The Misfits

By ButterApple112233

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The Misfits

8 0 0
By ButterApple112233



It was a cold autumn night, November 30th, and if you looked out your window at 133 Autumn Drive, you would see the figure of Sarah Nicolai walking down the street. Some of you would probably shake your head, wondering why somebody was walking outside on such a cold night, especially without a jacket.

  The truth is, Sarah had absolutely no idea what a jacket even was. As a matter of fact, she couldn’t understand what these people used for light. It looked much too bright for a candle or lantern.

  As some of you may have guessed, Sarah and her family had come from an extremely out-of-date place. And you’re right. She did belong somewhere else. Where she had lived, things were completely, well, medieval.

  But there was something else about Sarah and her family that made them unusual. She and all of her family, and I mean millions of generations, were magical.                                                                                                       

Now, I don’t mean the kind of magic you’re probably thinking of. They aren’t those people you see at the town fair turning paper into rabbits, even though they could do that. These people were the kind of magic where they could teleport, transform one thing into another, and yes, turn paper into rabbits. Also, different people had different abilities. Sarah was a shape-shifter. She could turn into an orange tabby whenever she wanted. She could have chosen to always transform into something else like a monkey or a lion or whatever, but she liked tabbies. That’s exactly what she was thinking when she first became Of Age to get her ability.

  You see, to get their powers, the magical people, or Wizards, must Come Of Age. In other words, they have to become eleven. What a number. I remember that time when my brother set the toaster oven on fire on his eleventh birthday. No, really……….

Never mind. But the children had to be eleven when they get their powers. Until then, they are Young Wizards. They study everything about magic. On their eleventh birthday, they get their power.

  So now you know a bit about the Nicolais, you might be wondering what on Earth they’re doing outside their realm. Well, there was a terrible war raging on about their place. They were the only ones of the fifteen who got out of the area alive. So, Sarah Nicolai, along with her husband and 4 kids, Alice, Ryan, Matthew, and Linda, set off to find some other place to live. And they came upon us.

So, that’s how everything began. They slowly learned how everything works. And then, they found some person just like them. And that, readers, is where the story begins.


  Alice and Ryan were the two oldest children. Alice was the oldest, with Ryan following, then Linda, and finally, Matthew.

  Alice and Ryan went to middle school. On the first day of school, they were all nervous and a little excited. Most of all, though, they were confused. Everything around them was unfamiliar, and everyone was dressed different. People stared at them, making them feel even more nervous.

  Their teacher gave them their combination lock for their locker, and they looked at her and said they didn’t understand.

“What is this? Really, I don’t know. How do I use it?”

  The teacher, used to people acting dumb, replied “Oh, for heaven’s sake, PLEASE stop acting. I almost think you are confused.”

  “we are,” chorused the eldest children.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, we are confused.”

“honestly, just stop acting dumb, OKAY?”


“Silence. I know what you two are playing at, and I’m astonished you think of all people YOU can fool me. Now get to class, or you’ll be late.”

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, as Alice and Ryan struggled through their day, Matt and Linda were enjoying themselves. They were lucky, because people normally think “oh, they’re just little kids. They just don’t understand yet.” So, they were able to easily make an excuse for all the things they didn’t understand. Plus, they really didn’t care about magic yet, so they didn’t tell anyone. They made many new friends, and no one minded their clothes either, because kids their age really don’t care about appearances.

 Lunchtime came around, and Ryan and Alice had already had enough. Still, they couldn’t leave because Mother insisted they spend at least one whole day of school before deciding. Linda and Matt, on the other hand, LOVED school. They almost instantly became the most polite and most liked among parents, teachers, AND kids. Could it get any better? Yes, it certainly could. It turned out one of the teachers had brought in some leftover thanksgiving apple pie (Mmmm…. My mom makes the best) and let one very good student have some with her. Of course, somewhere else, so he or she didn’t lose any friends by eating it and rubbing it in their faces. So, of course, Linda got some pie. In conclusion, yes it most certainly can get better.

thanks for reading I plan on working on this thanks for reading this part

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