Evanstan Oneshots

By bruiseinc

92.4K 1.2K 1K

a series of (predominantly smutty) oneshots starring evenstan. More

strange love
mollify the press
white dresses
baby, i'm wasted
cold champagne
the velveteen rabbit
bulletproof, everything to lose
pain, idle
in security

whatever it takes

24.3K 272 612
By bruiseinc

be aware of mentioned past abuse, and for gods sake, never expect anything to be this long ever again. this could be its own book. it might become its own book's-worth of this!verse oneshots (if you ask nicely, and if i can be fucked,)

any mistakes and strokes of genius are my own, since i conceptualise, write, and edit all my own work. i've probably misplaced about 70 commas and at least as many full stops, so forgive that, and try to enjoy the first oneshot i've ever written between chris & sebastian. if you wanna discuss anything or point out mistakes i've made, go ahead, but don't expect me to necessarily correct those mistakes. i'm an amateur writer (for example it took me 4 tries to spell amateur.) i'm sorta embarrassed by this entire oneshot so tell me if you like it but also tell me if you think it's shit.

chris doesn't know what's wrong with sebastian's dom, but they obviously aren't taking care of the kid. he's so beautiful as always, long limbed and coltish, but he looks so drained. baby blues look glazed, shoulders hunched, his wide, expressive mouth alternating between barely there frowns and anxious biting.

sebastian's eyes blink closed more often than they don't, posture collapsing on itself, and whenever he's touched he practically vibrates out of his skin. sweet and needy as it is, if his dom was giving him the attention and affection he craved, he wouldn't gravitate so close to the nearest presence and support himself on them.

it makes chris a little mad, when sebastian stumbles out of his trailer with red rimmed eyes and a defeated stance. he still manages to be so good though, offering everyone he crosses the softest of smiles. he volunteers to do whatever he can, handing out coffee to the crew and collecting downey's script when the staple breaks and the pages spill across the floor. chris makes sure to give him a quiet word of praise in case the others don't, or maybe just to see his contented sigh and the blush that's all too becoming of him.

often, mackie gets to sebastian before chris can, clapping him on the back and asking if he's holding up. it usually inspires timid smiles and reassurance that is almost definitely an act; or a half truth, at the least.

it's not until sebastian's so tired one night, quietly celebrating a good day with beer and snack foods, when he stumbles and resorts to sliding down the closest wall that chris decides he can't mind his business anymore.

"hey, seb." he says, when sebastian's walking by, pretty much ordered by the cast collectively to get to your trailer and go to bed. he falls into step beside the brunet, barely keeping himself from pressing his hand to the small of sebastian's back or the name of his neck, proprietary, and guiding him. sebastian regards him with a glance and a tiny, sad smile.

"listen, just totally stop me if i'm being invasive, but you look so worn out, seb. your dom isn't taking care of you properly." chris breathes, tucking his hands into his pockets and looking anywhere but sebastian, which is why he misses the startled expression seb schools fast. the stars are nice enough, he reasons, and decisively does not look at sebastian.

"uh yeah, i, um... i dont exactly, well, i don't have a dom. at all." he admits, and it feels like a confession. chris's eyebrows jump up. "it's just me," sebastian shrugs, and then hastily tacks on, anxiously, "but i'm doing my best!"

it takes chris a few steps to absorb and process. sebastian doesn't have a dom. this young, lovely, beautiful sub is taking care of himself - and why? how could he not have someone to hold and care for him?

"oh," chris blurts inelegantly. "i just assumed- not because- i don't think you can't take care of yourself! you can, obviously. i just thought because." he sighs and scrubs a hand over his face, unaware of the way sebastian shoots him glances from beneath ridiculously gorgeous lashes. "you're brilliant, seb. taking care of yourself for so long, you did great, i mean it."

"thanks, chris." sebastian whispers, ducking his smile down into his chest. they stop at his trailer, facing each other, not quite sure what to do with themselves. just as sebastian gives up and turns to his door, he's stopped by a warm hand circling his wrist. chris panics for a split second, worried he's offending sebastian — implying he needs help or can't look after himself; but the fear fades. sebastian glances up with trusting eyes, listening, waiting for whatever chris has to offer him.

"don't forget to have water and get some rest, seb, i'll see you tomorrow." he instructs, swiping his thumb over delicate tendons before dropping sebastian's hand. sebastian nods, and smiles, a lovely – perhaps even enthusiastic smile that makes chris feel proud, because sebastian wants to be good. for him. because he asked that of the sub.

minutes later he lays down in his dark room, in his pyjamas and under his covers, tucked up with a smile. when turns on his side and it doesn't fade, he won't bother wiping it away. for once he rests a little easier. knowing sebastian is safe and cared for, or will be.


since his confession, sebastian is being infuriatingly betrayed by not only his heart, but his dumb, submissive, needy disposition. he craves contact, so utterly touch starved that even the gentlest contact from chris makes him tremble. it's terribly hard to restrain himself, and keep it from his co-star, when all he wants is to be held. chris, for his part, doesn't seem to mind. he's polite and courteous, freely giving attention, indulging sebastian's touch starved behaviour.

chris is just so stupidly caring and gorgeous and wonderful, whats a sub to do. it seems he makes an active effort to show sebastian affection, in small doses, and still more platonically than he'd like. it's more than he could have hoped for, of course, so he can't complain.

he's tried taking care of himself like a normal independent guy his age, and so far managed not to fail, at least not spectacularly. he eats on time and keeps hydrated. he actively tries to participate in conversation, keeps aware of his presence, and smiles when prompted. despite not having a dom, he's functioning. that isn't to say that having complete independence isn't fucking exhausting. chris helps with that, a little, and he can't ask more than what he's given; so he cherishes what he has now.


"i thought you didn't want a dom." chris says, when confronted by sebastian, who asks what the hell is going on. he's not mad – but all the maybe's keep making him anxious, like he isn't quite sure where his safety ends and he's preparing for a free fall.

"what? why?" he huffs, unsure where that indicator came from, or what chris is even talking about if he's totally honest.

chris frowns and bites his lip.

"well if you wanted a dom i thought you'd have had one. you're brilliant, i told you before, a great actor and such a sweet kid, how could you have trouble finding someone?" he explains, which startled sebastian. chris thinks he's brilliant? and why?

he made a soft, hurt sound and clams up. "i'm too needy. no one wants a clingy, emotional sub that can't take of himself."

"what?" chris demands a little roughly. sebastian flinches and chris instantly cools off, back to being worried. "sorry seb, i'm not mad at you."

"but you are mad." sebastian wearily observes.

"yeah, i'm fucking pissed at whoever made you feel like you weren't good enough for needing attention. all subs need attention! that's what a dom is for!" chris enthuses, gesturing distractedly to nothing in particular.

