
By LexTheAuthor

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Aaron Turner had come to terms with his bisexuality at the age of fifteen. His first real relationship was wi... More

Chapter 1. Steal His Man Challenge.
Chapter 2. Love Lost.
Chapter 3. Best Thing I Never Had.
Chapter 4. Lonely.
Chapter 5. Differences.
Chapter 6. Trust.
Chapter 7. Family Affair.
Chapter 8. I Need You.
Chapter 9. Heart For Sale.
Chapter 10. The Boy Is Mine.
Chapter 11. Dilemma.
Chapter 12. Homies.
Chapter 13. Ex Factor.
Chapter 14. You Don't Know Me.
Chapter 16. Wild Thoughts.
Chapter 17. Only You.
Chapter 18. Through It All.
Chapter 19. Always.
Chapter 20. XO
Chapter 21. Watch Your Back
Chapter 22. All The Wrong Things.
Chapter 23. Baby Daddy.
Chapter 24. Just The Two Of Us.
Chapter 25. Malik & Aaron.
Chapter 26. The Understanding
Chapter 27. Hundred Reasons.
Chapter 28. In Too Deep
Chapter 29. Fake Love
Chapter 30. Consequences.
Chapter 31. Hard Truth
Trade Book 2 Out Now

Chapter 15. Do The Right Thing.

55.1K 1.4K 2.8K
By LexTheAuthor

Moses McKinley

"Look, I know we have our issues but I really needed to talk to you. Some shit went down and I indirectly involved you, regardless of how we feel about each other you need to watch your back" Amaru explained. I leaned my head back and stared up at the ceiling already knowing what was about to come out of this stupid niggas mouth.

"You did what I specifically asked you not to do. All I said was to hold off on doing it for right now, you angered this man and now he's coming for me when all I'm trying to do is lay low. You can't possibly need money that bad, there's no way you didn't have shit stashed away!" I snapped banging my fist on the table as I stared at Amaru.

His demeanor changed and he shifted as he looked out the diner window. He sat in front of me with this pitiful look on his face and I wanted to punch his ass.

"I wasn't thinking like that when I was doing drugs. All my money went to my bills, my drug habit and my parents to make sure they were good and had the means to take care of my lil sister" He admitted and I chuckled.

"Nigga I don't give a fuck about any of that!" I snapped again causing a few people to look over at us. I calmed down some and licked my lips as I leaned forward trying to think, I hadn't meant to step beside myself just then.

Amaru went to get up to leave and I reached out and grabbed his arm gesturing for him to sit back down. He clenched his jaw but reluctantly retook his seat as he brushed a hand over the top of his head.

"This shit wouldn't of happened if your boy wasn't acting like a scorned ex. What'd you do, fuck him and then stop returning his calls?" Amaru questioned as he looked me over almost like he was judging me or some shit.

"I'm a kill Deejay and then I'm a kill you too" I said in a bored tone as I propped my face up with my fist while my gaze roamed down to the plate of fries in front of me I hadn't touched.

"I didn't have to tell you about this shit at all. I could've left your ass out to dry since you wanna be ungrateful" Amaru responded as he rested back in his seat and let out a sigh.

"Shut the fuck up and suck my dick" I mumbled only for him to raise an eyebrow and I smacked my teeth. "I didn't mean literally. It's a phrase, you just happened to be into niggas" I said before he could say any slick shit.

Amaru remained silent as he occasionally looked at the cars passing by through the window. Part of me wanted to get up and leave but there was no point, I didn't want to go to the empty apartment that I'd bought. It'd be awhile before I even get to hold my daughter again so what was really the point?

I wanted to get somewhere close to Aaron but I was probably just putting him in danger. That night when those men showed up asking about me I went out the front and left. I hadn't talked to Aaron in a week and I knew he was about to be mad as hell at me.

"So" Amaru said as he turned his full attention to me. I frowned as I looked up at him wondering what the fuck he wanted.

"Whenever you wanna handle this shit, I'm down. I made things worse, I was dumb enough to walk into the trap. I thought deejay was genuine" Amaru said shaking his head.

"Well now you know he's not. The nigga is fucking weird, he got some type of obsession with me" I stated not planning on elaborating. I'd known Deejay since we were in elementary school and I was loyal to him, whatever I had, he had but that wasn't enough for him.

He fucked me over once and I cut his ass off, I wasn't about to let him do it again and now I knew I was right to not forgive his bitch ass.

"Where does Deejay stay? You know?" I questioned and Amaru shook his head after contemplating it.

"I use to know but after everything went down I went looking for him to take care of him myself. His place was empty, my dumb ass should've known he would've saw it coming" he explained as I shook my head.

I went into a deep thought after that and stared straight ahead. Amaru wrinkled his nose probably assuming I was staring at him but I wasn't. I wasn't even really looking at anything, just thinking.

"How'd you know?" I questioned out loud. Amaru pulled out a brush and brushed the top of his head growing confused.

"Man I just told you I went there to take care of him myself and he wasn't there. That's how the fuck I knew he wasn't there!" He snapped.

"Fam that's not what I'm talking about. How'd you know you were just into dudes?" I questioned lowly.

