you."

"Owen, let me go after it. I'm the only one that can make it calm down and maybe if I can do that sooner then I may be able to save some more people's lives." You said and Owen sighed and stopped the truck.

"I don't know why I'm letting my best friend go after an aggressive animal, but at least take this." Owen said as he gave you an rifle. "It also contains tranquilizers if you need them." He added and you nodded and got out of the truck.

"Look I don't agree with you doing this, but just be careful. Barry will kill me if you end up dead." Owen said and you chuckled and nodded. "Don't worry I will."


The Indominus had the T-Rex pinned to the ground and you thought it was over till you heard the familiar screech of a velociraptor. Owen and you looked over to see Blue running towards the Indominus and you slightly smiled seeing that at least one of the velociraptors were alive.

Blue pounced onto the Indominus and it roared and focused its attention on trying to get Blue off his its back. While it was focusing on Blue, the T-Rex got up from the ground and charged at the Indominus, knocking it into one of the buildings nearby.

"Go go go!" Owen yelled at you and the others as the Indominus hit one of the buildings making large pieces of debri fall near you, but before you could get away fast enough, a large sharp piece of metal fell into your leg.

Pain rushed through your body as you fell to the ground and screamed in pain of the large piece of metal inside of your leg. Owen ran towards you, but the other pieces of debri fell in front of him stopping him from reaching you.

You screamed in pain again as you slightly moved making the metal slide  inside of your leg more. The Indominus heard your scream through the roars and growls of the T-Rex and Blue and when they were both thrown onto the ground it looked in your direction.

Ignoring the other two threats, the Indominus immediately walked towards you as you tried to sit up without causing anymore pain than you already had. The Indominus lowered its head and you quickly grabbed onto it.

You slowly pulled yourself up onto your feet, the whole time baring your teeth and squinting your eyes from the pain. The Indominus slowly walked towards Owen, still having its head lowered where you could hang onto in order to stand.

Owen immediately grabbed you and allowed you to lean on him as the Indominus stood back up. You looked up at the Indominus and smiled in thanks. It snorted before turning its attention back onto the T-Rex and Blue.

The fight continued and you would either think the Indominus or the T-Rex won when they would be pinned down by the other one, but they would just get back up. Blue kept pouncing and biting the Indominus when she could, but this time you knew the Indominus lost.

You watched as the T-Rex and Blue had the Indominus cornered against the water the Mosasaurus was in. The Indominus roared and was about to attack the T-Rex again till the Mosasaurus leaped out of the water and bit onto the Indominus.

The Indominus fell to the ground and tried to get out of the sea creature's jaws, but before it was dragged into the water it's eyes looked at your till it disappeared into the depths.

While Owen helped you get out of where the battle went on and as the T-Rex and Blue went their separate ways into the trees, you didn't say anything. You just couldn't believe the creature you raised and bonded with was gone.


You walked through the thousands of trees as you held the rifle Owen gave you in your arms, even though you knew you wouldn't use it. You had followed a trail of the Indominus' tracks were, but after a long time of following them there was no Indominus anywhere.

You sighed and leaned against one of the trees as you scanned the area around you. "Come on Indie, where are you?" You asked yourself using the nickname you gave the Indominus besides I.D.

You got up and continued to follow the tracks for almost an hour before stopping again for a rest. You sighed and sat on the warm grass beneath you as you propped the rifle against a tree. You knew the Indominus was out there, but you didn't know where it was. For all you know it could be on the other side of the island!

You were about to get up and continue on your way if you didn't hear a very familiar sound. You immediately got up and turned around to see the Indominus standing in front of you in the distance.

You smiled and the Indominus seemed happy as well as it quickly walked towards you and lower its head. You rubbed its nose and you felt its head and throat vibrate as it purred against your touch.

"You had me scared to death! I didn't know where you were and I know you were wondering where I went." You said as you looked at its crimson eyes and it snorted at you. It then rolled onto the ground and laid on its side looking at you.