"no it's just- i'm a bad sub." sebastian implores. he doesn't understand what anyone sees in him, because he's been assured repeatedly that he's under trained and insubordinate to a fault. chris arches a brow at him that's clearly disbelieving and flops down on to the sofa, leaving sebastian huddled awkwardly by himself, cheeks hot with embarrassment and muted anger.

"oh really? prove it." chris challenges, and points to the ground by his feet. he gives an instruction like he was born to do so, clear and decisive. "come here sub, kneel."

sebastian's knees almost buckle. he makes his way over and sinks down smooth but fast, his knees thudding on the floor. his compliance is as beautiful as chris knew it would be. sebastian bows his head, resting his hands on top of his thighs. chris leans forwards and runs his fingers deftly through sebastian's soft hair, cooing. sebastian shivers and unconsciously makes a beautifully soft mmm sound.

"that's a good boy." chris says with insistance, making sure he cards his fingers gently as not to catch any tangles. he stops after a moment, and sebastian accepts that with a little sigh. his body is still live-wired, a little shaky, but calm enough.

"touch your nose." chris asks, sounding softer, but no less as serious as he did before.

as he expects, sebastian does so slowly, questioning with his eyes but following instruction. chris nods his approval and pets sebastian again, this time closer to the back of his head, in the short hairs at the nape of his neck. "see? that was strange but you didn't even question me. you just did it because i asked you to and you're a good, sweet, obedient sub."

sebastian feels his face warm. he buries it against chris's knee, hiding himself in the rough denim. he realises chris is showering him in affection and praise to make him feel better, which sort of makes him feel like he's being given something he doesn't deserve.

"are you crying?" chris asks softly.

"no." sebastian mumbles, clearly crying. chris rolls his eyes fondly, petting and cooing at the sub. sebastian melts into the touch and let's himself go lax as chris talks in his low, boston-tinged rumble that makes his body slump.

"it's okay, you're allowed to cry. you haven't been taken care of in a long time and you're overwhelmed."

sebastian nods agreeably, pulling away to swipe at his bleary eyes and rub at his nose until it's pink. chris leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, and sebastian stretches his spine up to aggressively hug chris's torso. "hey sub, you're alright. come up here with me."

it's a suggestion lilted as an order, giving space for refusal. sebastian appreciates the quiet, hidden care and goes to clamber into chris's lap. he panics last second and changes his mind, tripping forwards. they fall a little off kilter, chris's back hitting the couch as sebastian tumbles into him, legs astride one of chris's thighs. chris just snorts inelegantly and cradles the sub's body into his, winding gentle but firm arms around sebastian's back.

"you tried." he murmurs, but not unkindly. sebastian huffs an affirmative breath into his shoulder, fingers wound into the fabric of chris's shirt, pressed between his back and the sofa. the position is a bit hard for sebastian, who's almost up on his knees so he doesn't crush chris, and to keep himself more or less balanced. without the brace of chris's body, sebastian would no doubt have tumbled face first into the back of the couch.

chris doesn't mention sebastian's blunder. he doesn't make the sub feel bad, quietly correcting the mistake by hauling sebastian up by the backs of his thighs, guiding one leg to straddle his hip, the other already pressed snugly to his side. this leaves sebastian sitting more agreeably atop his knees, arms coming untucked to now rest on his own thighs whilst chris arranges them both. "there we go," he says cheerily and boops sebastian on the nose "much better."

sebastian blushes, part embarrassment he had to be corrected, part overwhelming affection that chris just did, without scolding or mocking him.

plus he's almost sitting in the man's lap, so that's a thing.

"how are you feeling now?" chris asks, hands smoothing up and down sebastian's arms slowly. sebastian takes a second to seriously consider, knowing chris expects a real answer from him, not something to appease.

"better than i was." he breathes, an honest truth.

his eyes are a little bloodshot from tears, but the colour will fade soon enough. chris thinks he's very cute.

"that's good. do you need anything?" he asks, prioritising sebastian's needs over his own aesthetic awareness. sebastian does something adorably scrunchy with his face in contemplation before shaking his head no.

"okay, can i offer you a cuddle then? free of charge."

sebastian honest to god giggles, a sound no grown man should sound so perfectly be able to pull off. chris smiles at him, soft and adoring, and prays seb can't see how much he's loved with that expression alone.

sebastian accepts the hug, tucking himself into chris's warm and welcoming body. it feels nice to be held and comforted, no matter how fleeting. he sighs and fantasises mouthing at chris's shoulder, giving himself happily and wholly over to be taken care of, and then blushes so hard he's embarrassed with himself. not today.

he ends up half asleep, surrounded by warmth and chris's natural, soft, masculine scent. he registers being moved, and the coolness of his sheets enveloping him, then a quick pressure on his forehead. chris must have kissed it, and even if he didn't, sebastian is sleepy enough and willing to pretend.


chris wants to wrap sebastian up and cuddle the actual fuck out of him. forever if possible, and it's only been a matter of hours since he tucked seb into his bed and head off to his own trailer for the night. he had obviously held the sub for a long time, giving the soft morning light bleeding in through the blinds. he hasn't slept but doesn't care.


it's two days later, forty-eight hours worth of not quite knowing what to do with himself when sebastian finally cracks.

chris swings his trailer door open.

"oh, hey sebastian. how can i help you?" he asks cooly. sebastian dutifully hides the way his knees buckle.

"m-mackie." he shifts uncomfortably, trying to take the stiffness out of his limbs, "something about revising. later."

chris hums and stares down at sebastian from the step, admiring the frankly ridiculous cut of his cheekbones. "what about you? are you okay?"

"yeah." he replies, a little too fast.

"sebastian." chris warns, watching the sub wring his long, delicate fingers.

"no," he whimpers.

chris clears his throat and softens his tone so sebastian knows he isn't being scolded. it's either a preemptive form of sub drop or a spike of anxiety that has sebastian off balance, and chris plans to fix it as best he can. they've set up a dynamic now; a not-quite-there space in between contractual caretaking and friendly helpfulness.

"that's perfectly alright. come on inside, let me take care of you."

sebastian barely looks where he's going, relying on muscle memory to get him up the step and into chris's trailer. the air inside is warmer than the breeze he was standing in, so he slips off his coat and toes off his shoes by the door. his little white ankle socks peak out of his jeans, and scrunching his toes in them coaxes a little smile.

"that's it, seb. go sit down." chris orders softly, giving him a gentle nudge in the direction of the sofa. sebastian grins to himself. sofas seem to be a reoccurring theme.

he sits himself down on the carpet, pulling his legs up into his body. chris joins him a moment later, sitting behind him on the sofa, with a granola bar and a glass of water. he hands the water to sebastian and goes about tearing the wrapper from the bar whilst seb sips. when he gets it, sebastian rips little chunks from the granola bar and chews them quietly. it takes him a minute to finish all the pieces, and another mouthful of water to wash it down.

