By Chance~Nash Grier

By babyboo_vannah

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16 year old Y/n Y/l/n has to move to North Carolina due to her mom's job promotion. The Y/l/n's move in next... More



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By babyboo_vannah

"You have to tell Emilie," he Frantically said. I nodded and ran downstairs as fast as I could.

I approached Emilie, who was sleeping on the couch, and gently shook her awake. Renee was still in the kitchen on her phone so she wasn't paying any attention to me. Emilie woke up and rolled her eyes when she saw me.
"What do you want? It's only.....3 AM," She gasped. "I know, I'm sorry but I can prove it wasn't me who leaked your secret. No one did," I stated as I pulled my phone out. "Just listen to this." I hit play.

Emilie gasped as she heard the confession from Renee and started tearing up. She pulled me into a hug and said, "I'm sorry for everything. For not believing you, for not taking your side, for cussing you out...." I cut her off, "It's fine, all I want is my best friend back." We pulled each other in a big hug. "Now what about Renee?" She asked. I held up a finger, signaling her to hold on.

I approached Renee while she was on the phone and said,with a smirk on my face, "You're done." She chuckled at my attempt to ruin her, but spoke into the phone," Im gonna call you back."

She hung up and turned to me, prodding me to continue. "Emilie knows about everything and she believes me, so you need to get the fuck out," I smiled fakely at the end. She did the 'bitch please' face before turning to Emilie for confirmation.

Emilie shook her head in disappointment and said," I can't believe you would do that to her." Renee's mouth fell wide open and she turned to me,"Fine, I'll leave. I didn't want to be around crack whores like you guys anyways." She shrugged and left.

Emilie got up to get her, but I grabbed her arm. "Just let her go, she's not even worth it." She sighed, but nodded.

She gave me one more hug and then we both decided to go to bed to sleep away this event since it was still like 3 am.
~~~The Next Morning~~~Y/n's P.O.V~~~
I woke up due to an itching sensation on my face, so naturally, I scratched it. Right away, I felt a substance transfer from my hand to my face. I shot open, fully awake now, and saw all the guys and girls surrounding me, laughing hysterically.

"Fucking fantatstic," I sighed as I got up and stood on the couch to look in the mirror that was hanging above the couch I slept on. I saw guys' shaving cream splattered all over my face. But then I started to laugh, not because of the prank, but because my hair was a fucking mess and my makeup was smeared everywhere.

Pretty soon, all of us were laughing like hyenas. I calmed down and headed upstairs to take a shower. When I was done, I got dresssed in some shorts and a yellow crop top that I brought over yesterday. I decided to let my hair air dry, so I left it down and headed downstairs. Everyone was in the living room talking. I walked over to Nash and gave him a hug. "Thank you SO MUCH," I laughed sarcastically. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Well, since it's still my birthday weekend, I don't think i should cook breakfast," I chuckled as I pulled away from Nash and plopped on the couch, grabbing the tv remote and turning on Netflix in the process.

"We'll do it," Carter said from the couch across from me, volunteering the other boys. I chucked (more like snorted) and so did Mahogany and the other girls. "What's so funny," Cam asked seriously, from the kitchen, as he took a bite of his apple. "You're serious?"

"Well yeah, you always cook for us and it's your birthday," Matt said while standing up and heading to the kitchen, I suppose to get started. I looked at Mahogany and made a scared face.

I shrugged and turned back to the guys. "Alright, let's see what you've got," I responded, genuinely intriuged. Nash smiled widely and ran over to kiss me on the cheeck before running into the kitchen screaming, "I WON'T LET YOU DOWN BABE!" All the other guys ran in after him. I chuckled and turned to the girls.

"Where's Renee," Madison asked. I turned to Emily and she was already telling Madison what happened. We explianed everything and they said they were sorry. A little while later, Nash walked through the door that connected the kitchen to the living room. "The food's done, but you need to put this on," he said, handing me a blindfold.

I wearily put it on and he lead me to the kitchen where I sat down at the island. Taylor told me I could take off the blindfold now, so I did. To my surprise, everything looked and smelled delicious. Me and the girls were amazed and began to eat as soon as plates were placed in front of us. "These taste even better than they look," I mumbled while shoving another bite in my mouth. The other girls nodded in agreement as they did the same thing.

The guys asked about Renee and I explained everything. They tried to console me, but honestly I'm fine. I'm not sad about losing someone that brings me down. As we all were eating Shawn looked at his phone and spit out his water as he was drinking it, aka spit take. Everyone looked at him. "What's wrong," Aaron asked, taking a bite.

"Look at this you guys," he said as he clicked buttons on his phone. We all got a notification from the group chat. I opened my phone, as did others, and my mouth immediately dropped open. It was a picture of me and Nash cuddling, taken at the party, and it was spreading on Instagram. "Oh my gosh! This is really bad," Johnson said as he started to freak out.

"What do you want to do because it's your decison," Nash asked. I could tell he didn't care if he would lose some fans over this. "Ummmm...can we leave it up and if I get too much hate, then take it down. Or at least see what happens because this is just a rumor," I said laughing. He laughed too and nodded, going back to eating his food. We ate and hung out, but sadly the girls had to go home today. They only stayed for my birthday. I gave them a hug goodbye in the airport and then headed back home where I went to bed.
A/n: Comment what you thing's gonna happen in the next chapter!😏😄 I hoped you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next week! Thank you lovely people for reading and remember comments and votes are always appreciated!💖

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