Foreigners of Humanity (Troll...


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As the Trolls try to escape the Bergens, a mysterious entity pushes them into a hole in the forest. They find... More

「❶」Crash Landing
「❷」"What are you exactly?" "What are YOU?!"
「❸」"___ doesn't take well to compliments."
「❹」"You're not that bad, I guess..."
「❺」"Decisions, Decisions."
「❼」'Welcome to the World of Humans, Branch'
「❽」 'Fuzzy Feelings'
「❾」'Bitch, Where?'
「❶⓪」"Shave Me Bald and Call Me An Egg"
「❶❶」(Y/n) Has A Heart?!
「❶❷」"I'm A Little Tea-Pot, Bitch!"
「❶❹」"Ah yes. Casually Murdering Someone-"
Sequel is out!


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With a happy sigh, you leaned back onto the counter before looking over the hoard of Trolls that were in your kitchen, waiting for an explanation. "Ah, the word fuck... one of my favorite words in the English vocabulary. It can be used in many ways and many sentences. One, for example is: 'What the fuck is this shit?!'. Which is a way of emphasizing something."

They all nodded, which caused their hair to wave slightly.

"I have more examples, and I'll tell you them because why the fuck not!" You shrugged your shoulders as a grin tried to pop up on your face. "There's 'The fuck?' 'Fuck you.' 'Why am I doing all the fucking work?' 'What is this fuckery?' 'Fuck, fucking fuckers fucked.' 'Ahh, fuck it.' 'I guess I'm really fucked now.' 'Don't fucking fuck with me.' 'Who the fuck was that?' And etc. The list goes on, but now it's time to move on to a more.... interesting way of using the word fuck." You said as a sinister grin crept onto your face.

They all looked quite curious by what you said, but one in particular felt that it was going to be bad. *cough, cough* Branch *cough, cough*

But he stayed nevertheless, because curiosity is the death of every cat that ever cat.

"It could be used as a way of intercourse."

None of them really knew what you meant by that, but what ever it was, branch had a bad fucking feeling about it, that's for damn sure.

From the funny looks they all gave you, it kinda worried you. Had they never heard that word before or something? Because I mean, you learned what that word meant when you were just eight years old for Pete's sake.

And besides, most of these rainbow puffs were adults..... right?

"Ok, um, how many of you guys are actually adults here, because I'm getting so confused by all this shit." You questioned with a raised eyebrow. You were actually really curious to see if there were actually any adults in this room.... not including yourself, because damn, if there was a contest for how immature you can be, your ass would win that shit right on the spot.

That's how immature you are.

Ok, back on track.

More then half the group raised their hand to your question. Which left you even more confused. "Ok, so if half of you guys are adults, how the fuck do you not know what intercourse is?!"

None of these motherfuckers had a way of answering that question, not even the Great Branch.

Note my Sarcasm.

"You know, Bobby fucked Juliet?"


"Birds and the Bees?"

Still nothing.

"Heavy petting?"



Where the fuck are all these crickets coming from? Jesus Christ. It's like someone forgot to close the fucking window at night.


That one cough.

A sigh left your mouth as you decided to name off one last one, wondering if they used this term, but considering how fucking strange these little bastards are, it wouldn't be surprising to you at all.


Multiple gasps echoed around the kitchen as the ears of children were covered by parents who gave you the look. You know the look.

You know, the one that says Bitch-you-better-keep-your-fucking-mouth-shut-Before-I-windmill-kick-your-face. Kinda look.


That one....

A deep red blush spread ear to ear on Branch's face as his eyes widened. After recovering from the sudden outburst that you had, he shot his hair out and gripped onto a section of your hair before flinging himself onto your shoulder, grabbing onto your ear to keep himself from fall to his death.

"_____, you can't just say stuff like that! To a Troll, that kind of thing is private and can only be shared between two trolls who are in a relationship with each other." He whisper-yelled into your ear, face still red from embarrassment of what you said.

"Well shit, I didn't know that word was something you couldn't say! Because here, there's two ways of looking at that word. Either it's something like... hugging and shit like that, or the you know."

You clapped your hands together in a way of making the noise of skin slapping against skin.

Branch's face twisted into one of horror when you did that, along with more red. "____. Stop that, there are kids present.... and Poppy's right there."

You stopped making the 'inappropriate' noises and turned your head to were Branch said Poppy was.

Her mouth was hung wide open, probably in shock of what you did. Which you didn't understand, everyone in the world makes sexual jokes everyday of the week. But when you say one fucking word and make one god damn sound, it's the end of the god damn world. Like seriously, it feels like you are being deliberately denied your natural rights to make sexual jokes. This is such bullshit.

"Watch it Poppy, if you keep your mouth open like that, a fly might land in it." You chuckled, not really worried about what she had to say about your inappropriateness. Because bitch, this was your house, ain't no bubblegum princess going to tell you what you could and could not do in your own damn house, that's just not how it goes.

Her mouth closed at your comment, because apparently it knocked her out of whatever Lala land fantasy she was in. She blinked before clearing her throat. "I think we've heard enough of the explanation to know that it was a pretty bad idea to come and ask you what 'fuck' meant."

Your eyes narrowed slightly at her comment, but brushed it off, seeing as to how it would do nothing for you to call her out on it that it was her idea to ask you what fuck meant in the first place, so she was responsible for what the other Trolls heard when you spoke to them.

With a shake of your head, you forced a smile onto your face before pushing yourself off the counter and towards the door, but not without putting your shoes on and grabbing your wallet first of course.

"I think I'm going to go to the Grocery Store and get more food.... does anyone want anything?" When no one answered, the smile faltered slightly. "Ok then, that just means more money I save. I'll be back, ha ha, don't go anywhere...." You said as you closed the door behind you and locked it.

You were actually beginning to like those walking skittles, so you didn't want to blow up on them, even if Poppy started it.

So began your journey to the Grocery Store.

But little did you know, you forgot that Branch was hiding in your jacket collar, you had forgotten to remove him from your shoulder in your rush to get out of the house.

Oh well, I guess it was about time Branch got a taste of the world of Humans. Even if they weren't anything like the one he knew and loved....

....Boy was he in for a bumpy ass ride....

(I'm thinking about having a Bergen show up at _____'s House and causing a little havoc, what do you think?)

[Throw a Bergen into the mix?]


[Get straight to the point and throw the Trolls and _____ back into the Troll Village?]

(This won't be happening for another few chapters, but I just wanted to start the debate so when I make the chapter for it, we won't have to wait to long for results to make the chapter)

(It's your decision, whatever you choose will shape the story-line)


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