"thanks," he says breathlessly. chris pets him in return, kneading gentle fingers into the back of his hair, continuing to massage down the nape of his neck. sebastian drops his head forwards and hums, contented. he sighs a short breath when chris drags his fingertips back and forth over the soft skin around his neck and ears; eyes fluttering closed.

sebastian ends up hissing when chris's nail catches on his neck and scratches it. he goes to touch the tiny mark but ends up bumping his fingers into the side of chris's hand as a gentle, lingering touch is pressed to sebastian's skin. "ah," is his gasp, followed by "sorry."

chris chuckles, airy and bordering on the right side of condescending. "what are you apologising for?"

sebastian shrugs. chris, unperturbed, sets a warm hand down between his shoulder blades and strokes down sebastian's back. he marvels, just a little, at how responsive seb is.

"you're trembling," he chris says, with the faintest hint of the nerve wracking awe that's always tucked just out of the way, deep in his chest. "so touch starved." he adds, a little firmer. it makes him angry all over again, that the previous dom sebastian may have had didn't give him the tenderness and praising touches he so obviously craves, and deserves.

shame burns heavy in sebastian's head, half embarrassed by himself, and hurt by chris. he does belatedly realise, a moment later, that chris isnt mocking him. it's the gentle breath of amazing that he adds, small and reverent, petting over sebastian's shoulders, his back, fingers stroking against his neck.

sebastian feels a champagne-bubbly-sweetness creeping up on him, knowing he can trust chris with this soft, vulnerable part of himself. he feels guilty for assuming immediately that chris was mocking him before, when he had been nothing but sweet and kind in the face of sebastian's submissive crisis.

"are you a dom?" sebastian asks, surprising both chris and himself by blurting the question. chris's hand pauses for a moment and sebastian worries he's fucked up before the soothing petting continues. he breathes a sigh of relief.

"yeah, seb. not for a while though." chris confesses, recounting the short-list of subs he had dommed for, and ones he had been in a relationship with, which he could count on one hand.

"but... not now? oh god, you don't have a sub do you? i- fuck, l-letting you pet me i'm-" he scrambles away, twisting around to meet chris's equally panicked eyes.

"no! seb, no, don't work yourself up before i can even answer, honey, of
course not. i wouldn't do that to my sub, and even then, i wouldn't do that to you. come back here." chris assures, softly spoken, the way you'd coax a wounded animal. he curses whoever made sebastian so anxious, so likely to jump to conclusions the way he sometimes does.

"sorry," sebastian mumbles, burying his face into his hands. his shoulders shake but he isn't crying, just annoyed at himself for being so paranoid. chris doesn't deserve to deal with his crazy-person shit.

"shit, fuck i'm just- an ex. a dom. i was his on the side or whatever, i met his sub very confrontationally, she and i ended up crashing together, it was a r-real bonding experience." sebastian stumbles over his words, struggling to control his breathing the way his therapist taught him to.

he startles a little when chris drops a blanket on to him, not at all gently or gracefully, it just falls over his head and shoulders heavily; as if chris had simply let it go too soon. the thick fabric tugs at the back of his neck nicely, heavy and comforting, but cool, not yet heated by his skin. it snaps him out of his would-be anxiety attack and he surfaces from his panic a little dazedly, blinking owlishly at chris, who slowly crouches in front of him.

he's glad for the slight loom, the way chris is still above him, giving him something to gaze up at. it sates the submissive urge to kneel, or be put down (into place, he's warmly reminded. it feels a bit like floating.)

"better? worse?" he's asked softly, and chris's voice coats his lungs like syrup. he slumps a little, cocooned in a building warmth that soaks into
the blanket and back into his skin. he nods sleepily.

"yeah," sebastian's voice sounds tiny, even to himself. chris makes a sound that's almost hurt, but then he's falling, crashing forwards like a wave, pulling sebastian's weary head into his chest and tucking the sub under his chin. sebastian nuzzles him, burrowing into that safe, secret place at the junction of chris's neck and shoulder. it's dreamy sub space that he's being drawn down into, muzzy warm-honey-sweet air thick in his lungs and holding him securely. despite the way his legs are folding to the size, awfully fawn like, and his ankles are cold beyond
the reach of the blanket, he is so happy he could sit and never move ever again.

"lets, geez you're fucken gone, let's get you to bed."

groggily, sebastian registers being moved around, and then picked clean up off the ground. chris makes a soft, strained sound as he stands up, and sebastian reflexively clings to his torso. being carried bridal style isn't the most dignified of scenarios, but sebastian is a little busy marvelling that chris can actually do that to bother with the semantics of dignity.

chris places sebastian in bed, and distantly he's glad he wasn't just dropped. being dropped into bed, or at all, isn't pleasant - if he recalls correctly. sebastian hasn't been dropped, thrown, or manhandled nastily in years. it's nice to be cared for.

"thank you," he murmurs vaguely, into the soft haven of chris's pillow. it's cool against his cheek, smelling sweet and fresh, faintly like chris. the same male, clean smell. sebastian does his best not to bury his face into it, but he doesn't have to, because the quilt is being dragged up over his body and he makes sure to poke his feet out. it doesn't really keep him from overheating, but the gesture feels like home - like mamă, so he does it anyway.

"wait, stay," he pleads quietly. this far down, he doesn't quite register how he knew chris was leaving. sub instinct or something, probably, but it works. chris kneels beside the bed, feathering his knuckles reverently over the cut of sebastian's cheekbones. he hums softly, in question, and sebastian cups his warm hand, nuzzling close and pressing a barely there kiss to his palm.

"stay, please, with me." sebastian repeats, and relaxes when chris breathes a quiet of course into his hair. he spends a few moments shuffling around before the bed behind sebastian dips and chris slides in, sending a cool breeze right up sebastian's back.

sebastian tucks his fingertips into his mouth, suckling, even though he knows he shouldn't. downey had fondly scolded him for that once, threatening to call the dom he didn't have. it's embarrassing and infantile. sebastian does his best to reserve suckling, on his own fingers especially, for dire circumstance - when he really needs it. he would absolutely not consider being safe and cozy in chris's bed a dire circumstance, the opposite in fact, but none the less he's too far down to even consider depriving  himself of this simple pleasure.

chris just coos at him, anyway.

they don't end up cuddling, not really, but they're always touching. hand in hand, a foot pressed to a shin, chris's arm against his back. it's enough for the both of them. it's nice.

sebastian is the first to wake. it happens all at once, he blinks a few slow, lazy times and his senses sink back into him. for a while he lays in the body-warm place he's created, cataloging the cotton and the quilt surrounding him, and the fact he isn't in his own bed. also he fell asleep in jeans, what the fuck.

chris is still sleeping soundly beside him, behind him technically. he's aware of the hand on his waist, solid and real and comforting, a grounding weight. it makes him want to burrow further down into the sheets and make some truly horrifically whiny sounds.