"Everyone else is scared of you right now," you said as you sat beside the Indominus. "But I'm not because I know you may at first seem dangerous and scary, but your actually not." The Indominus snorted to your statement and wrapped its tail around your small body.

You felt sleep come over you, but you weren't scared of sleeping beside the Indominus. You had slept by it for years and never once had it harmed you or even try to. You yawned and laid your head against its tail and immediately let sleep consume you.

When you woke up, you weren't beside the Indominus, but actually laying on top of it. You sat up and tensed realizing the Indominus put you on its back while you were asleep. You felt its muscles move in every step it took and you soon relaxed knowing that the Indominus was going to make sure you weren't going to fall off when you noticed it put you on a place on its back where the spikes and scales made like a small barrier around you.

You turned around to face the Indominus' head and you rubbed its hairs that stuck out. It purred against your touch knowing that you were awake. You continued to pat and rub its hairs and spikes as though it was a puppy as the Indominus walked through the forest that covered most of the island.

The Indominus soon stopped and it looked around before lifting its tail up towards you. You grabbed onto its tail and lowered you onto the ground as it scanned the area. The Indominus soon growled and you knew it scented someone, but you didn't know who.

You were about to say something till the Indominus nudged you with its tail behind a tree and walked away. "What was that about?" You asked yourself as you waited beside the tree for the Indominus to come back, but it never did.

You soon became worried when the Indominus didn't come back and you were about to walk in the direction it walked in to find it if two voices didn't stop you.

"Hey lady!" Two young male voices called out and you looked over seeing a teenager with dark brown hair and a kid with curly blond hair sitting in what looked like the vehicles the original park had. But where on Earth did they find one of them and one that even worked?

"Yeah?" You said as you walked towards them. "What are you doing out here?" The younger one asked, but the older one stopped me from answering. "Look we need to get out of here."

"Why?" You asked, but you already knew the answer. "Can't explain right now, just get in before it comes." He said and the younger one added, "There's plenty of time to explain. There's a dinosaur nearby that is trying to kill us and we saw you before we left so we decided to help you get out of here before it comes."

You sighed and got into the vehicle already knowing they wouldn't leave if you didn't join them. The older one immediately drove off and the younger turned around to face you.

"I'm Gray, this is my older brother Zach." He said and you nodded. "I'm (Y/N)." "Just curious, do you know a woman named Clarie?" Zach asked and you nodded. "Yeah, we kinda work together." "Great! She's our aunt and you know where she is?" Gray asked you, but you shook you head knowing she wouldn't be with Lowery or Vivian right now.

Silent fell over the three of you, well not really since Gray kept telling you millions of facts about dinosaurs, which you knew most of them but acted like you didn't.

"Did you know that an Ornithominus could run up to  43.5 mph?" Gray said and you shook your head. "Did you know that-" Gray was about to ask you another question till Zach stopped him. "Someone's there!" You looked up seeing the tall gate and wall that blocked this section and a man holding his weapon stood on top of it.

"Hey! Open up!" You all yelled, but you noticed the man look up in the sky with a terrified expression on his face. He immediately opened the gate as you looked up in the sky seeing Pteranodons and Dimorphodons flying towards the park.

Zach drove the vehicle into the the resort as the alarms blared through the speakers across the park. He quickly parked the vehicle and you got out of it as the two did the same.

"We got to find Aunt Clarie!" Gray said and you thought for a second, "She would be with a friend of mine, his name is Owen so if he's nearby then she is." Zach and Gray nodded as you grabbed a shotgun that was in one of the other vehicles nearby.

You quickly lead Zach and Gray through the large crowds of people as the Pteranodons attacked and tried to drag some of the away. "(Y/N)!" Gray yelled and you turned seeing one of them flying towards the three of you.

