Sky High ( The big 8 fanfic )

By paticefaithjohnson

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The book is about how the big four girls and big four boys meet in Sky high.... Well the boys are childhood f... More

Chapter 1 (In the bus)
Chapter 2 (All Powers Shows up)
Chapter 3 (In the Guidance office)
Chapter 4 ( Homeroom/ English class)
Chapter 5 ( Snack Time )
Chapter 6 ( Some Classes before lunch)
Chapter 7 (Lunch)
Chapter 8 (Talk between Elsa and Jack)
Chapter 9 (The Big News)
Chapter 11 (Music)
Chapter 12 (Dinner)

Chapter 10 (The Group)

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By paticefaithjohnson

Hiccup's P.O.V

" this is it can we all just be a group?"I asked them ...

"If that's okay with them.."Jack said while smirking..

"It's okay with me.."Anna said...

"Me too" Punzie said....

"Umm.....sign me up..." Merida said...

"so, are you in?" I heard Jack asked Elsa....

"I'll try.."Elsa said....

"Why TRY Elsa?" Anna asked...

"Fine,, I'll join..." Elsa said.....

"So it's setteld" I said...

 "Does everyone have their gruop now?"Mr. Cullen said..

"YES COACH" we all said..

" Now everyone gather by group and form a small group circle, and I want you to make a book about Physical Abuse and What are the consequences.... It should be pass on the last week of the month... and by the way this is a contest the neatest ,the most creative and understandable"Mr. cullen said ........

~~~The bell rang~~~

"Well let us now go to our next class... so girls let's just meet up outside..."Isaid walking towrds the dresser in the gym..

"Okay" the girls said...

Merida's P.O.V 

 we went to the girls locker room then went out....I saw someone following us.. when i looked for the one following us someone grabed my wrist and pinned me in the wall...

"who are you?" I asked 

Then a girl appeared ...

"I am Jane Arendelle" she said..

" Are you related to Elsa?" I asked and she nodded 

"Here's a thing I'm going in this school tomorrow to protect Anna and Elsa cause our other cousin told me to go hre cause there will be something wrong that is going to happen so we will be on the same class and I am going  to show my powers to you tomorrow morning in the janitor's closet.... 6:00 a.m sharp" she said and let me go....

"bye" I said 

I saw the girls and the boys.....

" Where have you been?" Hiccup asked me....

" I was just getting something in the locker"I said 

"So can we go now?"Jack asked...


I sorry for the late update cause i was busy on baby sitting...... my cousin asked me to take good care of my neices :-) so sorry.....


       - patpatbryan

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