Mr. Perfect is Mine

By yetyoibabe

18.5K 183 117

Mia Simpleton's life has never been easy for her. Forced to support her family at such a very young age, she... More

Mr. Perfect is Mine

Chapter 1

1.7K 79 70
By yetyoibabe

For those of you who don't know, I actually started this story last year and was supposed to be six chapters away from being completed. But I'm rewriting almost all of it and the chapters I'm posting now is the revised manuscript.

To my old readers, I'm sorry if I'd happen to remove some of your favorite lines or scenes and even changed the names. I don't expect you to like this new version, but I'm not exactly forcing you to read this again.

Though if you are reading this, thank you and enjoy! :)

*cover created by meha-k


Chapter 01: What The Fuck Happened?

Only when I finally settled myself at a corner did I realize that I was stupid for actually coming to this dance.

I was completely out of place.

Like an ugly duckling being surrounded by beautiful swans, I felt like an outcast.

But if I didn't want to lose my scholarship, I knew I had to come, so I took a deep breath and pretended I was invisible.

"It's not like somebody cares anyway," I murmured to myself.

I let my eyes sweep over the girls around as they talked and bragged about where they got their elegant outfits for the night---as if they were in a competition on who was wearing the most expensive dress.

I bit back a curse.

Tugging my black skirt a little lower, I checked if my white top was properly tucked into it. As much as I wanted to exert more effort, I didn't have a dress that would make me look like a princess so I settled on whatever I've got in my closet.

Still, I figured I could manage.

I always had.

"Aren't we the life of the party?"

I nearly gasped upon suddenly hearing that voice, quickly looking up to see who it was.

Unfairly straight teeth, unruly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and the confidence of someone who knew exactly how well his features looked together.

Trevor Austin.

"I'm not really good at parties," I said when I recovered, putting on a casual smile even though I was still trying to figure out why he approached me.

Did he need something from me?

Or, was he feeling sorry for me because I was all alone with no one to talk to?

Well, whichever it was, it didn't really matter. All I knew was that I was starting to draw a lot of attention because of him.


Trevor took another step closer to me and, as though he didn't need to think about it twice, placed an arm around my shoulder. "I'll keep you company."

I stared at him, wide-eyed and stunned. "No, you don't have to. I'm okay."

With a sigh, he retracted his arm then reached for a drink from the waiter who passed by. "Then at least have a drink," he told me, "Live a little."

I didn't know which surprised me more: the fact that he was being nice to me all of a sudden, or the way his smile had taken away all my will to resist.

"Fine, but just this one, okay?"

Although I said that, I ended up drinking too much. This was the first time I ever drank with somebody and yet actually enjoyed their company. Given, I wasn't really that much of a drinker, but if you have a father who drinks alcohol every after meal on a daily basis, drinking a cup with him would only seem normal. Trust me, every gulp was awful. But I had to force myself if I didn't want to end up with a nice black eye.

The mere fact that I was talking to Trevor Austin, a popular model and one of the hottest guys in campus, was enough reason to make every breathing girl around me jealous. I could literally feel daggers being thrown at me, but I was too busy to even care. Trevor didn't mind the stares of the people around us either, it seemed like he was also enjoying my company and the conversation that we were having.

I must admit, I hadn't seen this one coming.

Trevor saw me when I thought I was invisible.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sounding so worried, when he saw me cup my forehead.

I wasn't sure how many glasses of wine I consumed or how many hours had it been, but I was growing tipsy, like one little push could be enough to send me falling down to the ground.

"I'm fine," I said, forcing a smile on my lips. "I need to go to the powder room."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

My eyes widened a fraction. I didn't know but there was something wrong with the way he worded it out. "No, I can manage. Thanks, anyway."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

Struggling to steady myself, I turned away then walked my way out of the crowd and into the hallway. I found myself desperately leaning against the wall for support when my vision started to spin.

"Fuck," I swore, pissed and dizzy, as I struggled to keep myself upright.

I couldn't even remember where was I supposed to go.

Realizing that, I cursed again, and when I looked up, I came to an abrupt halt.


"What are you doing here, Simpleton?"

It was as though someone dumped cold water all over me, washing away all drunken thoughts to give way to a much scarier nightmare I had to deal with.

Our school's Student Council President:

Shin Austin aka Mr. Perfect.

I straightened, taking a step back when I nearly lost my balance. "I-- I was just--"

Goddammit, Mia. Don't stutter.

His brows furrowed as he kept his nasty glare fixed on my face. "Just what?"

