Heroic Acts

By xSilenced_Spiritsx

43.4K 2.5K 1K

What if the love of your life turned out to be your arch nemesis? Darien moves away from home to enroll in a... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine


1.3K 78 30
By xSilenced_Spiritsx

"Seth, was it? I'm Andy! Happy to make your acquaintance," he said and smiled genuinely. Seth just stood there, blinking in silence before walking slowly over to his bed and putting his bag down.

"Hello, Andy," he finally said, quietly. He sat down and kicked his shoes off his feet, then moved to turn his video games on.

"He's just being a little shy," Darien said quietly. Andy smiled at him and they resumed to their previous conversation.

"So, this is why I choose this Kart and these wheels, because you get more traction on these areas but you're small enough to-" Andy said, but the voice in Seth's head began to talk louder than Andy. Why was he here? How did Darien know him? Why was he so kind and nice and why did he have to meet Darien out of all people?

The following hour was the longest hour of Seth's life. Andy giggled with his roommate for a full 60 minutes, talking and smiling and becoming closer by the second. Seth tried his best to ignore and forget he was there, but he was incredibly kind and tried to include Seth in every conversation. Darien encouraged it too, and he couldn't help but listen to him. He was a sucker for Darien.

"Ah, Darien, I really should get going. I have an exam tomorrow and I should study bit more before then," Andy said.

"Awh, what? Are you sure?" Darien pouted.

"Yeah, but, if you'd like, I could come back tomorrow!" Andy said and smiled.

Tomorrow? Seth thought.

"Yes! That would be great! We could play again," Darien said sweetly.

Darien and Andy got off the bed and moved towards the door. Andy pulled Darien into a big, warm hug. Seth pretended not to watch.

"Goodbye Seth! It was nice meeting you!" Andy said and finally left the dorm room. Darien locked the door behind him and flopped down onto his bed, smiling.

"So, what do you think Seth? Do you like him?" Darien asked.

"Well, he's friendly," Seth said, a tad of annoyance in his voice. "A little too friendly."

"Awh, he's just trying to make a good impression. I think it's cute!" Darien said and giggled when Seth rolled his eyes in response.

"I think his kindness is suspicious. No one is that nice, are they?" Seth accused.

"Oh, Seth, don't be a downer," Darien said and sighed. Seth just sat there staring at his video game.

"I'm sorry, Darien."

"It's okay, Seth. Remember when you didn't like me? You'll grow to like him, too!"

"I never said I liked you, dork."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Darien said and smiled.


After that night, Andy came around a LOT, and Darien took quite a liking for him. He endlessly awaited his next encounter with Andy, and he found himself to always be in a happy mood. Everything was moving very quickly, as the two boys grew close and personal in the matter of days. They were almost inseparable.

"So, Darien," Andy said quietly as the two walked down the hallway together.

"What's up?" Darien asked, his curiosity peaked.

"I was wondering," the blondie said, his face getting a little red as he scratched the back of his head. "Would you allow me to take you on a date tomorrow night?"

"A date? Uh.. wow, Andy. I wasn't expecting that," Darien said, but smiled. "Where to?"

"I know a nice place for dinner," Andy said sweetly.

"What time?" Darien asked.


"That sounds nice," Darien said.

"So it's a date?" Andy blushed.

"It's a date!" Darien said and blushed along with him, smiling. At this point, the boys hugged and parted ways.


Seth returned to the dorm to find Darien stressing over his closet contents. Though unusual, he didn't question it right away. It wasn't until Darien let out a dramatic sigh that he decided to get into his business.

"What's up, Darien?" Seth finally asked.

"Andy and I are going on a date tomorrow night, and I don't even know what to wear! I don't even know what I'm supposed to say or do, or anything like that!" Darien said unhappily.

"A.. a date?" Seth asked.

"Yeah," Darien sniffled out of frustration.

It was as if Seth's world began to crumble. Darien only knew this guy for a few days and now they're going out on a date? Suddenly, Seth had an idea that would benefit Darien temporarily, but may benefit himself in the long run.

"I have an idea, Darien. Let me take you on a practice date!" he said.

"A practice date? You'd do that for me?" Darien asked.

"Of course. We can do it all today and then you'll be ready for tomorrow night," Seth smiled. "Where is he taking you?"

"Dinner, but he didn't say where," Darien said.

