Love Is A Weapon

By Repitsu

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They say that "Love Is A Weapon"! When Marilyn get's the message from her boyfriend Jake who left her several... More

Author's Note
Prologue . . . Another Ending
Chapter One . . . Homecoming
Chapter Two . . . The Curse
Chapter Four . . . Unpleasant Surprise
Chapter Five . . . Road Trip

Chapter Three . . . The Truth

98 3 0
By Repitsu

“Oh my god, but what . . . you. This is so unbelievable,” I said. I don’t know what to believe. This story of his, it sounds just like fiction. He sat down next to me again and took my hands in his. He smiled at me as he tried to speak.

    “Marilyn, darling. I know this is hard to understand, but you need to know it’s even harder to tell. I should probably begin by telling you I’m not a wizard, vampire nor a monster. I’m some sort of a shape-shifter . . . ehm, all I know is that I can’t shift into anything.” He looked at me with a frightened look. I didn’t know what to answer or think. I couldn’t just say I understand, because I really don’t. My eyes couldn’t face his, because I’m too scared to. He pressed his hands against my face.

    “Please look at me, I need you to understand that I’m not the one you need to be afraid of. There are others, like the man who killed my parents. I really need you to understand that” A tear ran down his cheek and I dried it away with my finger. Then I faced his eyes trying not to look away.

    “Keep talking” I said.

    “I’m this shape-shifter who can’t shift, but I can use powers that I’ve watched being preformed by others.”

    “Can you do the spell Kyle preformed?” I interrupted him out of curiosity.

    “No, sorry. I can’t do spells that needs a formula to preform”

    “But . . . You did say it!”

    “Yes, but the formula isn’t all about saying it. You have to activate obstacles in the body too. So I need a spell book to understand how he did it.” I nodded so he could understand that I got it, because I’m speechless. His beautiful looking eyes took my attention. I have to try to concentrate not to let my mind wander along. Then he continued.

    “Anyways, you’re slowly changing into something. I hate that I didn’t know that when I slept with you, but Kyle made me forget. So when I left you I went back home to London, where I could find myself some peace … you don’t know how much I missed you. I j…” I had to interrupt again.

    “Then why did you leave in the first place, If you didn’t know that I would change into this” I had to think for a moment, because I really didn’t know what to call it.


    “I was going to come to that. I just wanted to save the worst for last.”

    “I think I will need the positive in the end” I looked at him, just hoping he would tell me it first.

    “There’s nothing positive or satisfying in this story!” His voice stiffened.

    “Well fine then, just get to the end!”

    “Okay . . . I went home and a couple of months later I got a very pleasant visit from a girl named Sarah Wayne . . .” He stopped for a second, looking at my expression.

    “It’s not what you think. She’s someone I’ve known for quite a long time. She’s a friend of me and one of the descendants of the master”

    “Who’s the master?”

    “He’s the master of my kind you might say. He was killed a couple of years ago”

   “Might say?” He laughed at me. His smile drew my mind away. My mind started wandering again, but I didn’t realize I was gone before he hit me in the head.

     “Are you following me here?” His face was all serious, which made me realize this was a serious chat again.

    “Yeah” I smiled back at him.

    “He was the master, but the king leads over him again. It’s actually the king who killed him and my parents.” He laughed. Why did he laugh?

    “I should get back to the point here” I was taken by his smile again, but I got to myself before he noticed.

    “Well Sarah came to tell me about the shape-shifter life and that the king’s still alive and he claims to be getting married again and all that bullshit. Sarah had hours of updates to come with and it got really late. So I allowed her to stay over.”

     “Did anything happen between you two?”  I looked at him harshly      

     “No of course not. She left the other day, but came back once a week to update me on the kingdom and all the things that have been happening over in the shape-shifter world.” What another world, with shape-shifters?

    “Is there a world with you guys?”

    “Of course not! But will you let me finish? I’ll answer anything afterwards”

    “Okay” I said

    “We’ve lived among humans for as long as I’ve known. I should really talk about my background. I had quite some history of sleeping with humans. We shifters aren’t allowed to be in love nor sleep with humans, but I defied that. I slept with every human girl you could imagine even some boys as well” I started laughing without knowing why. He looked at me angrily, which made me stop.

    “That gave me consequences, the king wanted to kill me more than anything at that moment, but our leader … Also known as Sarah’s father saved my life. The king killed him instead. I’ve lived in regret from that day of. I drained myself in alcohol. Sadly I didn’t stop fucking humans either, this time I killed them. I killed every boy and girl I slept with. I didn’t care about genders I just wanted satisfaction. I left them bleeding with their intestines all over” I couldn’t allow myself to look into his eyes anymore, so I sighed and looked downwards.

