Be My Only One (Completed)(Le...

By deathvalley1

34.4K 1.1K 178

"I ....I wanted to..uhh..umm....confess that ...uhh....iloveyou" I stuttered. She gave me a confused look and... More

Let's Go
Author's note.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
New story
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Thank You
New Book Update


323 14 0
By deathvalley1


After telling the whole story to Anne, Isabella and Sydney, I came to my room. The room that I haven't used in days so that my sister and her girlfriend could use it. I have stayed out of my own room for them.

After telling them everything, I could not take it. I just could not. All those memories came flooding back. Those and some other too. I could not bear it, I cannot let them see me like this. It hurt, it hurt so bad. I loved my mom and I had to see her die. She died in my arms and I could not do anything. The only person who loved me was taken away from me that too by some teenagers.

I could not stop the tears flowing from my eyes. I could not handle the pain, anger and remorse that I felt. It was too much to bear. I was feeling all my lost emotions all at once. The feeling were overbearing. I was forced to relive all those painful moments of my life.

How could I forgive someone for killing my mom? That is why I brought Aman here, so that I could torture him and then slowly kill him. But after giving him some pain, a thought occurred to me, my mother would have never wanted me to do such a thing. She would never appreciate such a thing. She never liked the idea of revenge and if I took my revenge by killing that man then my mom would not like it. I did not want to disappoint her so I gave up the idea of taking revenge on him.

I put on some music and began to paint. Mom taught me to put my emotions into art, any form of art.  She always told me that whenever I felt angry, happy, sad or nervous I should draw, paint, play music, write them down or workout. That one lesson has always helped me. I started with abstract painting and then I made a portrait. A portrait of my mom. The way I remembered her, she was a free soul. Always happy and trying to make everyone happy. She was always so full of life, she was an optimistic person. Her attitude, good nature and love for others made her the most beautiful person in this world.

The portrait took about three days to finish. I just worked out and painted. That was all I did for six days straight but the pain did not go. I even tried to play some music but the pain was still there, latching onto me like a chewing gum to the shoe. I decided it was time to deal with it my way.

I finally came out of the room, after six very long days and walked to the main door down the stairs. I heard Syd calling my name but I ignored her and continued towards the door. They never believed me, all of them still trusted that bastard. I was angry and hurt and I did not want to hurt Syd because she had always been good to me and supported me.

When I got out of the door Sydney came and blocked my way. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"I have got some work. I will finish it and be back in some time. Don't worry, I will be back and I will be safe. You guys take care too" I replied and tried to move past her but she blocked my oath yet again. It looked  like she had other plans.

"You are going in these clothes? Have you looked at them? You stink and those clothes have been on you for 6 days, at least change" she said.

"It's fine. I will change later, I really have to go now" I said and walked away.

I decided to walk till my destination instead of taking the car or bike. After about 35 minutes of walking, I arrived at my destination. I walked to the door where the bouncer was. He looked at me, nodded and then let me in. I got in and searched for Rick.

After searching for a few minutes I found him "Hey man!" I greeted him.

"Viper, after so long. You wanna fight today?" he asked me excited.

"Yeah dude. Got any tough guys? Like really tough ones?" I inquired.

"Well, we have the old ones. You know the Dragon, Death Eater and Jacky but there is also a new guy. Rookie's name is The Hunter and he has been giving a good competition to all."

"Set me up with the toughest three. I will be ready in 10 minutes" I said and walked away.

I went to the changung room and removed my jacket so that I was just in my sports bra and joggers. I wrapped the bandages on my hands and was ready to break some bones. I could hear the announcer's voice. He just declared the match and called my opponent Dragon's name.

As soon as my name was called, I jumped into the ring. Dragon had bulked up a little and looked liked he was training hard. This guy was all about strength and no brains.

As soon as the match began he charged at me like a mad bull. I easily dodged his blows. After a few blows the intensity of his punches decreased a little and I took that opportunity to punch him hard. I punched him twice and then with another hard blow on his head he was knocked out. This was damn easy, I did not enjoy this fight.

After him came the rookie. He was tall and very well built. When the match started we both moved in circles in defensive positions. Hunter seemed smart, he did not just start throwing punches in the air and looked like he was analysing my moves and trying to predict them.

I threw the first punch and he dodged it. I gave another punch and he dodged again. He was trying to fight smartly. This boy did have a brain and he was using it well. I waited till he threw the punch and caught his fist mid air and kicked him in the face. He stumbled back but was quickly back on his feet. His lip was busted but he paid no mind.

He came forward, took his position. We threw punches at each other with very few of them actually having an impact. The game was getting boring, so I decided to make it interesting and end it fast. I faked a kick, he brought his hand to defend himself from the kick but I punched him square in the face. He did not have him time to react or recover. I quickly threw another punch which connected to his jaw and he started to bleed. He coughed up some blood.

Giving him almost no time to recover I punched in the stomach and then his face again. I am sure I must have broken a rib or two and his jaw too. With a round house kick he was knocked out. Having knowledge about the body, its functions, important nerves and points on the body is always good. It gives you an upper hand in the fight.

Next came, The Death Eater. He was one of the most powerful fighters here. He was bald, tall and well built. His muscles were huge and he looked ripped. He came in the ring and we were ready to fight. This one is not going to be easy.

