Out Of My League (NOT COMPLET...

By chloehannah357

11K 172 40

Just an everyday girl starting at a normal university... All she wants to do is focus on her studies and grad... More

Chapter 1: first day at university
Chapter 2: my first lesson
Chapter 3: should I go?
Chapter 4: the beach
Chapter 5: "we all prefer you to Jasmine"
Chapter 6: I've got my shades on, like I'm rocking Barbados
Chapter 7: "I'm getting too close to you and I can't"
Chapter 8: "he so has a crush on you"
Chapter 9: talking to Rachel
Chapter 10: Beach, Brad, Brighton
Chapter 11: "you..."
Chapter 12: Doesn't get much better than this
Chapter 13: wake up
Chapter 14: band name ideas
Chapter 15: "you better treat him right"
Chapter 16: the text message
Chapter 17: 'first date'
Chapter 18: the party
Chapter 19: broken trust
Chapter 20: "help me look after my sister?"
Chapter 21: a different point of view
Chapter 22: vegas girl
Chapter 23: don't tell me you don't want me, cos i know it's a lie
Chapter 24: the last day of term
Chapter 25: taking Brad home
Chapter 26: teddy bears picnic
Chapter 27: "I like Brad..."
Chapter 28: "you're so perfect"
Chapter 29: a few seconds of silence
Chapter 30: running hands through hair
Chapter 31: I was going to say yes...
Chapter 32: I've been up all night, no sleep...
Chapter 33: date night
Chapter 34: let's go back to my place
Chapter 35: wearing his clothes
Chapter 36: YouTube views
Chapter 37: "where's Hayley?"
Chapter 38: fear of rides
Chapter 39: texting
Chapter 40: hospitalized
Chapter 41: the new girl
Chapter 42: movie night?
Chapter 44: Harvester
Chapter 45: Sophie is back
Chapter 46: "I'm sorry for kissing her"
Chapter 47: a new cover
Chapter 48: never leave me
Chapter 49: naps
Chapter 50: behind my back
Chapter 51: the truth about James
Chapter 52: awkward situation
Chapter 53: some weird phase
Chapter 54: confessions
Chapter 55: cheeky
Chapter 56: don't tell me you don't want me...
Chapter 57: trust
Chapter 58: all the time in the world
Chapter 59: stay

Chapter 43: pouring water

170 2 0
By chloehannah357

"What movie first?" Tris asked as we looked through them all, Brad walked back in and hung up the phone after he had ordered the pizza. "What did you get me?" I asked as he sat next to me. "Just a pepperoni, I got a large one so we can share." Brad replied and I smiled before resting my head on his shoulder. "Are you in any pain?" Brad asked. "Nope, I'm quite content actually." I replied as I began to draw circles on Brad's chest. "I'm glad." He replied as he kissed the side of my head. "How about Harry Potter?" Connor asked. "But then we have got to decide which one." James replied. "Hayley, which one of your favourite?" Connor asked. "Either the Goblet Of Fire or the Half Blooded Prince." I replied. "Well that narrows it down." James replied and I giggled. "I think we should go for the Goblet Of Fire." Rachel replied. "Ok!"James answered and put the DVD in the DVD player before cuddling up to Rachel on the bed, everyone sat around the room as the movie started and the lights were switched off. Brad reached over and closed the curtains as the light was reflecting off of the TV and then wrapped his arm around me again. "I am so glad you are back." He replied and I nodded. "So am I." I answered and looked at him, he moved his face closer to mine and our lips connected in a slow kiss which lasted about 5 seconds before he pulled away and focused on the TV again.

About an hour into the move the pizza arrived so we stopped the movie as Brad went to pay for it and then handed everyone their pizza. "Thank you for paying mate." Tristan replied as he received his pizza. "No problem." Brad answered and sat down next to me with our box, he lifted the lid up and the smell of pizza hit my senses, I haven't smelt food as good as this for a while. Hospital food is horrible compared to this. "Tuck in." Brad said as I took a slice of pizza and the movie was played again, it didn't take me or Brad long to finish the whole pizza as neither of us have eaten properly in weeks. "That was so good." I replied as I swallowed the last mouthful. "It was, I'm actually full up for once." Brad answered as he placed the box on the floor and we both snuggled up under the duvet covers.

About an hour later the film had finally finished, James and Rachel have fallen asleep in Rachel's bed but everyone else is awake. "I love that movie." Connor replied as Tristan took the disc out of the DVD player. "Another one?" Tristan asked. "I don't know which one to watch though." Connor replied and they both looked at me and Brad. "Don't look at me, I don't know." Brad replied and I giggled at his response. "Well if we can't think of one then is there much point in us watching another one?" Tristan asked. "Not really." Connor replied as Tristan turned the TV off. "Look at those two, it's only 4:30pm and they are already asleep." Tristan commented as we all looked at James and Rachel. "Leave them alone, they are cute." I replied and smiled at them. "They are." Connor answered. "I think we should pour some water over their heads." Tristan commented and I shook my head at the bad idea. "Oh come on, it will be fun!" Tris replied as he walked into my kitchen to get a cup of water and then walked back out again with a mischievous grin on his face. "I don't think this is such a good idea..." Brad mentioned and I nodded in agreement. "It's just a bit of fun." Tristan replied. "But James will get annoyed." I replied and Tristan shrugged his shoulders. "There have been plenty of times where James has been annoyed at me, but he will get over it." Tristan replied as he walked over to Rachel's bed, I held onto Brad's hand as I waited for the water to be poured. Tristan gave us one more grin before he silently tipped the water and it splashed onto their faces causing them to both sit up in shock and Rachel to scream a little. "What was that?!" James asked as he rubbed his eyes and Rachel wiped some of the water off of her face.

