Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

427K 8.7K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion

9.2K 208 125
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

Sooooo sorry fo the wait on this chapter, but school has already piled a load stress on me. Also please pardon my french, i used Google translate as i can only speak Spanish and English, not French. Ok, i'll shut up now so you can enjoy the chapter. Part two will be coming soon.

Throughout the rest of the week Voldemort taught Hermione parseltounge. This was quite easy as Hermione could already understand it and had done her research on it and because she was a blood relative.

Bella's doctor appointment on Thursday went better than expected. Both babies are healthy and growing and afterwards Bella had forced Snape to start to brew the potion to find out the sexes. However due to the complex ingredients the potion takes about a month to brew, so they will have to wait a while.Tom (and Lucius and Draco) is still adamant that they are boys, Hermione (and Narcissa) thinks girls and Bella wants one of each, so the family has agreed to disagree on that one. However the next day was the day that they all dreaded for a number of different reasons. Sirius' Funeral.

Hermione rolled out of bed with a sad sigh.Today was Sirius' funeral and she was obviously extremely upset. She thought of Sirius as a uncle figure and all the adults in the house thought of him as a brother, which he might as well as been. His death had hit everyone pretty hard, Bellatrix and Narcissa the most. Even if her mother hadn't voiced her thoughts since that dreadful night, you would be a fool not to realise that she was still blaming herself for his passing, Narcissa was an emotional wreck sometimes (Whenever he was mentioned actually, which happened less than you would think) but was dealing with it better than her sister, Tom had gotten over it fairly quickly as he didn't know Sirius as well as everyone else and he had just been comforting Bella over the past week, Lucius the same with Cissa, Draco was sad for a while but he also had gotten over it as he also didn't know Sirius as well as the girls knew him.

Hermione swallowed and blinked back tears as she pulled on her dress. She couldn't believe that they were saying goodbye to Sirius. The young witch hoped that the final battle would come soon, so that her father can finally kill Potter and avenge Sirius and Himself, now with the elder wand in his possession, it should be an easy task. Hermione quickly shook her head and pushed those thoughts aside.There should be no more thoughts about death and killing today, no matter who's death you are thinking about. When she was finally ready, she hesitated pulling open the door, struggling to decide whether she should go downstairs yet or not.

When They young Slytherin opened the door, she was met with her Mother and Her aunt, the former's hand was raised up as she was about to knock.Hermione bit back a shout of surprise and Bella placed her hand over her rapidly beating heart. Hermione looked at them and noticed that they had both been crying.

"Merlin 'Mione" Narcissa said "Gave us a heart attack"

"Sorry" Hermione muttered. Bella pushed the door open further and walked in, sitting on Hermione's unmade bed, her sister followed. Hermione raised an eyebrow at them, shutting the door.

"Come in" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I mean its not like I didn't invite you in or anything"

"Whats with the attitude?" Bella snapped, glaring at Hermione, who just scoffed and folded her arms. "Watch it young lady, i am in no mood to deal with this" Bella warned "I may have not have acted like a strict mother over the past few months but i am not afraid to start now"

"Yeah, Yeah" Hermione rolled her eyes again, causing Bella to scowl and glare at her "Why are you in here?"

"Because, We wanted to talk to you about something" Narcissa replied sensing the growing tension between mother and daughter "Our parents, YOUR grandparents"

"What about them?" Hermione asked, taking a seat at the desk that she forced Tom to buy.

"Just, to stay away from them and as close to any of us as possible" Bella sighed.  "And wear your necklace"

"Mum, My dad is the dark lord" Hermione said, bored of the conversation "I doubt they will do anything to me"

"Don't be so confident" Bella growled through gritted teeth, already sick of her daughters attitude "You are also my daughter, they will try something."

Hermione rolled her eyes again.

"Hermione" Bella warned again "I wouldn't. Now where's your necklace?"

"Dunno, last time i saw it was the battle, gave it to Draco" Hermione shrugged, inspecting her wand "Still have the matching earrings though"

Bella inhaled and pinched the bridge of her nose

"Hermione, I am warning you for the last time, if you don't stop with this attitude, i swear to merlin....." She said. Hermione narrowed her eyes at her but didn't say anything. Narcissa looked between the duo and decided to step in again. She calmly walked towards the door and then yanked it open.

"DRACO" She yelled, her voice echoed around the Malfoy Manor. Bella let out a scared shriek and fell of the bed. Draco was there within a few seconds.

