Blind Beauty (Currently Editi...

By LiAWake

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"So what did you think of the assignment?" He persisted in getting an answer but Bailey had another conversat... More

Chapter 1: Brett
Chapter 2: Emma
Chapter 3: Pigeon
Chapter 4: The Republic of Nielsen
Chapter 5: Her
Chapter 6: Bailey
Chapter 7: Realization
Chapter 8: Creative Incorporated
Chapter 9: Hey, you.
Chapter 10: The Choice
Chapter 11: Internal debate
Chapter 12: All's Fair In Love And War
Chapter 13: Dirty Tactics
Chapter 14: Vengeance
Chapter 15: Alone at Last
Chapter 16: Change Is Good
Chapter 17: I Love Her, Man
Chapter 18: The Kiss
Chapter 19: What's On Your Face
Chapter 20: Just To Sweet
Chapter 21: Bailey's House
Chapter 22: After School Is For The Boys
Chapter 23: Return To The Dark World
Chapter 24: Last Day
Chapter 25: Paige & Colin
Chapter 26: I Love You
Chapter 27: Summer
Chapter 28: You Are My Hero
Chapter 29: Registration
Chapter 30: First Dateish
Chapter 31: A Favour
Chapter 32: Blind Beauty
Chapter 33: The Hospital
Chapter 34: It's Been A While
Chapter 36: Beauty And The Nerds
Chapter 37: We'll Never Be Even
Chapter 38: Tomorrow
Chapter 39: Traitor
Chapter 40: Truths Revealed
Chapter 41: Lost In The Dark
Chapter 42: Partners
Chapter 43: Tomorrow's A Different Day

Chapter 35: Talk Nerdy To Me

24 1 0
By LiAWake

Finishing up getting ready for the class, the teacher eventually walked in. She was likely one of the oldest teachers in the school. Bordering on insanity, you could see she loved teaching the class probably because she had a few of the mental disorders that were discussed.

It didn't bother Brett though as he sat next to one of the most beautiful girls in the school, and also one of his oldest friends. The day was shaping up to be perfect. The psychology teacher rolled in a tv on a cart and placed it in front of the class. Sure they'd have to take notes but it also meant he might get a chance to talk to Emma.

The first few minutes of the movie seemed to drag on. Everything that was discussed was basic common sense, leaving Brett with only writing down one note on the piece of paper just so it seemed like he was doing something. He rested his head on his hand as he felt two foreign hands wrap around his head, and proceeded to lift off his glasses.

Brett was disoriented for a second as he looked beside him, Emma was now rocking his glasses as if they were her own. At first he didn't think this girl could look anymore perfect but with the glasses on wow-wee he was wrong. Clearly his staring had gotten Emma's attention causing her to look at him with a smile.

"How do I look? Nerdy?"

She had such a soft whisper, that it was almost soothing.

"More like a cute nerdy, but yea you're pretty nerdy."

Giggling to herself she turned to the front of the class looking at the screen, before shaking a little bit. She holds onto her self dropping the pen on the paper in front of her, thankfully Brett couldn't take his eyes off her or see anything other then her because of his poor vision. Her teeth began to chatter a bit as she mumbled something under her breath.

"Jeez not a good day to wear a dress."

"Do you want my hoodie?"

Emma didn't think Brett could here her as he extended the offer. She looked at him and he already had it half way unzipped.

"I'm good...actually yea I'll take it."

Brett knew Emma to well as he unzipped the rest of the jacket and pulled it off his arms. He handed his name sake over to Emma as she slid it on and zipped it up.

"So since you have my jacket, do you think I could get my glasses back now."

"Oh right."

Almost as if she forgot she was wearing them she touched her face and grabbed the glasses. In the act of pulling them of though some of her hair got caught by the frame of the glasses falling causing it to fall in front of her face. Brett was still in awe, as they rekindled their friendship, he remembered why he thought Emma was perfect.

Her blonde hair fell back on her face, as she shook her head getting it out of the way. Brett expected her to hand back the glasses but instead she took it upon herself to put them on his face.