Amaru seemed caught off guard and he looked me over. He eventually relaxed some and got a grin on his face.

"I just knew. But what you have to understand is that not every gay person is the same, I use to think I couldn't be gay because I don't walk with a twist or act very feminine. Just ignorant shit like that, it's hard to explain but if you're gay you'll just know" he said with a shrug.

"So when you look at me what do you see? Do I come across as gay?" I questioned and he laughed awkwardly.

"Honestly? No. I know a lot of people say they can tell when someone's gay but I really didn't get that vibe from you until you got around Ron. You get this look in your eyes like you wanna fuck the shit out of him. I think once you get passed the stereotypes you'll figure it out" he said and I gave a simple nod.

I mean he was right, I did wanna fuck Ron every time I saw him. He was the only person I did wanna mess around with, the more Saint teased Amaru and I about sharing Aaron, the more I knew that'd never be a possibility.

I didn't want to share Aaron's lame ass with anyone else and I'd never be okay with that shit. I also wasn't even into Amaru like that, he was decent looking he just wasn't who I wanted.

I called for the check before paying and leaving the uneaten fries and Amaru followed me out. I made him walk out of the diner first giving him a slight push just incase I'd been followed, if anybody was getting shot tonight it'd be him.

"It's still fuck you forever, as soon as we take care of this bullshit I'm whooping your ass just because" Amaru stated boldly.

I kept a straight face as I stared at his soft ass. He wasn't whooping shit but if he wanted to fight, I'd fight him, I liked to fight.

I didn't bother saying shit to him and headed over to my car once the coast was clear. I tried to call Aaron to let him know I was coming over but my call went straight to voicemail like I should've known it would.

I thought about calling Saint to see what was up but I didn't feel like him saying any slick shit to me either so I decided to just ride over there.

The drive over there was almost an hour, I'd regretted doing all that driving but it was a precaution.

I parked in the front of Aaron's building and took the lobby instead of going through the parking garage. One of the security guards looked at me funny but didn't question me as he turned his attention to the security cameras on the elevators and so I decided to take the stairs.

By the time I made it to Aaron's door it was cracked open and I felt my heart stop as my foot steps slowed. I pushed the door open some and Peyton who was standing by the door swung on me causing me to throw my hands up to block.

"Fam it's me! Why is the door even opened?!" I snapped as she gave me one last hit before observing me.

"Because I'm about to go out to my car for a second. You can't just be walking up into people's homes, even if your man lives here" she said with a playful eye roll.

"You knew it was me and you continued to swing on me" I mumbled. Peyton smiled as she slid out the door and shut it behind her leaving me standing in the foyer alone.

I followed the music upstairs where the smell of strong ass cologne gave me an instant headache. I pushed open Aaron's door and he was placing some clothes into his drawers and some into a bag, he looked up at me before he shook his head and continued what he was doing.

"What's up?" I questioned walking up behind him. He remained silent as I pressed into him and looked at what he was placing into his bags. I frowned when I saw the pack of condoms and quickly pulled that shit out.

"Why the fuck you packing condoms?" I asked as he tried to snatch it from my hand. He tried to ignore me until I pushed him face down on the bed and held him by his neck.

"I don't plan to use them, but it's good to be prepared. I'll probably just give them to Saint, but I'm going to Vegas this weekend and I might get laid or maybe I'll find someone that knows how to pick up a fucking phone and at least tell me they're okay!" He snapped.

"Ron there was a lot of shit going on. I wasn't ignoring you or anything like that I'm all about you this time I promise. I just don't want you to be involved" I explained.

"Well I am involved, I've been involved since that video of me deep throating started spreading around. If you made one phone call and just said that I would've understood and left you alone but you didn't say shit and I'm thinking this whole time that maybe you got kidnapped by those dudes in the cars Saint saw" Aaron explained as I let go of him.

He eventually got up and looked at me. I remained silent as his arms snaked around my waist and he buried his face into my chest as we stood in silence.

"Bruv I get it and I'm sorry. This week is about you though, none of the other bullshit, this is the first birthday we've spent together in awhile" I said with a slight chuckle.

Aaron smirked as he let go of me and I grabbed both of his hands and pulled him down onto the bed with me knocking his bag of clothes onto the ground.

He laughed before moving off of me and as I shut my eyes to relax I felt his hand on the side of my face as he rubbed it.

"Are you going? We got you a plane ticket because I knew you'd show up eventually" Aaron said as I opened an eye and looked at him. When I didn't say anything he stopped rubbing my face and got this stale look.

I pulled him back down onto me and he rested his head on my chest while my arm wrapped around him.

"If I don't go are you going to go and fuck somebody else? Some ugly broad?" I questioned moving my arm and he smacked his teeth.

"I can't predict the future, I don't think I will. I'm single and I could get drunk, I don't wanna fuck up and get someone pregnant" He mumbled and I sat up.

"Oh foreal?" I questioned being able to hear what my brother said play over and over again in my head. How Ron would eventually get tired of playing house with me and how he wasn't ready to be a father.

"That wasn't meant for you to take it in that way. Nobody wants to go to Vegas and knock somebody up its just a precaution" he said quickly.