"Yes mother?" He panted, clearly out of breath from running

"Where is your cousins necklace, you had it last" She said, placing her hands on her hips. Draco furrowed his eyebrows as he thought back to the previous week. After a few seconds her groaned loudly and face palmed.

"Its in my room at Hogwarts" He groaned "I stuffed it under the floorboards, I forgot"

"Its fine" Bella said from her position on the floor  "You can just go to collect it"

"How? Aunt Bella i cant apparate " Draco rolled his eyes. Promting Bella to frown and flop on her back, so still on the floor.

"Why has everyone got an attitude on with me today?" She exclaimed to no one.

"Aunt Cissy is technically not a death eater, she hasn't got the dark mark, she can apparate in and out of Hogwarts grounds, she cant actually go in unless she walks in, Normal death eaters, with the mark, will be sent flying because of the wards but Snape might have changed things from becoming headmaster" Hermione informed them, Bella shot right back up hearing this information.

"That could have been extremely useful!" She exclaimed "Why didn't anyone realise that?!" Everyone ignored her. Narcissa turned back to her son and held out her arm.

"Come one, we haven't got all day" She said exasperated "We need to be back soon, Bella tell Tom and Lucius where we have gone" and they then disappeared.Bella immediately stood and slammed the door and turned to her daughter, hands on her hips.

"You do realise that today is really important to me and Cissy don't you?" Bella said "What is with the attitude? Especially today of all days"

"Nothing" Hermione muttered "I don't know what you are talking about"

"Hermione Andi Riddle" Bella growled causing Hermione to cringe, Her parents never used her full name, now she must really be in trouble. "Drop the attitude, today is an important day, we are laying my cousin to rest and you are not going to ruin it, thats reserved for Cygnus and Druella" And with that Bella turned and stormed out of the room.

Hermione felt tears prick her eyes and quickly wiped them away. The only reason she has got a bad attitude is because she doesn't know how to cope. She didn't mean to anger or hurt her mother. She put the earrings in and slowly walked out of the room. She met her parents in the lounge, and immediately noticed her father glaring at her, Hermione guessed that Bella filled him in about what just happened. She looked down at the floor and shuffled herself towards the free chair.

"We are going to wait for the Malfoys to turn up and we are going to arrive in a carriage, your mother cant apparate and Regulas sent for one anyway" Tom told her coldly. Hermione nodded but kept her eyes downcast. The family sat in silence for only about five minutes before all three Malfoys arrived in a flurry of smoke. Draco silently handed Hermione the necklace, she quickly put it on and stood to follow her family out into the courtyard, where a carriage driven by thestrels  awaited. As they walked out each women was handed a bouquet of black roses by house elves.

"Black Roses to go with the Black family" Dinky whispered to Hermione. Wow that family really loves representation ............ And puns. The family all clambered into the carriage and again fell into a sombre and awkward silence, save for the two sisters quiet cries.


After a awkward half hour the carriage arrived at the Black family manor that Druella, Cygnus, Walburga and Orion currently resided in. Bella and Narcissa shared a look that clearly read : Good luck before they slowly crept out of the carriage. Hermione and her father also shared a look which read don't screw this up.

Soon the entire Riddle - Malfoy family was walking towards the gates, when they suddenly swung open to reveal two women standing there. Hermione looked them up and down as she studied them. One woman was fat and short, with long straight brown hair while the other was tall and skinny with black curly hair. Hermione guessed that they were Druella and Walburga. What the hell kind of name is THAT? Hermione thought. She suddenly looked towards her father, who was glancing down at her, shoulders shaking in laughter.

"Don't you dare read my thoughts" Hermione hissed to him in Parsletounge to avoid drawing the attention to her. Bella heard her hiss and sharply glared at her, then elbowing her husband in the ribs.

"Bellatrix" The tall women said, timidly, walking over "Narcissa, glad you can make it"

"Hello Mother" Both sisters replied, dropping in a low curtsey. Druella stared at Bellatrix before snapping her gaze to Narcissa. Her hand reach out, grabbing Narcissa's chin forcefully and tilted her head upwards. Druella studied her youngest daughter's face for a moment before stepping away tutting.

"Not good enough" She snapped causing Narcissa to bow her head in shame and step back. From where she was standing, Hermione could see that she was silently crying again and grew angry, she clenched her fist and tightened her grip on the flowers when she noticed Druella reaching for Her mother. However the old woman stopped in her tracks when she noticed Bella's baby bump.

