rose ( the witch twins )

By --timeless

469K 12.4K 1.6K

a tale of love and heartbreak. in which nova must live with the pain of her most beloved having bur... More

summary « cast
part one
rose ; questions


24.6K 653 144
By --timeless

"Well isn't this a lovely surprise." Aro's airy voice broke Nova out of her bliss as her head immediately snapped up and her shields went back up. Her eyes immediately flew to Edward, who looked at her, eyes wide and filled with confusion. Nova didn't look at him any longer though, seeing as her eyes then found Aro's milky red ones and narrowed immediately.

He was happy, no ecstatic. The main reason being that now he not only knew who the rose was, but that he had just the way to get her into his guard.

For who would pick someone over their mate.

Nova didn't know if she was strong enough to, she didn't know if she had the strength to leave them again. Even the thought of not being by them, not feeling their skin on hers made her investing heart ache in pure agony.

Nova had just found them again, the two individuals she loved more than anything in this world. That was something Nova had realized as a child. She knew they were meant to be, the way princesses were meant to be with princes.

They weren't normal, never had been. So it only made since that their love for each other wouldn't be either.

No, Nova didn't need to be immortal to know that Alec and Jane were her soulmates, and she didn't know if she could stand not choosing them.

"Surprise indeed." The red headed vampire muttered, more to herself than to others.

The girl eyed the Volturi then. She saw Caius, who watched them with what Nova presumed was his only facial expressions, rage. She then looked to Marcus, who had been watching the entire interaction with the utmost expression of thoughtfulness.

She then looked to the guard. A man with what appeared to be a permanent smirk eyed the three with interest, though he frequently looked at the male next to him. The large man glared straight at Nova with an expression of such hatred it sincerely confused the red head.

Though the girl didn't spend much time looking at the other members of her mates coven, instead she looked at her family.

Both Rose and Emmett had expressions of confusion and thinly veiled disgust. Nova paid them no mind.

She then looked to Carlisle and Esme, both of them watching with blank faces, though they held no disappointment, a thing that Nova was extremely grateful for. Though she would never admit it the girl always thought of the pair the way she had once thought of her parents in her human years. To see that they weren't disappointed in her elated the vampire.

Her eyes then briefly flitted to the Romanians and she had to force herself not to flinch. The pair she had once thought of as her closest family, the pair that looked after her when she was new to this world. Now looked at her with such hatred it would have made her burst into tears if that were possible.

Thankfully though, Nova was unable to cry and instead looked to the middle of the opposing force. Her eyes were met with a very confused looking Bella, who met Nova's gaze and her eyes turned pleading.

While the newborn didn't fully understand what was happening, she did understand that if her new sister in law chose to side with the opposition, it would have devastating costs. Edwards eyes held something similar when she looked at him.

Finally the girl looked at Renesmee. The child clearly did not understand what was happening, though when she looked at the red haired vampire a soft, devastatingly pure smile made its way onto her face and Nova melted.

With a soft sigh the older vampire gently placed soft kisses on both of her lovers cheeks. Jane pulled her sleeve, a low growl escaping her both in warning but Nova simply sighed.

"I'll come back, but I can't leave them." Nova spoke softly and Jane frowned.

"But we're family." Her words were quite and hit Nova in her core. It took everything for Nova not to change her mind and stay wrapped in their embrace.

The girl breathed in, inhaling their sweet scent before fully pulling away.

"I know, and I promised you that I would never let anything happen to you. I plan on keeping that promise."

Her words rang out across the field as she crossed it, this time meeting the gaze of every being on the field as she spoke again, this time her time deadly. "If anything happens to them, I don't care who you are, I will end you."

Once reaching her previous spot her eyes locked with Aro, and the girl nodded slightly as though giving him a signal to continue. Before he could speak however Caius was already talking.

"Bring out the informant." Caius demanded and seconds later Nova laid eyes on a pretty blonde woman that highly resembled the Denali sisters to her left.

"Is that the child you saw?" Caius questioned, and the woman, Irina looked directly at Renesmee and immediately confusion clouded her features, that confusion morphed into fear as she stumbled over her words.

"I– I don't know." The blonde replied.

"Jane." With his words Nova immediately became interested, now that she knew who the witch twins were, her interest in their abilities peeked.

The red head was severely disappointed however, because Irina spoke again. "She's changed. This child is bigger."

"Than your allegations were false." Nova couldn't find it in herself to be angry with the blonde. Firstly because she was simply trying to uphold the law, and more importantly, it's because of her that Nova got to see them again.  That however, did not mean she would intervene when she died. The red head did however, immediately stop the sisters of the now dead vampire from advancing.

