
By wyatttoleff

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"Only fools fall for you." More

➳chapter one➳
➳chapter two➳
➳chapter three➳
➳chapter four➳
➳chapter five➳
➳chapter seven➳
➳chapter eight➳
➳chapter nine➳
➳chapter ten➳
➳chapter eleven➳
➳chapter twelve➳
➳chapter thirteen➳
➳chapter fourteen➳
➳chapter fifteen➳
➳chapter sixteen➳

➳chapter six➳

2.8K 133 423
By wyatttoleff

Finn's point of view

I felt kind of bad.

I hadn't talked to Jack in a week, and it didn't seem as if he was too eager to be near me either.

But don't be mistaken, I only felt bad for myself. Because that only left me with two weeks to win the bet and get my money.

I saw him hanging out with his friends everyday, the losers or whatever, and I did my thing. I pretended that I didn't watch him every second of every day, observing his happiness and attitude and how much fun he had with those people.

Nobody had mentioned the bet to me, silently hoping I would have forgotten about it so that they could save their wallets. But they knew better than to think I'd give up such a good fuck.

I knew that I stared at him once a day, at the very least, weather at his gorgeous face or his ass or high tight jeans that seemed to get more form fitting each day. But I always caught myself.

Except for the day he caught me.

I was staring at his eyes in particular that day, which was weird, cause I'm more of an ass or lips guy, but his eyes. They stunned me, which I never let happen. I would have had to stop myself from describing them as gorgeous because, for the millionth time, I am not like that.

He slammed his locker shut, flinching when he heard the loud bang that he hadn't meant to make. He made his way over to me, not bothering to say a word before he dragged me off to the bathroom, sitting in our corner.

I stood near the stalls awkwardly, not knowing what our purpose here was. Was he going to yell at me? Hit me? Cry?

"Sit down, asshat," he laughed instead, so I sat down.

"What's up?" He asked, as if we had been talking to each other merely a few hours ago. "You've been staring at me for the past week but you haven't been talking to me."

I felt the need to come up with an excuse instead of telling him the truth like I usually would have. "I didn't know whether you wanted me to come near you after the kiss."

He sighed, leaning his head against the cool tiles of the high school bathroom. "If I'm going to be your friend, that either has to be a one time or a permanent thing. A relationship thing. And I've heard how you are, and no matter how much faith I have in you, I still have my doubts."

I rested my head on his shoulder to really sell my part. It's not like I hadn't done it hundreds of times before to hundreds of hearts. It's not like I didn't break each and every single one of those hearts. Jack was nothing new, nothing special. "If you want it to be a thing it can be a thing, I told you that, Jack."

"And you won't break my heart?"


The word felt sour rolling off my tongue. It was almost as if I didn't like the fact that I was lying and I was in fact going to break his heart before the month was up, and I had never had a problem with that before. The empty promise usually slipped out of my mouth as easy as my own name could.

It was silent for a moment. I knew he was thinking things over in that small body of his.

"Let me take you on a date," I continued, finally looking at him. "I'll show you I'm serious."

I did the same thing for everyone. I took them out to some nice restaurant, I mentioned the fact that my parents weren't home, and dropped them off at home if they weren't interested. If I was lucky enough to get someone on the first date, I broke their heart the next day. If I wasn't, I had to take them out on a second date. It never surpassed two. Easy.

But I knew that deep down Jack wanted the same thing as me. If he wanted to be fucked, relationship or not, it didn't make a difference to me. A fuck is a fuck. I could just drop him afterwards.

Jack's point of view

"Fine. Take me out on a date."

I stated it almost as if it was a challenge. I had gotten gradually more wary of Finn in the past week, so in all honesty, it might have been just that. Because everyone knows that the greatest challenge for a former fuckboy is commitment.

He smiled. It looked genuine, and it wasn't a smirk. I decided he wasn't faking it. "Okay, how does Friday sound to you?"

"Um, good. What time? And where?"

"Seven. And that is for you to find out, princess."

He winked, the smirk returning as he swiftly left the bathroom, only seconds before the bell rang to signal a few minutes until first period.

I walked in before the second bell could ring, but I was still bombarded. "You're late again! That only happens when you're with Finn," Wyatt whined, saltiness radiating off of him like the ocean. "Stop leaving me behind."

The same dazed feeling as last week took over, my eyes glossing over like I was high.

"Jack? Hello? Earth to Jack?" Jeremy waved his hand in front of my face. It took me a minute or two to realize.

"What happened?" Sophia asked, concern laced in her voice.

"He asked me out on a date," I whispered, immediately looking to Wyatt and Jaeden for their opinions. "Like, he seriously did. Tomorrow night at seven."

