Destiny: Book 1 of the Draki...

By erinsnihur94

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Destiny is so fickle. From the day the old crone prophesied Princess Evangeline's fate it was destined to ha... More

Chapter 1: Purple Eyes
Chapter 2: 8 Years Later
Chapter 3: Mara
Chapter 4: The Wedding
Chapter 6: Draki Isles
Chapter 7: King Daeron
Chapter 8: No Way Jose
Chapter 9: Draki Queen Part 1
Chapter 10: Draki Queen Part 2
Chapter 11: The Feast
Chapter 12: Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13: Deception Most Foul
Chapter 14: The Battle
Chapter 15: Peace
Epilogue: 1 Month Later

Chapter 5: Everything is going according to plan

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By erinsnihur94

The large tent closest to the forests of the Esos kingdom was full of boiling concoctions and herbs hanging to dry from the ceilings

An old woman stood over a fire pit groaning to herself and mumbling words not meant for any mere mortals ears to hear.

King Karon stood at the entrance of the tent and sneered in disgust at the woman and his surroundings, "If you keep your face that way it will stay that way my lord."

Karon composed his facial expression and stared at his Seers back. She had not even turned to look at him.

"Forgive me, Notia, but could you not hear the commotion of the attack outside? We could have used your magic against the dragons." Karon stormed to the other side of the fire facing the old woman.

"I hear all and see all my lord. I trust the cloak you wore protected you from the dragon fire?"

"Yes, although the Princess is lost to us, they have yet to recover her body from the sea." Karon ran a hand through his blonde locks and fondled the hilt of his sword with the other hand, "That idiot cleric didn't even marry us in time."

The old woman grunted at that, "And the cleric? He is dead, yes?" At Karons nod of assent the old woman cackled, "Tell the people you and the princess said I do anyway, you will gain the throne of this god forsaken land, I am sure of it."

"I believe you are forgetting that this kingdom's King is still alive. King Thomas was well guarded when the dragon's attacked, my men couldn't strike in time amid the confusion." King Karon cursed and spun around beginning to pace the tent, "How do I dethrone a boy King and take the throne at the same time without the people revolting."

Notia reached into her leather satchel attached to her waist and pulled out a dark powder, "You still have your friends in the castle, use them to the best of your ability, my Lord. King Thomas is a new King he will not wish to plunge his people into war with the dragons over his sister's death. His father nearly ruined this kingdom when they battled the barbarians in the mountains."

"Tell me the fortune Seer, tell me what you see in the flames."

Notia held her fist over the flames and slowly the dark powder trickled into the fire below. As the powder left her hands the candles around the tent flickered out and a dark mist grew out of the flames in the form of a man with the likeness of Karon.

"I see you my Lord, you have taken the throne of Esos," Notia's eyes go black as she stares into the flames. Karon leans closer seeing a crown being placed on the powdered form. "I foresee a great battle, you have plunged a dagger into the Draki King's heart."

Grinning Karon stood tall, "So then I will accomplish my goal in taking the Draki people and I will have Esos as my own?"

"Be warned my King, I sense a great power behind this Draki King, he will not be defeated easily." At these words the powdered mist dissipated and the candles in the tent were lit once again.

Notia's eyes cleared and she gazed upon the mad King. "Thank you for your wisdom Seer, it will go a long way."

King Karon strode out of the tent and ordered his men to follow him to the castle, it was time to speak his friends.


Eloise quietly closed the door to Queen Isadora's chambers. The poor woman had been hysterical when it was announced Eva had fallen from the cliffs. The healers gave Isadora a brew to help her sleep. Eloise walked quietly down the halls towards her servant chambers but stopped when she saw King Karon, his back was to her and he was speaking softly to someone in a hidden corner of the hallway.

Ducking behind the closest curtain Eloise snuck towards the King. As she peeked from behind the curtain she heard only parts of the conversation, "No body..."

King Karon nodded to the person he was speaking to and kept walking straight towards the throne room. Eloise froze aching to see who he had been speaking to as none other than Commander Henry stepped out of the shadows a moment later and went in the same direction of the mad King.

Why is Henry speaking to King Karon.

Eloise waited a few more minutes before emerging from her hiding spot and ran to her chambers. Grabbing some parchment and a quill she began penning a letter. Sealing it with the pale stone from her necklace Eloise slid the letter into the pocket of her dress.

Keeping her head down Eloise made her way to the barn that housed the palaces ravens. Making sure no one was watching she entered and found Eva's most treasured raven, Sir Plum, cawing and fluttering his wings as if anticipating the upcoming flight.

Tying the letter to the ravens leg Eloise petted the bird's head, "Find Eva."

Pushing the barn window opened Eloise released the bird as it took flight over the courtyard towards the sea.

Eloise watched the bird as it made its way into the night sky until she could no longer see Sir Plum. When Sir Plum disappeared Eloise breathed a sigh of relief, Everything is going according to plan.

"What are you doing out here?" a rough voice questioned from behind her.

Gasping Eloise jumped and saw Thomas standing there. Without his crown he looked like an angel with his reddish hair, blue eyes and royal robes. His hand was casually resting on the hilt of his sword looking at her with a soft grin, "I didn't mean to scare you El."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it isn't polite to sneak up on ladies?" Eloise patted her black hair and smoothed her dress as a way to avoid the King's gaze.

Thomas grinned and gave her a sinful look, "You and I both know you are no lady, sweet El." At these words he strode forward and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his large arms around her and touched her hair.

Eloise closed her eyes and breathed in Thomas' scent, "I am more of a proper lady then you are a proper Lord."

Taking her face in his hands Thomas looked into her eyes and places a kiss on Eloise's' lips. "I am a King, love, there is no one more proper than I."

"Thomas, please we cannot do this now, we must return to the castle, what if the search party has returned?" Thomas kissed her lips and cheek, "They did return, they are eating now from the search, I wanted you to be present for their report."

Nodding Eloise squirmed her way out of Thomas' hold before stepping away from him towards the doors, "We best not keep them waiting."

The two walked out of the barn together Thomas grasped Eloise's' hand and held it in the crook of his arm as he escorted her back to the castle and the awaiting messengers. With their backs turned they did not see the dark, cloaked figure spying.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter of Destiny.  It is smaller then the other chapters but I believe some of my fellow authors would call it a "filler" chapter?  Anyway I wanted to post something! I have started a spreadsheet listing characters physical traits as I need to keep all of these different characters straight!  Let me know if you see any errors with respect to physical features!

The picture you see above is what I believe Eloise looks like!

Love to all!  ♥Erin

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