"hey, did you sleep alright?" chris rasps, in a voice so lovely and dominant, that sebastian's brain shorts out for a second. he doesn't even bother with a reply until he's licked his chapped lips and calmed his weary heart.

"best sleep i've had in a while." he says shyly. chris laughs and drags a hand through sebastian's sleep ruffled hair. it's still whisper soft, slipping through his fingers like silk, and sebastian pushes his head further into the affection; stretching up like a lazy cat.

"day off. continue sleeping."

sebastian flat out whines. chris's eyes snap open, and he gets to watch the incredible blush the sub sports as consequence. "shit, you're pretty." he muses, breathless as he traces fingertips down sebastian's side.

"fight me." sebastian grumbles.

"and weak as a kitten." chris exaggerates.

"fight. me." sebastian annunciates with a bit more bite. chris might have been worried, but sebastian is grinning into his palms, face half smashed into the pillow. boldly, he slips his hand just under sebastian's shirt, mapping out the blood warm skin of his waist.

"trembling." he muses, and sebastian instantly tenses every muscle in his body. it makes chris laugh softly, just a puff of breath as he buries his face into the pillow, hand absently tracing the washboard of his own stomach.

"it's fine, seb, tremble away. i'm flattered."

sebastian scowls, more of a grimace actually, but let's his body go lax. chris keeps the patterns of his fingers slow and centred on the skin just above sebastian's jeans - which he wears so low, the band of his underwear peeks out from them. within moments of relaxing, sebastian is back to shivering quietly.

chris wants to tell him how perfect he is, as a sub and as a person, how beautifully and sweetly he reacts to touch, how natural and easy he is with fans, how prettily he flushes with praise, but he doesn't. he smiles softly, and hopes that gives sebastian the comfort that his words can't.

"you don't mind, right? that i tremble?" sebastian inquires, biting his lip until it's wine-dark and shining.

chris smiles slowly, the grin stretching over pearly white teeth that sebastian wants pressed into the crook of his throat. "nah, 'course not. you're cute like this. makes me feel like i'm doing something right."

"i can keen and mewl if that helps." seb jokes, eyes deceptively innocent.

chris thinks about sebastian's beautiful face, halo'd by hair in tangles, scattered breathtakingly around his head. the way sebastian would squirm and writhe and quiver as chris took him apart, so slow, telling him how lovely and pretty and good he was being. keening and mewling prettily, just as he'd suggested.

he resolutely stops thinking about that before he does something embarrassing and life ruining.

"my head might explode."

sebastian does that infuriatingly adorable giggling thing that chris can not handle. it makes his body shake, more hard and startling than the trembles, and chris's warm palm ends up cupping the gorgeous curve of his hips so it doesn't slide off. it stays like that, tight and comforting, even when sebastian stills.

"seb, listen, you need someone to take care of you." chris says, suddenly serious. "it doesn't have to be a dom, of course, i'd never force that on you. but you can't keep going like you are, it'll burn you out."

"is that just a statement, or are you offering to take care of me?" sebastian asks, eyes darting down to hide behind the curtain of eyelashes so dark and long they almost look unnatural. his sharp features are offset by plump lips, red and slick like wet paint, and soft, baby face cheeks, giving him a sweetheart look that no one else seems to capture so well.

"an offer, if you want me, but it doesn't have to be." chris says, holding his breath on a knives edge of hopeful. he doesn't want to take away other options, in case sebastian has someone else in mind or would like to find someone, but of course he's offering.

"i-i mean, yes," sebastian breathes "but are you sure? i'm such a- such a difficult sub. i don't know how to ask for things and i'm so untrained it's painful."

chris makes a small, growly sound, and loops his arm around sebastian's back. with a splayed hand he drags the sub closer, mindful of the whimper sebastian produces.

"listen to me, i don't care." he annunciates, cupping the back of sebastian's neck and guiding him closer. sebastian slumps into the touch as soon as chris's warm, clean scent hits him. he knows he's safe, cared for and protected when chris wraps him up and speaks all low and careful. it makes him bubbly and fragmented, unaware of the tiny, tiny gasps and breaths he's making against chris's collarbone, just warm enough to soak through the fabric of his shirt.

"that's it, there we go. you relax, sweetheart, i've got you." chris rumbles, enveloping sebastian's body, cataloging all its tremors and the way he squirms close before going boneless.

sebastian is up about an hour later, all sleepy smiles and balled fists. it takes him a minute to catch up and remember what chris agreed to, what that means for him, and he thunks his forehead straight back into chris's sternum.

"hey, be gentle, i'm not really a super solider."

sebastian smiles wryly, secret and hidden away in the space between them, where his head is tucked.

"you carried me in here, i beg to differ." he snarks.

"you needed to be carried, i wasn't gonna leave you on the ground."

sebastian makes a sound that's just as much a whine as it is a hum. it satisfies for a response, at least considering he doesn't know how to articulate i appreciate it whilst also saying that was so hot please carry me everywhere.

"i liked it. i don't get to feel small very often, i like being tucked up and held or carried."

chris presses a kiss to the crown of sebastian's head, sighing, pleased.

"that's sweet. curl up for me, as small as you comfortably can."

sebastian complies, curling his knees up and tucking his hands up beneath his chin. chris arranges his pillow to fit snugly against sebastian's back, and then nests him up in the sheets and quilt.

"you stay right there, i'm going to make you a smoothie. i know you like blueberries, i have frozen blueberries and some banana, ice cream, milk too, maybe apple? ill go see. you're gonna be cute and lovely whilst i do that, and then i'm going to sit you up and help you drink it."

"okay," sebastian murmurs, shy and demure.

the shake is thick and sweet, well blended, so there aren't any nasty surprise chunks for sebastian to chew up. it's cool from the ice cream and frozen blueberries, fruity, and there's no icy bite that leaves his teeth aching.

chris gets a little distracted with the way sebastian so obediently tips back his chin, allowing himself to be shepherded, his jaw to be manhandled a little as he accepts sips. his lips wrap neatly around the glass, and chris is careful to pour the smoothie slow and gentle, so it doesn't messy up sebastian's pretty face.

when he's swallowing the last mouthful, chris halfheartedly muses swiping his tongue against the bob of sebastian's throat. it's tempting, but of course, he doesn't.

absentmindedly chris pets a heavy hand through sebastian's hair. it's worth it for the way he loses his spine, going lax and nuzzling, pressing into
the affection.