You quickly shot it before it came close and it dropped down onto a table nearby. You looked around through the heads of people trying to spot Owen or Clarie, but it wasn't that hard when you spotted Clarie standing on a table and calling out for Zach and Gray.

"There she is!" You yelled as Zach and Gray ran towards her as you followed them making sure none of the Pteranodons or Dimorphodons were trying to attack you or the boys.

You then Clarie shoot on of the Pteranodons which surprised you not knowing that she could shoot any weapons are all. Owen then walked towards Clarie and kissed her and you noticed Zach and Gray with their mouths opened.

"Aunt Clarie?" They said and Clarie stopped and saw them. Owen noticed you and immediately wrapped his arms around you. "Don't you ever scare me like that!" Owen said and you chuckled and nodded. "Fine and it was about time you made a move on her." You said and Owen blushed as he glanced at Clarie who was checking Zach and Gray for any scratches or wounds.

You looked around seeing that there wasn't that many Pteranodons or Dimorphodons left alive since most of them were shot down. "Let's get out of here." You said and they nodded as you and Owen lead the way past the crowds of frantic people and towards a nearby truck.

The boys got into the back with you as Clarie and Owen got into the front. "Can we stay with you?" Gray asked and Clarie turned around. "I am never leaving you again!" "No, no, them. We mean them." Gray and Zach pointed at you and Owen and Clarie looked at us in confusion wondering why they weren't talking about her.

"Owen, we might need to go." You said as you noticed the large gate near the vehicle that was trying to open, which you knew the tons of people were behind it. "Owen!" Clarie said as you all noticed the door was almost opened and Owen finally got the vehicle started.

Just then the doors flung open and the hundreds of people ran towards the vehicle as one solo Pteranodon flew above them. Owen quickly drove last the people and away from the resort towards what you noticed was the Velociraptors' paddock.

"Why are we going to where the raptors are?" You asked wondering why you weren't trying to figure out where the Indominus was. "Hoskins is going to use the raptors to track it down." Owen said and you widened your eyes.

You never liked the old grey haired man because he always just talked about all Blue, Echo, Delta, and Charlie could be used as a weapon. And you guess he was finally going to use them as an actually weapon when nobody was there to tell him no.

By the time Owen got the vehicle to the paddock, nighttime already fell over the sky. He quickly parked and you, Clarie, and Owen got out of the vehicle after telling Zach and Gray to stay inside.

You noticed lights blared on top of the paddock as men you recognized as InGen soldiers due to their armor and weapons they carried.

Hoskins stood in the distance and when he turned around and saw the three of you, Owen immediately punched him in the face. He stumbled back as he held his jaw.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from my animals." Owen said as he glared at Hoskins. "Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!" Clarie added and Hoskins looked at the three of you with a annoyed expression.

"Jesus! How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?" Hoskins asked you and you glared at him. "It's not a mission. It's a field test." "This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here are first light." Hoskins said as you, Owen, and Clarie just got more annoyed and angry at the man.

"Everybody's gonna get off this island. You're gonna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives. No, better yet, how your animals saved lives." He said and Owen looked at him in disbelief.

"They never been out of containment. It's crazy." Owen stated and you nodded knowing that they never been out of their paddock. "Let's move it out!" Hoskins yelled to the men in the distance as he looked back at Owen.

"This is happening! With or without you." He stated and Owen looked at you and Clarie. You sighed and nodded knowing that even though it was a very bad idea it was still the last option we had of finding the Indominus.

Owen and you stood inside a large tent as he explained the mission to the soldiers. "We know that it is in sector five. This is a game we call hide-and-seek. It's a scent drill." He said as he glanced at you.

You walked up and continued his explanation of the mission. "We've done it a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target." You said, but stopping before stating the engaging part since you were still debating on either it was actually a good thing or a bad thing to do through with this.

"Wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot. Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give it everything you got." Owen said as you looked over towards the paddock.