     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say anything offending”

     “It’s okay, just finish please” It wasn’t offending, but nasty.

     “Kyle was one of my best friends at that time. I met him when I was out hunting for a house in London. We found a house together and we really became good and close friends. He didn’t know that I slept with and killed humans, but he figured out and then he left me. The year was 1800 I think. In 1833 I met Sarah. I didn’t figure out that she was a child of the leader before I slept with her. You know when they have royal genitalia. You wanna know how I knew?” He smiled a grunt smile, which crept me out.

    “You can save me the details Kyle”

     “Okay” He laughed before he continued.

     “Well, She kept me with company through the years until she left me in 1900. I loved her so much that I quitted sleeping with humans. When I received a letter from the king in 1835 about my marriage to Sarah he told me he was awfully sorry about killing my parents. I got so angry that I canceled the wedding and went straight to his tower. I was surprised seeing Kyle among the king’s men. It was also then I got my curse.” He stopped talking and I looked up at him confused.   

    “Still no answer to why you left me!”

    “Oh here it comes” He smiled.

    ”Sarah left me in 1900 for another man. I hadn’t slept with a human since I met her. I didn’t do it after she left either. I hadn’t been speaking to Kyle after that either. I didn’t remember meeting him at the king’s tower either. I chose to move to move to France around 1935.

    “France! You have to take me there” I interrupted, but I think he didn’t mind.

    “Sure, but let’s focus on my story, okay” He smiled and I nodded.

    “I found an apartment in Paris and I lived there for some years, but never felt at ease there. I never really felt good anywhere I moved. In the years before I moved here to California. I’ve lived in Spain, Norway, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and even Germany through World War II,” He laughed when he saw my face.

    “I didn’t participate in any Nazi stuff, so calm down”

    “Good” I said reassuring.

     “I moved to California and I met you. I found love all over again. You’re the best thing that ever have happened to me” The last thing he told me hit me in the bottom of my heart. He made me smile; he was and is the best thing that ever has happened to me.

    “That’s so sweet”

    “I’m soon finished, so bear with me here” He interrupted.

    “We was being watched when I was with you. I thought It was Kyle at first, but it wasn’t” He took a long pause just looking at me with a sad look.

     “I don’t know who he was, but he wasn’t someone I knew.” I put my hand against his leg and moved into his arms. Feeling his heat against my body as he held around me.

    “You don’t know how much I’ve been lingering for this,” He said, quickly changing the topic.

    “He sent me a letter where he told me to leave you behind. If not he threatened to kill us both…I left you because I was afraid of you. I didn’t have someone to protect us both. So I had to leave.” He stopped speaking, putting his head against my neck and I felt his lips against my chin. I closed my eyes trying to focus.

   “What made you change your mind?” I asked

   “I couldn’t go one day without thinking about you. I cried every night; I was so lonely without you. Kyle took me a visit two nights ago where he told me about the curse he put on me. He told me that the king promised that he would protect us no matter what and Kyle promised that he would help as well.”

    “Couldn’t he just undo the curse?”

    “He did, but he told me that he couldn’t save you because the curse had already been brought to you. I asked if you would survive, but he said that he didn’t know if you would survive the transformation, but what he promised is that he would do what ever he could if bad things would occur.” He stopped for a brief moment.

     “Any questions?”

     “I have one, how old are you really?” He smiled at me and I couldn’t resist the feelings that curled in my stomach. I turned around facing him. He smiled even brighter than he’d done all night.

    “I’m born in June, 1758, so you can just try and count”

    “Your exactly 255 in one month” I said out straight before adding.

    “Your nasty!” I laughed out loud, just looking at him.

    “What?” He said unknowingly.

    “You’re sleeping with a girl that’s only 28 years old!” When he realized what I meant he started laughing out loud.

    “Only once!” he said.

    “Are you so sure about that?” I smiled with a flirty grunt, before I planted a kiss on his lips. It’s been such a long time since I ‘d done that. He liked it, so I jumped on top of him and before I got to his lips he put a finger to my lips.

    “Are we really doing this? People can see us from the windows! And your curse!” I took his finger and drew my mouth to his and bit his lip. When I raised my head again I saw the look I’ve only seen once. I saw his horny face. I got of him and drew him from the couch and to the kitchen. My kitchen is filled with even more windows that people could easily see straight inside.

    “Screw them, and we can cry over the curse later . . . Now I really only wanna fuck you!” He laughed before he planted another kiss on my lips. He touched the tip of my shirt and took it off. I laughed and placed my lips on his neck as I ripped off his Louis Vuitton shirt. I watched a new button fall onto the floor, but kicked it away. I looked up at him again. He was so gorgeous and he hadn’t changed a bit. 

When we both looked at each others eyes again, I realized that I wouldn't want to lose him for whatever in the world.


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