"No you got a slick ass mouth, I know what you meant" I mumbled as I stood up from the bed and Aaron frowned.

He shook his head remaining silent as he got up from the bed and went into his bathroom to grab some more of his shit.

I watched as he came stomping back into the room and snatched his bag up from the ground tossing a travel toothbrush and toothpaste inside.

"Hold up" I said grabbing his arm and he tried to yank out of my grip but I was stronger than him. "Stop, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm upset at other shit and that has nothing to do with you" I explained while eventually letting go of him.

"This was our problem before. We use to fight over petty shit and I don't have time for that anymore. I thought you were trying to change" Aaron said.

"I am changing, it's a work in progress but I'm trying to get there. What can I do to end the petty argument?" I questioned stepping towards him.

Aaron opened his bag up more showing me there was room for me to put my clothes. I chuckled to myself and nodded.

"I should've saw this shit coming" I mumbled before someone knocked on his bedroom door. We both looked up at some dark skin guy that leaned in the doorway, he wore a pair of tight ripped jeans and a crop top with some band on it.

I noticed he was the same guy from Peyton's apartment but I couldn't remember his name. Aaron smiled and stood up, I watched him walk over and the two of them hugged and greeted one another.

For  the first time since I'd came into his room I noticed he was dressed up to go out. Aaron must've felt my gaze because he eventually let go of the hug and looked over at me.

"Moses this is Jacob, Jacob this is Moses" he introduced. The nigga extended his hand to me and I stared at it before glancing at Aaron.

"Your ass and dick must be heavenly, you be having these men loosing their minds over you" Jacob said with a chuckle and Aaron smiled and pushed him out of the room.

"Mind your business and wait downstairs honey" Aaron said shutting the door. He turned to look at me.

"So y'all cool? That's why you smell all good and shit, you about to go and chill with that bottom?" I questioned seething on the inside.

"We aren't best friends but we're friends, yeah. I usually go to gay clubs with him and Peyton, Saint's my nigga and all but I'd never ask him to go to a gay club with me. You're also right, he is a bottom and so am I for the most part so what are we going to do except bump asses?" Aaron questioned trying to be funny.

I took in his attire consisting of a pair of red Gucci track pants with a white matching shirt that was buttoned down and tucked in like the lame he was.

"Moses if you want to go then just say so. I didn't think you'd wanna go, you know how you are" he admitted and I smacked my teeth and stood up.

"Maybe so, but it'd be fucked up if I told you not to go. So I wanna go, I wanna see what it's like" I shrugged and he smiled. I didn't want to tell him the full extent of the situation I was in, all I wanted to do was just vibe with him without him being worried about me all of the time.


Three hours later, I stood leaning against a wall with a smirk while everyone inside of the club rapped along to Bodak Yellow including Aaron who was a bit tipsy and trying to twerk against the wall.

I hyped him up as a few people gathered around. I could see the lust in some of the men's eyes, a few had been trying to get at him all night wether it was offering to buy him drinks, being loud to get his attention or just trying to dance with him.

We'd lost Peyton and her friend an hour after we got to the club. The last I'd saw of Peyton she was dancing with some woman with piercing and huge titties.

Once the song began to fade out the DJ began playing a mashup and Aaron stopped twerking. I thought about recording his ass so he couldn't deny this shit ever happened like he normally does.

"You good?" A man asked Aaron. He was buff and had a bald head, he reached out to grab his hand until he saw my gaze and the way Aaron fell into me,

He took the hint as he backed up while I wrapped my arm around Aaron and gave his ass a slap as he laughed.

"I don't embarrass you?" He questioned along with a hiccup. I led him over to a small table and he sat down in the chair pushing a drink that was on it away from him.

"Bruv you don't embarrass me" I responded as I looked around. My eyes roamed over to a couple who were feeling each other up, it wasn't until Aaron tugged on my shirt that I turned my attention back to him.

He stood up and tried to dance with me but I instinctively took a step back and looked around again like someone would see and judge. The truth was nobody was even paying us any attention, there was a bunch of couples just like us.

Once Aaron felt my reluctance he stopped as a guy with his dreads pulled up on top of his head walked up and extended his hand for Aaron to shake and he did.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if you both are together. I just wanted to know if I could buy you a drink and dance with you, I promise I'm not trying to overstep" the man explained to Aaron sounding sincere.

Aaron looked at him and then looked at me before he declined and sat back down in the chair. The man took the rejection cool and went about his business.

I watched Aaron sit with his hands in his lap as he watched the other couples and friends have a good time. His head was slightly tilted and he had a longing look on his face that made me feel like shit.

"I just wanna dance with you, but I get it. Just you coming here was a big step and you're not my boyfriend so I shouldn't of expected more than that" Aaron said without looking over at me.

"We can dance. I didn't mean to make you feel bad because I stepped back, I wanna see you twerk up close" I admit and he glanced at me before he got up.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said with a shrug as he began to dance in place. There was a group next to us and one of the men went down into a split as he humped the ground practically doing push-ups as he twerked.

My eyes widened in shock, the dudes twerked better than females. I didn't look away until Ron elbowed my stomach before turning his back to me.