"We got one good target, gentlemen. Do not shoot my raptors. Please." Owen finished and the men nodded as they walked out of the tent. He looked over at you and patted your shoulder. "I know you don't want the Indominus to be harmed, but it killed so many dinosaurs and humans. We need to stop it before it kills anything else."

You sighed knowing he was right, but you hated the idea of the creature you formed a strong bond with for the past years of being killed. "I know,  I know." You said as you both walked towards the paddock.

"Easy, Blue. Easy. Attagirl. You don't scare me." Owen sweetly said as he rubbed Blue's throat and check. The four raptors only had their had sticking out of the small rooms they each were hold in. Each of them had night vision cameras strapped on their face so the others that didn't come with you could see what was going on.

"Owen." Gray said from behind the metal bars that restricted him and Zach from getting close to the raptors. "Are they safe?" He asked and Owen stood up and walked towards them.

"No, they're not." Owen said and Zach asked, "What are their names?" "Well, you got Charlie." Owen began as he pointed to the one you were standing by. "There's Echo. Here is Delta. This one's called Blue." He said as he pointed to each one of them.

"She's the beta." Owen added as he pointed at Blue. "Who's the alpha?" Zach asked and Owen smirked. "You're looking at him, kid." You chuckled as Zach and Gray walked off towards Clarie who shoved them in the back of a veterinarian truck.

Owen and you walked towards the two motorcycles that were left waiting for the two of you. Barry got on his vehicle while the soldiers got on theirs. Owen held up his hand and then gave the signal for the raptors to be let loose.

The four of them automatically dashed ahead of us and you and the others quickly followed them. You dodged the trees as you followed Owen from behind till the raptors soon stopped.

"They got something." Owen said as he quickly got off the motorcycle and hid behind a log. You and Barry did the same as the soldiers pointed their guns at the place the raptors seemed to be looking at.

Just then, the Indominus slowly came out of hiding and stood before all of you. It seemed to not notice you or sense you were here as it focused its attention to just the raptors.

"Something's wrong." You said as you noticed the raptors weren't attacking the Indominus, which you were mostly happy for but at the same time confused. "They're communicating." Owen said as Blue stepped before the others and seemed to purr towards the Indominus.

"I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of." Owen said and you looked towards him. "Why?" You asked already knowing the answer due to easily figuring out before when you noticed the Indominus had the same hairs on its back like a velociraptor does.

"That thing's part raptor." He said just as the raptors turned around and aggressively growled and hissed at all of you. "Light it up! Engage!" The soldiers yelled as they began to shoot at the Indominus which made it roar and disappear into the forest just as someone shot an explosive.

"Watch your six. Raptors got a new alpha." Owen said as you all rushed towards the vehicles. "Fall back!" All the soldiers yelled as they realized they couldn't fight off the raptors as the four of them began to attack.

You quickly ran towards your motorcycle, but you were then thrown to the ground. You gasped and groaned as you quickly looked over seeing Delta growling at you.

"Delta, it's me. Don't you remember?" You asked as you stared at the raptor while also using your hand to try to grab your gun, but before you could grab it Delta charged at you. You screamed as the large reptile jumped on top of you, but before it could lay a bite on you she was thrown off.

You gasped and quickly backed away till you looked up seeing the Indominus standing beside you. Delta got up from the ground and growled at the Indominus as you stared at her. The Indominus growled back which made the female hiss, but run off into the trees.

You looked around not seeing Owen or Barry, just the dead bodies of the soldiers who didn't make it or the trucks that were left abandoned. You then looked back up at the Indominus as you got up from the ground.

"Thank you." You said and the Indominus snorted and lowered its head to be at your level. You smiled and rubbed its nose again knowing that it was probably worried about where you went when you left with Zach and Gray.

You then stopped and realized that the four raptors were still out there meaning they were probably after Owen, Clarie, and the boys. You quickly got away from the Indominus and looked around for your motorcycle till you saw it knocked over in the distance.

