Gay Lorien

By for_lorien

3.9K 74 26

Lorien Legacies gay one-shots. Send me requests please! More

Comfort- Jadam
Stalkers- Stohn
Worthless- Stohn
The Holidays- Stohn
What Next?- Stohn
Domestic Tickling- Stohn
It Goes Unsaid- Sirina
Sunset- Sirina

Visit- Stohn

399 9 4
By for_lorien

Nine's coffin-like slumber was abruptly brought to a halt when the ear-splitting noise of the alarm shattered the silence. He groaned into his pillow, reaching out to smack the damn thing quiet. With his right arm. Nine rolled his shoulder uncomfortably, still not used to his shiny new appendage. He could flex his- were they even technically his?- fingers without conscious thought, but he wasn't able to feel anything he was touching. It brought him a certain nostalgic sadness that would never leave him no matter what anyone said in an effort to try to comfort him. Lexa couldn't have done better; for the most part, it was in proportion with his other arm and carried the same amount of strength (give or take). But the tall Garde still missed his real arm. Obviously.

Fuck it. Nine blinked and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before leaping out of his bed, heading straight for his early morning run. Another day, another busy schedule. Before he knew it, Nine was perched on the edge of the catwalk overlooking the indoor training gymnasium, waiting for his students to arrive. Last time he sat in the same spot, John visited him for the first time in a year. When Nine saw his face (he wasn't a fan of the stubble that had creeped up onto his friend's chin), he didn't know whether to sock him in the face or hug him. He ended up doing the latter, although he would have been more than happy to do both.

They exchanged a few friendly words, in order to catch up. Nothing meaningful. Nine found it difficult to focus on the topics of conversation because he couldn't help losing himself gazing at John. He was real and he was finally here. To see him.

Four left faster than he came.

Nine was a little upset at how rapidly he had disappeared without a word, but he held on to the image of John's smile as he carried on through the next few days. Besides; he didn't have to wait long before he was back.

About a week later, Nine turned a corner to find John standing with a strained but determined expression. He looked like a lost puppy that had returned after a long time wandering.

I came back for you.

John's fists were at his sides, his knuckles white. Nine could tell he was holding himself back from running away again. Somehow, Nine knew exactly what to say. He wanted it as badly as John did.

I'd hoped you would.

They kissed, briefly but emotionally. Less words were spoken than any other interaction they'd had before. John departed once again, but this time with a promise to return.

That was two months ago.

Now, as Nine stared pensively at the doorway, he thought about how much of a fool he was. To think that Number Four, the kindest, most powerful, and most stubborn Garde would be interested in a relationship with Number Nine. The least-mature Garde with the loudest, cockiest mouth that had gotten Number Eight killed.

Nine's depressing thoughts were disrupted as the first of his students began piling in, dragging their feet and chatting absent-mindlessly. He caught the eyes of a few of them, and they cleared their throats and walked with a little more vigor.

Once everyone had piled in Nine stepped off the catwalk and landed gracefully on the gym floor, facing his class.

He clapped his hands to get the attention of the room. "All right! Hope you guys had a good night's rest and some time to stretch your minds and bodies because today is going to be harder than yesterday."

Some stifled groans sounded around the room. Nine was reminded of him and Sandor; when Sandor used to push him and he would roll his eyes until he learned to shut up and do as he was told. It paid off.

"Same routine, guys, except I'll be adding a couple more obstacles," Nine added with a smirk. "You're in for a couple surprises today. I'm still expecting the most out of everyone. No wussing out, got it?"

"Yes, Professor Nine," the class chanted.

"Yes, Professor Nine," said a voice in the back of the gym, coming in late and dripping in sarcasm. The people in the back of the class turned their heads to see who it was. Nine crossed his arms and craned his neck to see beyond the small crowd.

There, leaning against the chemical-scrubbed wood of the gymnasium wall, was John.

His arms were crossed and he had the smuggest grin on his face. All of the students in the room had their eyes fixed on him. A few gasped.

"I'd like to have a word with-"

John was knocked off his feet. Nine had sped across the room and gathered him up in a rib-crushing hug that spun the both of them around. As soon as he set him down, Nine punched him across the jaw. It brought him great satisfaction to finally do that, even though it looked like John was expecting no less from him.

"That was for waiting two months to see me," the taller Garde explained. Nine was surprised to see John scratch the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"Sorry about that," he replied sheepishly. "Do you have a second to talk?" John gestured his head to the litter of students still watching them curiously.

"Sure Johnny." Nine turned to yell at the shell-shocked group, "Don't have all day! Get moving!"

There was the squeaking sound of sneakers rubbing on the ground and little by little, the class started a jog around the perimeter of the gym. Nine took John by the crook of his elbow and lead him outside the swinging doors.