My arm snaked around him as I pulled him into me practically towering over him. His back pressed into me and he began dancing while I looked down trying to control the erection that was about to pop up.

I was so in a trance I hadn't noticed Peyton walk up holding two glasses. She offered one to me and I took it from her continuing to grind into Ron.

"Wow, I haven't genuinely seen you smile in awhile and you're actually loosening up" Peyton said peeping the situation.

"Didn't I say I wanna figure myself out?" I questioned and Peyton smiled and nodded her head at the sight.

"Well did you figure it out?" She questioned as Aaron turned to face me. He leaned in and kissed my lips as I zoned Peyton out. His pants sagged a bit making it easier for me to get a better grip on his ass as I pulled him as close as he could be to me.

Peyton left us alone when she realized I wasn't paying her any attention. Aaron finally pulled back back and nearly stumbled backwards.

"I need to go to the bathroom!" He yelled over the music. I nodded and he grabbed my arm pulling me through the crowd as I drunk what was in the glass Peyton gave me and sat it at a table we passed by.

When we got into the public bathroom it was packed and hot as hell. A few men looked up at us before they went back to talking amongst themselves.

Aaron went into a stall and shut the door with a slam. I leaned up against the door wanting him to hurry up.

"You got anything on you?" One of the men questioned as he and his friend applied lipgloss to their lips. It wasn't until he turned to look at me that I realized it was me he was talking to.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Do I have what?" I questioned looking him over and he smacked his teeth and made a sniffling noise letting me know he was looking for cocaine.

"I've copped from you before" the man continued which drew attention to others who seemed interested.

"Then you know where to go if you wanna cop again. Surely it's not here, right now" I said through gritted teeth. He took the hint and rolled his eyes as he tapped his friend and they left out of the bathroom.

Feeling the awkward tension everyone eventually cleared out of the bathroom as well. I could hear Aaron fumbling with his belt and from his mumbling I could tell he was frustrated.

"You good?" I questioned rubbing the side of my face. I heard the lock on the door and soon it opened up and Aaron was still struggling with his belt.

"I can't get it undone. I'm really about to pee on myself" Aaron explained. I smacked my teeth and reached down undoing the belt easily.

He smiled obviously a bit tipsy and pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles before going into the stall.

"Ron what the fuck?" I questioned as he peed into the toilet with the stall open. He started to turn around while he was peeing and I quickly grabbed him and turned him back towards the toilet before he could piss on the floor.

The door opened and an Asian guy walked into the bathroom. I quickly shut the stall door before he could see him just as he finished.

"I wanna get dicked down so good later in the shower. I know you'd never consider bottoming and that's fine but what about anal play?" Aaron questioned as he flushed the toilet.

The man who came into the bathroom was washing his hands and tried to hide his laughter while I stared straight ahead in embarrassment.

"Ron come out of the stall" I demanded and a few seconds later it opened. He came walking out with a cheesy smile as he went over to the sink.

After he washed his hands I practically snatched his ass out of the bathroom not caring if he stumbled.

"You like being embarrassing, yeah?" I questioned as I pushed him off once he tried to touch my ass.

"How is that embarrassing? It was just a question" he said with a hiccup. I mean mugged his ass before sighing.

"Don't make me choke you out" I said shaking my head and he smiled to himself as he bit his lip.

"Are you gonna choke me with your dick? I might like that" Aaron stated as he wrapped his arms around me and hiccuped once again.

"You don't need to drink shit else tonight. You're embarrassing yourself" I said as my face grew warm.

I kissed his lips as I gently pushed him into the wall by the bathroom kissing him deeper. His hand traveled up my shirt as he stuck his tongue into my mouth while he continued to smile.

"You must really want some dick" I mumbled against his lips as he bit down on my bottom lip.

My phone interrupted us as usual and I pulled away from him and fetched my phone out of my pocket. I was surprised to see my sister Antonia's name on the screen.

"Let me take this" I tell Aaron as I went back into the bathroom just as the Asian guy was leaving out. I answered my sisters call and I was able to hear her saying slick shit under her breath like she didn't expect me to answer.

"What's up?" I questioned not even trying to hide my irritation, I hated this aggravating ass bitch.

"Have you heard from Michael recently? He was suppose to loan me money for my light bill, I don't get paid until Friday and it's due tomorrow" she said sounding stressed.

"Haven't spoken to him at all this week, bye" I said preparing to hang up and she smacked her teeth.

"Can I borrow some money, please? I'm going to pay you back like I always do" she said with an attitude.

"You think money grows on trees, yeah? Any other day I'm a queer or other gay slurs until you need something" I remind.

"Well you are gay, you had a boyfriend and had sex with him. It's not like what I said was wrong, hopefully you aren't taking it up the ass that'd make this worse" she said mumbling the last part.

I remained quiet listening to a baby cry on the other end of the line while taking in her words. I was the youngest of my siblings, I'd had two brothers, one was dead and two sister, one cut me off because of my drug dealing and the other one was wasting my time on the phone.

My thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door opened and two white dudes came into the bathroom kissing on each other and undressing. They didn't notice me off in the corner as they went into the handicap stall and slammed the door.