"wha'sat for?"

chris hums distractedly. "what's what for?"

"the- petting me?" the question comes out meek and substantially too sweet.

"it isn't something you gotta earn, i pet you because you're cute and you like it." chris says delicately, thumbing the secret space behind sebastian's ear.

"makin' you go all soft and sleepy isn't exactly a hardship. i'm a dom because i like to dole out praise and touch, i like that subs enjoy it; and you, sweetheart, you're a treasure. so fucken' responsive. it makes me feel good when you get so far under just because i'm running my fingers through your hair."

sebastian sobs a little, floored, and curls up on himself. the blanket slips down off his shoulders and he gives chris a momentary, pitiful look.

"sorry, i can't help it. you're so sweet when you're overwhelmed. it's probably the only thing that reconciles how touch starved you are, that you get all soft around the edges when i'm taking care of you." chris admits, shamelessly breathless.

sebastian tackles him, not really, but he collapses against the solid warmth of chris with enough force to startle him. he doesn't even have to think, tucking his hands under sebastian's thighs and using his forearms to lift the sub - who squeaks - into his lap.

"tha' was hot." sebastian says, breathless. chris isn't sure he's even aware he spoke, but it's nice that he did.

"being manhandled?" he volleys back, amused. sebastian sighs against his neck, warm and sated.

"knowing you won't throw me, sir." sebastian sasses, and chris worries at his lip, wondering how much of seb's confidence in that statement is hidden with bravado. he hugs a little tighter.

"absolutely never." he promises. sebastian presses his face into chris's neck.

"well, 's appreciated."

his warm breath makes chris flush, not that sebastian can see or feel that, with eyes closed and his lips brushing chris's throat.

chris's inhibitions feel skewed, like the whole world is just slightly off kilter. it feels a bit like domspace, his whole focus centred on sebastian, bleary around the edges. he recognises that domspace, in his experience especially, takes a lot more coaxing than what he and sebastian have been doing as a dom-and-sub duo. maybe he isn't anywhere near it, and really just wants to drag his lips over the graceful curve of sebastian's exposed jaw.

maybe he would, but not when seb is so far down. he won't be able to reasonably consent, and there's no way chris would take advantage of such a precious, vulnerable state. he isn't a monster.

it's not too hard of a compromise, to plant a warm, loving kiss to sebastian's brow instead. he'll consider discussing their dynamic when seb isn't as good as drunk. sebastian bows his back, lifting his head just long enough to smear a kiss in return, in the corner of chris's lips. chris chases it with a smile, peppering lovely, innocent pecks to the full, ample curve of sebastian's mouth. he feels like finding more, tasting seb, mapping out the warm space behind his teeth and keeping it a secret for just them, but he has plenty of time to do that when sebastian comes out of sub space.

he glances at the clock. 11:27, it's still early. at least, early by its our day off and we have no obligations standards. chris takes the opportunity to lean back, sebastian's plaint body sliding with his, so he's plastered to chris's front and chris is pressed against the headboard. it's cozy, and they both end up dozing off. their nap lasts less than an hour, giving the amount of sleep hours they could cram into a day was being exceeded.

sebastian wakes first - a reoccurring theme - and his bored wriggling is eventually enough to wake chris up. he plants his hands on sebastian's hips and cracks an eye open, bumping his forehead into seb's chin. sebastian is kneeling in his lap, extended up to his full height, but he shrinks back down as soon as he's sure chris is waking up.

"did you... i mean, did i- or, well, was there any kissing before i passed out or was i hallucinating?" he asks in a rush, face flushing delicately. chris, for all his usual anxious tendencies, never seems to have any shame when he's answering sebastian. it might be a dominant reflex, or maybe it's just him making sure sebastian never has to worry or be uncertain.

"yeah, you kissed the side of my mouth and i caught your lips for a second, but it was just sweet. i wouldn't do that with anyone in subspace, feels too much like taking advantage."

sebastian's poor heart weakens with fondness. of course chris wouldn't kiss a touch-drunk sub, he was too respectful and considerate to assume anyone wanted to be kissed in subspace.

"i'm glad. not that i don't want to kiss you, but that's-" he bites his tongue. what he wants to say is perfect, and exactly what i need, and why i love you, but every confession feels like lead in his mouth. "so fucken' kind. you're the best." he finishes, lamely. he feels ridiculous for a second, but chris smiles warmly down at him and bumps their noses together, and then draws far enough back that they aren't talking into each other's mouthes.

"aw, you wanna kiss me, sub?" he drawls, a teasing quirk in the corner of his mouth. meanwhile they're both pretending their hearts aren't beating at a rate to rival a hummingbird's.

sebastian flushes, brilliantly, and it strikes chris that maybe he's not the only one that wants this. slowly, leaving plenty of room for objection, he leans forwards. sebastian's eyes flick shut, and then chris's follow, until they're a heartbeat apart.

their mouthes brush, and chris slips his hands up to cradle sebastian's face. he's patient, playfully bumping their noses, breaking the space until it becomes nothing and he's got sebastian's bottom lip tucked into his mouth, giving it a terribly gentle swipe with his tongue.

sebastian responds in kind, dragging his wide, plush mouth up against chris's. there's no lead, no claim staking or rough plundering to establish dominance, even if it would be willingly surrendered. chris is nothing but patient, tilting sebastian's face in the slightest so they slot together comfortably. the seam of sebastian's lips give way for his curious, easy exploration and they smile against each other. sebastian still tastes ever so faintly of cream and fruit, sweet, but warm too, and welcoming.

chris swipes his thumbs over sebastian's cheeks, and they pull apart for a breath. he knows he's looking at sebastian like he's something to be worshipped, and sebastian is looking at him coy and reverent in return. breaking the spell, seb leans back in and they're kissing again. he's a little more instigating this time, licking shyly into chris's mouth and begging to be  dominated.

chris counters the inquiring touch with a smile. he makes sebastian slow down, spelling it out very clearly that he'll be the one pace setting, holding him still and taking his time. he threads one hand steadily back into sebastian's hair, the other hand dropping down to rest on the side of his neck, thumb closed over the pretty hollow of sebastian's throat. he isn't exuding any pressure at all, but it's the knowledge he could that makes sebastian whimper.

chris, who can't seem to stop grinning, swallows the sound and flicks his tongue in clever, quick strokes. sebastian's mouth is pliant, reciprocating touches, seeking, and letting chris guide. he groans softly in the back of his throat, fingertips playing with the short hairs by sebastian's temples. sebastian pulls away, just to rub his cheek against the coarse stubble on chris's jaw. chris tucks his face into sebastian's neck and mouthes at it, soft and messy.

sebastian makes a pained sound, somewhere between a gasp and a whine, his hand flying up to awkwardly cuff over his mouth. he moans more gently, muffled, and rocks himself closer in chris's lap.