Using her ability Nova stopped them immediately, delving into their mind to stop their legs from moving, holding them perfectly still.

Everyone, par Carlisle and Edward seemed stunned by this action, and Edward used that to his advantage.

"Tanya stop, if we attack now, we'll all die." The bronze haired man pleaded, and Nova ended her control on their bodies, trusting them to be under control.

When the mind reader turned then went to walk back over to his family, though before he could do that he fell to the ground in obvious pain.

Nova watched him then, eyes flitting between Edward and Jane in complete fascination before she saw Bella's shield come up, the translucent barrier preventing her gift. The look of annoyance made Nova's lips twitch in the familiarity of that expression.

Seconds passed and Edward was now standing besides Bella again. Nova also made her way besides the small family, standing slightly in front of them in a protective manner.

A tense silence engulfed the field before the sound of footsteps became louder and louder. Edward was the first to realize who it was, Nova could hear his shallow gasp and immediately she eyed the younger immortal.

"Alice." Edward whispered at the same time Aro spoke her name, though when the Volturi king spoke, his voice was filled with glee.

The pixie vampire walked towards the Volturi with her mate by her side. As they approached they were stopped by the members of the guard quite ruffly. Nova watched them interact, quite interested to witnesses what the seer was planning.

Aro allowed Alice through and grabbed the pixie girls hand.

Fighting broke out quickly after that. Aro had tried to take Alice, resulting in Carlisle running to attack Aro. Nova knew he could never win, yet she didn't stop him. In that moment, the girl didn't know what to do. All she did was stare at the twins, a look of obvious distain on her face.

When the Cullen's and the witnesses burst into a run following the death of Carlisle, it took Nova several seconds before she followed, breaking out of her trance and leaving into action.

Within seconds several vampires surrounded her, though Nova easily ripped them apart. The girl was very good at killing, and that definitely came out when it came to defending the ones she loved.

Out of the corner of her eye Nova saw Alice go for Jane with the protection of Bella and a feral snarl escaped through her lips. Without a second thought the red head ran to stand infront her blonde haired mate. She could see the confusion on Alice's face, and it was as though all everyone stopped moving for a moment in order to see what Nova was going to do.

That second was all Nova needed to rip Alice's head from her body.

It was that next second however that decided the fate of every last person on the field.

Emmett in his blind rage ran for Alec. Before Nova could stop him the bear like vampire had already decapitated him.

The scream of pain that Jane let out, and the equally as horrible growl that the red head released shook everyone to their core.

Nova could feel herself loosing control. She could fee her powers take control. The lose of one of her mates, after just finding him again was to much.

Nova let her emotions die, she let her powers take control. Without even knowing what she was doing Nova began to kill them all. In that moment the girl didn't care which side they fought for, didn't care who they were. Her heart was to much of a mess to care. That's why Nova didn't think twice as she single handedly murdered every single vampire and shifter on that field, except Jane who simply stood on the field holding her brothers corpse.

Nova allowed the gasp to escape her lips as she stared wide eyed at Alec to see he was alive. He was here with her, Jane beside him. Nova could feel eyes on her but in that moment she didn't care. All she knew was that she needed them, and that once she had them, she would never be letting go of them ever again.

The girl didn't pay attention when the other hybrid came out, the only coherent thought that raced through her mind was the desire to be with them. Her need was nearly all consuming, so as they were just leaving the red head girl moved forward. One word that would forever seal her fate leaving her lips. "Wait."

Aro didn't try to hide his delight, though in that second Nova didn't care. The girl turned then and looked briefly at Renesmee.

"I love you princess." She whispered into the girls hair.

Renesmee then surprised her by smiling. "Go be with the prince and princess."

Nova had never followed an order faster.

Less than a second later Nova was standing in front of Aro, head held high and eyes locked with his.

"Id like to come with you, if that's okay. I'm going to be with my mates." The last part was not a request. She would have them again, no matter what it took.

Nova wasn't surprised when Aro nodded, a smile on his face.

"Of course, welcome to the Volturi Nova."

Nova didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around them, just as they naturally moved into her.

She was home, and she would go anywhere for them, even Volterra.


is this the end ? honestly I'm not sure. I kinda want to continue but I also might just make an epilogue and end it.

anyway tell me, what we're your thoughts? this shit is 2000 words and I wrote it in one sitting so it took a while but I'm actually very happy with it.

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