"Hello? Are you going to give me money or not? I'll give it back to you" Antonia said again in annoyance.

"Let me think about it" I said pulling my phone away from my ear and hanging up before she could bitch at me.

I went to push the bathroom door open again when I heard loud moans and saw a hand grabbing the top of the stall as it shook, I got up out of there after that.

Aaron was still where I left him talking to some people. A nigga shorter than him hugged him from behind as he talked to the small group.

Shaking my head I walked passed roughly bumping into him on purpose causing the short guy to let go of him.

"I forgot you're always in your feelings" Aaron said shaking his head as he removed himself from the group.

"You got so many fans here, did you-" I began before stopping myself. Aaron tried to repress a laugh as he coughed.

"Did I what? They were asking about you because they think you're fine, wanted to know if we were together" Aaron said with a shrug.

"And what did you say?" I questioned looking back at the group only for him to elbow me in the stomach.

"I told the truth, you're single but if they fuck up what we're trying to rebuild I'm going to shoot everyone involved" he said with a laugh even though I knew bruv was serious.

He tried to walk away all cool and shit until I slapped his ass as hard as I could causing him groan as he kept walking.

"This dick is yours" I teased with a devilish grin and he shook his head keeping his back to me.

"Then why won't you fuck me?!" He questioned angrily and I tried to hide my laughter as we went to the bar for more drinks.

I wonder what it was about each other that made us so crazy and in love with one another. It was the type of love you'd kill for, and then hide the body together.

Amaru Jones

"Thank you for coming over, I needed this" I admit taking a hit from the blunt I held between my fingers. I watched Josh pull up his pants as he stared at himself in the mirror and flex his chest, that shit was sexy.

"Don't worry bout it, it's cool. Just as long as we both know this shit was just sex, no feelings" he said finally looking over at me. I nodded not looking for anything serious right now, even if I was starting to have a school boy crush on him.

"Aaron really broke my heart. I'm still not over that. I should still be mad at that punk but after our talk I just miss the friendship more than anything right now. Moses probably told him what I did and now he's gonna be mad and shit. We never gonna get back right" I said shaking my head as I climbed out of bed.

"I feel bad you feeling like this. It's almost as bad as when I use to mess with that DL dude and he played the fuck out of me. Nigga had a whole wife and a few kids" Josh said shaking his head.

"I got myself into this though. I really do want that nigga in my life though, we just clique" I said and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Aaron is cool, I really fuck with him. If anything he might just understand, but hiding out in your apartment because you're trying to avoid Angelo isn't going to help you fix this shit" Josh explained.

"What happened to fuck that nigga? You gassed me up before we went to go and talk to Deejay and now you want me to risk my life to go and make shit right?" I questioned as I pulled on a shirt.

"Nigga I was just stroking your ego and saying what you wanted me to say. Get the fuck out your feelings and be real, we fucked up. We walked into something we shouldn't have, it's okay to be wrong sometimes. Your intentions weren't bad, you were still sad over some dick" Josh explained.

"I told Moses that I'd be down to help him out with whatever he needs. It's not like I don't know it's wrong, I'm more pissed off I didn't listen to my gut because it would've saved the drama" I mumbled.

I started to finish pulling on my clothes when the sound of my front door being busted open caught me off guard. Josh paused as I quickly grabbed my gun from the nightstand.

"Yo how high is this apartment from the ground?" Josh questioned going over to my window before realizing we were too high up.

"Bruh you really about to leave me?!" I asked growing mad and he raised an eyebrow and looked me over.

"What? I'm suppose to die with you?" Josh questioned as I snatched the bedroom door and ignored him. As soon as I came out of my bedroom I paused seeing a few men standing in my living room.

Down the hallway my front door was standing wide open and the locks had been broken off of it.

"Angelo, I was going to go and talk to you. You didn't even give me time" I complained as his cold gaze stared at me. He remained silent as his eyes traveled down to the gun I was holding and he sat down on my couch.

"Why you like doing stupid shit?" He questioned calmly. I heard a gun click and hesitated looking over at the gun being pointed at me from the side. There was another click and out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh point a gun at him.

We were out numbered but I respected him for not letting me go out alone even though we'd probably take our final breaths in a few minutes.

"I'm not going to beg you to let me live. I did what I did, but it wasn't on no sneaky shit or nothing like that" I explained with a shrug as the gun was pushed deeper into the side of my head.

Angelo sighed as he stood up and picked up a picture of my family and looked at it before he looked at me.

"Nah, that's not my style. If I wanted to hurt you, I'd kill your family first because I know that'd really hurt you. I'd make you feel hell on earth and then I'd put you out of your misery" he said casually as his thumb brushed over my mother.

"Then what do you want? I already put Moses on to game, I did what I was suppose to do" I said with a shrug.

"Moses? I ain't come here for that nigga. I mean he cool and all and I care for him somewhat but that's his business, I'll help him with what I can but James was coming for him regardless. I just wanted to know why you and your crew haven't been around, we had a deal and then you stopped all of a sudden" Angelo explained.

"Then why you got a fucking guard holding a gun to my head?" I questioned feeling the cool metal on the side of my head.

