The House

By Ancient-mask

60 1 0

(Just something random that I decided to post here. May or may not ever be finished. Four Swords based) Shado... More

The Awakening
The Garage
The Nursery
The Bedroom

The Kitchen

10 1 0
By Ancient-mask

He had been in this house before, of course, but it had always been a happy, cheerful place to match Red.

Why was it that everything was somehow either broken or looked like something from a horror movie now?
Even the windows were boarded up.

Probably those crazy people at the party. But then, maybe it was just this room.

Shadow was pleasantly surprised to see the brightly coloured kitchen in a clean, shiny state. The yellow tiles on the wall were looking like they had been polished five minutes ago and everything was in working order- as if it was all brand new.

However, he wasn't so pleased to see Red there too, cooking pancakes. But then again, he could use some answers...

Don't be fooled, he is not as innocent as he seems!

The words came back to him with a start- surely they meant that he could not trust Red right now?

That was pretty hard to believe as all he saw was his sweet friend making pancakes. Shadow could sure use the food!

"Good morning!" Chirped Red, turning around to look at him. He seemed pretty normal. But Vio's Letter kept nagging at his brain...

...and something deep down told him that he should NOT eat those pancakes.

"What's wrong?" Asked Red, "Is it because of what happened? I'm SORRY! I-I-I didn't really mean to hurt you like that!"

Red's eyes began to tear up... and in that instant Shadow knew that he was NOT to be trusted. Those tears were fake- Shadow should know. He'd spent half his life surviving on fake tears.

Hadn't that letter said something about tea? Making it exactly how Red liked it would be no trouble to him.

However, when he opened the fridge there was plenty of food... and some milk. Searching though the cupboards, he found nothing else which could possibly be used to make the tea- not even a teacup!

"Red... what's going on?" Asked Shadow. "Why did you tape up your front door? How come the house is STILL a mess? And what is in those pancakes?!!"

Red tilted his head, his fake tears gone. "Aww. You got me. But now you can't leave. Not until you win my game."

"What game?"

"Hide and seek- with a touch of tag! You're running away, aren't you? Well, I'M trying to keep you here! So why don't you try and find a way out?"

Shadow looked at him suspiciously. "What happens if you catch me?"

"!" Red giggled with a strange, twisted grin. The way he'd giggled gave Shadow the shivers... No doubt Red did not mean anything innocent by that sound.

"And if I refuse?"

"!" Red just smiled wider and giggled again, even more creepily.

Shadow got the idea and ran out of there as fast as he could, heading for the next possible exit he knew of.

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