Last Life Part 1: Homecoming

By hyaenahyaena

1K 214 86

Who wouldn't want to live forever at first glance? The human race is rash. We never gave the thought a second... More

The Forest
Silence Before the Storm
Pale Blue
Clear Morning
Bleeding and Broken
The Undertaking
The Last Son
Grey Palms Bunker Town
The White Sparrow
Desertification's Ramifications
Life Within the Tomb
Name of a Boy
Flash-bangs and Flares
Banes of Blackhill
The Living
Blood Call

Author's Note and Art

78 10 5
By hyaenahyaena

Alana (feel free to skip)

Let me start you off with the fact this story started out as an art project that managed to evolve into a great writing project.

I was drawing my characters, my world before their story had even been created. The thing was, when working on this project (which was to draw the next big singularity...which I had decided would be nanotechnology) I started to fall in love with the characters I had created. I absolutely had to make a story for them. Thus, Last Life was born... and so, three years and four drafts later, here it is for your enjoyment.

All drawings included in my story are my own. As I create them, I will post more character portraits on this page... So if you check here every few months you may find another character rendered below. To start off, I have our first narrator: Saul.

Below: Sparrow

Below: Verres

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