"take your hand off your mouth, sub." chris orders into the line of sebastian's throat. it takes a second, and a whimper, but sebastian's fingers eventually fist into chris's shirt. impulsively he clamps his teeth into his bottom lip, and chris feels him go tense. his next whimper is too far into
the territory of distressed, more like he's struggling than enjoying himself, which makes chris freeze up.

"hey," he whispers, pressing his face into sebastian's hair "can you tell me what just happened?"

sebastian doesn't do anything but breathe short, sharp breaths for a while.

"sorry, sir. i need my hand - to be good. to keep me quiet. you told me to take it away."

chris frowns into the side of sebastian's head, wondering who the hell taught him that he had to be silent to be good.

"why do you need to be quiet?" he asks, gently. sebastian pauses. he acts as if he's being tested.

"because i don't want to annoy you."

chris blinks hard and sighs, his nose pressed to sebastian's hair. his mouth against the back of sebastian's ear gives the sub goosebumps. "you couldn't annoy me if you tried. you don't have to make any noise, but baby, please don't hide any sounds you do make. i want you to feel good, that makes me feel good, i told you that before. if you need me to make that an order or even to hold your hands i will."

"i can be good," sebastian whispers, shivering. chris nips his jaw, not even hard enough to mark, and murmurs "i know."

"that's a lotta confidence you have in me," sebastian replies distractedly. he tips his head back, giving chris room to
suck and lick rosy-light marks into his skin. the colouration will have faded within the hour. he can't help but to be disappointed. there's nothing he'd like more than to be able to wear chris's bite marks on his skin for days.

chris ignores the statement. "i want to make you come." he says, matter of factly, and then tacks on "that okay?" as an afterthought. sebastian had been expecting a volley back, something affirmative maybe, which is why he moans, hard and wrecked over the simple question.

"l-like this?" he stutters, flushing. sure, he's gotten off rutting against people like a teenager, but most of that happened when he was actually a teenager.

chris's eyebrows flick up. he glances down the length of sebastian's body, contemplating, smirking appreciatively. despite being flushed all over, hot and hard, it's that expression making sebastian's brain short out.

"well i was going to lay you down and touch you 'til you came, but if we peel you out of those jeans, i don't see why you can't get off in my lap."

sebastian's hands are shaking too hard to even consider taking his clothes off, and he doesn't trust his voice right now, so he nods enthusiastically. chris takes the hint and gets his hands settled over the front of sebastian's jeans, tracing his knuckles over the shape of sebastian's dick before flipping his hand over to palm it roughly. he gets to watch the beautiful moment sebastian writhes and lifts his hips into the touch, screwing his eyes shut.

"poor thing," chris teases with cunning, popping the button on his jeans and thumbing the waistband. sebastian raises himself up on to his knees, letting chris peel them down his thighs. it takes an awkward bit of wriggling to get them over his legs and eventually chris just forces him down on to his back, tugging the tight fabric over his calves and feet.

he leans down, elbows holding his weight, and bites into sebastian's hip, pinching the skin and flicking his tongue against it. sebastian arches up into the touch and then gasps when his body is pressed back down against the mattress with a steady hand.

"take what i give you, doll. don't be greedy." chris warns, mouthing soft and dirty over the indents of his teeth. sebastian sighs and melts back down against the sheets, clasping his wrists together above his head but otherwise boneless.

"yes, sir" he slurs, and maybe it sounds as odd as it feels in his mouth, because chris is giving him a puzzled look from  beneath his lashes.

"was that... romanian?" he asks, fingertips ghosting a path across sebastian's hips. seb gives an uncertain nod, which makes chris smile and nose against his skin.

"so gorgeous seb, i can't believe how sweet my good boy is." chris praises and sebastian whines out a surprised variant of please. "sounds so nice, too."

sebastian's legs quiver and then fall open, like he just can't help himself. it draws chris's eyes down to his pretty cock, twitching in his briefs. he leans down and licks the underside gently, breath hot and wet against the fabric as sebastian pants, breathless, keeping himself still like he was told as chris hums over the straining length. he hooks his fingers into the elastic waistband of seb's briefs, dragging them down barely an inch, just so he can press a neat kiss to the drooling head.

"chris," sebastian breathes, whining in protest when elastic snaps unexpectedly against his hip. he gives sebastian's cock a gentle pet through the newly damp fabric, driving him to sob against the back of his hand.

sebastian keeps still, even when chris sits back on his heels and examines the length of his body. his neck and chest feel warm with blush, and there obviously can't be anything left for his brain to use, between that and the dizzying rush of blood to his dick.

"mă faci să mă simt atât de bine, i want you, please." he begs, twisting his body up uselessly. he hits the bed again when that fails to do anything for him, and chris chuckles.

"what did you say, seb?"

"i said-" he gasps as chris gets a hand on his hips, the other digging into the back of his thigh to drag him down the bed. he hauls sebastian up into his lap and grins wolfishly, getting a thigh up between his legs with an encouraging little go on motion.

"i said you make me feel good!" sebastian squeaks. his sentence dissolves into a punched out moan and his body slumps forwards, heat surging up his spine when chris drags their hips together. he can feel chris's cock pressing up into the V of his legs, thick and hot against his skin.

the contrast in their states of dress makes sebastian whine, he's almost naked and chris is still clothed completely; shirt, sweatpants, socks even. he uses a shaky hand to push himself up and gives chris a coy look, the loveliest, most sweet flick of his eager little tongue against his lips, and men have no doubt killed for less. it works a treat.

"oh, i know that look. you could bring a king to his knees with that look."

sebastian gives a pleased hum. he's practiced that look, he knows.

"take off your shirt, sir, pretty please?" he asks, tugging impatiently at the hem.

chris chuckles, tugging his shirt from the back over his head. he slings it to the side, and gets a hot, silky mouth pressed over his chest for his efforts.

"christ, seb. jesus."

sebastian mewls and licks softly with the tip of his tongue, rocking himself in chris's lap so he can feel the low groan it produces, vibrating up into his mouth. he traces the dip and curve of chris's collarbone, dragging wet lips and velvety, smooth, open mouthed kisses against any skin he can reach.

chris moans low and sharp. sebastian can't quite tell if it's encouraging or warning, so he pauses, mouth hovering. chris tucks his head into sebastian's jaw and licks, long and hot, just to taste the salt on sebastian's skin. he nudges seb's head aside, humming slow and gasping in breaths of the sub; growls again, deep and possessive.

sebastian lets himself be steered down on to his back. chris glides large hands, steady, up his sides and smiles over the hollow of his throat. it feels good to be craved. he's claimed and possessed wholly when chris lays over him, fingers tracing low wherever they can, pressing against the dips and arches in his back.

he hooks his knees around chris's waist and gets a growl in return, then a hand in the dead centre of his chest, holding him down. he reflexively loosens his grip and let's his body go slack, feels chris's fingers press firm into his ass and drag him closer. his thighs spread and make room for the body now pressed into the junction of his hips.