"Same reason you and your nigga are holding guns. I felt threatened" Angelo said with a small chuckle causing me to smack my teeth and tuck my gun away.

"So much shit is going on man. It don't even involve me and I'm stressed the fuck out" I complained shaking my head.

"That's what happens when you don't know what the fuck you're doing and get involved with shit that doesn't concern you. I had to learn when I was first coming up, you'll get it eventually or die trying" he shrugged as his guards moved away from me.

I was quiet for a moment as I glanced back at Josh and nodded wanting him to lower his gun. He did and leaned in the doorway not taking his eyes away from the situation like anything could pop off between Angelo and I.

"If you want us to keep robbing your competition we can do that but we want to keep what we take. All we're doing is running these drug dealers out of the area which is making your business thrive more and expand. You don't need the inventory but we do" I said not backing down from it.

Angelo smirked before he nodded his head like he understood what I was saying but I still didn't trust his reaction fully.

"That sounded too easy. You positive you didn't come over here because of what happened with James?" I questioned watching as he zoned out for awhile.

"I told you what I wanted you to do for me. You the one second guessing this shit, I don't get down with that fake shit, you'd know if I had a problem with you. Anyway, I talked to Alex's ex step father and he wanted to know how he was doing. So if I did want to kill y'all I'd have to wait a lil bit" Angelo said with a smile.

"Alex told me his family didn't want anything to do with him anymore" I said growing confused and Angelo shrugged being just as clueless as to why Alex lied as I was.

His phone rung from his pocket and he pulled it out and looked at the ID before he shook his head and ignored it. I watched him pull out his wallet after that and throw some money on the table.

"That's for the door. Next time don't duck and dodge me. Say what you need to say, don't be a bitch and try and hide" Angelo said before he and his group left out.

I walked to the door and attempted to shut it seeing how broken the lock was. I frowned and glanced over my shoulder at Josh and he seemed just as stunned as I was.

"You really trust that dude? Nothing against his organization but I've heard some things about him and Aaron's brother. Evil shit" Josh stated.

"We've done evil shit. It's not like we have much of a choice, I have a feeling that even if we decide not to do business with him, he'll make sure we won't be able to rob anyone else. Let's just chill on this"I said trying to convince Josh once again.

He licked his lips and tilted his head remaining silent as my phone rung from the bedroom. I brushed passed him and went back into the room grabbing it.

"Yo, it's Zeke. Should I answer it?" I questioned as my finger hovered over the decline option and Josh snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, don't tell him I was here. I'm about to go" he said grabbing his shit quickly before he rushed out as I picked up.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Zeke questioned finally getting back to me after the text I'd sent him the night before. I originally was just gonna hook up with Zeke but when he didn't respond Josh and I ended up drinking a lil bit and shit just kinda happened.

I guess it was for the best, Zeke still did have feeling for me. Feeling that I didn't return and I didn't want to complicate our friendship anymore than it was. Part of me felt like if I did that he'd turn into a snake, I know dick makes people act crazy sometimes.

"I just woke up from a small nap. I'm about to head out right now, why?" I questioned playing dumb.

"You texted me last night. I tried to call you and Josh and neither of you picked up, I thought you both might've got caught up in something and didn't let me know" Zeke explained sounding concerned.

"Oh, nothing like that. I had to ask you something but it was probably stupid because I don't remember" I mumbled and Zeke smacked his teeth.

I could tell he had an attitude by the way he did a groan, almost like he knew for a fact that I was withholding information from him.

"Whatever, you're a liar. Anyway, have you seen that video of Aaron and his boo at that club we always go to? It's on snapchat" Zeke said sounding bored.

"Why are you friends with Aaron on snapchat? I thought you hated him because he was overrated?" I questioned growing a smirk.

"I don't hate him, I just don't like him. In order to hate someone you'd have to know them personally or else it's weird and you're just a hater, which I'm not" Zeke said quickly defending himself.

"Yeah whatever. Let's link later because I gotta do something right now" I suggest trying to rush him off the phone.

"Okay cool I-" Zeke began before I hung up on him. I laid back on my bed and quickly went to snapchat to stalk my ex.

After tapping through Aaron's thirst traps showing off his dick print and Moses' sleeping body without showing his face I finally came to the video Zeke was talking about.

I felt my heart sink a bit as they danced along to 'RedBone' by Childish Gambino. It wasn't the fact that they were obviously together, it was the fact that I never had that with Ron.

I could picture them growing old together, it was real and I couldn't match up with that even if by some miracle I did win him back. I watched the last snap of Moses singing along to the chorus as they vibed, held each other close and smoked.

"Bullshit" I mumbled clicking out of it as I tossed my phone onto the ground not caring if I cracked the screen. A nigga wanted to be in love too, I wish God would give me a sign or something.

"Now why you threw your phone on the ground? What'd it do to you?" Josh questioned as he leaned in the doorway and placed a hat on his head.

"I thought you left?" I questioned and he smirked as he bit his lower lip and shrugged while looking around my bedroom.

"Nah man I just didn't want Zeke to hear me. You know he'd be in his feelings about our casual hookups" Josh muttered as he seemed to zone out in thought.