You ran towards the motorcycle and set it up on the ground, but you paused and looked back at the Indominus. It had a sad look in its eyes, but it made a head motion for you to leave.

You gently smile at the Indominus before getting on the motorcycle and driving away as you heard the Indominus walk off as well. You quickly drove onto the dirt road that had multiple tire marks on it, two from a larger vehicle and one from a motorcycle.

You followed the road till it soon ended and you were now back at the park. You got off of the motorcycle and quickly walked in the middle of the empty resort as debri hung from buildings and was scattered across the ground.

"Owen! Clarie!" You yelled, but didn't hear nothing back. You called out again till you saw Owen, Clarie, Zach, and Gray run out of the laboratory with Delta and Charlie behind them.

"Owen!" You yelled and they stopped when they saw you, but manly due to Blue stopping them. Delta, Charlie, and Blue made a circle around them and soon Echo hissed and stood in front of you.

You slowly backed away from Echo, but your back hit the wall of the building that was behind you. Just then the Indominus came into view and it looked at Blue who you noticed had the night-vision camera off of her face and was on the ground.

Blue looked back at the Indominus then back at Owen and you know she was deciding if she should follow the Indominus or Owen. The Indominus then looked over at your direction and it growled at Echo. The raptor looked back at the Indominus, but you then heard Blue hiss.

You looked over seeing Blue looking at the Indominus with an aggressive posture. You smiled knowing that she picked Owen and not the Indominus. Echo, Delta, and Charlie did the same and they all rushed towards the Indominus.

You quickly went towards Owen and he immediately wrapped his arms around you. "I thought you were dead! When I left I didn't see you anywhere and I called out for you, but you didn't call back!" He said and you smiled and hugged him back.

You let go of Owen and looked back to see the Indominus throwing Delta across a building. You gasped when you noticed none of the raptors were there. Even though you manly bonded with the Indominus, you still cared for the four raptors like Owen did.

The Indominus looked back at you and the others, but you noticed Clarie wasn't here. You looked around confused, but you then looked back at the Indominus as it growled and glared at Owen and the boys.

You knew you had to do something to calm it down, so you took a step away from Owen and walked towards the Indominus. You stopped in front of the Indominus and outstretched your hand towards it, not knowing this was probably the last time you would see the creature you bonded with.


You sat on a chair as a doctor that arrived with hundreds of other doctors on the ships that soon arrived in the morning finished wrapping a bandage around your leg.

"Just make sure you put a new one on everyday." He told you and you nodded as you stared at the sunshine that glowed outside. "Sweetie. I'm so sorry!" A female's voice said and you looked over seeing Zach and Gray standing in front of a man and woman who was most likely their parents. Clarie walked towards them and the boys' mother hugged her.

You smiled knowing that they were now safe with their parents. "You okay?" Owen asked and you looked up seeing him standing in front of you. "Yeah, the doc said it should heal in a few weeks or a month." You said as he helped you stand up.

"I also got to tell you something else." You said as you remembered one of the construction workers said to you earlier. "What?" Owen asked and you sighed knowing he wasn't going to like it.

"I've got to stay here and help with rebuilding the park." You said and Owen looked at you confused. "What? Why would they want you to help them? Hell, you can barely walk without someone helping you!" You sighed, "I know, but they also need help with tracking down the dinosaurs that escaped their paddock."

"They can still just ask me to stay and do that." Owen said and you shook your head. "All they said was something about how I was able to bond with the Indominus, maybe I could manly help with the T-Rex, and besides it's not like they're never going to ask you for help soon."

"I guess your right, and I was going to stay and help anyway since Blue is still out there and I may be able to help with rebuilding some of the buildings." Owen said and you nodded.

Clarie walked over to the two of you and she smiled at you. "How's your leg?" She asked and you shrugged, "It's okay, should be healed in a month." She nodded and Owen turned towards her as you heard one of the construction workers call for you.