"Another one?" She raised an eyebrow. Bella glared at her, her hand went from her side to rest on it protectively.

"Another two" She replied. Druella chuckled and shook her head.

"Tut tut, after what happened to poor ickle baby Hermione" Druella mocked before she threw her head back and laughed vigorously. Voldemort stepped forward to intervene.

"Yes, besides nothing happened to our other daughter" He said, extending a hand to Hermione, the other wrapped around a angry Bella to calm her down . Druella stared at him and then at Hermione before she turned to her oldest daughter once more.

"Je vois que vous êtes encore marié à ce monstre" (I see you are still married to this monster) she spoke in French. Bella scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Bien sûr je suis en plus, il n'est pas si mauvais" (Of course i am, besides he isn't that bad) Bella replied.

"Very well then Congratulations " Druella mocked, suddenly cutting her gaze to Hermione and then to Draco. She forced a smile and opened her arms. "Draco, Hermione come give nana a hug, why, i haven't seen you since you both were just babes" Draco looked at his father nervously and Hermione glanced at Bella, who just gave her a small nod. She gulped and gave her a hug.

"Go one Draco" Narcissa muttered "Its ok" Draco nodded and gave her a small hug as well. Druella opened her mouth to speak again but Bella cut her off.

"Aunt Walburga!" She exclaimed loudly to the woman who was still standing at the gate.she and Narcissa quickly ran over and gave her a big hug, The rest of their family followed. Hermione could tell that they were closer to her than their own mother.

"I'm so sorry" Bella cried into her aunts shoulder.

"It's ok dear, I heard what happened, it is not your fault" Walburga patted her back and gave Narcissa a teary smile.

"Hello Draco, Lucius, Mr Dark Lord" She greeted Tom,Lucius and Draco. Hermione had to but back a laugh when she addressed her father "I am afraid I don't know you dearie" She looked at Hermione

"Bellatrix! Pull yourself together" Druella shouted at her, Walburga frowned but pushed Bella lightly .Bella ignored her mother and wiped her eyes and gestured to Hermione.

"Auntie, I would like you to meet my daughter Hermione" Bella introduced them "Hermione this is my Auntie Bug"

"Nice to meet you" Hermione said politely, holding out her hand to shake "Auntie bug?" She questioned

"Nice to meet you too and yes, Andromeda used to call me that when she was younger and the name stuck" Walburga replied, taking Hermione's hand and shaking it. "I just wish we met under better circumstances"

"Speaking of that blood traitor" Druella interrupted "She and her muggle and daughter and her daughters friends shall be arriving soon"

"Yes well" Walburga cleared her throat "Once they arrive, the -um uh - service shall begin, so why don't you all head on back to the back yard with the rest of the family" She shooed them inside. Hermione looked around in wonder as did Draco. The Black manor was even more fancier than the Malfoy one.

"Wow" Lucius said as he looked around "Cissy I think we should think about redecorating" Narcissa ignored him and walked through the foyer into the back yard, Hermione realised she hasn't spoken since she greeted her mother. Bella looked around and pursed her lips as she thought about something. She was walking in front of everyone, leading them into the back yard when she suddenly turned and grabbed Hermione's flowers and shoved them along with hers in Toms arms.

"Hold them and wait out there" She told him, pushing him through the door. "Come with me 'Mione" She grabbed Hermione's hand and ran up the stairs and along a few corridors.

"Mum, Where the devil are we going?" Hermione called, struggling to keep up. Suddenly Bella stopped in front of a door , causing Hermione to crash into her and fall to the ground. Bella turned and giggled at her daughter lying on the floor.

"Sorry" She apologised "Look, its my old Bedroom"

"So?" Hermione stood up holding her head

"Soooo, lets go in" Bella said before opening the door and pushing her daughter through, causing her to crash on the floor again.

"You know what, i'm just gonna lay here" Hermione's voice was muffled because of the black carpet. (Seriously? How many black things does her mother own?)

"Get up silly, you'll get you dress dirty" Bella pulled her up. "What were you doing on the floor anyway?"

"I'm not even gonna answer that" Hermione replied surveying the room. "Why are we in here?"

"Because" Bella replied going over to the window and opening wide. Hermione groaned under breath but followed her mother anyway. She looked out of the window to find that it looks over the beautiful garden and that the Black family was quite big. There was no sign of the Order. Yet.