"You think all this stress is going to affect me staying clean? I'm already starting to get that feeling and it makes me sick" I confess.

"We've gotten through everything that comes at us, we can get through some shit like this. It might be harder but we can do it. I got you" Josh winked as he walked over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me up from the bed.

"I know" I mumbled grabbing my phone from the ground. I checked the glass for cracks before shoving it into my pocket.

I hesitated for awhile awhile before glancing over at Josh who was picking lint from off of his shirt growing distracted.

"You wanna fuck again?" I questioned and he looked up at me as I pulled my shirt tossing it to the side.

"You're bottoming this time" he muttered and I shrugged falling back onto the bed as he smirked and climbed on top of me going straight for my neck.


A couple of hours later, Alex occupied my backseat and searched through the backpack he was holding as we waited for Zeke to come out of his apartment. Alex eventually zipped the bag up and sat back with a smile as he pushed his hair back and looked up towards the ceiling of the car.

"Why'd you lie to me and tell me your family didn't want anything to do with you anymore. You had me feeling bad and shit" I stated not hiding my irritation and he chuckled to himself.

"That's my business. I'm not on no snake shit, you just wouldn't understand" Alex said as I turned the radio down in the car. I was silent as I looked at him in the rearview mirror and his expression grew serious.

"We suppose to be starting over, you know I had problems with my family but it can be worked out. I really do wanna start trusting you again, even if you're trash when you wanna be" I said chuckling a bit to myself but Alex remained serious.

"I have HIV. I found out about a year ago" Alex said as he stared straight ahead. I adverted my gaze down briefly before looking back at him.

"I distance myself from my family because I don't want the sympathy. Every time I go around them they give me the same look you're giving me now, pity and judgment" Alex mumbled as he rested his head back.

"Is that why you're back doing drugs so heavy?" I questioned and he smacked his teeth as he clutched his bag.

"That doesn't matter. I could've been anything I wanted to be and instead I chose to do stupid shit. I'm ashamed and I'm embarrassed, you really dodged a bullet" Alex said still avoiding eye contact.

"This doesn't make your life over. You can't change the results but you aren't going to die tomorrow, unless you overdose or something" I said and he closed his eyes.

"Or I get shot, in fact I'm more likely to die doing what I'm doing now" Alex said. I figured he'd cheer up some but he kept the same sullen face.

"The most ironic thing is I don't think I got it from sex. Probably from sharing needles with dirty nigg- I mean people" Alex said once he saw my gaze.

I know it was fucked us but I couldn't help but thank god I had avoided that shit. A few years ago I could of been in his position. For the most part I didn't even have raw sex unless I was in a relationship or it was like the situation I had with Aaron before we got together officially.

"Why the fuck are you smiling? I know I fucked you over but you could show some empathy" Alex said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I cleared my throat and dropped the smile I had on my face at the dodged bullet before I placed both hands on the steering wheel unsure of what to say to him.

"Are you taking medication or going to the doctor regularly? I know you aren't hoeing anymore so that's good at least" I said scratching my chin.

"Why wouldn't I be still hoeing?" He questioned as he touched the needle marks in his left arm.

"Wait you're still hooking up with randoms? Do you tell them you're positive?" I questioned and Alex looked up.

"It doesn't matter, it's not like it's raw sex. They don't need to know" he said with a shrug and my eyes widened.

"What?! Condoms break all of the time, people should have the choice on wether they risk their health or not. You can go to jail for that shit if you infect someone because you know" I said as the passenger door opened and Zeke and Josh climbed inside.

He sensed the awkward tension and tried to get back out of the car but I grabbed him by his shirt and forced him to shut the car door.

"I don't have time to listen to you both argue. Can we just go and do what we have to do?" Zeke questioned resting his head back.

I looked at Alex who was shaking his head not wanting me to say anything else in front of them. I gritted my teeth instead and pulled off already knowing I wasn't about to drop the conversation just like that.

"Where are we going right now anyway? I didn't even have enough time to beat my face" Zeke complained.

"We're going to see Moses. He's going to take Amaru up on his offer" Josh said before I could and I heard Zeke gasp.

"He's so fine" he muttered and out of the corner of my eye I could see him trying to fix his hair to be more appealing.

"Wait is this about what happened with that guy from New Jersey?" Alex questioned with a sniffle and Josh laughed.

"Yeah, the guy you stole drugs from and then did a crackhead jump off the balcony to get away from" Josh reminded.

"I didn't see anybody else with any ideas. We ended up running away from that situation and had I not taken anything we would've did all that for nothing" Alex responded.

"Oh my god, shut up. We need to talk about what really matters" Zeke reminded as he began applying lip gloss to his lips.

"Like what? How much dick you can take?" Josh mumbled under his breath and Zeke smiled at him in the mirror as he rubbed his lips together.

"Don't get slick, you always have something to say. You sound like you have a small dick, that's why you're insecure" Zeke shot back and I shifted. His dick wasn't small at all, it almost had me rethink my life choices for the hundredth time.