She got the arms of the glasses around his head and went to lower them but stopped. Emma stared at Brett as if something was on his face, not even flinching Brett continued to sit there awkwardly.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I just forgot how striking your eyes were."

"Your's aren't so bad either."

Not realizing that when she was looking into Brett's eye's, he was looking into hers creating at intimate gaze. She couldn't help but smile, while Brett started to flirt with her a little bit. In doing so though Emma, blushed and took the glasses back off of Brett's face and put them back on hers.

"Now what're you doing?"

"One sec. Where's your phone?"

Brett was confused by Emma, she wasn't making any sense. However he was so infatuated by her that he gave in to her commands. Not even trying to hide it he held it just a little ways out of Emma's grasp just to tease her.

"What for?"

"I just want to see it."

Trying not to make it obvious, Brett moved the phone just barely into Emma's gasp. She managed to get a few fingers around it and pulled it out of his hand. Turning it on, she saw it was locked and held it up to Brett. Who again gave in and typed in the four digit number code.

Giving Emma full control of his social life, she immediately opened the camera app and posed taking a photo of herself with the glasses on, and then a second more flirty picture as a little bonus for Brett.

Thinking she was done Brett reached for the phone but she turned away from him, putting on the final touches of her madness. Changing his phone background to a picture of her. Soon after she closed the phone and slid it back to Brett.

Putting the phone back in his pocket he could feel something soft touch his cheek, quickly realizing that it was Emma's lips. He turned to look at her as she pulled away smiling at him. The two of them were now infatuated with each other, before Emma leaned in close to him again.

"Don't worry I'm not wearing lipstick, so it's our little secret, and also the photos are a reminder for you to remember how cute of a nerd I am."

"Thanks, but I can't see the photos with out my glasses."

She reluctantly sighed and put the glasses back on Brett's face, not wasting anymore time. However she kept her face close to his continuing their whispered conversation.

"Text me okay, I won't ignore you anymore."

On the desk, Emma placed her hand on Brett's. It was slightly romantic as the moment faded and she tuned back to the movie.

"Will do."

Surprisingly they hardly missed anything in the movie as they returned to taking notes. Struggling to make it through the movie the class finally ended, and Emma and Brett begin to pack up, then enter the hallway together.

"So what's you're next class."

"English," The two of them walk together before entering the english wing, of the school and Brett's stopped in front of a familiar looking door. "So this is my class."

"Lucky, you got Mrs. Conrad again this year. I'm with Mrs. Lee."

Brett looked down at Emma's time table just to see how far away she was going to be, but then realized that she was actually rather close.

"That's right across the hall."

He pointed at the door and Emma turned around only to be smiling when she turned back.

"I guess it is. Alright see you later."

Emma started to make her way across the hall as once again Brett had to reach out and stop her. She glanced over her shoulder at him not knowing what to expect.

"I need the hoodie."

Looking down Emma forgot she still had the black hoodie on and looked disheartened at Brett.

"But it's so warm...Okay," She slid off the hoodie and held it up to her face whispering into the fabric. "I'll be back for you later."

Handing the Jacket back to Brett, he threw it on, while Emma twirled, the dress spun around her like in the movies and she walked into her classroom. Brett laughed at the change for a sec before entering Mrs. Conrad's room. When entering the room he walked over to the table that Bailey and him use to sit out, during the registration day he found out they had the same english class together, however for the last week he had sat alone anticipating her return but there was no sign of her ever coming back. Putting his stuff down at the table, he caught the eye of Mrs. Conrad as she walked in.

"Oh Brett, I'm glad you're here can I talk to you in the hallway for a second."

Brett didn't even sit down as he pivoted and turned to the door. Mrs. Conrad walked out into the hallway as Brett followed. Standing against a set of lockers he looked at his teacher, she had the warm look about her that she very rarely had. He was scared though it was only the second week, why did she need to talk to him.

"So what's going on?"

"It's about Bailey...she's in the hospital."

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