Wyatt furrowed his eyebrows, everyone at the table sharing a confused look. "I've never heard of him doing that," Jaeden said, his tone holding a fair amount of shock.

"Maybe he's changing. I'm gonna give him a chance."

Friday came, and I practically ripped apart my closet searching for something I could wear. T-shirt? Too casual. A blazer? What the hell, that's way too dressy.

I would have helped if I picked up my phone and asked where Finn was taking me.

I eventually stumbled across a plain short sleeved button up, the price tag still on it. I picked up my rip-less black jeans, making sure that they were tight enough to almost cut off my circulation. But they didn't, they just made my ass look really good.

I threw on a pair of new vans that I had just gotten, and bam, I looked, dare I say, hot enough for Finn Wolfhard.

At precisely Seven there came a knock to my door. I sent a text to Reylynn and the group chat, both of which still wanted to practically murder me. I opened the door.

You know that feeling when you see someone so hot that you get this feeling in your stomach and you feel like you can't really look at them or else you'll be on your knees sucking their dick within seconds?

That was me with Finn.

He wore tighter jeans than mine, almost making it seem like a competition, with a tight long sleeve pastel blue shirt and white converse. I melted at the sight of him.

He looked at me up and down, smiling instead of smirking for the second time that day without correcting himself. "You look gorgeous, as always, Jack."

"You look like a rat," I giggled, taking his hand and skipping down my three front steps.

"I try," he flipped his hair, leading me out to his car and opening the passenger side door.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he turned on the car and looked in his rear view mirror to get out of his parking spot.

"We're just going to eat. Is that okay? We can do something else if you want."

Who honestly turns down food?

"No, it sounds great," I smiled, leaning my head against the window.

"So how are you liking the new school?" He asked, both corners of his lips turning up.

"I like it. I mean, it doesn't make a difference, I still see Reylynn every day. But now I have my new friends so that's cool."

He nodded, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel along with whatever song was playing on the radio. "Who's Reylynn?"

I smiled, thinking of how she would totally kick my ass for talking about her with "supreme fuckboy 3000."

"She's my best friend. Since our days as two year olds in daycare. She hit me on the head and I've loved her for almost fifteen years after that."

"I suppose you've told her about me?" He teased, looking over at me as we hit a red light.

"Oh absolutely! I tell her all about how I secretly hate you."

"I don't think it's much of a secret, Jackie." He put his hand over his heart, pretending to sniffle before escalating that into pretend sobs.

"You're right. I broadcast that shit to the whole world."

Finn's point of view

Our jokey conversation kind of made me want to throw up but also made me want to hold him like a small child because of how wholesome he is, and, like I've mentioned maybe once or twice before, I'm not like that.

The restaurant was nice enough, perfect for two averagely dresses teens. I tried hard to turn my flirting mode off, but it was ingrained into my brain. I flirted with anyone that I thought were worth putting my dick into.

If I were straight I would have probably gotten a girl pregnant by now.

Just my luck, we had a waiter! Our age! And really hot!

Notice I use the word hot and not gorgeous. That word's only for Jack, even if I didn't actually care about him.

It's all a shtick. It's all a shtick. You don't actually like Jack.

The boy took our order, his brown hair almost framing his face and his dark eyes lighting up as he laid eyes on me. We had an unspoken conversation with our eyes, and I could tell he was going to come after Jack was old news.

Man, I'm good.

I looked away from his eyes, both of us understanding each other from a half second glance as he picked up my menu after we had ordered.

I looked back at Jack, and his face had dropped a considerable amount. "Something wrong, princess?"

"Nope," he muttered, sipping at his Coke while I nodded with furrowed eyebrows and a total lack of knowledge on how people who had some self respect acted. Not the usual people I went on dates with, you know?

We finished eating, our cute and funny conversation dissipating quickly. I actually wanted to hear him call me a rat again, or Finnlard, which he had taken to a great amount for some reason.

I payed, smirking as I saw the receipt. I stuffed it in my pocket.

'Text me sometime, hottie- 201-666-6666 ;)'

I let Jack back into the car, climbing into my side afterwards and looking over at his gorgeous form and smiling. I had been doing that lately, my smirk seeming to forget itself whenever I looked at Jack. I had stopped correcting it.

"Do you want to go back to my house to hang out? Or would you just like me to drop you off at home?"

He looked at me and smiled again, making my heart damn near melt. I was developing a soft spot for this boy, and that was not what was going to lead to me unbuttoning his tight jeans.

I wondered what had ruined his mood at the restaurant, but I disregarded it now that he was okay. I would have probably felt bad if it was because of me, which is the worst part of it all.

"Sure, let's go."

That was easy.


Remember when swiggity swag sayings were cool on tumblr??

Should I change my story covers bros?????

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