I zoned out of Zeke and Josh's argument while I drove to the motel Alex was staying at. Moses had agreed to meet there since he'd been being followed and he wanted to keep this low key.

When we got there Moses was standing outside smoking a blunt as he talked to Carlos and they laughed at something before growing alert when they saw my car approaching.

"Didn't you say that dude was a snake. You warned Aaron about him" Zeke said as he abruptly stopped trying to have the last word with Josh.

"Yeah, I was told to never trust him. He's a snake, everyone he fucks with ends up dying or going to jail" I said as I parked.

When we got out of the car Moses passed the blunt to Carlos before he walked over to me and looked at everyone.

"No wonder you failed when you tried to rob James if this is your crew" Moses said as he touched the top of his head. I watched him lick his lips before he glanced over his shoulder at Carlos.

"The only way I'm going to help you is if you leave him out. There's something wrong with him, he's a snake" I said loud enough for Carlos to hear and he smirked.

"Focus on what you're good at, if I wanted you dead you'd be dead" Carlos commented as he folded his hands in front of himself.

"You sure about that? What am I good at?" I questioned and he went to say something homophobic I assumed but he looked at Moses and shook his head keeping what he had to say to himself.

"Y'all done?" Moses questioned and I chuckled and looked away dropping the situation, if he didn't believe me he'd have to learn the hard way.

Things calmed down and we all looked at Alex waiting for him to unlock his motel room so we could go inside. He frowned before he sighed and pulled out the keycard and we followed him to a door.

Alex swiped before opening the door revealing how messy his motel was. He quickly cleaned up the needles and used a box cutter to push cocaine back into a small baggie but ended up spilling some on the ground.

"This is sad" Zeke commented shaking his head. I didn't bother going inside with everyone else, instead I stayed outside and Moses joined me and pulled the door closed.

"I'm recovering still. It's too early to be around all that. I didn't think it'd be that bad" I admit and Moses nodded.

"That's understandable" he said with a sigh. I spotted a hicky on his neck but pretended like I didn't see it, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would though knowing Aaron gave it to him.

"I honestly just wanted to see how everyone acted around each other before we move forward. Shit could go completely left real fast" Moses explained looking off elsewhere.

"I feel you. But they feel just as bad about this shit as I do, maybe not Zeke but everyone else knows how dumb what we did was" I admit.

Moses rested his head back against the door and watched a few cars driving by the motel and didn't bother dropping his guard.

"None of that shit matters. The only way to get at James is if we take out the people around him, I had a baby with his daughter who is one of the closet people to him and I know his youngest daughter is jealous of their relationship and she has a thing for Ron. All we have to do is manipulate one of them. I'll kill Deejay and then take out the old nigga, you're just backup" he explained.

"You really think you're going to be able to get those women to turn against their father? Sounds too easy" I said sounding doubtful.

"I don't see you coming up with ideas at all. All we have to do is manipulate them and play them against each other. Rowan and Camry already don't like each other and all we have to do is exploit that. It could take some time and I'm already impatient" Moses responded.

"Alright, so when you wanna put this shit into action?" I questioned and Moses seemed to hesitate.

"I would say now but I'm about to go on a small trip this weekend" he admitted and I chuckled.

"Ron's birthday huh? Putting dick before your life?" I questioned and he chuckled before he shrugged carelessly. I could tell what I said bothered him a bit or at least made him think about the fact that we could all be dead in a few weeks or months because we made the wrong move or underestimated the situation.

"I was just playing. It wasn't meant for you to take it so serious" I admit as he continued to stare straight ahead.

"Maybe it's just me being a cocky nigga, but I don't think I'm going to die. Regardless we'll plan more when I get back from Vegas, unless you wanna tag along and make up with Ron" he offered.

"You trust me around Aaron? How you know I won't switch up and pull a you on you?" I questioned and Moses shrugged.

"Nobody can break our bond. You learned that shit the hard way, don't make that mistake twice" he pointed out with a grin.

Before I could respond we both heard arguing from the bedroom and when I pushed the door open, I frowned at Zeke who was standing on the bed recording Josh and Carlos as they argued.

I walked over and grabbed Josh before the situation escalated into something more while Moses didn't bother getting involved.

"You not gonna control your mans?" I questioned and Moses looked to Carlos who was saying homophobic shit under his breath.

"Nah" he said with a shrug as Carlos slid out of the room. Moses watched Carlos for awhile before he smirked to himself and followed him out.

Either he was dicking him down on the low or he knew something I didn't but regardless I didn't know why he was dead set on trusting him.

"Where the hell is Alex?" I questioned and Josh pointed towards the bathroom door that was cracked open.

"If everybody doesn't pull it together, we really about to die" I complained and Zeke frowned.

"Push me to the edge, all my friends are dead" Josh sung causing me to punch his ass in the chest. He coughed and fell back onto the bed seeing I wasn't playing.

"I don't wanna be a fucked up person but technically James doesn't even know we robbed him. He thinks Moses did it and he was going to try and kill him anyway, so-" Zeke said trailing off.

I mean he was right but still, I couldn't let Moses take the fall alone, could I? It's not like we fucked with each other and Carlos could be about to set us all up anyway.

Authors Note -

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