"babe," chris hums, grinding up into the space between sebastian's legs. "baby boy." he whispers, breathless. sebastian keeps himself malleable but sighs and trembles, cock drooling and making a mess of the inside of his briefs. he loves that name, he loves feeling precious, owned and undoubtedly wanted.

"touch me," he mumbles, "sir, touch me, please."

chris pants into the space between them, curling protectively over sebastian. he feels a flicker of wickedness, mouth brushing so, so gently over a dusky pink nipple. he licks at it once, and then again, nuzzling with his mouth over and over with a smile painting his lips.

"beg." he commands, and then starts rambling. seb is so warm and pretty beneath him, he can't not. "beg like a good boy, be good sebastian, an obedient little doll just for me. anything you want, little prince, ask and i'll give it to you."

"sir," sebastian whines. chris's eyes flick open, a little damp, and his senses tune back in. he can feel seb's pulse hammering against his lips, wild and beautifully out of time with his breathing. he works his throat around nothing, mouthing and kissing sebastian's chest, cataloging the taste of his skin. it feels a little hopeless, like he's being torn apart and maybe if he pulls seb close enough it'll glue his sharp pieces into something better.

"what do you want, sebastian. my hands, sweetheart?" he suggests, soft now, coaxing. sebastian takes a few shaky breaths and chris feels them flutter over his hair.

"i want— fingers? or something - in my mouth?" he murmurs, weak and careful. chris glances up and blinks the bleariness out of his eyes, cupping sebastian's jaw and tracing his thumb over the swell of his plush lip. sebastian swallows hard and breathes in shallowly, parting his mouth enough for chris to press two fingers in.

"good." chris says, and nothing more.

sebastian nods slowly, working his tongue between chris's fingers, licking through them. chris quirks a brow, a challenge almost.

"it wasn't a question. i know you're good, always so good, and i was letting you know that."

sebastian bites down gently, the softest scrape of his teeth over chris's knuckles. he's being contrary, disagreeing much as he can whilst remaining playful, hoping he can get away with it. he isn't good, but it's nice that chris thinks so.

"i know," chris says, smiling. he couldn't, not possibly, but he seems like he does.

he parts his fingers and presses a kiss to sebastian's mouth, somehow dirty and sweet all at once. finally - fucking finally - he seems fed up. no more teasing, no more devouring each other in tactile exploration, he wants this to end. he wants to see his boy come.

his hand slips into seb's briefs and wraps around his dick, thumbing easy and slow at his slit, stimulating, making sebastian whine and swallow against his fingers. the length of seb's cock is already slick with precome, which makes the back of chris's knuckles sticky, the space he has to work with silky and warm. his pace is slow but firm, and he can feel sebastian's entire body jerk and twitch, curling in on himself.

his sounds are pained and pretty, constant hums and whimpers he exhales with every breath. chris encourages him with low, soft grumbles, sucking sebastian's lip between his teeth. the sub's mouth is open and panting, not opportune for kissing, but perfect for alternating sharp, stinging bites between his top and bottom lip. they colour slick and wet when chris soothes them with his tongue, ruby red from the lovely abuse. it feels odd to have his lips pressed between the webbing of his own fingers, but sebastian bites down on them and moans, which short circuits chris's brain a second long enough for it to stop mattering.

"open your eyes, sebastian, watch me when you come. such a pretty little thing, you are, i want you to see." chris murmurs lowly. sebastian screws his eyes shut tighter before they finally flutter open, wild and gorgeous. his tongue laps shyly at chris's knuckle, whimpering as he pulls back.

"sir, tell me— tell me i can come, please, need permission, m'so, fucking- so close—"

chris shivers and buries his face into seb's hair, licks at the space behind his ear and rolls his thumb against the sub's slick cock, rough and slow at the head.

"you want my permission to come?" chris whispers, planting a wet kiss to the sweetly flushed skin of sebastian's shoulder. he nuzzles his way into seb's neck, mouth tracing the sinew in his throat, feeling the warmth on his skin. "why?"

it doesn't matter why, chris just wants to drag this out. he slows his hand a little, jerking seb off slowly, kissing his thumb against the head real gentle, until seb's panting, clinging to chris, desperate. he digs his nails into the dip between his dom's firm shoulder blades, four crescent pinches that make the muscles tense up. his other hand settles over the top of chris's, doing nothing more than resting there.

"cause—" he clears his throat softly, knuckles brushing up the back of chris's neck "belongs to you."

chris smiles, "what does, baby?"

sebastian hums. his words feels thick, tangling together a bit. "my pleasure. want you to have it." he figures it doesn't quite make sense like that, but chris seems to get the message. he looks up at sebastian, eyes dark like he's getting drunk off the feel of the sub.

"you mean, my decision, dove? does your pleasure belong to me now?" he coos, and sebastian jerks a little, cock dribbling. he's close, real close.

"mmm — always has." his whisper cracks. he doesn't know why they're whispering but it's nice, intimate.

"fuck," chris breathes ineloquently and threads his fingers back through sebastian's, now they're working his cock together, slick and hot.

"you can come, you can come seb, good boy." he grants, the permission to surrender completely.

sebastian's toes curl and his body tenses, flexing like a bowstring, mouth clamping down over a whine. chris realises, belatedly, he was waiting for it. maybe it shouldn't be surprising, seb asked him before, but he actively made sure he didn't come without being told. he's fucking amazing.

"fuck, fucking — hell, sir." he gasps, rhythmically tensing and relaxing as his muscles ride out the delight. his head feels heavy, and he lets its drop on to chris's shoulder, groaning. glitter fragments behind his eyelids, crackling down his spine, pushing everything inside him far too close to the surface. it feels amazing, and goes on forever, wringing out his stamina and sweeping cool, dark wings over all of him until he's shivering and winding down. his brain reconnects with the rest of him in increments, the blissful fog dissipating until he can feel himself in chris's lap and the heat they're radiating, and then he can feel his limbs — they start to feel like flesh and blood instead of noodles after a second.

blearily, he starts sinking back into his body. chris is holding him up, fingers skittering along the ridge of his spine, his mouth is pressed up against seb's cheek where he's cooing softly. he's still hard, seb can feel so, pushing up into the line of his hip - but chris has put his own pleasure on hold for now. he's focussed on protecting, caring for sebastian whilst he's vulnerable.

too bad sebastian wants to blow him so much.