Tristan by this point was rolling around on the floor laughing and Connor was giggling too, I laughed at Tristan's reaction but felt a bit sorry for Rachel and James. "Why would you do that?!" James exclaimed as Tristan sat up. "Because it was funny." Tris replied and smirked a little. "What was the point?" Rachel asked. "We were bored with watching films and it was a bit of entertainment." Connor answered before Rachel and James looked over at me and Brad. "Don't look at us, we told them not to." Brad replied and they both nodded. "How many films did you watch?" James asked. "Just the one, we don't really wanna watch anymore." Connor answered. "We should go and do something." Rachel answered and everyone nodded. "Go ahead, don't let me stop you." I replied and everyone looked at me, they must of forgotten that I am currently not allowed to walk anywhere. "You can come too." Brad replied and I looked confused. "You have a wheelchair, it's not like you are stuck in bed anymore." Tristan replied and I sighed a little. "What are we gonna do?" Connor asked as Rachel and James sat up properly in bed still trying to get over the water being poured on their faces. "We could go out for dinner? Celebrate Hayley getting out of hospital ok?" Rachel asked and the boys all seemed to like that idea. "Where are we gonna go?" James asked. "Harvester?" Brad asked and then the boys got really excited which made me giggle, I'm guessing they all like the Harvester. "We had better get changed then, it's 5 o'clock now." Brad replied as the boys all left the room leaving me, Brad and Rachel.

"Did you need any help getting changed?" Brad asked. "I should be ok." I replied. "I don't really know why we got changed into our pjs if we are just going out for dinner anyway." Rachel asked as she grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and walked into the bathroom to get changed. "Are you sure?" Brad asked as he looked at me. "Yeah, you need to go and get changed yourself." I replied and kissed his cheek as he climbed off of the bed. "It won't take me long to throw on some jeans and a top." Brad answered. "I hope you're gonna put more effort in than just jeans and a top, this is my celebration meal." I said in a sarcastic tone and winked at him which made him smile. "How about you choose what I wear then?" Brad asked. "How? I'm not in your room." I replied, Brad picked me up in one motion and I felt like a bit of a baby having to be carried around everywhere. "I can always just carry you up to my dorm." Brad replied as he began to walk up to his room, once we were up there and after receiving a few strange looks from people in the hallways Brad placed me down on his bed and I sat so I was facing him.

"What outfit?" Brad asked as he opened his wardrobe and stepped to the side so I could see. "Wait, isn't Connor here?" I asked and Brad shook his head. "Looks like he is in James and Tristan's room." Brad replied and I nodded. "Which outfit?" Brad asked again and I looked at all of his clothes hanging up. "I like the denim jacket with the white shirt." I replied as he took them out of his wardrobe and placed them on his bed. "And the black jeans with the black doc martins." I continued as he placed the rest of the outfit on the bed. "I had better go and get changed then." Brad commented as he picked up the clothes and smiled before walking into the bathroom and closing the door, a few minutes later Brad walked out with the outfit on and I smiled at how cute he looked.

"You look handsome." I replied as he did a funny little catwalk to show off his outfit. "Thank you." He replied as he brushed his hair and sprayed some cologne onto his clothes. "Shall we go and get you dressed?" Brad asked. "We?" I replied and he nodded before picking me up again. "You're gonna need a bit of help now your arm is in a cast." He replied and winked before closing the door behind him and walking back down to my dorm room, Brad placed me back on my bed as he walked over to my wardrobe and opened it, I looked around to see Rachel wasn't in. "What outfit?" Brad asked. "Why don't you choose? I picked yours so it's only fair." I answered and a smile spread across his face as he looked through all of my clothes, I am now starting to feel a bit nervous about him being able to pick my outfit for me.

Eventually he chose a really cute outfit and the T-shirt was really easy to put on over my arm cast, it's also a nice casual outfit to go out in for a celebratory dinner. The outfit also comes with a white jacket to match the bag just incase I get chilly as Brad wouldn't let me go out without one, sometimes he is a little too over protective. "Are the shoes too tight?" Brad asked as he tied my laces up. "They are fine." I replied and he nodded before standing up and helping me to get in my wheelchair, I can use my legs if it's just a simple movement but the hospital doesn't want me walking around yet as they want to give my spine a bit more time to recover, I might have to have physiotherapy to help get my legs working normally again without any pain. "You ready to go?" Brad asked. "I need my bag." I replied as I wheeled across the room using one arm before grabbing my bag and throwing my purse, phone, door key and other bits and pieces into it. "Now I'm ready." I replied as I wheeled back over to him and then he took control of the wheelchair to give my arms a rest, we met the boys and Rachel at the top of the stairs and they all helped carry me and my wheelchair down before placing me back in it and wheeling me to the restaurant.

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