"Cissy!" Bella shouted out of the window making Hermione jump. Narcissa looked around confused. "Cissy! Get your butt up here" The blond finally looked up and noticed Bella and Hermione in the window. She turned to Tom and said something before apparating up to Bella's room. "You lazy motherfucker" Bella said to her when she arrived.

"Shut up Bella" Narcissa sniffed and dabbed at her eyes "What are you doing up here, Druella is looking for you"

"Thats partly why i'm up here" Bella said softly "Are you alright?"

"The coffin is on display down there and its an open casket" She told Bella, who squeezed her eyes shut. "He looks so peaceful Bella "

"He is, Cissy, he is in a better place now" Bella reached out and hugged her tightly, tears falling from her eyes. Hermione decided to stay out of this moment and took a seat at a desk and began to fidget a little bit.

"I thought you two might be up here" A new voice came. Hermione looked at the doorway to find another woman leaning against the doorway with a amused grin on her face.

"Its only tradition" Narcissa replied going over to hug her. "We always hide from Druella in Bella's room"

"How are you Andi? I know you and Sirius were quite close" Bella asked, wiping tears away, and moving to stand in front of Hermione's line of sight. Hey, no fair Hermione thought.

"I'm as ok as I can be" Andromeda replied, pulling away from the hug and extending her arms to Bella "Hug?" Bella smiled sadly and hugged her, letting Hermione to be seen. Andromeda gasped as she looked at her. "Is this Hermione?" She asked. Bella glanced at her before sighing and nodding.

"Yes, it is" She said "Hermione this is your other Aunt andromeda

"Nice to meet you Aunt Andromeda" Hermione smiled.

"No, no its aunt Andi" Andromeda waved her hand dismissively , much like Narcissa had done when she first met Hermione. She then looked at Bella, finally noticing the baby bump and squealed "Again?"

"Times two" Bella laughed placing a hand on her stomach.

"Oh my Lord" Andi gaped "CONGRATULATIONS " She squealed, pulling her in for another hug. Suddenly Another voice came from the hallway, it was Draco.

"Mum" he Shouted "Mum, Where the hell are you, Uncle sent me up" He had been asked to refer to Tom as just Uncle when he was in public. Narcissa snatched open the door and quickly pulled her son in and then closed it again.

"Are you insane!" Bella glared at him "Druella could have caught us then, we are hiding"

"Why?" Hermione asked "Why are we hiding again?"

"We always do it whenever any of us are here together" Narcissa told her " She hasn't caught us yet and we are not going to stop now"

"And our Rooms have silencing spells in them since we all turned 16" Andi said "Now, who are you?" She asked looking at Draco.

"Andi, this is my son Draco, Draco this is my sister Andromeda " Narcissa smiled. "Lucius picked his name, not me"

"Oh that explains it" Both Andromeda and Bella said, causing the Malfoys to glare.

"Nice to meet you Aunt Andi" Draco extended his hand. Suddenly footsteps were heard and the three sisters looked at each other.

"Hide!" They said together. Bella grabbed Hermione and ducked under the bed. Narcissa grabbed Draco and hid inside the wardrobe and Andromeda hid behind the old desk. The door opened and a man spoke.

"See Druella, no one is in here, the girls must be in the garden" he said. Hermione looked at her mother to find out who it was. My father Bella mouthed to her.

"I could have sworn I heard Narcissa's brat shouting for her" Druella replied, stepping in the room. "Merlin Dammit they always hid from me!"

"Dru, lets go, Its a free bar after the service" Cygnus said, stepping into the room as well "It is the only reason i came, who cares about fucking Sirius? "

Bella scoffed under her breath and shook her head.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you didn't I" Druella said "Bellatrix's Brat is alive and living with her and the monster and Bellatrix is Pregnant with two more " Hermione felt her mother tense and placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from jumping out.

"Is she now?" Cygnus said "Bellatrix was better off with LeStrange, at least he kept her in her place, this new husband won't even lay a finger on her, save for knocking her up. And Hermione is alive, I'm sure we paid big money for Dumbledore to kill her? Eh we'll deal with that later" He grabbed Druella harshly, causing her to cry out in pain and then the door slammed shut. All 3 of the sisters came out of their hiding places quietly with Draco And Hermione following them. Bellatrix was seeing red.

"Bella before you -" Andromeda began

"I'm gonna kill them" Bellatrix interrupted, going over to the door and drawing her wand

"Bella please, not today" Narcissa begged but Bella already had left.

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