
By inkavogt_

131 10 4

Poems of every shape and size. Enjoy More

They said.

To the Very End.

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By inkavogt_

When I was small,

and I had not one friend,

these stories were there,

to the very end.

You can go places you crave to go,

Travel to places from long ago,

you can go to places you’ve never heard of.

You can fall in love, 

you can make a friend, 

and you can find a family.

In the world between those covers,

you can fly, 

you can laugh until you die.

You can do whatsoever you please; 

you might even catch a contagious disease,.

You never get told to go away, 

but instead to always stay.

You get taught magic and wisdom, 

and you’re always in charge of the kingdom.

There’s adventure and mystery, 

and lots of history.

But then I grew up,

and I found more than one friend,

but still they were there,

to the very end.

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