My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fan...

By jackharriesbae

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Just another love story. More

My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 1
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 2
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 3
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 4
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 5
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 6
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 7
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 8
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 9
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 10
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 12
My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 13

My Boy | Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction | Part 11

523 8 2
By jackharriesbae

I grab Matt and pull him away from Nash before he does anymore damage to him, "You've really hurt him Matt." I say worried.

"Sue me babe." Matt says with a smirk, "Cam, get Nash back to your room." I demand.

I walk back to my room with Matt, the walk there is awkward and silent until Matt breaks the silence by saying "Did you like it?" "Like what?" I say sounding confused but know exactly what Matt was talking about.

"Did you like it when he kissed you?" Matt says looking down at the ground as he walks "No, why would you even ask that?" I say shouting slightly "Because if you liked it, you should be with him, not me." Matt sighs trying to hold his tears back "I shouldn't be with him." I say as I lift Matt's chin up "Why not?" He questions "Well because there's only one guy that I want to be with." I answer as I kiss Matt's temple.

"I love you so much, babe." Matt whispers into the kiss, "I love you more.".

We get to my room and I slide my hotel key in my door and walk inside with Matt behind me, I then grab my phone and start texting Cam asking if Nash is okay.

"What you doing?" Matt asks as walks over to my bed and lays on it, "Just messaging Cameron." I answer as I get a message back from Cam saying; "Nash is fine, don't worry." I let out a sigh of relief as I didn't want Nash to be seriously injured.

"Hey baby, come to bed." Matt says in a deep voice stroking the pillow next to him but laughing at the same time "Fine." I laugh as I jump on the bed and lie next to him, "I never wanted to fall in love." Matt sighed as he stared at the ceiling "Then why did you?" I say offended "Because as soon as I saw your smile, I blew it." He whispers as he rolls over to face me and I smile at him "See, I can't help but fall in love with that." He states as he wraps his arm around me.

The rest of the night I just layed there with Matt wrapped around me, and it couldn't of been more perfect.

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