What hurts the most... (ON HO...

By dangerouslovexx

54.1K 930 202

When Rose get's rejected by her mate everything comes crashing down on her. She doesn't know what to think an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

1.5K 28 18
By dangerouslovexx

Chapter Seventeen

Everybody went into action. Women taking their chidren and running to a safe place. The guys all ran out and Seth pushed me with Kate who I just saw now. She took my hand and looked at me panicked and we ran to one of the nearest room. 

The door was unlocked. When Kate pushed it opened we ran inside amost slipping as the carpet slipped against the hardwood floor. The wall was colored in a olive color. There was a big brown wooden bed in the middle of the room pushed back against the wall. There were two windows on either side of the bed with a dresser facing the bed on the opposite side of the wall. 

I quickly rushed to the window grabbing Kate since our arms were still linked. I pulled the white curtins and looked out to see two wolves. One big brown one and another smaller one with the same brown fur but the ears were white. One of the guys from our pack who was maybe fifteen I recognized. He was naked and thrown off two the side beside the wolves.

He bed blood covering his neck. I couldn't see him properly but I could see that he was hurt pretty bad. I could also see Seth's wolf right in front of the wolves with his dad and the beta and a couple other were's from our pack. 

Seth was tence along with all the other wolves around him. Watching closely everything happened at once. Seth jumped attacking the larger one of the wolves takling him down to the ground. Seth had bit his neck causing blood to fall over seths muzzle.

Somehow the wolf threw Seth to the side. Seth was on his feet in a second. The wolf ran at full speed towards Seth. I was so sure that he would hut Seth but at the last second Seth moved to the side causing the wolf to go running and stumbling back.

The wolf and Seth circled around each other for a few seconds and then it all happened at once the wolf jumped takaling Seth to the ground.  My heart jumped in my chest and I felt my nails dig into my palms. A whiper escaper my mouth as the wolfs paw came and scranched him across the face.

The pack came in right away and I couldn't wait here anymore. I ran out of the room ignoring Kaite calling after me. I ran into the back field and Spotted Seth right away. He had already shifted back and had a pair of jeanse on. He had blood all over his chest and on his forehead.

I ran up to him pushing aside the guy that was with him and lookied at the cuts on his chest. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest. I put ran my hands over the cut on his head and he winced.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking him over for more cuts.

"I'm fine, hounstly. You don't have to worry Rose," Seth said as he took my hand walking over to the pack house.

"Nothing to worry about?" I yelled shaking my head.

We walked up the stairs and into his room. I pulled him into the bathroom ignoring his protests that he was fine. Yeah, fine my ass.

I made him lean against the counter as I looked under the sink trying to see if he had a first AID kit. I pulled it out when I spotted it under some bags of who knows what. I opened it and found some of the alchole and poured some on a towl and walked looked over to Seth.

"This might sting a little," I warned him as I put the towel on his chest.

He winced as I cleaned it up and then when I finished with his chest I stood up on my tippy toes to clean up the cut that was on his head. I knew it would be almost healed by now since to the fact that we're werewolfs but it didn't matter anyways.

I put the woel on his face and whipped it up cleaning the cut and then looked at seth. 

"There, all cleaned up," I told him smiling.

He smiled back and I noticed how close we were. My lips were just inches from his. I leaned forwars slowly and kissed him. He responded right away and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood up putting his hands on my waist as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I felt my back hit something soft and notice that he had layed me down on his bed and he was now hovering above me. He started to kiss down my neck and I moaned. My hands went to his chest rubbing up and down his eight pack. 

He kissed me all the way back to my lips and he kissed me hard. I responded the same and opened my mouth immediatly when he licked my bottom lip. He massaged my tounge slowly with his causing me to moan.

He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled down at me. "You the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," He said causing me to blush a deep red.

I looked away and felt his chest viabrate against mine as he chuckled. I pushed him off of me when I remembered the wolves.

"Who were the two wolves outside?" I asked I layed down on seth is chest.

"They were rouges. Dead now though," He said as he ran  a hand through my hair.

"Are you still hurting?" I asked him worried.

"I'm fine," He muttered kissing my forehead and smiling at me. 

I nodded and layed my head back down on his chest closing my eyes. It felt so good to be like this to be in his arms. 

I felt my self slowly starting to sleep. I listened to the sound of Seths heart and before I knew it I was asleep.

Seth's P.O.V

I felt her heavy breathing on my chest and smiled. I slowly and gently layed her down on the bed. I pulled the covers over her small body and quietly walked out of the room taking one last look at her before closing the door and walking out. 

Goingt down the stairs I could hear my Fathers booming voice as he talked about what we were going to do. The plans and everything. I still don't undertand why he was blaming this all on Rose. None of this had anything to do with her. She couldn't stop any of it.

The first time he yelled at her I wanted to rip his fucking head off. He pissed me off and my wolf was just ready to kill him. I sighed and walked into the room which had all the male pack members in all listening.

We were going to have a surprise attack in two weeks. We were going to surrownd their pack house and capture Liam and his father without killing them. And attack any of their male members if the got in the way. 

Yeah we wern't as strong as Liam's pack but I think we stood a chance and they didn't know we were attacking. There as a huge chance that we wouldn't win this but I'd do anything to save Rose. And I would make sure that Liam paid for what he did to her last time. 


Sorry for having this book on hold for such a long time. I just didn't know what to write. And I know this is still short but I was really stuck. I'll try to upload as soon as possible.

But Yay it's off hold! So I hoped you liked it! 

Just thought the pick on the side was really cute <3 <3


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