seb's good with his mouth, he loves having it full and it gets him down fast, so he's had a lot of practice. he snags his fingers lazily into the waistband of the sweatpants chris is still wearing because he is rude and he makes a small, ruffled sound, barely a complaint. chris takes his wrist real gentle and stops him, pressing sweet kisses to his knuckles. it's lovely, but sebastian just wants to get his sir to come, so it can wait.

to enforce his point, he rocks his abdomen down into the hot pressure of chris's cock, his face already low enough down that he can nibble at the muscle over his dom's ribs. it makes chris squirm a little, probably ticklish, and sebastian vows to explore that when he isn't halfway into sub space.

it takes a while, and some wrangling, but when his lips finally close over chris's dick (after too much worship, nuzzling and licking at it, probably driving chris to think he was being a tease—) seb groans. his body goes lax, and he loses control of himself long enough to sink all the way down, elbows supporting his weight, a hand curled delicately at the base whilst the other holds one thigh. chris's hips jerk and sebastian gags a little, the delicate muscles in his throat spasming as he holds down his reflex. he relaxes his grip and chris groans a few slow times before propping himself up to apologise. he loses his nerve a little, though, seeing the top of sebastian's head and the dark smudge of his eyelashes against his cheeks when he blinks, staring up at him. all he manages is an aborted whisper, hips lifting slowly, cock sinking into the sweet welcome of seb's mouth.

sebastian doesn't mind the unexpected intrusion, finding a pure, dim space in his head as he swallows once, and again, breathing slow and deep through his nose. his eyes flutter shut, tongue playing a careful game of chase, licking so soft where it presses to the underside of what he can reach.

"fuck, so good," chris praises, stroking the back of sebastian's neck. his voice is gravel and liquid warmth, a bit shaky. seb pulls back and chris groans, chasing the tight, wet heat with an un-contained snap of his hips. it misses and smears a pearlescent string of saliva against sebastian's handsome chin.

seb apologises with a messy kiss to the drooling head, sucking and lapping happily at the tip, humming, and  smiling as he drags it over his lips. it's filthy and obscene, painting his mouth like lipstick, and so good.

"baby, please," chris whines, making sebastian giddy and warm. he hums and moans as he bobs his head, adding stimulation. it's maddening.

sebastian pauses, drags himself up and sucks at the tip like it's a treat. he keeps making thin, pleased sounds that drive chris to grip a handful of his amazingly silky hair, gently but commandingly holding sebastian's head still. for a moment seb freezes, leading chris to wonder if he's alright with having his mouth fucked, but the situation resolves itself when he nudges his head up into chris's palm encouragingly.

he drags sebastian forwards slowly, holding him as far down as he dares. seb pants through his nose and alternates between stillness and swallowing, controlling the convulsing, noisy gags, throat tightening. chris drags his palm over sebastian's cheek, feeling himself through stretched skin, more or less playing with the control he's been given. his thumb trails down and pulls at sebastian's lip, viscous saliva and precome wetting it.

"you belong here," he observes, tilting sebastian's head back far enough for him to gasp and cough wetly before guiding him back down and starting up a rhythm of long, slow drags that bury chris as far as he physically can. tears gather in sebastian's eyes and drip down his cheeks, overwhelmed and possessed, though the happy little vibrations in his throat and his slumped body all indicate an acquiescent, total surrender.

"seb," he groans, tossing head head back into the pillow "i'm gonna come, sweetheart—" chris warns, relaxing his grip enough for sebastian to pull back if he needs to. he doesn't, keeping himself low, eyes lidded and intent as chris gives one more quick, breathless curse, twitching and pulsing on his tongue. he swallows pliantly, like a good boy, suckling through the aftershocks until chris murmurs his name and guides him away away, admiring his swollen lips.

"hey?" chris prompts, rucking his pants back up his hips. sebastian headbuts him sleepily, affirmative, but too deep to really respond.

diplomatically, chris ignores the sheer want to hug and never let go of sebastian, and directs his attention to clean up.

"alright baby, i'm just going to grab something for you to wear, i'll be right back." he assures, clambering off the bed and making his way over to his drawers, where he pulls out a pair of heather-grey briefs, and on second thought, a sweatshirt that's a size too big for him.

sebastian whines when chris tugs off his messied briefs, cleaning him with them. the second he's done, seb tucks up his legs shyly. chris chuckles and swats his shin.

"move your legs, i need to dress you." he complains, waiting for sebastian to comply. when he's got that done he resigns himself to the task of getting seb into a shirt.

"lift up," chris requests, which sebastian obviously misinterprets, raising his hips off the bed. chris huffs and guides him gently back down, mumbling, "your head, doofus. i'm trying to get a shirt on you."

sebastian blinks his eyes open blearily, all sweet and tired. "your shirt?" he asks. chris holds up the sweatshirt and seb makes an appraising sound, picking up his head so chris can dress him.

"peekaboo." chris says, because he can't resist, when he's pulling sebastian's arms through the sleeves. the collar of the shirt is stretched out, which makes it easy for sebastian to tuck into his mouth, chewing at the material softly.

"oh," chris remarks, and climbs on to the bed. he presses his hand to the dip in sebastian's back and uses the other to grab his thigh, pulling him closer. one leg gets pressed up between both of seb's before chris tugs the shirt out of his mouth so he has access to the sub's neck and shoulders.

he tucks his face into sebastian's throat and kisses, soft and open mouthed. he laps and worries at the skin obsessively, tongue and lips gentle, loving.

sebastian's breath catches in his throat, but he's too tired to react properly, so he whimpers softly.

"sorry, seb." chris chuckles, realising he's probably making it hard to come out of sub space. he pulls back and hooks his pinkie finger into sebastian's mouth for him to suckle whilst the other hand sweeps over his ribs, soothing.

"you did so good, i'm so proud of you." he whispers as assurance. sebastian smiles tiredly, flicking his tongue over the tip of chris's finger, appreciative but exhausted.

they don't fall asleep. having slept most of the day has left them practically incapable, so sebastian just spends his time clinging to chris like a baby sloth. he's adorable, and they have nothing to be doing, so in-bed cuddles are completely and wholly welcomed. they spend the rest of the day like this, happy and lazy.

sebastian didn't need a dom. sebastian needed— needs, forever will need and love and be needed by— chris.

he's a puzzle, and chris is only one piece of what makes him whole. he has many sides, some jagged and some curved, that will take time to explore and understand. time he hopes chris has the time. (he does, he has all the time in the world, for sebastian.)

it's damn near impossible to finish a puzzle with a piece missing, is what sebastian hadn't realised earlier. he feels complete, now. there's no empty space anymore, only warmth.

they have so much to do, contracts to discuss, arrangements to make, a relationship to consider – but now, right here, this moment, fickle like glass but true, pure, and real. this moment is perfect.

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