You grabbed the crutches the doctor gave you and went over to the man as he explained to you that you would go to one of the sectors that was told to have an Ankylosaurus in. You nodded and followed the man towards a truck and got inside as a few others armed with weapons that contained tranquilizers did as well.

"So what do you need me to do?" You asked as the man started the truck and drove towards the sector. "All you have to do help us track down the  Ankylosaurus." The man driving said and you nodded as you watched the trees quickly pass the vehicle.

You all finally arrived at the sector and the men helped you out of the truck as the crutches finally hit the ground. The men surrounded you as you "walked" into the forest towards a track of footprints that patched the Ankylosaurus.

"Hold these." You said as you crouched onto the ground and one of the men held the crutches. You laid your hand onto the moist dirt meaning that the Ankylosaurus wasn't that far away.

The man gave you back your crutches and you held onto them as you pulled yourself up. "It's recent, it should be nearby." You said and the men nodded as one stood beside you as the others left to scout the area.

"You know you saved us." The man said and you looked at him confused. "If you, Owen, or Clarie didn't kill that creature, it would have killed us all." He said and you gave him a fake smile even though you hated that he thought the Indominus was just a killing machine.

"Thanks, but it was actually the T-Rex and the velociraptors that saved the park." You said, but the man only chuckled. You glared at him at the corner of your eye knowing that he was one of those people that just thought dinosaurs were only killers and nothing more than an reptile.

After a long time of waiting, you noticed the men didn't come back. "Shouldn't they be back by now?" You asked and the man nodded. "Stay here, I'll go check it out." He said and he walked away before you could protest.

"Yeah, just leave a woman on crutches by herself." You said to yourself and you looked around at the trees that surrounded you and the truck. Out of the sudden you heard a scream and you widened your eyes and looked around.

You turned around and saw the man running towards you in the distance. "What's wrong!" You yelled, but before the man could say anything, he was grabbed by something. You gasped and fell to the ground making the crutches fall as well.

You looked around as you tried to get to the truck, but you stopped thinking you were imagining things when you heard a familiar sound. You looked back and saw someone you thought was gone forever.

The Indominus stood before you and you gasped as it purred and walked towards you. You were speechless as it lowered its head down at you, but the silence quickly disappeared.

"I thought you were dead!" You exclaimed and quickly wrapped your arms around the front of its head. The Indominus only purred in response and you smiled as you felt tears prickle your eyes.

"H-how are alive? Y-you were eaten by the Mosasaurus!" You said till you realized you never actually saw the Indominus being eaten, just dragged into the water. You looked up at the Indominus as you notice scars and wounds covered its face and throat, probably from the Mosasaurus, T-Rex, and raptors.

You smiled again as the Indominus helped you stand up as you held onto its face. It snorted at you as it moved its tail towards you letting you hang onto that instead.

The Indominus looked around as you remembered that someone may come here to probably check out why you and the soldiers haven't reported back. "If they see you, they'll try to kill you again." You said, but the Indominus only snorted and looked down at you.

The Indominus slowly laid down as you held onto its tail. You sighed and sat down against it since leaning and walking with crutches put a tow on you.

"Promise one thing." You said and the Indominus looked over at you. "Promise me that you won't leave me again." The Indominus didn't answer for a few seconds, but it soon nodded.
You smiled and laid your head against its rough but yet smooth scales.

You didn't know what was going to happen to the two of you, but you didn't care. You were back with the dinosaur that you loved and cared about, and that was all that you need.

Wooh! Sorry it took soooooo long to finish this, but due to school and working on other stuff I couldn't finish it sooner!

But manly because this was so long to write. I know a One-Shot shouldn't be that long, but I got so into the part of the story you wanted me to make and then it ended up being this long!

Anywho! I hope you like it and that it was what you wanted as a One-Shot!

I also made it to where the Indominus could be either a female or male and that you could a female or male.

I'll try to make the shorter than this you guys!

Word count- 8608

Well maybe I'll try to make it a lot shorter......

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