D.E gave his first punch which I barely dodged. He was quick in his movements. He threw punch after punch and I was having a hard time dodging them all. I had to turn the tables soon, I had to gain advantage over him.

When he threw his next punch I caught his fist. I twisted his hand. He tried to punch and kick me so that I would leave his hand but I was in no mood to let go. He head butted me hard, I had to release his hand because of the pain. After twisting his hand, I am sure his wrist must have become weak and if it takes a hard blow it is sure to break.

D.E got aggressive and started throwing punches and kicks at me. Some of them were very hard. He managed to give me some good blows. His punches from the left wrist, the one that I had twisted were weak. I decided to tire him a little so I jumped around the whole ring, dodging his punches and kicks but he still managed to get me a few times.

I decided that the game was getting boring and I had to end soon so, I prepared myself to make a round house kick but he caught ahold of my leg and pushed me to the ground and got me in a choke hold. I tried to pry his hands away but it was of no use. The air supply was running low and I had to do something, that too fast.

I took his wrist and at the weakest point on his left wrist I applied pressure. The pressure at that particular point was enough to break his wrist. He let me go to attend his hand. I coughed and tried to get my breathing at a normal level.

After I started breathing normally, I turned back so that I could make a finisher move and end the game but, as soon as I turned around, my chest met with a kick and I was thrown to the ground again. Death Eater was as eager as me to finish this game. He managed to give me a few more punches in the face and kicks to my abdomen.

I got up and when he tried to punch me again I caught his right wrist and broke it like the other one. He wailed in pain. After a few punches to his face, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. I performed a whirlpool throw and the game ended when his head hit the ground and he lost consciousness.

I met Rick in the changing room. He gave me a sling bag full of money and said
"Tough game with the Death Eater huh? "

"Yeah. He has gotten better. Last time I fought him, the fight ended in just 8 minutes. He was good."

"Yeah but you are better! You should come here more often, you will get better than this. You will become the Queen of the underground fight clubs. Nobody will be defeat you, ever."

"I just come here to vent out or earn. It's not what I do. I have a career. This is not my profession." I said and he nodded in understanding. "How much is it?" I asked nodding my head towards the sling bag he brought.

"Just 23 grand. Today, less people have come to watch the fight. You turning up was a surprise. Whenever you come to fight, you inform me and the word spreads around so the maximum number of people turn up. People here love to watch you fight" Rick responded.

"Looks like I have a fan following" I said and got up to leave " See you around." I said patting his back on my way out.

"Good night and take care!" he yelled behind me.

I took a few buck from the bag and stuffed them in my pocket. I went to the nearest local bar. The bouncer at the door stopped me.

"ID please" he said.

I handed him a few bills and he let me in. I hit the bar and ordered a few beers. I don't even remember how many drinks I have had, a girl was flirting with me and the next thing I know we were having sex in one of the bathroom stalls.

I must have fucked at least 3 girls before  I cleared my bill and got out of the bar. I started walking home with a bottle of Jack. All the pain from the fight had vanished. All the pain from my heart had disappeared, momentarily. I must have gotten my ribs broken again because earlier, I could feel immense pain and, due to all the accidents I have faced they were really weak and not fully healed.

I reached home but I did not bring my key or anything. I was drunk so I was not able to punch in my code. I started to ring the doorbell and banged the door. After a few minutes of banging I heard noise from the other side of the door. I stopped the banging. A few seconds had passed by before the door opened revealing all the three ladies who were currently occupying my house. All of them looked pissed but Sydney had concern in her eyes and Anne looked a little sympathetic, I guess.

"Hey ladies! Could you all move aside? I gotta pee" I hollered.

Bella made a disgusting face but all of them moved. I went to the bathroom took a piss and came out. All three of them were on the couch. I too joined them and would occasionally take  a swing or two from the bottle. Minutes passed by but nobody had said anything.

I kept drinking from my bottle. When I finished the bottle I got up to get another one from my kitchen cabinet. I realised I was still wearing the sling bag so I tried to remove it but I could not make out how to get it off. After struggling for a few minutes Syd came to my rescue. She took off the bag and checked it's contents then shaking her head she set it on the table.

I staggered my way to the kitchen while Syd was talking to the other two girls. I found three beer cans in the fridge so I took them to the living room. I opened one and started drinking. I offered them the beer but all three of them refused. I shrugged and chugged my own beer. When I was about to open the second beer can a hand stopped me. I looked up and saw Sydney.

"That is enough for tonight. I am sure you have had enough. Stop drinking and go to bed" Sydney more or less commanded.

"You are not the boss of me! I will drink how much ever I want to. I am a free person" I drunkenly managed to say.

"Jo, listen to me, just go and sleep" she said, this time she was calm.

"I don't want to and I will not. Why should I even listen to you? Are you not pissed at me? Why are you standing so close to me? I might kill you, after all, I am a murderer. You should go to your oh so trustworthy father. Go to that bastard and stay with him happily ever after" I sneered.

I stood up trying to walk somewhere but I just could not. I don't know when I passed out. But the next morning, when I woke up I was on the couch and my head was throbbing.

Hey guys!
I hope you guys like the chapter. Please vote, comment and follow. Unless and until you guys leave comments I will not know if you are liking what I am writing or not. So please comment. Also if you like the book please share it and ask other people to read it too.

Thank you all foe reading.


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