Blue; Colby Brock x reader

By howell_xx

135K 2.8K 2.7K

Colby Brock x reader fan fiction In which a girl runs from her past and a boy tries to heal her. COMPLETED More

Chapter 1: Decisions
Chapter 2: Meeting the Monroes
Chapter 3: LA view
Chapter 4: "Hi"
Chapter 5: Goodnight
Chapter 6: ...
Chapter 7: Our new home
Chapter 8: Starbucks
Chapter 9: TFIL
Chapter 10: TFIL Part 2
Chapter 11: The plan
Chapter 12: Ride
Chapter 14: Dinner
Chapter 15: ...
Chapter 16: why
Chapter 17: Texts
Chapter 18: Noice
Chapter 19: Letter
Chapter 20;
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22: Black
Chapter 23: days

Chapter 13: Beach

4.8K 112 90
By howell_xx

A/N the song has no connection to the story but it's a good song!

Colby's POV
Aaron pulls up and parks at the top of the beach. "We're here!" He shouts excitedly. "Finally!" Brennen laughs and gets out of the car, I unbuckle my seatbelt and clamber out onto the gravel.

Brennen quickly tugs me off with him before I get the chance to talk to Y/N.
He has ahold of my bag strap and drags me away from the others.

"Are you gonna ask her out already?!"
"What?! Sorry i don't think that the people of China heard you." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.His face stays serious.
"Come on! You both like each other. I don't see what the big deal is!"

I look down to the golden sands beneath my feet.

Brennens POV

"Come on! You both like each other. I don't see what the big deal is!"

Colby's gaze falls upon the ground.

What did I say? Wait! Y/N is single, right?! Oh my god! I don't know. What if she isn't? Is that why he's upset?! Does he think he'll never have a shot with her?!! What have I done?!!!!

I furrow my eyebrows and put my hand on his bare shoulder."Has she got a boyfriend?" I ask concerned.

Colby looks confused. "What? A boyfriend? No. But... S-She has an ex who..."

Colby's POV
No matter how hard I try I can't bring myself to say it out loud. He hurt her!

Before I can stop myself, my eyes fill with tears. Brennen pulls me in for a hug (#BROLBY).
"Are you two okay?" Sam says from behind. I speedily blink (182) and force a grin."Yeah totally fine" I say nonchalantly.
He gives me a weird look but nods his head and waves the others over.

Y/Ns beautiful e/c eyes glisten in the sun, who would do something like that to someone so amazing?!

Her smile fades a little as she approaches me. She comes and stands next to me, Brennen walks over to Corey.
"Why have you been crying?" She whispers looking up at me. "W-what, no I haven't been crying, why you'd think that?" I keep calm but really want to huddle into a ball and die.
"Colby, I did psychology for two years. What's wrong? I promise I'll keep it between us" she looks my right in the eye and doesn't break her stare.
"Y/N, it's not important. Just forget about it."
"If it matters to you, then it's important" she smiles slightly and backs away over to Devyn and Kat.

~time skip (you vlogged some stuff)~

It's around 3 o'clock, I hear a cheerful tune.
"ICECREAM!!! Kat shouts. "Hey, that's what I was gonna say!" Devyn squeals as Corey tickles her.
"Let's get some!" Sam jumps up, grabs his bag and pulls Kat up to the road. Nearly everyone follows them.
But Colby.
"You getting anything?" He asks looking at me. "I dunno,are you?"
He smiles and nods before clutching my hand,and bolting off whilst holding onto me. "Why did you do that?" I move the hair from in front of my eyes.
"I just felt like it, I got an urge to run"
"You must get some really weird urges"

He chuckles softly.

"Now what would this young couple like?" The ice cream lady asks joyfully. I feel my face burning red.
"Er... We're not together" I say pulling my hand out of Colby's.
"Oh my mistake. You just looked so cute together" Yep! My face is still red!!! Greatttt, real great!
"I'll have bubblegum, what are you having?"
"Erm... Mint choc chip please." I say kindly to the woman.
She hands over the two ice creams,"how much?" I ask.
"No, no. It's on the house."
"We couldn't possibly-"
Colby is cut off." No. I want you to have them."

I reach in my pocket and subtly pull out a ten dollar bill (is that right?)
"Thank you so much" I go to shake her hand. As I do I put the bill into her hand. And smile and walk away quickly before she can give it back.

Colby's POV
"She's a keeper" the lady says winking and holding up a ten dollar bill. I smile awkwardly and thank her, but make a quick escape right after.

It was getting quite cold and the warm ocean warmer was now antarctic. I have no clue what time we were gonna start heading back but one things for sure I need to change clothes. I was dripping wet through because we had all be splashing each other. Not to mention the countless amount of times Colby had picked me up and thrown me into the sea. He seemed to be much happier than he was before.

It was hard to see him looking so sad, and knowing that I probably won't be able to help him.

"Okay, I think we should set off for home now, Corey still has to get us all dinner!" Devyn laughs and we all join in. Except for Corey, obviously.

"This time Y/Ns coming with us!" Kat says and pulls me with her.
"My bag-" "we're all going back to theirs anyway. It'll be fine.
Sam and Colby both look a little sad at the fact we were switching cars.

Corey sat in the drivers seat,Devyn next to him and Kat beind her.
The whole ride consisted of us jamming out to some really good songs but I just couldn't stop thinking about Colby and why he was so depressed earlier.

Sam's POV
I take the seat next to Colby in the back, we talked a lot about...well just life in general I guess. "Have you asked her out yet?" I turn the conversation of the entire car.
"Y/N! I didn't know you liked her" Aaron yells disrupting the quiet atmosphere.

"How could you not? He stares at her 24/7" Brennen chimes in and looks up from his phone.

"Woah, sorry dude." I shoot a look at Brennen aswell to make sure that he knows that this topic of conversation is over. He better ask her out!!! They are perfect for each other. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy before!

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated properly in a while, but I just started school again so I've been too tired to do anything other than watch YouTube. But Thank you for reading this chapter! <3

Also... YOU'RE AMAZING!!! <3

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