"You realize-" Nine started, but John interrupted him.

"Hang on." John had his hand turned towards the door, a face full of concentration. His fingers twitched and Nine could sense the air- more specifically the sound-waves in the air - shift and ripple. John dropped his hand, frowning. "Hope that works. Saw Nigel do it a couple times before and once on my way here."

"Okay, Pittacus Smith, what do you want this time?" John raised and eyebrow. Nine bit his lip, thinking he came off a little too annoyed, but then he noticed John catching sight of his metal arm.

"That's new." When Nine didn't reply, John continued. "When were you going to tell me you got that?"

Nine scoffed. "Hard to send an email when you don't know which end of the world you're in."

John ignored him. He moved to examine the arm more closely, while Nine squirmed awkwardly. John drew back, clearly impressed. "Who built it?"


"Obviously." A knowing smile crossed his lips. "Happy with it?"

Nine opened his mouth only to close it again. Thankfully, John read his expression and switched topics.

"Did you read the letter I gave you and Lexa?"

"Obviously. What about it?"

"I, uh... Do you want to come with me? To see it?"

"To the Himalayas? Now?" Nine asked bemusedly.

"Not now, you idiot, but soon. Tonight. Tomorrow. Soon."

Nine snorted. "Johnny, unlike you I have a high-paying job and a system that relies heavily on the labor I input. I can't leave these-"

"Please?" John interrupted. Those damn puppy eyes again; bright cobalt-blue irises that Nine can never turn down.

"Who else has been there?" Nine countered with a sigh.

"Ella." John paused. "And Marina," he added, a shadow of guilt crossing his face.

Nine frowned. "Wait, what happened with Marina?"


"John." Nine didn't usually say his Earth name.

John sighed. "Okay. Marina and I kissed." Catching the expression on Nine's face he continued. "More like she kissed me. It's fine. I explained, and we're just friends now."

"Explained what? That you've kissed basically all the remaining Garde, but no strings attached?" Nine snapped. John looked taken aback and a little hurt.

"Nine, I-"

Nine turned away, head in hands. "No- look- I'm sorry, I'm just a little pissed at how long you left me hanging." John opened his mouth to speak but Nine continued. "Two months. Just in case you lost count," he bit back bitterly.

With his head turned down at an angle, he spotted a flicker of sorrow in John's face before something changed and he squinted his eyes and pursed his lips. Nine locked eye contact with him and took a wary step back, sensing an outburst.

"You know what, Nine? I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Do you want me to say it again? Is that what you want to hear from me, over and over again until it's both of our very sorry asses take it to the grave? Because I can't even leave you for two months without you throwing yourself a pity party once I walk out the door. You can go ahead and cry over your wasted time but not me. We've all got jobs to do, so man up. Not everything's about you." John's speech had carried him closer and closer until he found himself inches away from Nine's stunned eyes and open mouth.

Even if Nine was unable to feel temperature, he would be able to say that John was radiating heat. They were almost nose to nose, and the taller Garde could feel hot breath making contact with the space in between his collarbone. Nine closed the gap eagerly and angrily with his still open mouth wrapping both arms around John's waist, pulling him in so their bodies were pressing together. John responded with just as much passion, sliding his arms around Nine's neck and clawing at the back of his shirt. In the heat of the moment (or multiple moments), they could be described as a fire that flared suddenly from new kindling. When they broke apart, that fire hissed down to its scalding coals; not as visible, but still very, very existent.

Nine spoke first, his breath heavy. "I only said that stuff to rile you up anyways."

"You're such a fucking liar," John replied with a grin slowly spreading. Nine smiled.

"You still kissed Marina."

"Now I've kissed you more than her, so stop complaining."

John's eyes drifted over towards the closed doors of the gymnasium. "Hope none of those kids of yours have x-ray vision."

Nine bit his lip, still focusing on John. "Who cares?" he said. John pulled him in for another kiss, this time with the heat of a steady burning hearth and a much sweeter taste.

"Well what do you say?" John said when they pulled back again.

"You tell me."

The blonde shoved him. "About coming with me, you dumbass."

"I think I'm down," Nine answered slyly.


"Tonight. Screw my job." John's eyes widened, and Nine chuckled. "Joking. Thursday I'm off for three days."

"Good." With a nod towards the doors, John added, "Doubt any of them are actually doing what they're supposed to. Now get in there and do your job, Professor."

John started to back away and Nine held on hesitantly to his hand. Then John raised his eyebrows and Nine let go.

Trying to mask the pain of part of his heart leaving again, the dark-haired Garde turned away. Before he opened the door to find the class stumble back from their huddled groups, John called out to him again at the end of the hallway.

"Hey Stanley." Nine raised his head and squinted down the hall. "I missed you too."

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