I bit the insides of my lower lip, because even in my dulled state, I felt fear building up in my chest---fear that slowly turned into anger when I remembered what he did to me before. "It's none of your concern," I replied, keeping my voice as firm as I could. "Get out of my way."

Apparently, he didn't like my response because his expression hardened even more. I knew I was used to seeing that face of his, but still it gave me the chills. "You never changed, Simpleton. As always, you never fail to get on my nerves."

"Don't worry," I started, "The feeling's mutual, Austin."

I wasn't really in my best mood to start another fight with him so before he could give another sharp retort, I turned away and walked past him. But something snapped in my head and my vision blackened for a moment. My knees gave in and before I knew it, I was already falling down to the ground.

"What the-- Simpleton!"


I woke up to what must have been the most uncomfortable position known to mankind, but I felt so exhausted I wouldn't have minded falling back to sleep again.

Until I felt something stir beside me.

I opened my eyes with a jolt and quickly pulled myself up into a sitting position, hitting something hard with my elbow which immediately elicited an unsuspecting groan. My eyes snapped to the direction of the voice and I sucked into my breath.

Oh. My. God.

Fighting back a scream, I instinctively looked down to check if I was also naked.

And much to my horror, I was.

I sucked in a heavy rush of air as I inched away, as far as I could. But it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be because I ended up rolling off the bed instead. I let out a loud shriek, falling with a muffled thump on the carpeted floor.

"Shit. Who's that?" I heard Shin Austin croak out, followed by some rustling as he sat up to peer down at me. Then he stiffened up, his dark eyes widening a fraction. I didn't know if it was because of my nudity or simply because of my presence. "What are you doing here?"

Trying to ignore the soreness of my joints, I snatched the blanket that was covering his lower body, wrapping it on mine before standing up. "That should be my line!"

"What the fuck," he cussed upon finally realizing that he was also naked. He grabbed a pillow, desperately covering what made me freeze like the ice in Antarctica.

I mean,

H O L Y  S H I T

I just freaking saw Shin Austin's "thing".

"What are you looking at?" He snapped.

Somehow, my cheeks heated up at his question. I turned my body away, tightening my grip on the blanket. "N-Nothing."

I looked around the room, blinking the grogginess away as I tried to get a hold of my bearings. I was almost positive that we were still at the hotel where our Winter Formal Dance was held last night, but I couldn't remember what really happened between us. Heck, I couldn't even remember how I got in this room.

I tried to recall as much as I could but it was no use.


Before I could ask a question, however, Shin Austin caught my attention. He was starting to gather his clothes while covering his sex with a pillow.

"Get dressed," he suddenly said, glancing up at me.

I frowned. "Shouldn't we talk about what happened here first?"

"There's nothing to talk about because nothing happened."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled in a furious voice as I glowered at him. "We're both naked and you tell me nothing happened? Bullshit, Austin! What did you do to me?"

His jaw tensed then he was in front of me in an instant, glaring at me the same way I did. "I didn't do anything, okay? I don't know what happened either so stop yelling at me!"

Shin Austin had always been calm and collected, and so seeing him so lost and pissed off over things was a spectacle for me.

Like now...

Maybe he was telling the truth. He really had no idea what happened the night before.

Then how on Earth did we end up sleeping naked on the same bed?

I released a miserable groan then literally slammed my forehead against the nearby wall. "W-We were just sleeping, right?"

I wasn't sure if I should ask that given the circumstances but the words came out of my mouth before I realized it.

However, his response made me regret I even opened my mouth to begin with.

Shin Austin merely scoffed.

"What are you thinking? That I actually fucked you?" It was either he didn't know I was pissed or he simply didn't care because he didn't bother holding back his insults. "Quit dreaming, Simpleton. I don't even want to be in the same room as you, much less actually touch you."

I fought back the urge to kill him as I gave him a withering look. "It's good to know that we're on the same boat here."


If I'd happen to find something sharp near me, I wouldn't hesitate stabbing him in the face thrice.

He was the biggest jerk I'd ever known in my entire life.

And never did I think that I would ever find myself in this situation with him.

This was just plain crazy!

So instead of just stoning there, I forced my body to move and search for my clothes. But then I froze at the sudden realization that they were all over the place, as if he really did strip me off in a hurry last night.

I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from saying something entirely impossible again.

Nothing happened.

This was just a big mistake.

Shin Austin would never touch me. And I, Mia Simpleton, would never dream of it.

End of dilemma.


But I frowned when my peripheral vision caught sight of him picking up something from the bedside table after he successfully managed to slip his pants on.

"What the fuck is this?" he sputtered, shocked.

"What?" I asked curiously, moving closer to see what was on his fingers.

Then I gasped.

A used condom.


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