"Okay, so, clothes wise, you want to dress semi-formal. Nothing too dressy, but you don't wanna wear t-shirts and converse either," Seth instructed. He spent some extra time helping Darien get ready, picking out some khakis and a black button up with black dress shoes to match. Seth got a little dressy himself.

"The key to all of this is to be yourself," Seth said and smiled. "When he shows up here, he'll probably tell you how nice you look, and you can just return the compliment. It's how these things usually start."

Darien nodded, taking mental notes. He'd really have to thank Seth for it later on.

"Come on, let's head to the car," Seth said. Darien smiled and followed him outside and out to the parking lot. Seth opened Darien's door like a gentleman, closing it behind him as he got in, and moved to the driver's seat.

"You two will probably talk a lot on the ride there," he said and started the car, beginning the drive. "He might make some physical moves on you, too."

"Like what?" Darien asked.

"Well," Seth said, and began to demonstrate. He reached over and gently took Darien's hand, locking their fingers together.

"Or, maybe, something like this," he said and let go of Darien's hand, placing it softly on his thigh. Darien felt the warmth and pink color fill his cheeks at Seth's tender touch on his leg.

"I understand," Darien said quietly. Seth hesitated before taking his hand away from Darien and putting it back on the steering wheel. He drove them to the same exact restaurant they had been to before. Seth got out of the car and opened the door for Darien.

"Now you've gotten past the car ride here, now it's time for the date!" Seth said and brought Darien inside. As they were seated, they smiled at each other and took a glance at the menu.

"What do I order?" Darien asked.

"Anything. Anything your heart desires. If he judges you because of how you look when you eat pasta, he's not for you," Seth said. Darien smiled. He was right, if Andy really liked him, he'd respect him.

"What about conversation?" Darien asked.

"Start small. Pretend I'm Andy; ask me about my day!"

"Uh, okay.." Darien said quietly. "So, how was your day?"

"My day was great! I spent a lot of time practicing my improv with some friends, and then I aced my exam that I stressed so much about. What about yours?"

Darien smiled. "My day was nice as well. I raised my English grade and I didn't have to pay for my lunch today!"

"See, this is a good start," Seth said. "Now would be the opportunity to ask him about himself, things you don't know yet! Like his family, or any of his little hobbies that aren't obvious, or what his favorite kind of condoms are." He smirked.

"Seth!" Darien shouted, his face red.

"I'm kidding! But you get the point, don't you?" Seth asked.

"Yes, I do," Darien said and rolled his eyes.

"Go on then, try it."

"Um, so, Andy.. what do you like to do when you're not playing video games or spending time in the coffee shop?" Darien asked.

"I can't.. I can't really give you a truthful answer here," Seth said and laughed. "You've got the right idea, though! It's easy. The conversation will flow, I promise."

"I trust you," Darien said.

"He may also go into straight flirting, too. For example, like this," Seth said and cleared his throat. He reached over and took Darien's hand, gazing into his eyes.

"You look amazing tonight, I've never seen brown eyes look so golden before. It's as if you've captured the sun in them.. it's captivating," Seth said. He mentally smiled as he watched the red in Darien's cheeks brighten.

"Do you really mean that, Seth?" Darien asked.

"What? Darien, the practice.." Seth said.

"Oh! Oh yeah, right, sorry.." Darien said, embarrassed. Seth began to regret it, he should have said yes.

The two enjoyed their dinner and Seth paid, telling Darien that he should take his wallet to dinner just in case Andy forgets.

On the car ride back to the dorm, Seth explained that further conversation should be casual and fun, and took the opportunity to turn the radio on and they sang to some songs together, laughing and being goofy. On their way to the bedroom, Seth explained the doorstep goodbye, ready to demonstrate when they got to the dorm room.

"Today was fun," Seth said sweetly. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I really did, thank you for taking me out," Darien said, looking up into his eyes. Seth gazed back at the sun-filled spheres. He brought his hand up to Darien's cheek and let it lay there, the two standing with very little space between them. It was tense.

"Uh, I think we should head inside," Seth finally said. He couldn't do it, not now, not ever. Darien had a date and that's all this practice was for.

"I suppose you're right," Darien said and looked away from Seth's eyes. He waited for him to open the door and followed him inside.

"I think you're ready for tomorrow night," Seth said and smiled at him. Today was the best and worst day of his life.

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