Living With the Smith Boys

By rebekah_hewitt

14.3K 448 99

When her dad leaves for Australia without her, Peyton Summers finds herself living with 7 boys. When her dad'... More

Chapter 2

Living With the Smith Boys

8.4K 211 34
By rebekah_hewitt

"Do you have to go Dad?" I asked him. He travels for his work and this time he's going to Australia. He usually only travels around America and I just stay at home with the neighbour's keeping an eye on me so I don't have mad party's, but this time he's going to the other side of the world so I have to stay with his friend.

"Peyton you know I have to. I would bring me with you if I could. You know I would." He replied stroking my hair.

I slapped his hands away. "Then why don't you dad? Your just gonna leave me here?"

"Peyton I can't afford to bring you with me, I could barely afford for me to go."He was now stroking my cheek. "I'm not just gonna leave you here all on your own, your going to live with the Smiths. Chris is an old friend of mine and he said he'd take care of you."

"I don't want Chris or the Smiths I want you dad, can't you stay?" I said nearly in tears.

"For goodness sake Peyton I have to go," he said now getting cross. "I have no choice but to go, I need this job and I need the money, and I don't seem to be getting a lot of either at the minute do I?"

"I know dad. I'm sorry it's just.. I'm gonna miss you so much." I said now I'm tears.

"Come on Pey, I'll be back before you know it. Don't worry. Chris is waiting outside for you so go on get moving."

I grabbed my suitcase and made my way to the door. I opened the door and Chris waved at me and my dad. I turned around and gave him one last hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much dad."

"I'm gonna miss you more Peyton Summers. You be a good girl now, and you can call me anytime you want."

"I don't have a phone dad."

"You can use Chris's phone, he's already agreed to it and everything."

"I love you dad. Come back soon." I said crying again.

"I love you more Peyton, I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise," he said in tears to.

"I'll call you loads and we can Skype."

Of course we can darling. Now don't keep Chris waiting.

"Bye dad."

"Bye Peyton I love you so so much."

"I love you to dad" I said getting into the car. Chris pulled out of the driveway and I gave dad one last wave and blew him a kiss.

"How are you keeping Peyton?" Chris asked making friendly conversation with me.

"I'm good, you?" I said back politely.

"I'm fine thanks." He replied.

"That's good." I said with a smile.

We chatted a lot getting to know each other.

"So how many children do you have?" I asked him.

"I have 7 boys."He said back as if it was normal to have 7 children that all happen to be boys.

"You have... whaat?" I asked again.

"7 boys."


"Tell me about it. Our house is a mad house."

I laughed. "So what are their names?"

"Well the oldest is Blake, he's 21, then there's Reece and he's 19, then we have Nash and he's 18, then there is River and he's 17, then there is Cole and Matt they're twins and their both 15 and finally there is Miles and he is 3." Chris replied. "May I ask how old you are Peyton?"

"Wow they all have nice names," I said with a laugh. "I just turned 17 last month."

"Yeah, you'll meet them all at the house apart from Blake, he's away at college."

"I can't wait to meet them."

3 hours later we arrived at the Smiths house. I got out of the car and stood open mouthed. It was a mansion. There was pillars at the front entrance, the bricks in the house looked old giving them a nice effect, there was 4 garages. It was amazing. My old house had a little greenhouse in the garden and that was as far as it went. There was no pillars, old brick work. It was just a simple estate house.

"Do you like your new home?" Chris asked.

"Are you mad bro of course I like it, infact I love it.",

"Glad to hear it," he said chuckling. "C'mon let's go inside."

We walked through the front door and stood in a lobby area. There was art work on the walls, there was big wooden beams on the ceiling, it was just breath taking.

"Hello, you must be Peyton, I'm Jill, Chris's wife. I'm so glad to have you staying here I'll finally have a daughter." a pretty woman said.

"Hi Jill, thank you for having me."

"Its no problem at all really, I'm gonna treat you as one of my own while your here don't worry." She said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks once again." I replied back.

"Oh please," she said waving her hand in front of her. "Stop thanking me, as I said its our pleasure to have you staying with us."

I think I'm gonna like it here.

"Come into the kitchen and get something to eat, I'm sure your starving." Jill said pulling me along to a door at the other end of the lobby. She opened the door to the most cleanest nicest looking kitchben I've seen in my whole life. The worktops were black marble and the cupboards were a cream colour.

"Reese Smith stop eating all them brownies and save some for our new house guest." Jill shouted at a quite good-looking boy.

"Hello, I'm Reese Smith." He said with his mouth full.

"Hi I'm Peyton Summers." I replied.

"Hi Peyton, wanna brownie?" he asked me.

"Sure." I said taking one.

"Reese can you please show Peyton her room?"Chris asked.

"Sure thing, come on Peyton."

He led me up 2 flight of stairs and across a long hallway into a door on the left at the very bottom. He opened the door to reveal a giant room. The walls were painted white and there was a king size bed, a desk, ensuite, walk in wardrobe, and a computer desk with a laptop sitting on it. Across the headboard of the bed there was fairy lights.

"So you like it?" Reese asked.

"I love it" I replied in awe. "Its beautiful."

"Glad you like it. Now if you ever need me or need to talk my room is opposite yours."

"Ok thanks,"

"No problem, I'll let you settle in." He said closing the door.

I'm gonna settle in just fine " I said jumping onto my new bed, in my new room, in my new house.


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